Conquer the World

Chapter 37: I'm dying of anxiety


If calculated according to seniority, Li Yuan is Li Xiaozong's nephew. However, on the surface, the big family seems to have a strict hierarchy and a clear system, but in fact, it is also a mess inside. When the old man of the Li family was almost eighty years old, he married a fourteen-year-old girl who was as beautiful as a flower and a jade. Two years later, this little girl gave birth to a son. Don't say that other people, even the old man himself, don't believe it, so he confessed his relatives with blood. If the child is not his, let alone the child, even the child's mother is afraid that he will die in the river.

The strange thing is that the child is actually his after the bleeding confession. The old man was overjoyed and held a three-day banquet. Apart from proving that the old man of the Li family is as powerful as a tiger, it can only prove that the family is really in chaos. The old man is the father of Li Luan, the grandfather of Li Yuanshan, the general of You Xiaowei, the great-grandfather of Li Xiaozong, the general of Fangcheng Ya, and the grandfather of Li Yuan.

The old man of the Li family had already lived in his nineties, and although the teenage boy was Li Yuan's great-grandfather according to his seniority, he had no status at all because he was a concubine. The three-day banquet was not so much a celebration of his birth, but rather a celebration of the old man's undiminished glory.

But I don't know why, that child looks very much like his eldest nephew...

Li Xiaozong is also a concubine, so even if he has the military rank of a five-rank tooth general, as long as he returns to the Li family compound, he has no status.

Li Yuan is the direct grandson of Li Luan, although he is not the direct descendant of the eldest son.

The Li family was originally the only one in Longxi County, so Li Yuan's domineering was justifiable. Xiangcheng Li, looking at the entire Sui Dynasty, is also a big tree.

At the foot of Mushan Mountain, Fang Jie specially ordered Da Quan to drive the carriage to a place far from Hong Xiu Zhao's camp, and also asked Mu Xiaoyao to spend the night there. Mu Xiao Yao's first sentence was to ask Fang Jie if you What are you planning to do? Fang Jie said in all seriousness that this time he was doing justice for the heavens, but Mu Xiaoyao said that this was something new and that I couldn't leave anyway, and had to stay and have a look.

Mu Xiaoyao said he wanted to stay, neither Fang Jie nor Da Quan had any temper.

So Mu Xiaoyao was still sleeping in the carriage, while Da Quan reluctantly squatted aside, planning to skin the deer he had hunted. He seldom does it himself, although he is a man who loves flesh and blood. Whenever Fang Jie asked him to do it himself, he would always say that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but he would never see the appearance of a gentleman.

He loves meat, but never cooks for himself unless he has to.

I don't know if there is some secret hidden behind his meaningless insistence. Fang Jie tried it before but found nothing.

So when Fang Jie brought Li Yuan, Cui Lueshang and others back to the carriage, Big Dog was still worrying about the dead game. There was an iron pot in front of him, and the water in the pot was already boiling, but the pheasant was still on the side, and the two deer were still hanging on the branch of the tree.

When Fang Jie came back and saw this, he pretended to be angry and scolded a few words, then smiled and asked Li Yuan and others to wait a while. He personally plucked and peeled the wild game. Li Yuan and others would never intervene in such a vulgar matter. Even watching Fang Jie deftly throwing the pheasant into the boiling water to scald its feathers, and then throwing a deer on the ground and peeling it with a sharp knife, everyone's eyes were full of strong disdain and contempt.

A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, and the sons of nobles naturally would not touch such a vulgar and disgusting thing. Even Cui Lueshang felt uncomfortable after looking at it for a while, so he simply dragged Li Yuan and others up a high slope to enjoy the night view of the mountain. Li Yuan and Cui Lueshang were chatting and laughing, and winked at the short, thin and ugly Liu Yineng, who was notorious in Xiangcheng. He slept with all the maids around him, and slept with all the girls in Xiangcheng's brothels at the age of seventeen, even the old bustard, and immediately turned back, holding a pack of inferior poison from the lower three sects in his hand.

