Conquer the World

Chapter 53: Four grades of practice


The three horses rushed southeast along the official road, leaving the dust and smoke behind them far behind. The knights on horseback were two men and one woman. Although there were few of them, they galloped with an unstoppable aura. The speed of the three horses was astonishingly fast. When the pedestrians on the side of the road heard the horses' hoofs hurriedly dodging, the three horses had already been swept by like the wind. The surprised pedestrians standing by the roadside didn't even see what the knight looked like .

Not far ahead, dozens of servants from the local government of Hedong County stood on the side of the road bored. They were patrolling the Guanlecheng County Government. They received an order early this morning to set up roadblocks here to intercept three Suspicious person. The order was issued by the magistrate himself. Although he didn't say it too carefully, from the dignified face of the magistrate, the guards could tell that the three wanted criminals must have a lot of background.

The county seat of Guanle County is the second largest city in Hedong County, second only to Hedong City where the county government of Hedong County is located. On weekdays, these officials were just patrolling the county town, or they were ordered to arrest some thieves with dirty hands and feet. It was the first time they had done this to set up roadblocks to intercept important criminals outside the city.

In addition, when they were discussing in private, they all guessed that the three men might be murderous gangsters without blinking an eye, so everyone was very nervous. The fear is that if the suspect escapes, they will not be able to communicate with the higher authorities.

Liu Feng, the head catcher in Guanle County, glanced at the four or five people wearing flying fish robes standing not far away, and secretly said in his heart that fortunately there are still a few masters from the capital, otherwise his subordinates would be nothing more than three-legged cats Kung Fu servants are really unbelievable. He peeked at the clothes those people were wearing, and couldn't help being a little envious.

This flying fish robe is the unique attire of Ouchi guards. As long as you wear this suit, you can walk sideways in the imperial capital, not to mention the small Guanle County.

Liu Feng couldn't help fantasizing that he was walking on the streets of Guanle County in this dark red flying fish robe, a brocade crown on his head, a straight knife on his waist, and a bright red cloak. Even the county magistrate wanted to nod and flatter him, and Widow Liu, who he had admired for a long time but didn't dare to make a move, threw himself into his embrace with a charming smile on his face. Thinking of these, his heart itches to death. When thinking of Widow Liu, he couldn't help but think of the little widow's fiery red lips and enchanting figure. Kneeling and squatting in front of her, she stammered under her crotch with that small cherry mouth.

The soft lips wrap the sensitive place, and the lilac tongue gently rolls on the thing...

Just thinking about it, when his lower body became hot, he suddenly choked out all his fantasies with a sudden drink.

"Raise a barricade to stop it, someone is rushing over!"

The one who spoke was a Baihu lord in a flying fish robe.

Liu Feng didn't dare not listen to his words. After all, in terms of rank, both the Baihu and the county magistrate of Guanle are of the seventh rank, but they are from the imperial capital, and they are from the Ouchi Guards Department. Obviously more noble.

Liu Feng immediately called his servants to lift up the barricade and place it horizontally on the official road. When it was ready, the three horses were not far away. Seeing that the three knights didn't intend to slow down at all, they seemed to be planning to jump over the roadblock.

"Let the arrow!"

The Feiyupao Baihu shouted loudly, and then took the Liannu from his waist. This continuous crossbow is the standard equipment of the Sui army, and it can fire twelve crossbow arrows continuously. In mid-range combat, the Liannu is the only weapon to win and kill the enemy. Such a good thing, the servants of the local government are not qualified to have it.

Four or five Liannu were raised almost at the same time, aiming at the three galloping cavalry. And when the first crossbow arrow was shot, the guards from Guanle County hadn't raised the hard bow yet. Liu Feng was the one who reacted the fastest. He picked up the hard bow and spent a lot of effort but couldn't pull it away.

He cursed in a low voice before he realized that what he randomly took out of the county government storehouse was a hard bow of two stones. At that time, I only felt domineering with a larger bow, and I didn't even consider whether I had the strength to draw this bow.

Even if there are only four or five continuous crossbows, it is not difficult to block the official way. The firing speed of the continuous crossbows is extremely fast, almost within two minutes, the twelve arrows in each continuous crossbow box can be poured out.

When he saw those flying fish robes raising their crossbows, Fang Xie shouted loudly: "You two guards in the inner circle should deal with it, those officials sent me!"

Mu Xiaoyao said, "You're welcome."

Then the red silk wrapped around his shoulders and waist flew out as if he was conscious. The red silk was curled up, flying back and forth in mid-air like a winding snake, and none of the dozens of crossbow arrows could pass through.

"Those who block the way die!"

Fang Jie thought of a domineering word and yelled it out, then galloped his horse over the barricade. This crimson war horse jumped as high as a man, and it flew over the roadblock without any effort. Protected by Mu Xiaoyao's Hong Ling, the three rushed over without stopping.

But at this moment, the leading Feiyupao Baihu shook his hand and threw a chain gun straight at Fang Jie's back!

Seeing the moment when the chain gun was about to poke into Fang Jie's back, the big dog jumped up on the horse, like a big bird circling down, grabbed the chain gun in mid-air chains. I don't know what material his gloves are made of, but they are invulnerable.

Seeing the big dog get off the horse, Mu Xiaoyao jumped off the horse without delay. The red silk rolled up and stopped the other flying fish robes. She looked at Fang Jie who had already rushed more than ten meters away and shouted: "You first Walk!"

"Go fart!"

Fang Jie reined in his horse and cursed in a low voice, turned over and jumped off the horse, drew out the horizontal knife behind his back and rushed towards the crowd. Facing dozens of guards from Guanle County, he had no trace of fear .

