Conquer the World

Chapter 6: If you can't keep me there


The man in the blue robe attracted Fang Xie's attention as soon as he entered the door. To be honest, this kind of man would attract people's attention no matter where he appeared. Whether you are in a busy city or on a temple.

The clothes on him were not bright, and looked a little shabby. But there is no doubt that even if such a person stands among a group of wealthy children dressed in brocade clothes, his brilliance will never be blocked by others.

Seemingly indifferent but fiery brilliance.

Fang Jie’s strangeness reveals some jealousy, why there is always a kind of person in this world who doesn’t need to show his erudition with speech, show his status with clothes, or show his wealth with money , Just standing there has an extremely powerful aura.

Although he only glanced at it, Fang Jie felt it in his heart. The private room on the second floor opposite Hongxiu Zhao's stage should be reserved for this person.

If it is reserved for a rich merchant or a high-ranking official, it will seem a bit vulgar no matter what. Although Hongxiu Zhao is only a singing and dancing club, although the status of the women here is not noble.


Hongxiuzhao has never been a vulgar place, and Mrs. Xi has never been a vulgar person.

When Fang Jie looked at the man, he wondered, should he buy him a drink

This idea was born, and the man in the green shirt and long robe had already directly climbed to the second floor under the guidance of the old cripple. It was the first time Fang Jie saw that the old cripple would respect someone. At the corner of the stairs, the man turned his head and looked at Fang Jie again, as if he was a little interested in him. Although he was far away, Fang Jie could still see a faint gleam in the man's eyes but did not hide it at all. means.

Not just curiosity, but also... disgust.

What does he hate

Fang Xie didn't know, and he didn't have time to guess, because when the man climbed up to the second floor, a few frontier soldiers rushed in from the door, and they couldn't help but drag Fang Xie out.

"The general is looking for you, hurry to the market!"

Fu Baobao, who found him, had an ugly expression on his face and was panting when he spoke. It was obvious that Hongxiuzhao was not the first place he found, maybe he had already traveled half of Fangu City.

"What's up?"

Fang Jie asked while running along.

"You will know when you go."

Running to the newly built wooden building of the Market Supervision Yamen in one breath, Fang Xie probably understood what happened. The hundreds of tall horses in the market were standing there, and the Beiliao people in dirty leather robes leaned on the wooden posts and played the flute leisurely, but the music was trembling.

The reason why Fang Xie recognized the man in the leather robe as a Beiliao person at a glance was because of the special appearance of the Beiliao people. This is a strange nation. When Fang Jie first learned about this nation, he even thought that he had traveled to a dynasty where court dramas were prevalent.

The men of the Northern Liao nationality wear braids.

Just like the men of a certain dynasty that Fang Jie was familiar with, their foreheads were shaved, but a long braid was combed behind them, which looked a little weird.

Fang Jie probably knew the attitude of the Northern Liao people. They were unwilling to be suppressed by the Mongolian Yuan Empire. They had expressed their willingness to submit to the Great Sui Empire more than once. Liao people's request to make a statement. Although the extremely cold land of Shiwanda Mountain covers a vast area, it is indeed too barren. His Majesty the Emperor will not go to war with the Mongolian Yuan Empire because of this barren land and a backward nation.

"Think of a way!"

Li Xiaozong glanced at Fang Jie, frowning tightly.

"How did you get in?"

Fang Jie didn't answer Li Xiaozong's words but asked instead: "How did you get into the city with so many war horses?"

"Li Gandang who is on duty today is a fucking idiot!"

Li Xiaozong roared angrily: "I took a piece of gold from that Beiliao man, and let him in. When he was brought in for questioning, he actually told me that the man who was put in was not from Mengyuan, but from Beiliao. People. The agreement between the Great Sui Empire and the Mongol Yuan Empire is invalid for the people of the Northern Liao Dynasty!"

"This guy… "

Fang Jie couldn't help but wryly smiled, he knew that Li Gandang was famously greedy for money.

"However, what Li Gandang said is good!"

Fang Jie picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, cleared his throat and said, "The agreement between His Majesty the Emperor and Brother Meng doesn't seem to mention the Beiliao people, right? Then the Beiliao people are not bound by the agreement." Within... If the people of the Mongolian Yuan Empire get entangled because of this matter, they can't get entangled with one, two, three. This matter will eventually be left to the officials and lords of the Ministry of Rites to argue with the barbarians on the grassland. I heard that the officials and lords of the Ministry of Rites can One is more proud and tricky than the other. In terms of wrangling skills, the prairie barbarian is certainly no match."

