
Chapter 107: Turtles go to jail


According to Xia Ya's own temperament, he didn't want any bullshit officer positions in the Byzantine Empire at first, so he could just walk away. Although the opponent was numerous, but with his body strengthened by dragon blood, ordinary attacks were almost invulnerable. There are dragon scale heart armor, unparalleled fire fork, and the invincible state of crimson murderous aura in a short period of time - although there are many people on the other side, it seems that there are no powerful masters. big.

But after all, I have different identities now, I ran away by myself. Once the fight starts, these comrades in the Roderian cavalry regiment will definitely not sit idly by, and will definitely draw their swords to help. It's about to be blamed! They are all real Byzantines, with families, families, and military positions...

Taking a deep breath, Xia Ya's face gradually calmed down, he raised his hand, and the officer on the other side was suddenly very nervous, took a few steps back, and raised his sword.

Xiaya smiled contemptuously, but put his hand on the back of Sharba's hand beside him, pressed down the edge hammer in Sharba's hand, and took two steps forward: "I'll go with you."

The cavalry next to him suddenly shouted, but Xia Ya suddenly turned around and shouted sharply: "So much nonsense! Shut up for Laozi!!"

His eyes swept over the cavalry, and said slowly: "What do you all want to do? Kill the officials and rebel? Don't forget your identity. Hmm... I'll go with them, and I'll leave the rest to you!"

Shaerba immediately understood that this rude man had the best friendship with Xia Ya, and immediately said: "Don't worry, if you want to touch us Rodrigues, you must first ask the general if he agrees or not!"

Xia Ya looked at the officer and sneered, "Do you need to tie me up?"

The officer hesitated for a moment: "No need, just take you back for interrogation, not the arrest warrant."

Xia Ya hummed: "So, can I bring my belongings?"

"Weapons, horses, and armor can't be carried." The officer thought for a while: "You can carry your own clothes."

Xia pulled out the fire fork with his backhand: "Is this also a weapon?"

The officer glanced at the fire fork, which was so dark and unremarkable that it looked like the common kind of thing that digs out the hearth. Although he was a little puzzled, he still shook his head: "Your Excellency is joking, this kind of thing is naturally not a weapon, it's just , it's iron after all..."

"This is my beloved, the only relic left to me by my adoptive father. I take it with me wherever I go." Xia shook his head.

The officer thought about it for a while, and finally this guy is willing to cooperate. Since he doesn't need to fight, then a broken iron fork is just fine for him. What kind of waves can he turn out? He nodded immediately.

Xia changed his clothes and brought a bag with him. The soldiers also checked the contents of the bag to make sure that there was no iron weapon such as a dagger.

Xiaya instructed Sharba: "That goblin saved my life, take care of it, and after the injury is healed, let it go if it wants to go."

Immediately, a few soldiers surrounded Xia Ya and left here. As expected, there were hundreds of fully-armed Byzantine infantry outside. Xia Ya was surrounded by these people and got into a carriage. Before getting into the car, the officer whispered in Xia Ya's ear. Said one sentence: "I also respect the Rodriguez Cavalry Regiment. This time the military order is in place, there is nothing I can do, and I am offended!"

The turtle has always been soft and not hard. When others are polite to him, he treats him politely. Hearing that, he nodded and got into the carriage without saying a word.

Then the wheels rolled and left under the guard of the infantry.

The cavalry behind him chased all the way to the street. Sharba blushed with anger, shouted, and angrily smashed the edge hammer on the ground and stomped his feet fiercely. Some angry, some frustrated.

"Go back to the room! Prepare the shape, and immediately send someone back to the station to report to the general!!"

The cavalry hula-la went back to prepare.

On the other hand, Dodoro walked at the end, and the magician had a hesitant expression on his face.

This turtle has been caught... Uh, do you want to find a way to inform Her Royal Highness Adeline? Oops... It's really hard to do... Your Highness won't let me reveal her identity...


Xiaya originally thought that what awaited him would be a severe interrogation, some legendary things such as torture, whipping, and chili water for tiger stools.

Anyway, he himself has a body strengthened by dragon blood, and he is not too afraid in his heart. As long as he finds the opportunity and competes for escape, the cavalry brothers should have left Yehuo Town and returned to the 13th Cavalry Regiment to report the news. Derek's shelter, forgive them and they will not be in danger. When the time comes to escape from prison, the sky is high and the sea is wide, birds are flying and fish are flying, the big deal is that after the Byzantines have retired, they can become witchers again, or go to be mercenaries, just as happy and comfortable .

However, the expected interrogation never came.

He was taken directly to a yard in the city by a carriage. The yard was on a street next to the garrison. The high yard was thickly walled and guarded by two teams of iron-clad infantry guards. Xi Ya was sent to the innermost house. The bed and table are complete, and Xiaya was told to wait for the military department's decision here.

