Conquer the World

Chapter 96: Three people you should remember


"I know that Master Luo of Red Sleeves has taught you some skills. His Majesty had a good impression of you when you entered Changchun Garden last time, but this does not mean that you are guaranteed to enter Yanwuyuan. Since you are also from the army of the Sui Dynasty, Then you naturally know that Dean Zhou of the Martial Arts Academy is a very strange and special person. His Majesty likes it, but he may not like it. As for the affairs of the Martial Arts Academy... Your Majesty will never interfere too much."

Wu Yidao beckoned to the servant girl to come over to exchange tea. The pot of the single branch Dahongpao was about to be poured out after only three additions of water. I have to say that the life of the richest man is too extravagant. Wuyishan Dahongpao claims to brew nine times without losing the fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus. Such an expensive tea is only brewed three times before being thrown away, so the corner of Fang Xie's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Wu Yidao didn't care about his small gesture, and smiled and said, "I'm also reluctant, because I bought it for real money. But after a person reaches a certain height, many things are beyond his control, even if he pretends to be very free and easy. For example, drinking tea, if people know that I have really brewed a pot of tea nine times, it will immediately provoke a lot of ridicule.”

He stood up and walked to the lotus pond and took a deep breath of the moist air. He wanted to say something, but suddenly remembered that Fang Jie had urinated not far away, so he immediately turned around and walked back: "I Never afraid of ridicule, but my business is afraid. You can imagine that at my stage, any bad news can affect my business... For example, if I really brew this pot of tea nine times before throwing it away , someone will immediately conjecture seriously and swear that I don’t have much money in my hand, otherwise I wouldn’t be so stingy.”

"Then what?"

He asked Fang Jie.

Fang Jie didn't even have to think to answer: "Then those who gave you the goods and haven't received the payment will immediately come to try them out. It's okay to try, but there will always be some stupid people who will believe rumors. When there are more and more stupid people, even No matter how powerful Hutong Tianxia is, it can’t help digging out like ants digging a hole, the most fearful thing... is that the ants dig too much, and the embankment will be crumbling when a wave hits it.”


Wu Yiyi smiled, pointed to his yard and said, "I have a title now, so I have to keep a low profile. But the low profile depends on where it is. It is beneficial and harmless to be able to elevate your posture a little bit on trivial matters. .”

Fang Jie nodded and said, "Actually, I've always thought that businessmen are scary."


Wu asked together.

"It seems that the businessman's status in the Sui Dynasty was not high. When they meet on a narrow road, even if they meet a poor farmer, the businessman has to give way. But this is a matter on the bright side. In the dark, the businessman has a lot of means to make this Farmers die without a place to die."

"That's too dark a word."

Wu Yiyi shook his head slightly, not wanting to get entangled in this topic: "I heard that you don't know how to coax even the most respected academicians in the imperial court. When the university scholar Zhuang Chuyu tasted tea together, these two adults were full of praise for you."

"Pure literati are much cuter than pure officials."

Fang Jie said with a smile.

"Why is your way of looking at people and things always so dark..."

Wu Yiyi rolled his eyes at him and said, "But you're right. Although those few university scholars are all from famous families, and they are so arrogant in their bones, it makes people uncomfortable. But they don't care about the difference in family status the least in the officialdom. Many people say that literati are inferior to each other... Not all of them are like this. Those few bachelors have no need to compete with others when they reach their height. So they can tolerate people, and they can tolerate others, and they also like to attract young talents to their own sects, which is called to teach and promote young and promising young students, but in fact, it is also for themselves. "

He smiled and said: "You haven't seen how boring the flirtatious scene is when a few great scholars sit together and have more disciples than the one who has more disciples. The one with fewer disciples is bigger than the disciple officer. However, if the disciple is promising, it is better than the disciple's talent, and in the end, the face is red and the face is red, and I wish I could fight with a crutch."

"But one thing..."

Wu Yidao concluded: "They are tolerant of others, and they are willing to show their tolerance to help rising stars. But they can't tolerate young people climbing on their own heads before they die. Of course, if there is a way, they don't even want to die themselves Someone climbed on top of them in the end. So... no matter how powerful you are in the future, you must show enough humility and respect to them. It seems powerless, but the biggest capital in the hands of the Grand Scholars is the number of disciples... Who doesn't Have you ever been a servant of Shangshu? Haven't you been a general?"

"Thank you!"

Fang Jie bowed sincerely.

