
Chapter 113: General No


"Obviously, Lao Tzu's General of the Sixth Corps has come to an end. Damn, if we lost this battle, does the military want Lao Tzu to be a scapegoat? They won't bring Lao Tzu to the military and throw him in that corner. Hang up this idle job..." Ruhr was a little worried.

Xia Ya couldn't answer these worries of General Rabbit, and he couldn't help at all.

However, the original plan of the two was to return to the imperial capital to report their work anyway, and to walk freely on the road, it was considered a tour of the mountains and waters. But now the order of the military department requires that Ruhr must arrive at the imperial capital within fifteen days.

The Byzantine Empire is a vast land. From the border city of Denzel to the capital, fifteen days may not be enough unless you hurry on the road. If you encounter troubles such as road collapse or road closure, I am afraid it will be even more delayed.

The two summed up and could only part ways. Ruhl has to speed up his journey, and he can't delay the time, otherwise he will miss the military order.

However, Xia Ya felt that this guy was mostly unwilling to continue walking with him, and was regarded as a follower.

I explained some precautions on the road, such as the passage documents issued by the military. As for what kind of car bandit Roadhog, Luer did not explain much, Ishaya, the guy who came out of Wildfire Town - a thief? Do not make jokes! If Xia Ya doesn't rob others, those guys should be snickering.

After the confession, the small town they met on the next road parted ways, and the fat man hurried away with his escort cavalry.

Xia Ya is not worried that Fatty will waste time - with the name of a rabbit and the ability to run, this should be no problem.

With money in hand and dressed brightly, Xiaya started to travel in the mountains and waters.

He, Dodoro, and Soyite, at first glance, came from the Byzantine Empire military, and from the perspective of others, I am afraid that he is still a high-level general at the corps general level. waiting.

It was the first time in his life that Xia Ya had the taste of power. Originally in Wildfire Town, or even in the military, he felt that the best enjoyment in the world was to have a piece of barbecue and a few pots of spirits with each meal, and then to be full, wrapped in a sheepskin blanket and screaming. Hu Dasleep - such a life, it is already very happy.

But this time, every time they came to a small town, when the soldiers guarding the city saw the costumes of Xia Ya and others, they stood up from a distance and straightened their backs. Even if Xia Ya took the initiative to take out the access documents issued by the military, those guards respectfully saluted and took it with both hands. In some places, Xia Ya didn't even need to show a pass, and rushed into the city gate directly on horseback. The soldiers guarding the city didn't dare to stop him, and they stood in an honest line and saluted.

Everywhere he goes, he chooses the best hotels to stay in, eats, wears, and lives, and spends money like water—but the problem is that he has just walked through two towns, and the money in his hand can’t be spent!

It turned out that a "big man" dressed like him crossed the border. Every time he went to a place, someone like the town's Great Wall guard, garrison general, etc. immediately got the news, and the words written on the pass document were vague, saying that it was a war zone. People from the army went to the imperial capital Osgilia to report on their business. Looking at Xia Ya's outfit and the horses he rides, everyone else thinks that right or wrong is the most important. I'm afraid it's the son of a wealthy military family in the imperial capital. Is there any reason not to entertain such a character when he crosses the border

Although it may not be about flattery, but according to the management of the officialdom, if such a well-known person crosses the border, if he does not entertain him, he will fall into the limelight, and he is afraid that he will offend people unintentionally. Therefore, the leaders of the official and military along the way, with the attitude that more things are worse than less things, let the turtles enjoy the taste.

Whenever he stayed in a hotel, someone from the local garrison military or local administrative officials would immediately pay for all the expenses, and it was made clear that he was not allowed to take any more coins from this uncle!

Even when Char left, the local leader would send a team of people to escort him along the way.

The Byzantine peasant and soldier system has spread all over the country, and a team of peasants and soldiers have been temporarily dispatched to serve as attendants along the way. Although this big man is dressed as a military general, who knows if he is really capable. Dare to go out with only two squires, if you encounter a few thieves with short eyes along the way, and hurt the uncle's hair, isn't it unreasonable

There are people who pick up the house and send them off. Even if they are on the way, there are people in front of them. Xia Ya is full of majesty.

The entourage Dodolo snickered in his heart, thinking that if these guys knew that this "uncle" is still a quality and gradeless commander, I am afraid that he will regret his bowels.

Xia Ya had never enjoyed these before, but this time, she suddenly enjoyed it, and she couldn't help but feel a little airy - Damn, life is like this, it's really delicious!

After walking for seven or eight days, I have only walked less than a quarter of the distance. Looking at it, I am afraid that it will be after the beginning of spring when we arrive at the imperial capital.

