Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 25: 025 Huarongyuefei


Huarong Yuefei, one of the four major families of Houyue Kingdom. Apart from the No. 1 Weapon Villa in the World, these four families are considered to be relatively capable martial arts masters under Xiangzi Mountain.

In this world, martial arts are divided into sixteen levels, also known as the Sixteenth Level of Heavenly Brahma. The earthly steps include Bi Fang, Qingniao, Baize, and Shuanghua; the heavenly steps include Yugui, Red Snake, Qilin, and Phoenix; the holy steps include Xuanwu, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Qinglong; and the divine steps include Chaos, Qiongqi, Taotie, and Taotie. . These four levels from low to high are earth, heaven, saint, and god, with Taotie being the highest level. The reason why they are named after animals is that after reaching a certain stage of cultivation, the air flow created by internal force will form the outline of an animal behind the person. Experts can even scream with internal force. Ordinary people who practice martial arts may not be able to advance to the next level, even if their external skills are superb. Among these four levels, the Divine Level is also called the Fierce Level. Anyone under the age of forty who enters the Fierce Level will be expelled from the world, regarding the Suppressing Sky Tower.

Hua Jinglan was quite disdainful of this rule. It was just an excuse for a bunch of old men to be afraid of geniuses. There were so many masters on Xiangzi Mountain, and there were probably many people who had reached the divine level under forty.

But what made her depressed was that she found that she couldn't gather her inner strength at all, let alone the lowest Bifang, she didn't even see a shadow of airflow.

"Miss, you can't rush martial arts." Mei Er stood behind her, with a worried look on his face.

Hua Jinglan glanced back at him and did not ask further questions, but from Mei Er's wrinkled face, she could still see that he did not want her to participate in the martial arts competition. However, she has already said her words, and there is absolutely no reason to take them back. The problem now is that she lacks internal strength. The martial arts competition is to test everyone's intention to enter the level. She has no level at all, and she will be at the bottom if she goes there. If Hua Wanyu If they tampered with the lottery, there would inevitably be a storm. She heard from Jiao Yue that Hua Wanyu is the highest frost flower on earth, Hua Baixiang and Cui Xiulin are Suzakus, Hua Feisheng is Qilin, and Hua Magpie is the red snake.

In this way, she is indeed at the bottom of the Hua family.

Bottom, these two words didn't sound very comfortable. She thought for a while, turned around and called Jiaoyue and Izumo, put on men's clothes and went to Linglong Building.

Linglong Building was already overcrowded, and Su Huan played the piano very well. When there were many people, she could play almost all night behind the curtain. Hua Jinglan led the two of them to find a corner to nest.

It is very noisy, like beads, rings and jade mingling with each other. The joyful sound of the piano cannot be heard as joy or sorrow, but it is full of penetrating power.

"Okay!" The song ended, and the whole hall cheered.

ps: I'm really sorry. I had something urgent to do this morning and forgot to save the advance. Now I'm sending two updates together. Please forgive me!