Originally, they planned to beat Cui Lueshang to death, but now that Fang Jie, the scapegoat, suddenly appeared, they naturally became more unscrupulous. Is it possible that those yamen servants in Xiangcheng and even the county magistrates would really investigate carefully and offend the Li family and the Liu family

The power of the Cui family in Xiangcheng was far inferior to that of the Li family and the Liu family, so in the eyes of Li Yuan and Liu Yineng, this matter was not a big deal at all. But the two of them, one insidious and the other vicious, thought they were smart but forgot to think about it. The first two times when recruiting students from the Martial Arts Academy, the governor of Hexi Province, Yang Xiuchen, recommended people from the Li family. Why did they switch to Longxi this time? Is it the Cui family from a second-rate family

When a person is arrogant to the extreme, he is stupid.

Just two months ago, His Majesty the Emperor promoted Concubine Cui to be a noble concubine.

The poison in Liu Yineng's hand is not a good thing at all, it is not the secret product of Sanxiaotang, nor is it the seven-step poison of Guikuzi, nor is it the Baihua poison of that crazy woman in Lingyangu. It's just a bottle of Xia San Lun's drug bought from Jiang Hu Xia San Luan, and you can buy ten bottles for the usual money.

Inferior quality belongs to inferior quality, but it is unambiguous that it costs people's lives.

The big dog who was sitting on the side boiling water twitched his mouth, and couldn't help cursing something dirty in a low voice. Then he felt sorry for himself and said that a good nose is not a good thing, the stench of this broken poison is really fucking bad.

Liu Yineng pretended to watch Fang Jie skin the deer, and then quietly sprinkled the bag of poison into the iron pot while blocking the big dog's view. The water in the pot suddenly crackled a few times, and the big dog couldn't help but lament in his heart that it's really hard for you to poison such garbage, and then deliberately turned his head to look elsewhere and pretended not to find it.

Fang Xie couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw such a low-handed method, and scolded everyone in the eighteen generations of Liu Yineng's ancestors three times. But absolutely did not greet any of Liu Yineng's female relatives, the reason is very simple, Liu Yineng looks too ugly, Fang Jie really has no desire for such a person's matrilineal line.

To poison, the two poisoned people have to pretend to ignore it, Fang Jiezhen is worried for this young master who is domineering in Xiangcheng. This kind of method is also used here in Xiangcheng, and it will always be the tail behind Li Yuan's ass. If he came to the imperial capital and met someone from a real big family, he would have been played to death long ago, and there would be no leftovers.

After being poisoned, Liu Yineng turned and left, full of ambition.

Big Dog glanced at the pot of foam and asked Fang Jie: "What should I do? Has this idiot never seen water boiled? His mother's water is as greasy as porridge."

Fang Jie was helpless, got up and took a wooden ladle to scoop out the foam on the boiling water: "Don't blame others, amateurs are amateurs after all."

Pheasants need boiling water to remove their hair, and roe deer must be washed in water after peeling. So when these two things touch water, they are both poisonous. This is the most intolerable thing for Big Dog, and I don't know how many Liu Yineng's eight generations of ancestors have been scolded. He can tolerate wasting anything, but it is hard for him to accept wasting meat.

If Fang Jie hadn't repeatedly said that he would take him to eat the best noodles in the best restaurant when he entered the imperial capital, Da Quan might have quit immediately on strike.

So while rejoicing to meet a pig-like opponent, Fang Jie also feels that he has to be careful to guard against pig-like teammates. Oh no, teammates like dogs.

After more than half an hour that made people feel a bit tormented, Fang Jie was finally ready to entertain distinguished guests with wine and meat. When the roasted meat was cut and served, both Li Yuan and Fang Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's the wine?"

Seeing that the big dog who had gone to get the wine from the carriage hadn't come back, Fang Jie shouted feigned displeasure, "It's been so long since I asked you to get some wine, do you think I paid you too much? Wait until it's over." In Chang’an City, I’ll just hire someone who’s smarter, you’re useless if you’re old and stupid!”

