Conquer the World

Chapter 110: None other than you


Yang Kai is a smart person, very smart and smart.

When he saw that Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu were also waiting outside the door, he knew that the timing of these two people was probably about to change. Although he ignored the government, it didn't mean he didn't know anything. Yu Donglai was first demoted to be a servant, and then he had to hand in his resignation letter. One of the positions of Minister of War and Minister of the Ministry of War could still be held vacant, but it was obviously unreasonable for both of them to be vacant.

After the former servant of the Ministry of War, Hou Junci, was beheaded, Yu Donglai struggled to support himself. Now that he has also collapsed, it is impossible for His Majesty to leave the Ministry of War empty and unattended.

At this juncture, Er Liangchen appeared in Changchun Garden, His Majesty's intentions are self-evident.

Two good ministers.

This title has a long history.

Mou Liangbi, Zong Lianghu.

The two of them were thrown into the Heavenly Prison eleven and a half years ago, and should be punished for their crimes, but it was precisely because His Majesty took pity on their talents that they were just locked up and not executed. You must know that the heads of the two of them who were far less guilty than the two of them were beheaded, and it is already a blessing of God that the two of them did not die.

Their crime lies in the fact that they were all assisting the third prince Yang Ji back then.

Back then, the third prince, Yang Ji, was the most vocal when all the princes seized the throne. Even when the late emperor was dying, he really wanted to make him the prince. With the help of the emperor, he led the army straight into Chang'an City, and entered the Taiji Palace with armor and sword. Before his death, the first emperor pointed to him and made a will.

After the fourth prince Yang Yi came to the throne, he seemed gentle, but in the past few years, he had almost killed the third prince and the eldest prince's subordinates. This is the method of the current emperor. He killed so many people, but people still stubbornly think that he is the most gentle emperor after the founding of the Sui Dynasty. It is extremely difficult to achieve this, but His Majesty has done it with ease.

At the beginning, the reason why the third prince Yang Ji was the most hopeful to become the ruler of the Sui Dynasty. It is because of the guidance of two talented people behind him, these two people are Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu. The third prince is good at making friends and doing many righteous deeds, and most of the officials in the court lean towards him, and all the methods are planned by these two people.

It's a pity that the success fell short.

Back then, the third prince thought he was smart and asked the fourth prince Yang Yi to lead troops out of the city to intercept the eldest prince who was returning to Chang'an from Eastern Xinjiang. Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu tried hard to persuade him, but the third prince stubbornly believed that the fourth prince was with him and would never betray him. He even said to Mo Liangbi, if you continue to speak ill of the fourth child, Gu will drag you out and skin you alive right now.

These words are not insignificant, so much so that Mou Liangbi lamented that the big thing is gone.

However, it can also be seen how deep the scheming of His Majesty's city government is today. It actually made the ambitious Third Prince not to be on guard against him, and even considered him as his most confidant. The status is still higher than the second good minister, which shows how deeply His Majesty deceived the third prince at that time.

Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu could not persuade the third prince Yang Ji to get rid of the fourth prince, but they still thought of a way to make up for it. They also offered to ask the third prince to get rid of the seventh prince Yang Qi who had the best relationship with the fourth prince Yang Yi. After Yang Ji thought about it for a long time, he still rejected them. Yang Ji's reason was that if Yang Qi was eliminated, it would inevitably force the loyal Fourth Prince Yang Yi to rebel. Doing so is a waste of money and absolutely no benefit.

Later, when the Seventh Prince Yang Qi led hundreds of slaves to guard a city gate. It was also Zong Lianghu who led his troops to kill, trying to kill all the gatekeepers. But it's a pity that he didn't expect the Seventh Prince Yang Qi to be such a secretive person. He is one of the few people who are still alive and have seen Yang Qi make a move. Yang Qi's arrogance in that battle still made him unable to let go.

Thousands of elites besieged hundreds of slaves, but they were invincible!

In that battle, that one person displayed his supernatural power and guarded the city gate alone, and no one among thousands of tigers could approach the gate. Yang Qi did not retreat in a bloody battle, and the fourth prince Yang Yi led his troops back in time. In the pool of blood, Yang Yi ordered the soldiers of the Imperial Army who besieged the city gate to be slaughtered. Thousands of heads were chopped off, just because they injured the Seventh Prince.

