
Chapter 105: It paid off!


"You... why is this thing here with you?" Xia grabbed the fire fork and held it in his hand, and his heart was suddenly settled. With this sharp weapon, even if Hastings came back, he would have a fight.

Immediately, he put the dragon scales into his clothes to cover his chest, and then struggled to stand up.

The woman looked indifferent, and pointed to Tiangong next to her. Xia Ya didn't understand what she meant. The woman frowned and suddenly pulled out a short knife and threw it at Xia Ya, and pointed to Tiangong again.

Xiaya understood, and shook his head again and again: "No! It saved my life."

The woman frowned slightly and snorted softly. This was the first sound she made. The sound was crisp and sweet, but it was as cold as ice to the extreme.

She ignored Xia Ya, turned around and found the flint of life from the skin behind her, picked up a handful of firewood at random and gathered it together, and soon a bunch of flames were born, and then she took out a cloth bag. It was a thing the size of an egg. It was originally as hard as a stone and was green in color, but after being baked on the fire for a while, the thing softened into a sticky mass. The woman took back the short knife and used the blade to stir it up. A small piece was handed to Xia Ya, and she pointed to the wound on Xia Ya's body. Xia Ya understood, and evenly wiped the sticky thing on it. Suddenly, the originally hot wound immediately felt cool. .

Xia Ya was full of doubts and tried to speak several times, but this woman's face was as cold as an iceberg—no, not only her face, even if she was sitting next to her, she seemed to be able to clearly feel the strangeness emanating from her. Don't get close to the cold air, although this woman only showed half of her face, and her appearance was so ugly (Xia Ya's standard), Xia Ya wanted to speak several times, but was swept away by the indifferent eyes, and immediately swallowed the words back in the throat.

When Xia Ya divided some of the medicine for Tiangong, the woman showed a slightly dissatisfied expression, glanced at Xia Ya with reproachful eyes, and coldly dropped a short sentence: "My medicine, very precious."

This woman's voice was originally very nice, but the tone was as indifferent as a dead person, and it didn't sound warm at all.

She easily wrapped the remaining ointment in leather cloth and stuffed it into her arms. She picked up a few dry branches and ignited the fire before sitting down by the fire.

After a while, under the heat of the fire, a trace of blood finally appeared on her pale jade-like cheeks, and she looked a little more alive. Xia gathered up her courage and said, "Well, may I ask , are you…”

The woman took out the bag, took out a few meat patties, put them on the tip of the knife and baked them on the fire, she heard the words and snorted, without looking back, said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, I know you are Xia Ya, From the Roderian cavalry regiment, the cavalry commander of the Guards battalion, isn't it?"

"I am." Xia snorted: "Who are you?"

The woman didn't answer, but turned the knife gently, letting the meat patties on the tip of the knife evenly roasted, and said slowly, "I've been following you for two days, and I knew when Hastings caught you out of the city, it was just I didn't expect him to be so fast, I almost lost it."

Follow me? Xia Ya couldn't help but feel a little curious. It is not easy for this woman to keep up with Hastings!

"You were caught by this goblin, and I followed all the way. It's just that Hastings is too powerful, and I don't dare to show up rashly, otherwise..."

Xia Ya smiled and said, "Isn't that guy scared away by you?" He couldn't help but look at the longbow on the woman's back, but the longbow was wrapped in a black leather case, tightly wrapped Strictly.

"I wasn't scared away." The woman glanced at Xia Ya and said coldly, "He is much stronger than me, if it's a head-to-head contest, he can beat me with a maximum of ten moves, and within thirty moves, he can kill me. Get my head off."

Xia stuck out her tongue.

Ten strokes to defeat, thirty strokes cut off the head

Thinking about himself, he has faced Hasting several times, and he has fully experienced Hasting's strength. If he were himself, let alone thirty moves, Hasting could kill himself with three or five moves. Bar!

