
Chapter 100: Something will come!


After listening to the conversation between the two adventurers, Xiaya's eyes lit up, and he immediately guessed seven or eight points in his heart, but he didn't say much, and after taking a few sips of wine at will, he put down the glass.

A group of cavalrymen made a noise in the tavern until the evening before dispersing. Dodoro, Soyt and some other retinues also returned in triumph. It is said that the magician beat all the hooligans who had robbed him before, stripped them naked, and threw them by the city wall.

The magician, who finally let out a sigh of anger, was happy in his heart, and even when he washed Xi Ya's feet at night, his movements were obviously a bit faster than usual.

There was nothing to say that night, and the cavalry stayed temporarily in the garrison camp in the city. The next morning, after Xia got up, she wandered around the town for a long time, and it was not until noon that she went to the garrison alone to urge Bonfret to leave. But when they got to the gate of the garrison, they asked someone to pass the word in. Char waited for a while before someone replied, saying that Sir Bonfret drank a lot of alcohol last night. on.

Xia Ya rolled his eyes and wanted to break in directly, but he thought about it. Anyway, this trip has plenty of time. Since this little white face doesn't want to hurry, it's just a good time to let the brothers take an extra day's rest in Wildfire Town. . It's just that after all, he was hung up on the task, or he held his temper and let the messenger at the door go in and ask if Bonfret meant to rest today and leave tomorrow.

In fact, in the garrison, Bonfret had been up early, and when Xi Ya came to the garrison, he was sitting in the hall drinking wine accompanied by the careful escort of the Wildfire Town garrison general.

Although this hall is not too big, it can accommodate dozens of people drinking happily. A brazier in the middle is full of high-quality white charcoal. Even though the flames are strong, there is no trace of smoke. On the iron frame on the brazier, there is a lamb that has been roasted and crispy on the hook. Two women in thin robes with a little dust on their faces hold a machete and cut the lamb into the plate piece by piece with both hands. Serve to Bonfret.

Bonfret was sitting in the upper middle position, with dried fruit and some dishes on the case in front of him, and a jug of wine. This handsome jazz has completely returned to his former style at this moment, and his face no longer looks like a frightened quail on the battlefield before. The garrison general and several middle-ranking officers in the town.

Seeing that the cases in front of these warriors were dripping with soup and wine, each holding the wine glasses and drinking, Bonfret frowned.

So vulgar, so vulgar... This damn country place. These guys have absolutely no education or manners.

And the women around... Every man in the house is leaning on a woman who is painted and powdered, but these women are obviously recruited from the powdered street in Wildfire Town, although the garrison general is trying to please Bonver. Leiter, the youngest and most beautiful one among them has been arranged by Bonfret's side, but how can a knight from a wealthy family in the empire look at a prostitute from such a low-level wind and moon place

In the imperial capital, although he did not patronize Fengyue venues, they were all top-level gold-selling caves where rich and powerful families gathered to spend a lot of money. Where can the girls in it be compared with such vulgar fans around them

Bonfret drank a little depressed, but finally settled down.

No matter what, this garrison general’s deliberate curtsy flattery made him regain some self-esteem. He can drink and drink here, and there are girls beside him who are careful to serve him… Uh, it’s better than being bullied by that bastard in the Thirteenth Corps. A million times better!

Thinking of this, Bonfret took a sip of wine bitterly.

With this in mind, when someone from outside came in to report the news that Xi Ya was outside the gate of the garrison, Bonfret scolded a few words in annoyance, and then confessed that he didn't get up. Where is he willing to face Xia Ya at this moment


Xia Ya waited at the door for a long time. She was so bored in her heart that she gradually became anxious. She thought that I was instructed to protect you. If I was too slack, I would be embarrassed, so I came to ask you, you are a butt seller. Raised tail. Either way! Anyway, this little white face is safe in the garrison, so I don't need to worry about his safety. Since this old boy doesn't want to leave, I don't waste time waiting here, let's go and have fun!