On the day His Majesty ascended the throne, he ordered that Mo Liangbi and Zong Lianghu be executed Lingchi. It was the loyal prince Yang Qi who tried hard to persuade him, so His Majesty changed his mind and put the two people in the sky prison, which lasted for eleven and a half years. When they came out again, they could even be described as unrecognizable.

Back then, these two people were both well-known romantic figures.

At that time, there were ten sons in brocade clothes in Chang'an City, who were judged by the women in the brothel as the most talented, rich and suave children of the ten aristocratic families. Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu were among them, and there were even rumors that when the two of them went to have fun in brothels, many beauties in brothels would not accept money, and even gave away their own savings. The two of them are also the most special people among the ten sons in Jinyi, Mou Liangbi is better, after all Moujia is not well-known in the southwest area. Zong Lianghu's family has long since declined. Although he was born with a vain job as a servant of the right, he has been relying on relatives and friends to support him.

After getting acquainted with Mou Liangbi, Zong Lianghu's life became easier.

And the two of them joined the third prince's family, which was also the most glorious time in their lives. Rumors said that when they heard the news that Mr. Zong was finally going to be an official, many beauties from the brothel cried with joy, and they repeatedly said that their original intention of donating money was not wasted in vain.

Zong Lianghu's popularity in the brothel is evident.

Emperor Yang Yi looked at Er Liangchen, who was sitting on the opposite stool with an ugly face, pointed to the tea on the table and said, "Don't you want to drink?"

This question was a bit abrupt, and even Yang Kai, the king of Xu Jun who was sitting next to the emperor, couldn't help being stunned for a moment. In an instant, Yang Kai's heart suddenly tightened. His Majesty the Emperor asked Er Liangchen if he would like to drink or not. It seemed simple, but in fact it was such a simple matter of drinking tea. If the two people could not understand what was hidden behind it, it would be considered a bad thing.

It's just that he didn't have much friendship with these two people, and in front of His Majesty, he couldn't wink to remind him, so he could only lower his head and pretend to sip his own tea.

After asking whether he would drink or not, the emperor looked at Mou Liangbi and Zong Lianghu and waited for their answer.

After being silent for a while, Mou Liangbi glanced at Zong Lianghu, who first sighed slightly, and then nodded.


The two of them picked up the teacups and drank it directly, ignoring that the tea was still slightly hot. Drinking tea is like drinking alcohol, drink it up in one gulp. Because they drank too fast, the tea dripped onto their gray cloth prison clothes and stained a piece of them. Because of this, the two of them looked even more downcast.

The Young Master in Jinyi back then, now Mou Liangbi is only thirty-eight or nine years old, and Zong Lianghu is only thirty-five years old, but they are about fifty or sixty years old no matter how they look now. Messy hair, shabby clothes, beard that has grown to his chest, and the black mud in the gaps between his fingernails makes people look disgusting.

The years have carved too many marks on their faces, and people who are less than forty years old are already full of wrinkles.

During the eleven and a half years in prison, they thought it was extremely hard. The third prince is dead, they have no backer, and they don't have relatives in the sky prison to help send some money to the prison guards. It is actually not easy to survive until now. If it weren't for the lack of personnel in the Ministry of War, His Majesty might not be able to remember the two of them. And if he died in the dungeon for no apparent reason before then, I'm afraid His Majesty wouldn't bother to blame anyone.

The two drank the hot tea in their cups in one gulp, then stood up and bowed to the emperor to salute.

Refuse to sit down.

The corner of Emperor Yang Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly he pointed to the plate with snacks on the table and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Do you want to drink first? Ask again if you don’t want to eat

Now that you've already drank it, why don't you eat it


The two nodded at the same time, and then used their dirty and black hands to grab the snacks on the plate and stuff them into their mouths.


The emperor asked the third sentence.

The two nodded again, eating faster and faster.