"You mean... just pretend it never happened?"

Li Xiaozong asked uncertainly.

"How can it be done!"

Fang Jie said solemnly: "There is no trade between the Great Sui Dynasty and the Beiliao people. The Beiliao people have always traded with the grassland barbarians... Of course, they must have suffered a lot because of this. But there is no The doubt is that it is against the rules for people from the Northern Liao Dynasty to come to the door by themselves! For foreigners who came to the door without the permission of the Great Sui court, and who entered the border city of the Great Sui... "

Fang Xie glanced at Li Xiaozong: "Are they all regarded as invaders?"

"In principle, it is so."

Li Xiaozong thought for a while and said.

"Then what are you waiting for, General?"

Fang Jie asked with a smile.

"Fang Jie!"

Li Xiaozong patted Fang Jie's shoulder vigorously: "You are a fucking talent!"

In the afternoon of that day, an explosive news spread in Fangu City. The Beiliao people who brought no less than 500 war horses to make a deal were captured by the general Li Xiaozong himself. The horses of the Beiliao people were confiscated, and more than 30 Beiliao men were chained and imprisoned in Fangu City. It is said that he was tortured in the dungeon.

This matter was spread like a gust of wind, and it didn't take long for the Mengyuan defenders in Nirvana City opposite the Wolf Milk Mountain to know it clearly.

The commander-in-chief Agudam didn't dare to delay, and immediately sent people to rush to the residence of Mandu Latu, the banner leader of Mandu Banner, two hundred miles away.

The vastness of the Mongolian Yuan Empire is the largest in the world. Someone once said that one of the most troublesome things for the successive Great Khans of the Mongolian Yuan Empire was that none of them knew how much territory they had and how many subjects they had. Because the territory of the Mongolian Yuan Empire is too large, it is too large to be surveyed and mapped.

The Mongolian Yuan Empire set up forty-eight banners, and the smallest banner also managed thousands of miles of grassland. The nearest to Fangu, a border city in the Sui Dynasty, is the Mandu Banner, and Mandu Latu, the banner owner, is a tough fighter. The banners of the Mongolian Yuan Empire are like the counties of the Sui Dynasty, with different sizes. The candidates for the banner owners are all appointed by the first Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Empire, and then hereditary.

Mandu Ratu was a fanatical and belligerent person, and he had asked the Great Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Empire, Meng Ge, to attack the Sui Dynasty more than once.

But it is said that this guy has six wives, three of whom are Han Chinese.

Whether what happened in Fangu City will become the fuse of the war between the Mongol Yuan Empire and the Great Sui Dynasty, no one can tell. But Li Xiaozong knew that he had to be ready at any time, so he ordered the 800 frontier troops to cancel their rotations and gather together to prevent surprise attacks by the Mongol Yuan Empire. At the same time, people were sent to report to Jibei City, the county government, and Wu Peizhi, the county guard, was asked to make a decision.

When the news reached Jibei City, Wu Peizhi was shocked immediately.

He only scolded Li Xiaozong as a pig, and then immediately wrote a memorial and sent it to Chang'an City at a speed of thousands of miles. Jibei County is more than ten thousand miles away from Chang'an, who knows if there will be a fight when the news reaches Chang'an? In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, Wu Peizhi mobilized all the county soldiers to prepare for the battle, and at the same time sent a letter to the Youhouwei camp three hundred miles away.

The 50,000 elite soldiers of Youhouwei of the Great Sui Dynasty were the barrier of the northwestern frontier of the Great Sui Dynasty!

General Li Yuanshan of Youhouwei was also from the Li family in Longyou, a direct descendant of the Li family. This person has made great military exploits and is extremely trusted by Emperor Yang Yi. Speaking of which, who was honored as the General of the Twelve Guards of the Sui Dynasty without outstanding meritorious service? Which one is not from a prominent family

Compared with those high-ranking generals, a small frontier general like Li Xiaozong is really not worth mentioning. Li Xiaozong is not even worth mentioning, so it goes without saying that Fang Xie, who only has a low-level position like the deputy of the scout team, is on him.

At this time, this little guy who is not popular is sitting in the dungeon and talking.

"You people from Beiliao are too idiots to do this."

