Conquer the World

Chapter 52: Red Horse White Tiger


Fang Jie looked at Wanyan Chongde, hesitated for a while, but couldn't help asking out his curiosity. He raised his hand and stroked his forehead, and then asked with some trepidation: "Brother Wanyan, why do you men from the Beiliao tribe keep their hair like this?"

Perhaps he also realized that it was impolite for him to ask this question, so he smiled awkwardly.

Wanyan Chongde didn't care at all, he stroked his bare forehead a few times and said: "This is a way for our men in Beiliao to show their courage and perseverance. I told you that Beiliao's 100,000 The mountains are the coldest and most miserable places in the world. But our ancestors in the Northern Liao region shaved off all their forehead hair in order to show their bravery against the severe cold.”

He smiled and said: "There is another reason... If the hair is too long, hanging down from the forehead will block the view, and the Beiliao land is too cold to be cultivated. So if we want to live, we can only live in the 100,000 mountains. Stop shooting. If the hair is too long, it will affect the archery, so it will look cleaner."

Fang Xie nodded in understanding, and wondered if that ethnic group in the previous life had the same hairstyle as the Beiliao people for this reason

"Brother Fang, what trouble are you in?"

Wanyan Chongde asked curiously.

Fang Jie sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, I am the candidate recommended by Fan Gu to take the exam at the Imperial Capital Academy of Martial Arts this year, but on the way, I met a group of former enemies. I have never lived in peace, and I am ambushed almost every day. I am afraid that if this continues, I will be killed by those enemies before I reach the imperial capital. So I want to ask Brother Wanyan to give me three good horses, so that I can You can get rid of those enemies."

"Where did the enemy come from so bold?"

Wanyan Chongde was surprised and said: "The rule of law in the Great Sui Dynasty, how could the government allow gangsters to commit crimes like this? Besides, you are still a candidate for the Yanwu Academy exam, your status is so special, you only need to tell the government along the way, and the government will send someone to protect you. "

Fang Jie sighed: "Those people are masters who come and go without a trace. Even if the government is willing to send someone to protect me, it will only increase the casualties. This is my private matter. How can I let others sacrifice their lives just to protect me?" ? I can’t do such a thing, I’d better be more careful. If Brother Wanyan is in trouble, it’s as if I didn’t encounter it today.”

He stood up, cupped his fists and said, "We will meet later."

Before Wanyan Chongde could speak, the Beiliao woman immediately said: "Fang Zhizhi, why should you be polite? Our Beiliao people value kindness and friendship the most. Fang Zhizhe saved our envoy when he was in Fan Gu. We have kindness in Beiliao. If this is the case, why do we feel sorry for a few horses?"

She smiled and said: "What's more, the most important thing we Beiliao people lack is a good horse that can travel thousands of miles a day."

Wanyan Chongde opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything more. He quietly glared at the woman, and quickly echoed: "What I'm saying is, Brother Fang is too out of touch. Isn't it just three horses, you choose by yourself, and you can take the one you choose."

What Fang Jie was waiting for was his words, how could he be polite. He turned around and waved, Dagou and Mu Xiaoyao immediately got out from the reeds behind. Fang Jie clasped his fists and bowed deeply to Wanyan Chongde and said: "I will repay you in the future for saving my life today. Brother Wanyan, if you go to Da Sui again, as long as Fang is not dead, you can come to me anytime and anywhere if you have any difficulties." .”

He didn't choose either, so he casually led a horse and turned over: "Brother Wanyan, there is one more thing you have to keep in mind. After you go back to Shiwan Dashan, don't make all the transfers of soldiers and horses too obvious. I'm afraid that you will enter the Great Sui Dynasty." The people of Meng Yuan have been paying attention to it for a long time, and they may be noticed by the people of Meng Yuan if they are a little careless. Even if Da Sui is willing to send troops to help, it will be thousands of miles away. catastrophe."

"Please, the Khan of the Northern Liao Dynasty, personally write a letter and send it to the Golden Tent of the Mengyuan Empire. Don't say anything about allegiance, just say that the corvee is too heavy and the people of the Northern Liao Dynasty are overwhelmed. Please Mengyuan The Great Khan Mongke of the Empire reduced and exempted part of the tax."