As if seeing through Xia Ya's mind, this woman's cold eyes flashed a strange look: "You don't have to be surprised, with your strength, it is a bit of a skill to be able to block him a few shots without dying! Hastings is known as Austrian The No. 1 expert in Ding's army, his strength has reached the level of a high-ranking ninth-level warrior. With such skills, looking at the entire continent, only ten people can reach this level." She looked at Xia deeply again. Ya glanced: "Well, your strength has also reached the intermediate level."

Xia Ya shook his head: "I don't know it myself."

The woman handed over a piece of the baked patty, and Xia hesitated to take it with both hands, and said thank you in a low voice. He was really hungry, too, so he swallowed two or three mouthfuls. The woman looked at it. Seeing that Xia Ya was embarrassed to eat, she just frowned slightly, turned around and continued to bake the patties.

Xia Ya's mouth was full before he said vaguely, "Then, why did that Hasting run away?"

The woman snorted, did not turn her head, and said coldly, "You guy is quite curious... He and I know each other, and we have dealt with each other before, um... He owes me some favors, but today's incident is one of a kind. Well, it's paid off. Next time we meet again, we'll have to fight for your life and death."

The more Xia Ya listened, the more curious he became: "you, who are you? Why do you want to save me?"

The woman snorted and threw the last piece of meat pie to Xia Ya. Xia Ya quickly took it with both hands and held it in her hands. Tian Gong was already weak, and as a result, the meat pie, looked at Xia Ya, did not speak, and ate a big mouthful.

"If it is my intention, your life and death have nothing to do with me, just because you are a member of the Rodriguez cavalry regiment, and I can't watch you die no matter what. So, you don't have to thank me, if you want to thank me, thank you for your own. The identity is someone of the Rodriguez Cavalry Regiment." The woman said here, and suddenly sighed softly.

The woman stood up and looked around in the wilderness: "Let's go after you eat. I'll take you back to Wildfire, and then, my business is done... Let's go! I can't waste time with you! If you If you can't walk, just crawl!"

Although Xia Ya was injured, she could only endure the pain and stand up. This woman was so indifferent that she raised her leg and walked away. Her staggering back fell into Xia Ya's eyes, and Xia Ya's heart suddenly burst into a hint of arrogance. The woman has a lame leg. Besides, her legs are healthy, isn't she better than her

He endured the pain and followed behind, but after walking for a while, he turned his head and saw that Tiangong was staggering behind him, limping and holding his chest with one hand, his face was shaking, and his expression was very serious. is hideous.

Xia Ya sighed and turned around and shouted, "Hey! Stop chasing! Go back to the tribe by yourself!!"

Tiangong didn't answer, but continued to walk with determination on his face.

Xiaya frowned, turned around and took a few steps: "I'm going back to Wildfire Town, what are you doing with me?!"

Tian Gong finally shook his head: "Wife! My wife!"

Seeing this goblin insist so much, Xia couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

If the attack was so infatuated just now, even if it was a goblin, Xia Ya couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for this infatuation and persistence. However, Xiaya knew that the "wife" in Tiangong's mouth was really a beautiful man... Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel weird.

Xiaya quickened his pace, thinking to leave quickly, get rid of this guy, and he will naturally give up.

But after walking hundreds of meters behind the woman, and looking back, Tian Gong was still stubbornly following, and on the naked chest, the green blood under the medicine paste had flowed in a mess, but the goblin still had a stern face, gritted his teeth and moved towards him. walk before.

After all, Xia Ya felt a little uneasy in her heart, and finally stomped her feet and scolded: "Forget it! I owe you a life! I can't watch you die like this!"

He simply turned back and ran over, helped Tian Gong up, and shouted: "I tell you, I will take you back to Yehuo Town, but your wife, he himself does not want to be with you, I can take you to see him, if it is If it is willing to go with you, I will not stop it, and if it refuses, you are not allowed to rob it."

Tian Gong snorted and remained silent.

The woman led the two of them forward for a while. Before they arrived, they passed through a forest. The woman led two horses in the woods, apparently already prepared.