There were four plates of dim sum on the table, the portions were enough for two burly men to eat, and the dim sum was dry, and it was easy to choke if they swallowed it, but these two people were like hungry wolves, and it took almost no time to eat the four plates. The snacks are all stuffed into the stomach. Mou Liangbi puffed up his two cheeks and looked at His Majesty, hiccupping again and again. Zong Lianghu kept stroking his chest with his hands, as if he was really choking.

Yang Kai couldn't help laughing, he took a peek and saw that His Majesty was also laughing.

These two rebellious guys, after eleven and a half years in prison, are finally smart, and they have seen things through, knowing that now, they have no other way out except to obey the emperor's orders.

"I am full?"

the emperor asked again.

"I am full."

The two answered with their heads bowed.

The emperor waved his hand and said: "Su Buwei, take the two of them down to take a bath and change into clean clothes before coming back. The smell in my room may not go away in three days."


Su Buwei responded quickly, and led the two subdued people out of the study with a smile. When Mou Liangbi walked out of the room, he took a deep breath, opened his arms and stretched vigorously. Zong Lianghu glanced at him, and suddenly couldn't help laughing, tears filled his cloudy eyes.

"It smells so good in this garden!"

Mou Liangbi said.

"It's better outside."

Zong Lianghu said.

"How does Your Majesty know that these two people will be obedient?"

Xu Jun Wang Yang Kai asked the emperor with admiration.

The emperor smiled and said: "There are no outsiders here, you are still called my fourth brother... The reason why I know that the two of them will be obedient, instead of never begging for mercy as they were eleven years ago, is actually simple... because they sat Eleven and a half years in prison, but not dead."

Yang Kai was stunned for a moment, and only after careful understanding did he understand what the emperor meant.

"yes… "

He said with emotion: "It's really not easy for them to survive in the prison with the status of the two criminals. Presumably the two of them have worked hard. With their status and crimes, they can survive. People with perseverance and great wisdom can't do it."

"They don't have great wisdom, but it's barely enough."

The emperor smiled and said: "Since they are greedy for life, how dare they not listen to me? If they were not afraid of death, they would have already died in prison for eleven and a half years. But they are alive, which means that they still have the desire and desire to live." expect."

The emperor got up, stretched his body and said: "It's fine to leave the affairs of the Ministry of War to the two of them, but I didn't come to you just to chat. I know that you have become lazy all these years. Even if you go back to the imperial court to help me, you can't think about it... But from now on, you really have to think about it. Although I don't want you to deal with the affairs of the Ministry of War, there is one thing that is more difficult than the matter of the Ministry of War. I will leave it to you."

"I obey your Majesty's orders."

Yang Kai quickly stood up and bowed his head and said.

"I secretly transferred grain from seven granaries north of the river, worth millions of stones. I transferred the weapons and armor in the three palaces of Jinyang Palace, Benin Palace, and Shuntian Palace, enough to equip 500,000 people, and transported them all to the northwest. In addition, I have dispatched 400,000 troops from the Northeast, Eastern Xinjiang, and Southwest to the Northwest. Most officials in the court do not know about this matter. When it is time to speak, I will mention it in the court... Now, I need someone People rushed to the northwest to preside over the overall situation."

He looked at Yang Kai and said: "This kind of important task belongs to you."

Yang Kai's heart was shocked, and his eyes widened in an instant.

"Your Majesty... are you really going to use troops against the Northwest?"

The emperor nodded and said firmly: "Emperors of the Great Sui Dynasty all wanted to expand their territories. Now that the country is in my hands, how can I just stick to what my ancestors left behind and not think about making progress? Not only do I want to make our Great Sui The border of the country is pushed outward, and it will be pushed to the west! I want to show the late emperor that the Great Sui has been handed over to me...he did not choose the wrong person."

Yang Kai couldn't calm down, and subconsciously wanted to persuade the emperor not to attack Meng Yuan easily, but seeing the different look in His Majesty's eyes, he swallowed his words again.

"I have selected a few young talents for you as helpers. Later, I will order them to be transferred to the northwest first. After you arrive, they will naturally help you."

The emperor walked up to Yang Kai, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Twelve, don't let me down!"