Conquer the World

Chapter 83: Never be reborn


Although the courtyard of the Ouchi Guard Office is very large, taking up almost one-sixth of the Taiji Palace, there are no more than five people who are eligible to live alone in a small courtyard in this large courtyard. Since the return of the deputy commander who lost his arm, Meng Wudi has been recuperating at home. Although his official career has not been broken, it is as difficult as going to the sky to go further.

Commander Luo Weiran didn't kill him, maybe he was still thinking about some old love. But this incident is the stain on Meng Wudi that will never be erased, Luo Weiran can no longer regard him as a confidant.

Therefore, the lonely courtyards in the front yard of the Ouchi Guard Office, which seemed a bit empty at first, seemed a little lonely after the loss of Meng Wudi. But what made people a little surprised was that the courtyard that Meng Wudi vacated was occupied by someone not long after.

It might not be shocking that Meng Wudi's yard was occupied by someone else, but what was surprising was the identity of the person who lived in it.

You must know that the person who can live alone in a courtyard in the Ouchi Guards Office is the most disadvantaged person is Meng Wudi, the deputy commander of the Ouchi Guards Office.

But the new owner of this small courtyard is just a thousand households.

According to the internal level of the Ouchi Guard Office, Qianhu's status is already very high. But it is by no means to the point of being able to have such a privilege, at least... none of the other six thousand households in the Ouchi Guard Office have such a privilege.

This person is also the first female thousand household in the history of Ouchi Guards.

Her name spread throughout the guards' office almost the moment she moved into the courtyard. Everyone, including the people in the backyard, was shocked, and then deeply remembered this woman's name in their hearts—Mu Xiaoyao.

If the people at Ouchi's guard knew that she was only at the fifth rank, they would be even more shocked.

Since Mu Xiaoyao lived in this small courtyard, the layout and decoration of the courtyard have changed. The previously luxurious items have been cleared out, leaving only a bookshelf, a desk and a few chairs. The calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall were replaced by a bright red dress, eye-catching and enchanting.

This dress was Mu Xiaoyao's signature dress before she entered the guard's office. She has many such clothes, all of which are exactly the same style. Maybe she is the only one who remembers that when she put on such a long skirt for the first time, a certain boy stared at it so hard that his eyes were drooling.

He is not stingy with words of praise, but what Mu Xiaoyao remembers is only his eyes.

The red dress hanging on the wall was the one she wore on the day she and Fang Jiefang parted ways.

After most of the five items in the room were cleaned out, it looked a bit empty, even crude. Such an arrangement is obviously not in line with the status represented by this small courtyard, and even looking at the things that have been cleared out makes others feel inexplicably sad that the tea will be cold as soon as they leave.

But Mu Xiaoyao didn't care about these things, and she didn't even think about whether she seemed a little ruthless. There was nothing in the house that she liked, so there was no need to keep it. She didn't even bother to think about what Meng Wudi, who was recuperating at home, thought.

Sitting on the chair, Mu Xiaoyao stared at the red dress on the wall in such a daze that she didn't even notice that Mr. Zhuo walked into the yard slowly.

I don't know if she really didn't perceive it, or if she already knew that the person who came was Zhuo Buyi.

After entering the room, Zhuo Buyi glanced at it, then couldn't help shaking his head slightly. The woman in front of him who was sitting in a daze on the chair was too maverick, completely ignoring many taboos in the officialdom. Such a person, especially a woman, if there is no support behind him, his fate is likely to be bleak.

If Meng Wudi knew that his belongings had been cleared out, the hatred in his heart would be so strong that he couldn't get rid of it. Although he has lost power, he is still the deputy commander of Ouchi's bodyguard department after all. If he fought to the death for this matter, even Luo Weiran couldn't stand by Mu Xiaoyao's side.

She is just a thousand households, and she is also a thousand households with very low strength.

"Your friend… "

Zhuo Buyi opened his mouth, hesitating how to continue. But Mu Xiaoyao's reaction surprised him a bit. This indifferent looking woman suddenly turned her head and asked eagerly, "What's wrong with him?"

"not him… "

Zhuo Buyi shook his head, sat down on the chair opposite Mu Xiaoyao, and said in a deep voice, "Before you went to see Fang Jie yesterday, I told you that the person who tricked Fang Jie out of Chang'an might really be the Ministry of War." Some people in the Ministry of War want to get rid of Fang Xie. Your commander in Fan Gu has suppressed you. At this time, there are still people who will not let Fang Xie go... I think it is not the intention of Yu Donglai, the servant of the Ministry of War. He is a person who can see the overall situation and smell the clues, so he will not add chaos to the Ministry of War or His Majesty at this time."