Fang Jie looked at the leader of the Northern Liao man and sighed: "You think I can't see what you are planning? To force Meng Yuan and Da Sui to use force? To force Da Sui to accept you? Idiots! Even Even a petty official like me in the border town can tell that those big figures in the imperial court are all blind?"

Fang Jie gave the Beiliao man a hard look: "Do you think that you can drag the two empires in with your inferior idiot's strategy? Do you think you people from Beiliao have the qualifications? You are too naive to think." , I bet, no matter whether this matter is heard by Brother Meng or by His Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty... at most, it is nothing more than a smile."

The Beiliao man standing opposite Li Xian was about twenty-four or five years old, with a strong build, raised eyebrows, glaring eyes, a long and thin face, and thin lips. He looked like a determined guy.

"My lord!"

The Northern Liao man cupped his fists and said: "I admit that you have guessed our thoughts, and the result may be as you said. But as long as Da Sui and Meng Yuan go to war, we Bei Liao people will do our best to help Da Sui defeat Meng Yuan." Yuan, will the emperor still refuse to accept us? You may never understand our Beiliao people's desire to change a place to be our home."

"I just do not understand!"

Fang Jie stood up abruptly, pointed at the man's nose and asked, "What's wrong with living an honest life? You have to fight to kill people to be happy? Don't you care how many people die? You are not afraid of Brother Meng's anger." Order to destroy your tribe? Guard your own homeland and live well, won't you?"

"grown ups… "

The man from the Northern Liao Dynasty glanced at Fang Jie, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes: "You must have never been to the Shiwan Mountain, so you don't know how cold it is. Maybe you think that the winter in Fangu City is already very pleasant." It's hard for people to accept, but in our hometown, the weather in Fangu City is warmer than our spring season! If you have been to Shiwan Dashan, you will know what cold is, and it is desperately cold."

"We Beiliao people are not afraid of the severe cold, what we fear is being exterminated... Since the last Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Empire, every five years, the Mongolian Yuan will initiate a recruitment of our tribe, saying that they want to recruit young men to join us. Wolf riding. But in fact, those men who were taken away were slaughtered halfway. Because the Mongolian people were afraid, they didn't want our tribe to be strong, so they used such cruel methods to slaughter our tribe. If this continues... within three days In ten years our tribe will disappear from this world."

He looked at Fang Jie and asked word by word, "Do you think we shouldn't fight?"

"What's your name?" Fang Jie asked.

"Wan Yan Li Yao." The Beiliao man replied.

"Okay, Wanyan Liyao... Can you people from Beiliao know how to forge iron?"

"Of course! The scimitars in the hands of our tribal warriors are sharper than the knives in the hands of Mongolian wolf riders! But...we don't have iron. So we don't have enough weapons, and we don't have enough feather arrows to resist the Mengyuan people's attack Wolf riding."

"There will be."

Fang Jie smiled, and said in a low voice, "An Xin lives here. If there are no accidents, it won't take long before you will be taken to a very large city. There will be people who are much higher than me Maybe it's a good thing for you when adults talk to you."

"at last… "

Fang Jie said gently: "My general said, let me thank you for your horse."

"You're welcome."

Wanyan Liyao spread his hands indifferently: "What the Beiliao people lack most is iron and salt, and the most important thing is good war horses! And in this world, only us Beiliao people have cold-resistant war horses. I don't know Have you heard of one thing... The reason why the Mengyuan people always want to destroy my people is because the cold cavalry of our Beiliao people is the only cavalry that can rush to the foot of the Daxue Mountain, so the people of Fozong do not allow it We have such strength. Fozong...that is a group of demons!"

Fang Jie nodded, turned and left.

At this moment, in the private room on the second floor of Hongxiu Building.

"You came."

Crow's feet can already be seen on the corners of her eyes, but her face is still fascinating, Mrs. Xi looks at the man in front of her and speaks. There is no doubt that this is nonsense. Aunt Xi, who couldn't tell her exact age, had a calm face, but her heart fluctuated much more than usual.

The still towering breasts are dazzling, full of the charm of a mature woman.

"I have to go, so come first."

"Going again? Where are you going?"

"The most mysterious place in time."

The man in the green shirt smiled faintly and said: "I always have to go, otherwise it will be a pity."

Aunt Xi was stunned, and a tear stream slowly flowed from the corner of her eyes: "Do you have any other regrets?"

Sad and helpless.

"If those dangerous places can't keep me, I will come back and look for you."