After thinking about this section, Xia Ya laughed and left with her head held high. There was a straight road in front of the gate of the garrison. Originally this street was wide enough, but because half of it was occupied by the garrison, there were not many businesses on the street. , Even if there are those few, they were temporarily occupied by the guards in the garrison.

After taking a few steps, Char Ya saw a carriage head-on. The carriage was loaded with a large cart of dry wood and charcoal. The horse pulling the carriage had black fur all over. Char Ya was also a cavalry at this moment. There is also quite a bit of appreciation. When I saw this horse, I couldn't help but knock a few more eyes.

This one is covered in dirt and mud, but it can still be seen that the skeleton is extremely handsome. Although Mingzhu Mengchen was brought to pull the carriage by the horse owner, and the horse was accompanied by the horse, but the horse strutted while walking, with an extraordinary posture, even more advanced. The lines and physique of the horse's body are extremely well-proportioned, majestic and vigorous...

Xia Ya's heart was moved when he saw it, such a good war horse was actually brought to pull the cart

He was a little moved at the moment, and he also had a lot of gold coins in his arms. Why don't he buy it from the owner...

But on second thought, there are dragons and crouching tigers in Wildfire Town. God knows what the owner of the car is doing... Maybe people deliberately hide their identity in a low-key manner, and go up rashly, but cause trouble.

Xia Ya sighed, shook his head and continued to move forward, but after walking a few steps, he couldn't help but look back at the carriage. The carriage was heading for the gate of the garrison. On the shed of the carriage sat a groom, wearing a thin leather jacket. The boy, with a large piece of sackcloth on his head to keep the wind out, is of medium build, holding a whip in his hand, leaning lazily on the car, his legs slumped, but he is weak and waving the whip at will.

But that dark horse made Xia Ya's heart move, and she always felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Unable to remember, Xia Ya could only shake her head, but she continued to walk forward for a while, reached the end of the street, turned around, and walked for dozens of steps. Xia Ya's face suddenly changed color, and her footsteps stopped abruptly! ! Instantly, my mouth was dry, my heart was beating wildly, and there was a feeling that my body was stiff and soft after being extremely excited and shocked. My heart was so heavy that I could hardly breathe! !

wrong! wrong! ! wrong! !

That horse, that horse... I feel... familiar! Very familiar! ! That horse, that dark horse, I have seen it myself! ! !

The reason why I didn't recognize it just now was because every time I saw this horse before, it was on the battlefield! Every time I see this horse, no matter how splendid the horse is, the light is covered up by the owner of the horse! Every time I see this horse, it is fully armored, and even on the horse's head, there is a half-moon-shaped scythe! ! !

Because of this, I didn't even recognize it myself! !

This dark horse...

it is…

It's Hasting's mount! ! !


Where the street turned, the carriage slowly drove to the gate of the garrison, but suddenly stopped.

The huge carriage immediately blocked the gate of the garrison, and the guards at the gate immediately ran down with a loud shout. The coachman jumped off the carriage, but ignored the shouts of the guards. , slowly untied the car covers on the horse's back one by one, and then randomly lifted a bundle of dry wood piled on the car and threw it aside.

A few guards rushed in front of him, just shouting, the driver sneered, and he didn't see how he moved, only a black light flashed, and the two guards flew out directly. When they landed, their whole body was charred! !

The driver pulled out a few metal rods the thickness of an egg from the car. The heads of the rods were threaded, and they quickly connected into a long gun. Then he tore off the cloth from his face and threw it on the ground at will!

That seemingly mediocre and wooden face, but with those pair of eyes that are a little more feminine, and occasionally flashes of strange light in the eyes, this originally mediocre face suddenly became full of vigor! !

Hastings! Odin Hastings! !

He turned on his horse, and suddenly let out a long laugh, and the prancing horse rushed up to the gate steps of the garrison. Amidst the exclamations of the surrounding guards, the black horse suddenly neighed, raised its front hooves, and kicked the garrison with one foot. The gate of the mansion was kicked and flew out, and the flying door panel suddenly smashed several guards to the ground.

Hastings carried a long gun, stood on his horse, and blocked the gate of the garrison! At this moment, many guards had already poured in on the street, and a team of armored guards in the garrison rushed out with swords and shields, but Hastings had a sneer on his face.

