Conquer the World

Chapter 79: fat ball


Luo Sanlang didn't quite remember how he returned to his own people. He tried his best to avoid everyone, enduring the pain, humiliation, and the urge to cry and curse. In the barracks, he took off the clothes from a corpse and put them on indiscriminately. Because his right hand was disabled, getting dressed became a very difficult task for him.

Then he wrapped a strip of cloth around his head, and put on his leather helmet.

Fortunately, there are horses.

He didn't dare to meet Luo Wen directly, he found Luo Erlang first.

Luo Erlang is not his own brother, they don't have their own names, they can be given any name given by the owner, his name is Luo Sanlang, because he ranks third among the group of slaves in terms of age. Luo Erlang was startled when he saw Luo Sanlang take off his helmet, and then a murderous fire appeared in his eyes.

"I'll take someone back to deal with the corpse first. That kid said something right. We can't make trouble for the young master at this juncture. If it affects the young master's future, we will be finished. The young master is facing the saint, so there is no way to tell him. .You rest first and find someone to bandage the wound. I will take someone there and talk about it when I come back."

Luo Sanlang had no other ideas, so he had to find a place to hide first and let someone reapply the wound medicine to bandage him.

Luo Erlang rushed back with other slaves to dispose of the corpse and the traces left in the barracks. He knew that this matter must not be exposed. Once others found out, especially if Yu Xiao and Li Fubo, who had fallen into a disadvantage today, found out, they would definitely expose the matter at all costs.

Their Mr. Luo stinks, and those two benefited the most. And in terms of family power, whether it is the Yu family or the Li family, they have nothing to fear from the Luo family.

What's more, if the general Luo Yao knew about this matter, based on Luo Erlang's understanding of the general, he knew what would happen to himself and those slaves. The general is dignified and strict, even the servants at home are restrained by military law. How can the young master do something wrong? The general will at most scold and beat him, what else can he do? But these statusless slaves are worse than the lives of dogs.

Just when Luo Erlang was worried and led his people back to the military camp to clean up the mess, Fang Jie, who killed more than a dozen people but calmly seemed to have just broken a flower and caught a grasshopper, was thinking about his way out. For him, there is no fear or resistance to murder. The reason why he said that he broke a flower and caught a grasshopper is because it is a very small thing, not worth mentioning. But these two small things can make people a little happy.

Killing the person who wants to kill himself will inevitably make him feel a little happy.

Fang Jie, who was galloping on horseback, arrived not far from Tucheng, left his horse in the woods, and then, under the cover of terrain and weeds, rushed out of Tucheng with his waist lowered and his body lowered. The battle is over, and no one pays attention to whether there are still people outside who want to sneak in. The soldiers in Tucheng were reorganizing their ranks. More than 2,000 Youzuowei soldiers had completed their mission and were about to evacuate and return to their garrison in the imperial capital.

Fang Jie leaned against the gate of Tucheng and looked inside, and found that the teams inside the city were already gathering. He cautiously visited for a while, and found that no one was paying attention to this side, and then sneaked into the Tucheng.

Just as he was about to dive towards the crowd, he suddenly heard someone yelling, "Stop!"

Fang Jie subconsciously stopped, and put his hand very close to the horizontal knife at his waist. Then he turned around slowly, looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw a fat captain coming out from behind an earthen wall. While arranging his clothes, he stared at Fang Jie and asked, "Which team do you belong to? Why are you running around? The team will be heading back to the camp soon. It’s time to leave yourself here and never go back again!”

Just as Fang Jie was about to make up a lie, the fat captain asked again: "I can't hold it anymore, pee?"


Fang Jie nodded vigorously.

"Go back and join the ranks! You surprised me by sneaking out, and almost held back half of the urine! Damn... I peed all over my pants against the wind..."

The fat captain waved his hand, his expression slightly angry.

Fang Jie quickly apologized, and then ran towards the team assembly as if he had received an amnesty. He didn't have time to worry about it so much, he pressed down the leather helmet on top of his head, then got into the line with his head down, and found a place to stand. The fat captain tidied up his clothes, took a glance and didn't notice where the little soldier went just now, and he didn't care, discussed with a few captains and then reported to the other general that the team had assembled.