"Quick battle and quick decision, the pursuers will come up soon!"

He yelled, and slapped the guard directly across the face with a knife, and sent the guard flying sideways. He used the knife blade instead of chopping, otherwise half of the guard's head would have been flying up. up in the air. These guards who show off their might in Guanle County on weekdays have never really fought at all. They don't know the skills of killing people, and they don't have the courage to face death as home.

Fang Jie turned around and kicked the second guard over with his side leg. The body spun around two guards wielding waist knives like a top, and the blade turned and hit a guard's heart again, sending the man flying backwards for two or three meters before he landed thumpingly.

Mu Xiaoyao wrapped a flying fish robe with a red silk and sent it up into the air. The red silk suddenly tightened in midair like a giant python strangling its prey. When driving, the corpse fell straight down from mid-air and threw up a cloud of dust with a plop. When I looked again, the body of the flying fish robe was folded in half, like a broken wooden stick.

Mu Xiaoyao blocked a horizontal knife with a red damask, and took a moment to look back at Fang Jie, only to see that this young man who had watched him grow up was a little strange. She had never seen such indomitable courage in Fang Xie before, and she had never seen Fang Xie's attack was so close that she couldn't help but be surprised.

When did this transformation start, Mu Xiaoyao didn't know.

But she knew that this change was by no means a bad thing for Fang Jie. Not only did his skills look more flexible and vigorous, but he also became calmer. When she watched Fang Xie strike, she found that each of Fang Xie's blows was very straightforward, almost the fastest way to deal with the enemy in front of him.

Is this Fang Jie the same Fang Jie as the Fang Jie who dared not kill people in Fan Gu City

Mu Xiaoyao didn't have time to think about it carefully, because although the strength of those flying fish robes was not too high, the various methods on their bodies were annoying and annoying, and it was not easy to deal with them. And in order to reduce the pressure on Fang Xie, her Hong Ling will occasionally knock up a guard who is about to attack Fang Xie.

Dagou's attacks have always been direct and effective, he prefers close combat, otherwise his weapon would not be a pair of gloves.

It's just that sometimes even Fang Jie can't figure out why this big dog who looks thin and weak and even a little timid in character is always so violent when he fights, people dare not look at him. He kills directly, but The more direct the more bloody.

The hands with the steel spiked gloves clasped forward, and with a puff, they directly pierced into the lower abdomen of a flying fish robe. After inserting it, those two hands moved outwards, forcibly tore open a bloody gash in the man's belly. The corner of the big dog's mouth grinned, and his arms stretched outward.

With a bang, the man's stomach was torn open by him!

Intestines, as well as unrecognizable viscera were mixed together, and a large ball of hula fell out at once, and became gray-black after being stained with mud.

One end of Mu Xiaoyao's red silk knocked a servant into the air, and the other end was wrapped around the neck of a flying fish robe who was about to sneak attack her. She held the red silk and sent it forward, and the neck of the flying fish robe immediately turned 180 degrees. , facing backwards, the flying fish robe saw his back and buttocks when he lowered his head.

"Don't love fighting!"

Fang Jie punched an officer's nose crookedly, he rushed forward to avoid a knife that fell from his waist, walked around behind the officer with crooked nose, and slapped another man's shoulder with the horizontal knife With a click, the man's collarbone shattered immediately.

Liu Feng lowered his head to look at his horizontal knife, and then at the young man who rushed into the crowd of his subordinates like a fierce tiger. He swallowed hard, and his eyes touched the other two suspects who looked more fierce. , He hesitated between turning around and running or fighting, after a fierce struggle, he finally gritted his teeth and chose Fang Jie to rush over.

"Thiefs! Hurry up and catch them!"

He danced the waist knife like a whirlwind, looking quite imposing. This trick of rooting old trees seems to be used frequently, but it is actually a bit of a master's demeanor.


Fang Jie cursed coldly, and slashed out, sending the waist knife in Liu Feng's hand flying into the air.

At this moment, Bai Hu, who had been hiding in the crowd of guards before, with a cultivation level of four ranks in the flying fish robe, saw the opportunity, jumped from behind and stabbed Fang Jie's back with half a chain spear. Too abrupt, neither Da Quan nor Mu Xiaoyao reacted. Those hundred households have a fourth-rank cultivation, but Fang Jie can't practice at all! What's more, he was still sneak attacking, and the distance controlled by the chain gun was farther than that of the horizontal knife. It seemed... Fang Jie was bound to die!

Da Quan and Mu Xiaoyao were helpless.

The two of them only had time to shout a word of caution, and it was obviously too late to charge forward.

In the next second, Da Quan and Mu Xiaoyao's eyes widened, their mouths grew wide, and their faces were full of shock.

As if Fang Jie sensed the danger behind him, he suddenly wanted to turn around suddenly, his upper body lowered, his legs bent, and he climbed down like a cheetah ready to move!

At the moment when the chain gun hit the air, his two legs and hands kicked back suddenly at the same time, and his body rushed out like a shell out of the chamber, and he arrived in front of the Baihu in the blink of an eye. This pounce, in a trance, really seemed like a cheetah pounced on its prey.

Fang Jie has a knife.

"You go too!"

After a violent cry, Bai Hu's body froze suddenly. A moment later, a line of blood appeared from his body, followed by a waterfall of blood, and Bai Hu's body was split open from forehead to crotch by Fang Xie.

Backhand upward knife.

one knife.

two slices.

"Fourth grade cultivation..."

Fang Jie, who was bathed in a shower of blood, snorted coldly, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.