She turned around and glanced at Xia Ya and Tian Gong. The woman's expression was obviously impatient. The half of her cheek that was exposed outside seemed to be covered with a layer of ice. It was obviously a beautiful face, but it was like an ice sculpture, and she suddenly sipped. Mouth, turned around and turned back, took two steps closer, and suddenly pulled out a short knife without speaking, and suddenly stabbed with a knife!

The blade was shining, and it was piercing into Tiangong's neck!

Xia Ya suddenly changed color, pushed Tiangong away with one hand, and pulled out a fire fork to block it. With a ding, the tip of the woman's knife was cut off by the fire fork and burst out. Xia Ya said angrily, "What are you doing!"

The woman's expression remained unmoved: "Murder."

"Why?" Xia asked angrily.

"... Cumbersome." Every word this woman said was as biting and cold as ice slag.

Xia Ya was furious and said with a fiery fork: "No way!! It saved my life anyway!"

The woman frowned and stared at Xia Ya tightly. There was no emotion in those cold eyes. Xia Ya bit her head and looked at her for a while. Finally, the woman turned around and silently put away the short knife. : "If you are willing to take this goblin yourself, just share a horse with it. If you can't keep up halfway, I will not wait for you. If Hastings catches up, I will run first."

Xia Ya's chest was stagnant. She was so angry that she couldn't speak. She snorted, hugged Tiangong onto the horse, and then turned over by herself.


This woman said she didn't wait. She galloped along the way, and the speed didn't care about Xia Ya behind her. She was a woman, so her body was naturally lighter. Xia Ya and Tiangong in the back were much heavier than her. , the speed of the horses was gradually dropped by a lot. This woman didn't care, she just hurrying on her way. Xia Ya was so miserable that she didn't even have time to stop and rest. After a long time, she bumped and burst the wound again. When the woman stopped to rest, she watched Xia Ya go from behind. When she came, there was no sign of pity, she had enough rest, she got on her horse and left, and she didn't care about Xia Ya's life or death.

After rushing on the road for two days in a row, Xia Ya hardly slept and didn't even have time to eat and drink, so she barely followed the woman's footsteps. Finally, in the evening, she could already see the outline of the city wall of Wildfire Town on the horizon in the distance. Then the woman suddenly stopped the horse and waited for Xia Ya to catch up from behind panting.


The woman suddenly said coldly: "I'll send it here, now you dismount and go back by yourself."

Xia Ya has been suffocating for the past two days. If it wasn't for this woman's inexplicable saving of her life, she would have scolded her long ago.

He got off the horse with a gloomy face, hugged Tiangong to the ground, and then got up to look at the woman and took a deep breath: "Anyway, please tell me my name and let me know who I owe my life. "

The woman rode on the horse and quietly looked at the city wall of Wildfire Town in the distance, but she seemed to be in a trance, as if for a moment, a faint trace of sadness flashed on her face, but this trace of emotion was very fast. just disappeared.

After a while, the woman took a deep breath and looked at Xia Ya with a chill in her eyes again. She reached into her arms, took out something, and threw it on the ground under Xia Ya's feet.

Xia Ya looked down and was stunned.

This is a badge! Brass texture, the corners are covered with a layer of gold, hexagonal pattern, the pattern engraved on it is the flag of the 13th cavalry regiment! !

"Tell me to Adric." The woman smiled coldly: "What I owe to the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment, and what I owe him to Adric, have been completely paid off!! From now on, I will no longer be Roderians! No longer Byzantines!"

After speaking, the woman suddenly waved her hand, shot down the short knife in half, stuck it on the ground with a ding, and directly nailed the badge into two halves! !

The woman sneered, stopped looking at Xia Ya, took the reins of the other horse, then shouted, and drove the horse away slowly, but she never looked back.

Xia Ya stared blankly at the badge on the ground that was already divided into two, and was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.




Is she Via? Adric's ex-guardian battalion chief

Via... is actually a woman? !