Wanyan Chongde said in surprise: "In this way, isn't it equivalent to telling Brother Meng that we are going to return to Mengyuan?"


Fang Jie smiled calmly and said, "Just do what I say, as long as Brother Meng doesn't become an idiot with his head caught between the door panels, otherwise he won't be suspicious and will put his guard down on you Beiliao people."

At this time, Da Quan and Mu Xiaoyao also came over and each took a horse, thanked Wan Yan Chongde with a fist, and then got on the horse and went to Fang Jie's side.

The Beiliao woman looked at Fang Jie, and a different look flashed in her beautiful eyes. She had never seen this boy's indifferent self-confidence in any man from the Northern Liao nationality. Although he didn't talk much, his confident demeanor made her feel her heart beat a little faster.

The Northern Liao people have never lacked warriors, but it is hard to find such a wise person at such a young age. Since she was a child, she followed Khan Wanyanyong of the Northern Liao Dynasty to handle clan affairs, so she naturally knew how important wisdom was to a man. In her opinion, the demeanor of this young man can even be compared with Mr. Shuiyue in the clan.

Although, the wet boy looked a bit embarrassed.

"Thank you Brother Fang for your advice!"

Wanyan Chongde clasped his fists, wanted to say something more but saw Fang Jie pulled his horse away. Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, he couldn't help sighing, turned his head to look at the Beiliao woman beside him and blamed him for committing suicide: "Qing'er, don't be so hasty next time. I only met him once, so helping him like this If he gets into trouble..."

"You are the only coward!"

The woman called Qing'er gave him a blank look, then simply turned and walked to the side.

Wanyan Chongde seemed to have nothing to do with this woman, he just said with a wry smile: "Brother Fang didn't tell the truth, who knows if he offended some famous family of the Sui Dynasty, or was hunted down by the government at all? If you get rid of him, if you mess with someone you can't mess with, it won't do any good for our major events in Northern Liao."

"I don't care about that."

Qing'er looked at the direction where Fang Jie disappeared and said seriously: "I only know that Father Khan told you brother since he was a child that we men of the Northern Liao nationality must know how to repay their kindness, let alone be sorry for our friends. I have helped you, and just now I explained the plan of the Great Sui Dynasty, and I also helped to find a way to prevent the people of the Mongolian Yuan Empire from suspecting us. What happened if we gave him three horses? If you don’t even do this little favor If you are willing to help, how can you be worthy of father Khan's teaching?"

"I can't say no to you! Just don't feel sorry for yourself... What he took away was your fire!"

Qing'er pouted and said, "A raging fire is a raging fire. The worst thing is to ask Father Khan for another good horse. We lack everything in Beiliao, but there is no shortage of BMW horses! I'm just a little worried...they won't be able to ride our Beiliao horses." Cold cavalry from the Liao land."

Wanyan Chongde said angrily: "As you please... We can't delay any longer, we will leave immediately and get out of the customs as soon as possible."

Fang untied his horse and walked forward, he couldn't help admiring in his heart while galloping. The horses produced by the 100,000 mountains in Northern Liao seem to be stronger than the good horses on the grassland. He sat down by himself and the red horse was as fast as a gust of wind.

Not only is the speed astonishingly fast, but it is also psychic. It has an idea on its own, and it can always respond immediately. Whether it's a vertical leap, or an emergency stop, riding a horse actually feels like using your arms and fingers. Fang Xie knew that strong horses had to be tamed, and the horse he was riding now could have such a strong body and lightning speed, it must not be an ordinary horse. But if it's a fiery BMW, how can it be so docile

He couldn't figure it out, so he was even more curious.

When I read novels and watched TV in my previous life, when it came to a good horse, it must be as violent as a tiger. People without great perseverance and ability are by no means easily tamed. But this steed that ran like a mass of burning fire completely subverted the inherent concepts in his mind.