"It's easy to find out. You only need to find out who in the Ministry of War has something to do with you. If you are not directly related to you, find out who has something to do with the border town of Fan Gu. The most complicated thing is just to check. Who has anything to do with Li Xiaozong and Li Yuanshan? But back then, His Majesty massacred the Ministry of War, and those who were connected with Li Yuanshan, including the Minister Hou Junci, were all beheaded... "

Zhuo Buyi sighed and said: "I said, don't rush to do anything, I will investigate this matter, and I will try to solve it after I find out. But your missing friend obviously did too much... Last night ... Someone broke into the military department's office, killed through the triple gate in one breath, and beheaded 104 people, including three seventh-rank and eighth-rank masters. The person who broke into the military department was also seriously injured. The ninth-rank powerhouses who went there fled, but it is estimated that it is more or less ominous."

Mu Xiaoyao stood up abruptly, and after a few seconds of silence, she said firmly, "I'm going to see Fang Jie."

"I can't hold back this matter for long."

Zhuo Buyi shook his head and signaled her to sit down: "I didn't say anything about the Commander and the Peacekeeper. But it's not too difficult for the two of them to find out who it is. If you My friend died, so I went to tell the commander about it, and I just found an excuse to prevaricate it. It can even be said that the Jianghu people hate the court, and it is also possible to say that it is the revenge of the Mongolian people, as long as your majesty is willing to believe it. But she If he is not dead, the Ouchi guards are not the only ones staring at this matter."

"Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and people from the Ministry of Military Affairs are all investigating. For this reason, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment dispatched a large number of experts. Chang'an City is very large, but they can't handle the cleaning and investigation like plowing."

Mu Xiaoyao's eyes froze slightly, and she looked at Zhuo Buyi and asked word by word: "What do you mean, Mr. Shen Qingshan must die?"

Zhuo Buyi didn't answer, but nodded.

Mu Xiaoyao sneered, turned around and walked out the door: "Sir, I made a mistake just now. Shen Qingfan is not my friend, but my opponent... But even so, if someone wants to kill her, then kill her first." Me. Even if there is no harmony between us, we are still family members."

She stopped in her tracks and didn't look back: "If you want to arrest me, please wait until I see Fang Jie. The grievances and grievances between us are our business, but death... I would rather die together. I think ...Fang Xie would think the same way."

She walked away without any hesitation.

Looking at her back, Zhuo Buyi couldn't help laughing wryly, shaking his head in self-deprecating way: "With such a temperament, sooner or later, he will suffer a lot."

"You really value her, have you moved your mind?"

someone asked.

Zhuo Buyi was not surprised at all, although Mu Xiaoyao was the only one in the room before he entered the small courtyard. And the man who spoke came out of the house.

"She will become a peak powerhouse, give me time."

He said.

The person who came out of the house picked a peach from the peach tree in the small yard, took out a clean white handkerchief, wiped it, and took a bite.

Sour and astringent, these two strong flavors make people frown.

But the man who eats the green peach doesn't care, he chews it carefully and even with relish.

"You know, I won't help her just because of your empty words. I can't see anything that is good for our Ouchi guards. Even if she is the person you like, I won't help. If something happens to me in the future If anything threatens Ouchi's bodyguard, you can eradicate me without hesitation. Likewise... "

The man looked at Zhuo Buyi and said seriously: "Don't let the Ouchi Guards fall into a passive position. This matter is too big, and no one can bear His Majesty's anger."

"However... I will tell His Majesty within three days. I haven't found out what's going on yet. But three days at most, because Hou Wenji only gave me three days of face."

He turned and walked away, walking slowly.

Luo Weiran didn't know when he appeared in this small courtyard, or even in the house. Maybe before Mu Xiaoyao left, he was already in this small courtyard or even in the house. Or, when she was sitting on the chair staring at the red dress in a daze, he stood behind her and looked at her.

Mu Xiaoyao left, so she didn't know that this man had been here. If she knew, apart from the horrifying fear, it would have dealt a greater blow to her self-confidence.

Changchun Garden.

The green and tree-lined garden is full of beautiful scenery everywhere, because the emperor, who was a little restless in his heart, walked out of the study and walked along the stone steps. The wind blowing through the forest brought a refreshing feeling to his body, which made him feel much calmer in his heart.

Su Buwei, the eunuch who held the pen in the imperial study room, followed carefully, step by step.

The emperor walked to the edge of the rockery, looked at the sixteen characters engraved on it, the height of the mountain is dangerous, the top is difficult, the difficulty is difficult, the steps are steady, and he frowned slightly, suddenly felt that it was necessary for people to write these sixteen characters Chisel off, looking at the heart is even more annoying. But after taking three steps forward, his expression froze for a moment, and his frowning brows eased a lot.

