Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 72: 072 Who is playing hooligan?


"I've got what I want." Chun Yuyan stroked her lips and smiled evilly.

Please forgive Hua Jinglan for being vulgar, she really felt that someone was smiling too obscenely. Damn, that look is clearly a sign of abuse!

"Lan'er's lips... taste good!"

In the flash of lightning, Hua Jinglan pulled out her dagger and flew forward. Chunyu Yan took advantage of the situation, leaned back, kicked away the stool and flew out.

"Dare you act like a hooligan with your aunt?!" Hua Jinglan shouted, and the dagger was directed towards Chun Yuyan's neck mercilessly, even though he had given it to her a minute ago.

Chun Yuyan swatted away the two men chasing wind and rain, avoiding her gracefully. Hua Jinglan always felt that this guy's martial arts was not weak, and his movements were even faster than the Suzaku master last night. However, there was no surge of air around him, which was puzzling.

When she raised her eyes and caught his gaze, Hua Jinglan suddenly became furious and pounced on him in an unruly manner. Chunyu Yan caught her firmly without dodging, and said with a smile: "Don't drop yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man was pushed to the ground. Hua Jinglan lay on top of him and nibbled on his lips!

The sound of gasping came and went, even Chun Yuyan was stunned, Zhui Feng Zhu Yu was even more speechless, the bright moon came out of the clouds and turned his face away, this is not suitable for children.

Hua Jinglan wiped her lips and sat up, smiling: "Whoever dares to act like a gangster with me, I will dare to act like a gangster with him!"

Chun Yuyan wanted to laugh, but a dark light flashed in her narrow eyes. She paused and said, "You can only say this to me."

Hua Jinglan turned over and jumped up, licking her lips and saying, "You don't taste bad either!"

Such a dissolute person really opened the eyes of everyone in Prince Xiaoyao's palace. Chun Yuyan stood up and narrowed her eyes, "I will reserve the position of Princess Xiaoyao for you."

Hua Jinglan glanced at him and said: "I can have many men, but I can only have one man. The requirements are not high. One: he can go to the hall and go to the kitchen; two: when he puts on clothes, a gentleman takes off his clothes." He is a strong man; three: he must not look away from others and obey what is said inside him. He must be over 1.88 meters tall and must have no less than six packs of abs. It is best to have thousands of acres of fertile land and a lot of money. The bird's nest and shark's fin are barely acceptable for a large sedan."

Chai Feng Zhu Yu squinted and cursed: You are not afraid of choking to death on your own saliva!

Chun Yuyan listened with a smile without blinking, and simply said: "It's not too demanding."

Kyotsuki Izumo checked his ears: Did they hear correctly? !

"As for whether the abs are six-pack..." Chun Yuyan's voice was low and sexy, "Find a place where no one is around, and I will take off my clothes for you to see..."

Hua Jinglan cursed secretly: What a gangster!