Li Yuan, Cui Lueshang and others looked at the carriage subconsciously, but saw that the carriage shook violently, and even the ragged horse pulling the carriage seemed to be frightened and almost ran forward. Cui Lueshang was terrified and couldn't help asking Fang Jie: "Why is your wine hidden in an iron box and locked? It's such a big movement to take wine!"

Only then did Fang Jie realize something, and couldn't help but pray for Da Quan in his heart.

At this moment, the big dog flipped out of the carriage with a plop and landed on its face.

He struggled to stand up, and walked crookedly here with two wine bags in his hands. One of his eyes was darkened, and the corner of his mouth was half swollen. thing?"

Fang Jie hurriedly greeted him, took the wine bag and said with a smile: "This old guy likes to steal my wine, so he keeps it secret."

The big dog snorted and turned his head and walked to the side of the carriage, sat down against a tree, rubbed the corner of his sore mouth and cursed in a low voice: "Mu Xiaoyao... Isn't it just taking two bags of wine from you, as for such a cruel hand? "

Fortunately, his voice was very low, so Li Yuan and others couldn't hear him.

Fang Jie filled the wine for Li Yuan, Cui Lueshang and others with his own hands, and said with a smile, "This servant was hired from the countryside. He has never seen anything in the world, so don't be surprised by the young masters. But this wine is good. You can only buy it in the border town of Fangu."

Cui Lueshang picked up the wine glass, sniffed it, and couldn't help but praise: "The wine is fragrant, it is indeed a good wine. You don't need to use it to know, this wine has at least three to five years of cellaring."

Li Yuan is also a good wine drinker, so he couldn't help but took a sip from his glass.

"It's really good. Although it's not as good as our Xiangcheng's Longtan wine, it's still a rare good wine. I didn't expect such a good wine to be produced in such a cold and remote place like Fan Gu. It's rare."

"The wine is good, and Brother Shang's craftsmanship is even better!"

Li Yuan pointed to the barbecue in front of him and praised: "Golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside."

"Try it?"

Fang Jie quickly said, "See if it suits your taste?"

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, and Liu Yineng saw him from the side and hurriedly said: "Brother Shang is the host today, and we are the guests. How can there be a reason why the host doesn't eat the guests first. You eat first, and we will eat later."

Fang Jiefang put down the chopsticks he had already picked up and said seriously: "No, no, just because I am the master today, and the young masters are guests, how can there be any reason why the guests don't eat the master's own food? I think Mr. Li is highly respected. Move the first chopsticks first, otherwise the food will be cold if everyone makes it like this."

Li Yuan quickly waved his hands and said, "We are only able to eat such delicious food because of Mr. Cui's honor. Why don't we let Mr. Cui move the chopsticks first?"

Cui Lueshang is a real person, thought for a while and said, "Then I'll eat first."


Fang Jie stopped him and said, "Our Sui Dynasty is a country of etiquette, we must not lose etiquette. How about this, let's talk about our respective ages, whoever is the oldest will eat first."

Cui Lueshang smiled and said, "That's good!"

Li Yuan's face turned pale, but he was the oldest when he looked at the people around him: "It's not good... the older ones should let the younger ones eat first, this is the virtue advocated by Da Sui."


Cui Lue said: "Brother Shang, you must be the youngest, so you should eat first."

"No, Mr. Li should eat first."

"Brother Shang eats first."

"Master Li eats first."

"Brother Shang eats first."

After arguing like this, no one was willing to eat first after giving way back and forth more than a dozen times. In the end, I couldn't think of any words to refuse, but no one was willing to move the chopsticks first.

Just at this moment, a fragrant wind came over, followed by a red shadow blocking the line of sight. When everyone was stunned, they saw a beautiful woman in a red skirt push Li Yuan to the ground, pinch Li Yuan's mouth open with one hand, and pour the plate into Li Yuan's mouth with the other hand!

"Fuck! I'm so anxious!"

Mu Xiaoyao cursed, and gave Fang Jie a hard look.