The officer who brought him also quietly sent someone to stuff him with a thick blanket and then walked away.

In any case, Xia Ya was placed under house arrest.

He was told that as long as he didn't go out of the house or the courtyard, he could move freely, but after staying for less than two hours, there was an unfamiliar middle-aged officer with a sallow face and a mean face. With a straight face, as if someone owed him a hundred gold coins, he threw a stack of paper, a quill pen and a bottle of ink on the table.

"Here, write down your responsibility for escorting Sir Bonfret, the assassination of Sir Bonfret, and your dereliction of duty!"

After the guy finished speaking, he walked away.

Xia Ya was stunned for a while, then laughed, naturally ignored it, fell on the bed, wrapped the blanket, and fell asleep.

When I woke up at night, I found a food tray on the ground by the door. There was a kettle and three meat patties in it. Xia didn't care about cold food, grabbed it and swallowed it half full, then sat in front of the table and watched. After looking at the stack of papers, I suddenly felt a rumbling sound in my stomach. I quickly grabbed a stack of papers, transferred them to the toilet at the back of the house, and squatted for half an hour before walking out with a sigh. Yes…

It took two days like this, except that on the first day someone sent paper and pen and ink to him to explain the guilt, no one came to pay attention to him.

On the contrary, there are three meals a day, and the food is constantly delivered. Although it is a bit rough, it is just some cold water cakes with meat, but the turtles are also used to living a hard life. Now there are eaves on the roof to shelter from the wind and rain. I felt a little comfortable.

As for what confession material, of course, it was never written in big characters. Every day I was full and slept and slept and ate. Occasionally, when I was bored in the room, I chatted with Dora in my mind to pass the time.

Dora is naturally cynical about Xia Ya's situation. After listening to it a lot, the turtle doesn't take it seriously, but her mentality is very peaceful.

Let's put it this way, the Byzantine military didn't beat him, kill him, didn't question him, but kept him in captivity as if he were raising a pig. Xiaya also experienced a happy life like a pig.

Although the food is not good, the hand is better than before and the old guy is dependent on each other for life. The only regret is that there is no drink.

In this case, Xia Ya is not in a hurry to leave. After running away, I am afraid that I will have to sleep in the wind and sleep. Where can I find such a comfortable place

Sometimes, the turtle can't help but think:

Damn it, if the Byzantine Empire was so comfortable in prison, I would simply sit in prison for two years and live such a comfortable life.

After staying like this for more than ten days, finally, at noon on the fifteenth day of Xiaya's house arrest, someone came to see him.

After Xia Ya finished eating at noon, she was throwing herself on the bed to burp her fullness. The past half month has been so peaceful, and Xia Ya even felt that she had gained some weight. She was patting her belly comfortably when the door was pushed open. A man walked in from outside.

This man is big in shape, with big arms and round waist, his face is like a disc, and his face is full of flesh, but his eyes are narrowed with a smile. You know, the sky is turning upside down for you!"

As soon as Xia Ya saw the person, she jumped up from the bed.

"General Rabbit... ah no, General Ruhr?"


The person who came was Ruhl, but Ruhl seemed to have lost some weight. He strode over with his arms in his arms and sat on the edge of the bed carelessly. He didn't mind what Xia Ya said for a while. He stared at Xia Ya. With two eyes, he shook his head and said, "Looks like I'm right, you kid, you really are a heartless thing, you live a comfortable life here, right? You eat, drink and sleep, and you don't need to fight on the battlefield. I see that your face is flushed, even your face is fucking round, and if you go on like this, I'm afraid you will catch up with me."

Xia Ya laughed, and simply sat down, holding his head against the bedside: "General Luer, what are you doing here? Did the military send you to interrogate me?"

Ruhl glared, although he deliberately made an exaggerated expression, but the smile in his eyes could not be hidden: "Interrogation! What a joke! You kid who has lost his luck! You are now developed! In the military Which bastard dares to interrogate you now? Aren't you afraid of being drowned by spit stars?"

Saying that, he patted the bed and shouted, "Okay! Stop talking nonsense, tidy up your things, and let's go with Lao Tzu!"

Xia Ya let out an "um", and subconsciously wanted to get up to clean up, but suddenly her heart moved, vaguely heard the cheapness from the words of the general rabbit, the turtle sat heavily on the bed again, looking at Lu Er: "Fuck! If you want to catch it, you can catch it, if you want to let it go! Who is Lao Tzu? If you don't make it clear, Lao Tzu will stay here and won't go! Don't go! Resolutely don't go!!!"

He actually crawled onto the bed cheekily, hugged the edge of the bed with both hands, buried his head, and shouted, "If you don't go, you won't go! I will never leave! If you don't make it clear, give me an explanation, and don't want me to leave here! "