Bie, the leader of the army, hummed, waved and ordered: "General's order, after the task of defending the Tucheng, set off and go back to the camp immediately. The captains of each regiment check the number of people, don't be short of people."

Hearing this sentence, Fang Jie was startled, afraid that several school captains would roll their names one by one. Unexpectedly, those school captains didn't count the number of people at all, walked around symbolically and then announced the team's departure. Fang Jie heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and thanked all the captains for being lazy.

But later he thought that it wasn't because those captains were lazy, but because Tai Sui's soldiers were of extremely high quality. Counting the number of people is just a routine, and there is no need to pay special attention to it. Those captains and that other general didn't even think about whether there would be fewer people in their team. Under their habitual thinking, they would not even notice that there was one more person in the team. This is self-confidence, and it is also the trust of the soldiers under the opponent.

It takes at least an hour to walk from the Martial Arts Field to the Imperial Capital. It will take at least an hour to enter the imperial capital and then walk to You Xiaowei's camp. Therefore, the other generals who led the army did not dare to delay, for fear that the gate of Chang'an would be closed in the dark. The team set off quickly, almost trotting forward.

Along the way, he kept his head down and ran with the team, Fang Xie carefully filtered what happened today in his mind. The few people who led him to the martial arts field could not be said to be officials from the Ministry of War or not pretending to be. And they didn't use the carriage of the Ministry of War because they were afraid of revealing their identities in front of others.

Therefore, the person who wants to kill himself must be a member of the Ministry of War.

But after he arrived in Chang'an, he never offended anyone from the Ministry of War at all

When he went to go through the formalities at the Yamen of the Ministry of War, he accompanied him carefully and with humility. Although no copper coin was stuffed in, it didn't make things difficult. After the letter of recommendation from the frontier army was verified, the seal of the Ministry of War was used, and the Ministry of War's verification was obtained very smoothly. Fang Xie knew that Mr. Zhuo must have helped.

Because of this, he couldn't figure out why someone in the Ministry of War wanted to kill him. He only entered the Yamen of the Ministry of War once, and he had no contact with the people of the Ministry of War after that. And with the help of Mr. Zhuo, the officials of the Ministry of War shouldn't make things difficult for him.

Trot all the way and think all the way.

Fang Jie still couldn't figure out much, but there were two things he could be sure of. First, he hadn't offended anyone since he arrived in the imperial capital. Second, if you have to get involved with the people in the Ministry of War, then you must have something to do with Fan Gu's matter. When Fang Jie thought of this, his mind was moved, and he thought, could it have something to do with those military officials who died in Fan Gu? Could it be that the people from the Ministry of War found out about his murder

My heart froze.

Fang Xie knew that his life in the imperial capital would not be peaceful.

Thinking along this line of thought, Fang Xie's mind became clearer and clearer. The people in the military department wanted to kill him, but because of Mr. Zhuo, or other reasons, those people didn't dare to attack him blatantly, and even didn't dare to take away his qualification to take the Yanwu Academy exam, so they had to play tricks behind his back .

Introduce him to the martial arts arena and kill him with a knife.

There is no doubt that Luo Wen is an extremely sharp knife borrowed by the people from the Ministry of War. If Fang Jie hadn't intended to trust Luo Wen from the beginning, he might have died here for no apparent reason. Based on his understanding of the children of those aristocratic families, he knew that Luo Wen would definitely not be able to tolerate himself after winning the first place.

It was Fang Xie who came up with the idea of uniting two other people to break the Tucheng. Luo Wen relied on this superior, and he would never allow this matter to spread, so he must kill Fang Xie. When Fang Jie gave Luo Wen an idea, he thought of this level. Members of the family never cared about the life and death of an unknown person.

Especially a nobody of unknown origin.

After Luo Wen left with his troops, Fang Jie began to make arrangements. There is no shortage of weapons in the barracks, and it is really not difficult for the solution to kill the opponent with these weapons.

