Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 50: 050 The Secret Room of Flower Mansion


After taking a breath, Hua Jinglan sat up and covered her head. When she touched the viscous liquid, she curled her lips, wondering if her appearance would be ruined.

Seeing darkness in front of her eyes, she touched the stone wall and stood up. She took out the fire stick in her arms and blew it. The dim fire light lit up. She squinted her eyes and began to look at the stone chamber.

When she saw clearly what was inside, she was shocked. There was a white skeleton sitting behind the old long desk!

Hua Jinglan felt relieved, she knew that that old guy Cui Xiulin must have done a lot of bad things!

The stone room was sealed, and she couldn't even find the entrance where she rolled down. She punched the wall and wandered to the long desk. After walking around the bones, she discovered that there was another one lying behind the chair. She squatted down to look, and the bones were Hei, there was a dagger in front of him. It seemed that he was poisoned before he died. There was a white candle at Baigu's feet, she picked it up and lit it.

There were pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the long desk, and a pile of paper was spread out in front of the bones. There were still traces of pens and ink on the old paper. Hua Jinglan blew the dust on it and read: "My husband Baimei: I know the time." Days are running out, and I think about the past and regret it endlessly. I just hope that my husband and my son will be safe and healthy, and live a long life. I will copy a book of scriptures and pray for you and my son. My wife Mei Shuang is the last pen."

Looking at the bones behind her again, she raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the letter was written in vain. The old woman immediately sent the man down to accompany her.

I flipped through it again and found that it was indeed a neatly written Diamond Sutra. There were no unnecessary furnishings on the long case. Everything could be moved, so there were no mechanisms.

Frowning her eyebrows, Hua Jinglan didn't expect Cui Xiulin to suddenly have a conscience. If she let her out, would she die here

Smiling, she sat down on the ground, looked at the bones on the ground and said: "I didn't expect that I, Hua Jinglan, died a coward in my previous life, and I will die such a coward in this life. God is so good at playing tricks on people!"

"Bang!" Something clicked. As soon as Hua Jinglan turned her head, the white bones on the chair fell apart. She rolled her eyes and went over to pick them up. When she pulled the clothes apart, a piece of it had a weird shape. The jade pendant fell out. She put the two bones side by side before picking up the jade pendant.

A piece of clear green jade, shaped like a crescent moon, looked very slender, as if it would break with force. However, what really surprised Hua Jinglan was that she felt like she had seen this jade before, and she thought about it for a while. , looked at Yu again, she was sure she had seen it somewhere, but she just couldn't remember it.

"Boom..." Hua Jinglan suddenly raised her head: the opposite wall trembled and slowly opened...