With a loud shout, he jumped and shot!

"Bonfret, you cowardly fellow, as I said, I'm coming for your life!"

With this long laugh, the dark horse jumped out, the spear swept across, and brought up a black flame, and the few iron guards who blocked their heads in the front were instantly smashed in the black light! Even the armor of the human belt was turned into pieces!

The spear swept across, and several guards flew out immediately, and the sharp black blade of light tore the person in half in half! When it hit the ground, a few mutilated corpses were already charred by the black flames!

Hasting's Prancing Horse rushed into the crowd of the garrison. Wherever the spear went, the iron armored guards screamed and fell down. In the black light, a rain of blood was transformed! !

There were originally dozens of iron armored guards in the courtyard, but they couldn't stop Hasting for a moment, and they were all killed!

Hasting bent down and picked up a Byzantine soldier's long sword from the ground. The long sword turned into a black light and shot out in his hand. With a bang, the door of the hall shattered! He leaped forward with a gun, and the horse trampled directly into the door of the hall!

In the hall, the garrison generals have been completely stunned! Watching this man rush into the hall on a rampage, he rode on a black flame shrouded in black flames, as if he came out of hell! !

And Bonfret, who was sitting in the center, was already dead-faced. With a ding, the wine glass fell to the ground, and then the jazz trembled uncontrollably. He stared at Hastings, his throat screaming. Gorgeous voice...

Others don't recognize Hastings, Bonfret, who once met him face-to-face on the battlefield, but how can they not recognize him? !

"Bonfret?" Hastings saw the guy in the middle at a glance, his eyes were full of suffocation: "I said, I will kill you! I will not give you the honor of dying in a fair duel with me! A coward like you is only worthy of being humiliated by my hands!"

With a hoot, the spear in his hand suddenly let go and turned into a black lightning bolt! Immediately, the black flames soared, and everyone in the hall seemed to feel an uncontrollable fiery rush to the face!

The black lightning shot instantly in front of Bonfret, pitiful for this little white face who started his business by selling his ass, how could he have the ability to stop him? What's more, Hasting's angry blow? !

With a bang, his body was pierced by black lightning and then shattered! The burning of the black flame instantly turned his body into ashes! Poor Bonfret, not even a body was left!

The woman next to her was already so frightened that she collapsed to the ground. Hastings rode forward, trampling over the brazier in the middle, and slowly reached the seat above. Where Leiter was standing, Hasting lightly placed the spear in his hand, turned around, and swept across the hall with electric eyes. Only then did the generals in there suddenly come to their senses, pulling out their sabers and stumbled. killed over.

"Ants… "

The corners of Hasting's mouth raised slightly, and the long spear with a black flame gently drew a ghostly light...


boom! ! !

More and more soldiers swarmed on the long street, but the wall on one side suddenly burst open, the wall shattered and collapsed, a black shadow came out through the wall, and several soldiers were hit and flew out with blood!

Hastings was at the end of the long street, looking at the Byzantine soldiers in front of him, pointing his spear to the sky and laughing loudly.

"Odin Hastings, kill the Byzantine warrior Bonfret with this!!"

In the long laughter, Hasting suddenly leaned over and rushed towards the crowd of Byzantine soldiers in front of him! The long spear rolled up into a black light, and the crowd was instantly covered in blood! !

A shadow of a gun flashed by, and amidst the screams, the crowd dispersed! No one could resist Hasting's shot and blow, and they saw the crowd fall down like the wind passing through the wheat field, and the blood was sprayed everywhere. Straight out! Spray ran to the end of the long street, and he stopped his horse. At this moment, Hastings was bloodied all over his body. He sneered, and waved the spear, shook it gently, and with a bang, the tip of the spear pierced a wall next to it. superior! Pick it at will, and the entire wall smashed and collapsed, and the shattered stones slammed into the entire street!

"Whoever blocks me, die!! Whoever chases me, die!!" Hasting's hoarse voice pulled away from the long street, his high-pitched tone full of mockery: "If you have something, come here!!"