Wu Yiyi waved his hand and said, "It's just that I'm in a good mood today, so I chatted with you for a few words. If you thank you in such a serious manner, it would be boring. I don't charge you for buying news and knowledge, and you don't need to Say thank you, of course, if you really feel sorry and insist on giving me money, even if it's just one tael, I'm sure I won't dislike it."

Fang Jie smiled, feeling warm in his heart. Although he knew that a businessman like Wu Yidao, who could become the richest man in the Sui Dynasty, would never waste time talking to a worthless unknown junior, but Wu Yidao's previous words were intentionally or unintentionally mentioning him, this is human favor.

"Besides, I'm a businessman."

Wu Yiyi said with a smile: "I only care about profits, and I tell you so much because I think you have a future. Giving favors in advance is more beneficial than getting favors later when you become prosperous. Although talking with you now is not a timely gift, it is better than ever. The icing on the cake for a few years makes it easy for you to remember my goodness."

Honesty, a rare honesty in a businessman.

"It may not be as you said, soaring to the top."

Fang Jie gave a realistic answer.


Wu Yiyi gave him a blank look, smiled and asked, "Do you know what is the biggest secret of my success?"

Wu Yiyi mentioned this topic when chatting with Fang Jie before, and Fang Jie remembered it. Wu Yidao once said that he lost his money in business three times. Later, he no longer believed in his feelings, but gradually made his fortune by relying on the experience of failure and more observation and more thinking.

"Is it eyesight?"

Fang Jie tentatively answered.


Wu Yiyi said with a smile: "Spread more nets and form good relationships. Who knows which one of the nets you cast will catch big fish? It doesn't require much investment, and there may be big gains. The more you do, the better. Don't be disgusted. Trouble, don't think that the young man is poor... Even if the young man is really poor all his life, he still thinks of me, doesn't he? For example, today, I didn't give you a copper coin, and I didn't bet on you. I just chatted with you. It’s not much investment, but it may be rewarding. So I will never be stingy with the time I spend talking with young people, and now four of the nine big shopkeepers of Hutong Tianxia are the ones I talked about.”

Wu Yinyu hated her so much that her teeth itch. When she first met Fang Jie outside Chang'an City, she felt that this young man was a little unusual, so she was inevitably curious, and even wanted to play with him for some fun. After returning to the imperial capital, he had no contact with this young man, and she also had troubles, so she forgot about Fang Jie.

But today, she was really irritated by the boy's piss.

Thinking of the lotus pond, she turned up from her stomach. In the future, she will no longer be able to take off her shoes and go barefoot in the pond to touch fish and shrimps, which annoys her who has no fun in the first place. The more I think about it, the more disgusting I become, and the more I think about it, the more angry I become.

Fourteen or fifteen-year-old girls are still at the age of not acting rationally. What's more, how could such a spoiled young lady like her bear her temper


Sitting on the edge of the bed, she bit her lip and asked, "Is there any leftover laxative we gave that prodigal son of Yuyanghou last time? It's that stupid idiot who came to visit me last time and chased after me endlessly. .”

"There seems to be some... miss, what are you doing?"

"In a while, you go and send some snacks to father and the others, and put the laxatives in."


Du Juan exclaimed: "Then even the master has been given medicine?!"


Wu Yinyu pouted and said, "Father only eats dim sum with a slightly salty taste, and never eats desserts. For the dim sum that will be delivered later, just take sweet ones, the sweeter the better."

"I forgot!"

Du Juan was also annoyed by Fang Jie's rogue behavior of urinating in the lotus pond, and hit it off with Miss Wu Yinyu. The two little girls acted immediately, Du Juan went to the kitchen to get dessert, and Wu Yinyu smashed the laxative that Du Juan had found with a small hammer. When Du Juan came back panting with a plate of desserts, the two little girls looked at the powder on the table and laughed evilly.

Wu Yinyu closed her eyes, her mind was full of images of that bastard rushing into the toilet one after another.

By the lotus pond.

Wu Yidao pointed to the sky and explained to the other party: "The sky you saw in Fangu City is superficially the same as the sky you saw in the imperial capital. But what you should understand is that in Fangu, the sky is very high. , but in the imperial capital, the sky is definitely not as high as it seems, maybe given you a chance, you can touch the sky and skyrocket. But in Fan Gu, even if you stand on the city wall, you can’t touch it.”

"But... just because you may be able to touch the sky, it is very dangerous. One moment the sky is still blue, and the next moment it may be cloudy and thunderstorms. If you stand tall, you must first stabilize the foundation so that you will not fall. "

"The Academy of Martial Arts is a piece of your foundation."

