Conquer a Mountain And Become The Great King

Chapter 98: Visitors from Central China


Half a month passed quickly. During this period, all the major vendors in Dongzhou County were in a happy mood.

For no other reason, all the Thousand Silk Grass they had accumulated for many years was sold out.

Moreover, the purchaser never counter-bids, and is very happy. If he sells a little more, he will get more than a thousand high-grade spiritual stones, and if he sells a little less, he will get a few hundred.

These Thousand Silk Grasses have been rotting in their warehouse for many years, and no one cares about them at all. Now that they can not only sell everything but also make a lot of money, they are naturally happy!

The demand for Thousand Silk Grass is very low, and they only need to keep a dozen or so in stock.

After finally having a takeover, they naturally sold as much as they could without hesitation.

As for why the other party wants to collect Thousand Silk Grass? This is naturally not a problem they should consider. It is a waste to store it in the warehouse anyway. It is a rare thing to sell it, so why bother with so many! Just make money if you can!

After buying up all the Thousand Silk Grasses from small and large traders, the purchasers actually targeted the small and medium-sized families and forces.

Although each of these small and medium-sized forces has a small stock of Thousand Silk Grass, the advantage is that the quantity is considerable. When accumulated by each family, in the end, it is more than the total collected from those big forces.

Su Yu sat on the fifth floor of the Yingbin Building, listening to the reports of Bai Xiaolong and Nalan Ruoshui, and nodded with satisfaction.

The acquisition was more successful than I imagined. I didn't expect that people from other worlds would have such low business sensitivity. In the previous life, such a large-scale acquisition would definitely attract the attention of interested people and bring obstacles to the acquisition. But now there is no such thing. One person feels that things are strange, they always sell as much as they have.

The inner sense of accomplishment is overwhelming. With the experience of dealing with other worlds in the past life, I am definitely a business genius.

"How is the relationship with other families?" Su Yu asked.

Nalan Ruoshui nodded slightly and said, "We have also contacted families with whom we usually have good relationships to acquire Qiansicao, but the effect has been minimal. Only a few families have followed our suggestions."

"Yes, some families even thought we were crazy. Not only did they not purchase it, they even sold out all the Thousand Silk Grasses left in the family." Bai Xiaolong interjected.

Su Yu nodded, thinking that the families who would heed the advice were those who usually got along well with the Nalan family and the Bai family. This would save a lot of effort, "You don't need to pay attention to those disobedient families. Don’t cooperate with them if anything happens in the future. Cooperation will be tilted towards those obedient families.”

Bai Xiaolong nodded and asked curiously: "Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

"You'll know tomorrow." Su Yu pretended to have a smile on his face.

As he spoke, he looked long and hard in the direction of the villa. In a corner of the villa, a small space of dozens of square meters was surrounded by branches. Inside, dozens of chicks were chirping, burying their heads from time to time. Pecking at the vegetable stems on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao stood aside and happily looked after the chicks.

These chickens are much more energetic than ordinary chickens. They flap their little wings from time to time, jump around, and are full of energy.

With nothing to do during this period of time, Su Yu circled a place and bought fifty chickens in the system to raise. They happened to be fed with the vegetable stems grown in the vegetable garden to eliminate waste.

Twenty gold coins for a little chicken was nothing to Su Yu.

How can the dignified Dawangshan remain a vegetarian? When the chickens grow up, Dawangshan will be able to serve meat. He doesn't know what difference the meat produced by the system will have. Su Yu is full of expectations.

Then he glanced at the orchards and fields, and Su Yu's heart suddenly became calm.

This is a standard pastoral life for me. I took a sip of water, half-squinted my eyes, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and felt a little dazed, as if my past life was like a lifetime ago.

The feeling now... is so good...

However, after a moment, Su Yu's expression was slightly startled, his eyes turned, and he looked towards the foot of the mountain.

There, two people entered the gate of Dawang Mountain and were slowly coming here.

Because they were too far apart, Su Yu couldn't see their faces clearly, but judging from their body shapes, they were both men, and one was tall and the other was short, one was fat and the other was thin, and their body shapes were very different.

"Xiaolong, a guest is here. Get ready to go down and greet him." Su Yu said, his eyes slightly focused. He had never seen these two people before, and he didn't know what they were doing in Dawang Mountain.

"Okay~" Bai Xiaolong responded and went downstairs with Nalan Ruoshui.

"Fat man, do you think this Dawang Mountain is really as mysterious as Manager Zhang said?" Entering Dawang Mountain and walking up the mountain road, the tall and thin man suddenly said.

"Haha, I don't think so." The short and fat one chuckled. He had droopy fat on his face and extremely broad ears. When he smiled and narrowed his eyes, he looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

After a pause, he continued: "You also know what kind of place Dongzhou County is. It's not even ranked in Dongzhou. In our eyes, it's like a place where birds don't poop. Is there anything good to inspect?" Look, that old man Zhang was so ignorant that he mistakenly thought that the death of the elixir was caused by the psychedelic flower."

"Hey, I also think that Mr. Zhang is making a fuss out of a molehill. Is it worth reporting to Central Continent that the elixir has died? He even made a psychedelic flower stunt, causing the two of us to come to this place to suffer. "The thin man was full of complaints, and he obviously looked down upon Dongzhou County.

"What's more, if it is really caused by the psychedelic flower, there is no cure for the death of the elixir. How could it be cured by the 'chemical fertilizer' that I have never heard of? This is simply a fantasy. He clearly knows It’s an insult to our brothers’ intelligence.”

"Forget it, let's settle down as we come. Just now you saw the gate of Dawang Mountain. It's majestic and majestic. It is indeed beyond the comparison of ordinary sects." The fat man said indifferently, "We are just going to go out for a formality. , by the way, experience the extraordinary power of this so-called Dawang Mountain.”

"I have no worries about vulgarity here, and I feel natural when I come up. The people of Dawang Mountain are quite literary." When talking about the mountain gate, the thin man became slightly more interested, "But this tone is too loud. Come to think of it, It’s just a frog in a well.”

The two people walked forward while talking. When they reached the mountainside, their expressions changed. Their original conversation stopped abruptly. Looking at the majestic Yingbin Building that appeared in front of them, they were so shocked that they couldn't say anything. Speak up.

"This... this building... is extraordinary!"

The two looked at each other, and Fatty Youyou said.

"Even in Central Continent, such a building is rare. This tower has a certain aura of its own and is definitely not built by ordinary people!" The thin man also said.

The casual expressions of the two of them suddenly became serious. This Dawang Mountain... is a bit interesting...

(End of chapter)