Not only his war horse, but also the horses ridden by Big Dog and Mu Xiaoyao. There is no resistance to the new owner at all, as if it is not a horse but a kitten as docile.

What surprised Fang Xie the most was that the horse he chose at random seemed to be by no means ordinary among the war horses of the Beiliao people. After running for less than five miles, Da Quan and Mu Xiaoyao were left far behind. If he hadn't deliberately controlled and slowed down later, Dagou and the others might not even be able to see their own back in less than half an hour.

"The good horses in Northern Liao are really extraordinary!"

After Fang Jiefang slowed down, the big dog caught up and couldn't help but sigh. Both he and Mu Xiaoyao sat on snow-white war horses, running like a cloud floating on the ground. In contrast, Fang Jie's horse looked even more dazzling. The horse's mane is very long, and when it runs, it really looks like a ball of flames is rising.

"but… "

Mu Xiaoyao frowned and said, "Did you feel that there is a chill on this horse?"

You must know that Mu Xiaoyao is in a place as cold as Fan Gu, and she only wears a thin red dress all day long. It made her feel the chill, so it can be seen that the war horses in Beiliao are really weird.


Fang Jie nodded and said, "And the chill seems to be able to penetrate into the bones of people."

Big Dog hesitated and said, "Is it because Beiliao is too cold?"

"ignore him!"

Fang Jie said with a smile: "As long as you get used to it, I like this horse more and more now!"

While the three of them were talking, they turned from the small road to the official road, and galloped all the way to the southeast. But what he didn't expect was that Mu Xiaoyao's face became serious not long after he became an official.

"There are many masters in front of us, and they should have sealed the official path."

She looked at Fang Jie, and just about to ask him what to do, she frowned suddenly: "There are people coming from behind."

"Can you feel the strength of the person blocking in front?"

Fang asked.

Mu Xiaoyao reined in the horse and closed her eyes, Da Quan and Fang Jie also stopped not daring to disturb her. After five full minutes, Mu Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes and said, "The people on both sides are within three miles of us, and it seems that there is no strong person among the people who sealed the official road in front, and the strength is three or four. There are a few of them. There are many masters behind us that we can't handle."

"Then go ahead!"

Fang Jie bit and cursed: "Even if I am going to die, I will die at the gate of Yanwu Academy!"

In a small village about a thousand miles away from Fenglindu, a few old people who were sitting under a big tree at the entrance of the village and chatting with nothing to do suddenly found someone approaching from a distance. Is a strange face, alone. The man looked to be about twenty years old, and he was wearing a moon-white book long robe. The white robe fluttered as he walked, and the long hair tied up behind him was gently blown by the wind. A dusty elegance.

These old people who have lived to be sixty or seventy years old have never seen a man so beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, but she also doesn't seem to have a bit of human smoke on her body.

The body and face are perfect to the extreme.

Hands and gestures, elegant to the extreme.

"Gentlemen, how far is it to Fenglindu?"

The young man walked up to those old men and asked politely.

"Fenglin Ferry? Is it the ferry from Xiangcheng to Hedong County?"

an old man asked.

The boy nodded.

The old man thought for a while and said, "It's probably a thousand miles away. I haven't been there, so I can't say."

The young man in white asked softly, "Then, am I right in the direction I'm going?"

"No! The direction is right."

Hearing the old man's affirmative answer, the young master smiled and thanked him again. He turned around and walked back to the official road, stretching out his hand to beckon. Suddenly, a snow-white fierce tiger bigger than a ox jumped out of the grass by the roadside, and roared loudly in the direction where the old people were. The tiger's limbs are thick, its shoulders are wide and its waist is thin, its tail looks as long as a person's, especially the character Wang on its forehead is the color of blood.

This roar of the tiger directly frightened the old people so that they all went limp.

"Fu Mo, don't mess around."

The young man in white stretched out his hand and tapped the huge white tiger's forehead, and the white tiger suddenly became quiet and obedient. It bends down and is as docile as a cat. The young master raised his legs and rode on the white tiger's back and pointed in the direction in front of him. After a low growl, the white tiger immediately jumped forward and disappeared after a while.