Wu Yiyi turned around to look at Fang Jie and said, "Don't waste it."

He pondered for a while and said: "I won't spend money to bribe the examiners to lead you through. Everyone knows that the professors and examiners of the Yanwu Academy are incorruptible, but I know that the people in the Yanwu Academy are not honest at all. The charge is more ruthless than anyone else... Of course, there is a big difference between the money received by the Yanwu Academy and the money collected by corrupt officials. You know that the people recommended by each city have no real skills in seven or eight. They add some capital to show off, so they don't bother to travel thousands of miles to be angry."

"It is precisely because many people want to go around in the Yanwu Academy to increase their fame and qualifications they will need in the future, so there are not a few people who give money. The Zhou Yuanzi of the Yanwu Academy will never refuse the money delivered to the door secretly. Who gave it? He is not stingy about opening a back door to let in. It is said... His Majesty likes Zhou Yuanzi's approach very much, because Zhou Yuanzi will give the money to His Majesty intact. I guess, the large amount will make His Majesty smile."

"Even if I'm rich, even if I appreciate you, it's not to the point where I'm willing to give you tens of thousands of taels of silver. I can't help you much. Telling you who is worth noting is one of them."

He sat down and said in a gentle tone: "First, you have to establish a good relationship with the people recommended by the same military department. Most of these people come from humble backgrounds, so they are very united. Once you build a good relationship with them, it will be of great help to you in the future. There are three most noteworthy candidates for this year's Army Martial Arts Institute, at least they seem to be far more brilliant than you in terms of reported materials."

"Wang Wei, the commander of the frontier army of Baishui City. It is said that he already has a cultivation base of the fourth grade. If it is not because of his bad background, he should be a school lieutenant at the worst. Baishui City is located in the southern border, and there are many barbarians there. The people are violent and savage, they don’t obey their teachings, and there are people who make trouble every year. Wang Wei’s name is gentle, but he acts decisively and fiercely. Since he became the brigade leader for the past two years, he has led his troops to slaughter several villages that don’t obey discipline every year. Forget it. Baishui City is under the jurisdiction of Yong County, so he is considered a member of Luo Yao, the left avant-garde general."

"Crazy, the army is at the edge of Anyuan City. This person seems to be much gentler than Wang Wei, but you have to remember one thing... Anyuan City is in the northeast of the empire. On one side is the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and on the other side is the territory of the northern barbarians. The northern barbarians are much more savage than the people in the northern Liao land. There is Khan Wanyanyong as the commander in the northern Liao land, but the northern barbarians do not have a unified affiliation, just like a group of wild animals. Zhang Kuang once lived in a tribe of the northern barbarians For a few years, he even married the daughter of the leader of the northern barbarian tribe. After gaining the trust of the northern barbarians, he immediately led the frontier army to kill them. Ten thousand people were killed in World War I, and the frontier of the northern land was stable for two years. The last time the Martial Arts Institute During the exam, he was still living cautiously with the northern barbarians, so he didn't catch up."

"The leader of the northern barbarian tribe and his northern barbarian wife were both killed by him."

Wu Yidao added a sentence and continued: "Don't wash the knife, the scout team of Fenghuangtai, a border city in the eastern border, is of the same origin as you. The difference is that his credit is much greater than yours. Two years ago, A general of the Eastern Chu State planned to lead his troops to attack the Phoenix Terrace because of his hatred for the Sui Dynasty. Somehow the guard of the Phoenix Terrace got the news and sent Mo Xidao to infiltrate into the Eastern Chu to investigate."

"As a result, after he went there, he killed a hundred and sixteen people of that Eastern Chu general in one night. In the next thirteen days, he managed to escape from countless pursuers and even drew a picture of Dongchu. The military garrison map on the border of Chu. After he returns to the Phoenix Terrace, he will definitely not be rewarded for his achievements, and of course, the Sui military will never admit that there is such a person who hurt the feelings of the Sui and the allies."

"These three people have one thing in common, that is, their cultivation is very high, especially Mo Xidao... perhaps has reached the strength of the sixth rank or above. And the three of them are very smart, and it can even be said that they are so smart. If not, they are all You can’t live to complete their mission. These three people, if you have a good grasp, it will help you a lot.”

Fang Jie was listening intently, and when he was remembering the three of them in his heart, Wu Yidao's words were suddenly interrupted by a pretty maid, who was just up to Fang Jie's shoulders and looked thin and small, holding an inventory. Heart, hands trembling slightly, voice tremblingly said: "Master, Mr. Fang, how about some snacks first?"