Behind the rockery is a lotus pond, which is a good time for the lotus to bloom. The lotus blossoms in the green pool are pleasing to the eye.

"Su Buwei!"

"The servant is here!"

Su Buwei hurriedly stepped forward, bowed his body and waited for the emperor's order.

"Tomorrow, I will find a craftsman to change the sixteen characters on the rockery... Just change the last two characters. The four characters are not good. Sometimes you want to be too stable and you become cowardly."

"Change it to what?" Su Buwei asked.

"The last two characters should be Shenglian."

After the emperor gave his orders, he looked back at the rockery, and walked forward.

Lotus grows step by step.

Su Buwei didn't understand what this word meant.

The Changchun Garden is very large, and the emperor is very busy. Since the garden was built, the emperor has never looked at it carefully. Looking out from the study, you can only see the rockery, but not the lotus pond behind. If he didn't want to go out for a walk today, he would still not know that there is a cave behind the rocks, so he felt a little emotional. He has been working hard like walking on thin ice for the past eleven years, and he has come to this garden every year to escape the summer heat, but he doesn't know what the garden looks like.

"Your Majesty..."

Su Buwei glanced back, saw Luo Weiran, the commander of Ouchi's bodyguard, catching up and quickly reminded: "You called Luo Weiran, he has already arrived."


The emperor hummed, walked slowly into a gazebo and sat down. On one side of the pavilion is the lotus pond, with rippling blue waves, and the pink dotted in the emerald green is particularly eye-catching. The emperor even had an urge to paint this beautiful scenery, and then realized that he hadn't touched a brush for four or five years. When I first ascended the throne, I would occasionally paint a favorite landscape in the imperial study for meditation. After the throne was stabilized, I didn't touch the brush and ink again.

The methods I used to meditate in the past don't seem to work anymore.

"His Majesty."

Luo Weiran walked quickly to the outside of the pavilion, and kowtowed respectfully.

"Get up, you have a lot of things to do, let's make a long story short... what do you think about the case of the Ministry of War being almost killed by someone. Although I handed over the matter to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, those people In terms of experience, no one can match you. You have also been to the Ministry of Military Affairs for an autopsy, can you tell what is the origin of the person who made the move?"

Luo Weiran was silent, and the emperor looked a little displeased after glancing at him.

"I think..."

Luo Weiran took a deep breath, lowered his head and said word by word: "It should be the assassin sent by the Mongolian Yuan Empire."

This answer was obviously a lie, but the emperor nodded in satisfaction.

"What's the reason?"

asked the emperor.

"The people of the Northern Liao Dynasty wanted to be ministers to His Majesty. The people of Mengyuan were naturally unhappy, so they sent troops to attack the border city of Fangu, but were defeated by Li Yuanshan, the general of You Xiaowei. The bandits of Mengyuan were unwilling, so they sent peerless masters Sneaking into the Ministry of War in an attempt to steal the map of the Great Sui frontier army's defense, and stealing the map is naturally to launch troops against the Great Sui. After the masters of Meng Yuan sneaked into the Ministry of War, they were noticed by the military officer on duty. In the scuffle, the Ministry of War lost more than a hundred people , but also killed and injured the masters sent by Meng Yuan, and prevented the people of Meng Yuan from stealing the map."

When saying these words, Luo Weiran's body trembled slightly.

He was betting, and when he looked up and saw a slight smile on the corner of His Majesty's mouth, he knew he was right, and His Majesty needed such a reason now.

But soon, the smile on the corner of the emperor's mouth disappeared.

The emperor stood up and stood with his hands behind his back.

"Luo Weiran, the truth you answered is very good, and I am very satisfied. But this truth is for the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty and for the people of the Sui Dynasty, not for me. The truth found out by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment will also be the same ... But, what I want is more than this. If you can't find out who broke into the military department at night and started killing within seven days, I will withdraw your commander of the Ouchi Guard Office. Not only you... Hou Wenji's town Don't do it, Fushi."

The emperor turned his head to look at Luo Weiran and said in a majestic tone: "The Great Sui has established the country for a hundred years, and there has never been such a shameful thing. The yamen of the Ministry of War was washed by blood... I want to know what kind of people have great influence on the Ministry of War Hatred is the only way to take risks. If it was done by the people of the Sui Dynasty, then besides being angry, I will be sad."

"What I want is not only the murderer, but also whether there are any dirty things hidden in the Ministry of War."

He raised his head and looked up at the blue sky.

"Whoever prevents me from doing what I want to do at this time, I will let him never be reborn forever."