Congratulations, Empress

Chapter 91: 091 Even before the storm breaks out, his fame will move the world


The night rain was overwhelming, and Hua Jinglan looked up at the sky. She didn't know exactly what it felt like when the rain rushed into her eyes. The feeling of suffocation prompted her to struggle, but her limbs seemed to be filled with lead, and even the last strength was gone...

Death has never been far away from her before, but this time, she can truly experience the feeling of dying slowly...

Lightning passed again, and a dark shadow rushed towards the man in black, opening his mouth and biting his wrist!

The man in black was in pain and threw Hua Jinglan and Hua Jinglan out together.

"Miss!" Mei Er shouted, but couldn't get away.

"Cough cough cough!" Hua Jinglan coughed hard while lying in the mud. He raised his eyes and glanced at the small wet thing on the ground and said silently: "Glass..."

The man in black pulled on his scarf and walked towards Hua Jinglan. Just when he was about to take action again, two black shadows struck him from the left and right with lightning!

The man in black waved his hand to block one, but when he met the other man, he took ten steps back. He settled down and glanced at the two figures blocking Hua Jinglan. He raised his arms and the man with him disappeared quickly. In the night.

"Miss!" Mei Er came over to help Hua Jinglan up when she had time.

The slightly tall man in black turned around and glanced at the unconscious Hua Jinglan, only paused for a moment and then jumped away. The other person pulled off his scarf, knelt down and half-knelt in front of Hua Jinglan, and felt her pulse. His pretty face was full of worry, "Take the young lady to Linglong Tower first."

Mei Er carried Hua Jinglan on his back, and Su Huan helped lift up Gao Yue and Izumo. The two figures quickly flew away under the rain!


After May, Huiyu Mountain.

"It's such a shitty weather!" Wu Tuan took off his leather bag from his waist and drank a few sips of water. Then he looked back at the weak prisoner and said, "Fuck, walk faster, Ant's mother will be trampled to death by you." Oh, I want to heat me up to death!"

Zhang San approached them flatteringly and said, "Boss, why don't you just take off the chains on their feet, so they can walk faster."

Wu Tuan gave him a slap in the face and said, "We are looking for death. We can't survive even if we let any of these people go!"

Zhang San said sarcastically: "Aren't they all wearing pipa bones..."

After spat at him, Wu Tuan looked at the five slovenly prisoners under the scorching sun. Their hands and feet were tied up with two-finger-thick iron chains. Every step they took made a "squeaking" sound. There were blood stains on their shoulders. The rotten wounds still exuded a stench, and everyone was sallow and thin due to lack of food for a long time, but even for such a person, he definitely did not dare to take it lightly.

"Water... water..." Someone seemed to be moaning.

"Boss, that man seems to be dying." Zhang San pointed at the third one and said, "Why don't you give him some saliva?"

Wu Tuan glared at him and said: "You just have to be hungry and thirsty to avoid causing trouble. They are all practicing men. Don't let anything happen to me along the way!"

"Ding Bell...Ding Bell..." At the turn of the mountain road, a brand-new carriage drove over. Behind the maroon horse sat a driver with a scarred face. The carriage was exquisitely carved, with fine window panes, raised eaves, and four corners. Hang a copper bell respectively and shake it in the wind. The sound of the bell can float far away. The carriage was covered with a light veil, and the figures inside the carriage were faintly visible through the thin light green curtain.

Wu Tuan ordered his two men to make way for the carriage, but unexpectedly the carriage stopped in front of them. Just as they were about to find out what was going on, the curtain opened and a green child came down holding a carved porcelain vase and said: " The weather is so strong that my son, seeing all of you working hard, has given you a pot of green saliva to quench your thirst."

After saying that, another person who looked like a maid got out of the car, holding a big bowl in her hand.

Wu Tuan only had time to see a sliver of white from the curtain that had not been completely covered. The green salivation was not very expensive, but it was very thirst-quenching. He thought for a moment and said thanks to the carriage: "Thank you, sir!"

"No need to be polite." A clear voice floated out from the carriage, the voice was elegant and crisp, like the sweet sound made when pearls and jade collide. In this hot weather, it was as clear as a clear spring, and there was something under the slight coolness. The effect of enlightenment.

What an elegant young man!

Wu Tuan has been in the officialdom for many years and has met many people. He understands the truth that elegance is not necessarily elegance, but elegance must be elegance.

At that moment, he raised his hand again, took the green saliva handed over by the child, took a big sip and passed it to several others. Several jailers drank the bottom of the bowl in a few gulps.

"There are still some left, why not give them to these big brothers." Xiao Tong looked at Wu Tuan and said.

Wu Tuan hesitated for a moment and waved to Zhang San to do it.

Just as he turned around to say thank you again, Wu Tuan suddenly became weak and staggered, and the knife in his hand rolled to the ground. There were several more "snaps", and several other people also lost their footing. He turned his head and glared at the child, but saw him smile, retreated to the carriage, and said: "Sir, it's done."

Suddenly a bag of stuff flew out of the car and hit Wu Tuan's feet, saying: "I bought the lives of these death row prisoners. You can leave after taking the money. Otherwise, I will keep my life."

It was clearly a beautiful sound like a ring interlocking, but it made Wu Tuan shiver, and he couldn't spit out the word "no" in his throat.

The child pulled the keys from Wu Tuan's waist and opened the prisoners' locks one by one. The little maid got into the car, picked up the food and water, and handed them to the driver, who distributed them to the five people. As soon as the five people were freed from their shackles, they sat on the ground and started eating and drinking.

Wu Tuan looked straight at the carriage and said feebly: "If there is no one to help me, I will die too!"

"How about accidentally falling off a cliff?" someone in the car said.

Wu Tuan closed his eyes. Death row prisoners with strong martial arts skills often died on the road. After all, he made a fortune. He reluctantly picked up the knife, got up and said, "Let's go."

Several jailers looked at each other and followed suit. Zhang San took the bag of silver with him.

After the official had gone far, the five prisoners had almost eaten and drank. The driver broke the iron chains that passed through their bones one by one, walked back to the car and said: "Sir, all of them are healthy."

"Without family or relatives, your life is mine now. You have two choices, one is to die, the other is to work for me." The man in the car said coldly.

The five people had their own thoughts. One of them suddenly flew out and attacked the carriage with a loud shout. The other two assisted from the side and lured the driver away.

One person takes the lead, and the remaining two follow behind. The three of them attack the people in the carriage together.

Just when the leader was about to touch the curtain, three rays of silver light suddenly flew out from it. He turned over and hid, holding the knife that flew out. Just as he turned around, the person in the carriage suddenly jumped out, and a force hit him. After leaving the carriage, he landed on the ground and was about to fight back, but the figure flashed and disappeared in front of him!

I heard only two muffled groans, and a small knife was pierced on the feet of the two people on the left and right, and they were firmly nailed to the ground. The leader was shocked. Before he could move, there was a cold spot on his neck. He only heard a joking voice saying : "Want to choose second now?"