When I thought of this, I couldn't guess anything more carefully. He stopped thinking in this direction, and began to calculate how to get out.

He might be recognized at any time along the way as not being a soldier of You Xiaowei, let alone returning to the camp? I'm afraid that after entering the camp, the soldiers of each team returned to their tents, and Fang Xie would have nowhere to hide. So if he wanted to escape, he could only find a way on the way back to Chang'an City.

Fang Jie began to deliberately slow down, not to be too slow. Instead, slowly slow down, so that the people behind gradually surpass themselves. This process was very slow, and it took half an hour for him to successfully reach the back of the line. What I have to say is that the soldiers of You Xiaowei are of excellent quality. They ran all the way like this, and when they went out for nearly ten miles, none of them fell behind because of fatigue.

Of course, Fang Jie will definitely fall behind.

After the team marched another five miles forward, no one paid any attention to Fang Jie, who deliberately fell to the rear. He started to run sideways, and when he reached the side of the official road, he quickly plunged into the grass in the deep ditch beside the road. In order to drain the stagnant water, ditches must be dug on both sides of the official road. When the grass was thick, Fang Jie rolled down to find the most lush place and quickly burrowed in.

Through the grass, Fang Xie slowly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the team was drifting away and no one noticed that he had fallen behind. Then he lay down on the soft grass and stretched his body vigorously.

I touched the wound on my right arm and it hurts.

Looking at his injuries, he couldn't help thinking of what Mu Xiaoyao said to him before entering the city: "I can't see the strength of the old cripple, but I know he must be good at using his left hand. His left hand has far stronger energy flow." In the right hand, if you have to deal with him, you have to be careful with his left hand."

Fang Jie likes to use a knife, so he can also see the callus on the old lame man's left palm.

But Fang Jie would not tell anyone that breaking his right arm was not just for training the old cripple's left-handed sword.

Fang Jie waited in the grass until the team of You Xiaowei disappeared from his sight before he dared to stand up. He looked at the battle clothes of You Xiaowei on his body and couldn't help frowning.

Just when he was a little worried about how to enter Chang'an, he suddenly saw another group of people marching on the official road. He quickly hid in the dark, fearing that some important person from the imperial court returned to the city from the martial arts field. He felt a little relieved when the team got close. That series of six or seven horse-drawn carriages with a hundred people did not seem to be from the government.

The first ones were a dozen or so people riding tall horses, not wearing official uniforms, but they were quite imposing in fresh clothes and angry horses. Because of the lack of horses in the Sui Dynasty, those who can ride tall horses must have imperial backgrounds even if they are not members of the army or the government. Because ordinary wealthy businessmen would never dare to be so ostentatious.

Fang Jie, who was hiding in the grass, did not dare to move. When the carriage arrived, he noticed a sky-blue flag planted on it. It is on every carriage, with a row of big red characters embroidered on it.

The world of goods.

Fang Jie's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but smile. The one who dared to raise the flag didn't know which firm it was, but it was such a big tone!

The world of goods, these four words are extremely popular.

Just when his mocking eyes fell on the flag, he suddenly felt something strange around him. He grasped the handle of the horizontal knife almost instantly, and when he looked sideways, he found a fat middle-aged man who had almost turned into a ball squatting beside him at some point.

This fat man in a moon-white robe, but the front and back were soaked in sweat was staring at him in surprise.

It was so sudden that this fat man quietly appeared less than one meter away from Fang Jie!

Fang Jie had no doubt that if this fat ball wanted to kill him, he would have turned into a dead body without feeling it at all.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Jie's eyes widened in shock at what he saw clearly.

The fat ball crouched beside him, on the blade of a weed.

The weeds swayed gently with the breeze, and the fat ball swayed gently with the weeds!

Big dog is a master of lightness kung fu, but if compared with this fat ball, big dog's lightness kung fu is not worth mentioning at all! Such a heavy body is squatting on a blade of grass, and it can even swing with the wind without any sense of disobedience!

Fang Xie couldn't help but crawled backwards, stared at the fat man and asked, "Ghost?"

In anyone's common sense, people can't do this. Ghost talent is lighter than fallen leaves.