Char Ya also gradually lost interest in the barbecue that used to be his favorite. Now he is fascinated by a speciality of the Byzantine Empire: a fine fragrant leaf shipped from southern production, a piece the size of a washbasin, in which tender mutton and fish are cut into small pieces and wrapped in small pieces , with the first-class spices, and then put it in a pot and slowly steam it over a low fire, the fragrance of the leaves is completely soaked in the meat, take a bite, and the aroma is full of mouth, and then serve with a large cup of bright red like human blood. Wine and wine…

This kind of diet, I know the price when I eat it for the first time, it almost makes the turtle's eyeballs pop out!

Six silver coins? ! In the past six silver coins, enough to eat and wear for a year! !

Even his two good horses, the concentrated feed they enjoyed, would definitely not be affordable for him as a turtle hunter!

The so-called "one man's success", Xiaya experienced the treatment of the uncle, and even Dotolo and Soyette also benefited a lot. It doesn't matter that the two follow Xiaya to eat and drink spicy food, and Dotolo finally got rid of the handyman. Work. No need to wash the horses, no need to feed the horses, no need to pour foot water for the turtles, and no need to donate part of the monthly salary to that scruffy Soyite - in Dodoro's view, this seemingly honest Soyite. Yite, it's just a copy of the turtle! The same seemingly loyal, the same full of cunning and cunning.

In this way, among the three, the magician himself is the stupidest one...

However, Dodoro's good days are finally coming to an end soon...

On the tenth day, Xia Ya and others were escorted to the next town by a team of cavalry dispatched by the garrison generals in the previous city. This place belonged to a baron, whose mansion was just outside the city in a beautiful place. place.

As a nobleman, this baron is quite reserved. He did not come forward to entertain Xiaya in person, but told the following people to handle these matters.

The actions of the following people are the same as the treatment that Xia Ya received along the way, but at the end, there is one more project...

That night, I had a delicious meal in the hotel, and a man who looked like a butler sent by a certain baron quietly asked his subordinates to make arrangements. Actually, there is no maid, which is a bit inconsistent with the travel habits of big people. I think I just came out of the army, so it is so simple.

However, since you want to please this distinguished guest, then this is your duty!

The housekeeper also spent a lot of money. He thought, ordinary vulgar powder, this extravagantly dressed general may not look down on him, so he just spends more money.

He sent someone to bring the most beautiful girl with a red card in the best house in the city with a lot of money. The housekeeper of the red card girl saw it with his own eyes, and she really had a slender waist and long legs, and her chest was undulating. It is rare that this girl also has a bit of alien blood, her skin is fairer than that of ordinary Byzantine women, and her eyes are a rare amber color. Such a superb gift, given to the rude and uncivil-looking general, made the butler feel quite sorry for it for a while.

Let this beautiful girl dress up, and have someone send it to Xiaya's room...

The details of what happened are unknown.

However, less than a few minutes after the girl was sent into the room, she suddenly heard a scream of the general from the room.


Immediately after two bangs, the girl screamed and rushed out the door. The originally charming face and a pair of autumn-like eyes were stamped with two fist marks, which turned into a legend that flourished in the far east. The name of the animal is: "Panda".

Then he saw Xi Ya, naked and wrapped in a blanket, rushing out, holding a fire fork in his hand, and rushing out the door with a face full of anger and shouting, "What about people! What about people! That female ghost who attacked Lao Tzu by surprise. Woolen cloth!!"

Where has that woman ever seen such a battle? Although she is not considered a national beauty, she is considered a first-class beauty in such a small place. Even the lord of this territory, the baron, once patronized her!

Seeing that the man was carrying a weapon that looked like a sword like a knife in his hand, he rushed out with murderous expression on his face. The beauty turned pale in shock. She had already been punched twice in the face, and suddenly screamed, Gu Lu Gulu walked down the stairs. She rolled down the stairs, ten floors above the stairs, when this beautiful woman landed, her delicate face was swollen into a pig's head, and even her arm was broken. Out of the hotel door, hurried away...

The butler was waiting in the hall. Seeing that the distinguished guest rushed out in such anger, he hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

"Damn it! I drank some wine and went back to my room to sleep. I was dazed and touched with both hands. I opened my eyes and saw that it was such an ugly thing! I thought it was like a ghost in a nightmare! "Xia Ya snorted fiercely and shook his head vigorously: "It's okay! I'm quick to respond! This female ghost opened her mouth to bite me, and I just gave her two punches..."

Butler: "… "

After finally explaining it, the matter became clear, but Xia Ya was very sad and angry: "It's too bullying!! I didn't ask you to have a woman to accompany you, since you arranged it, if it's sloppy, I'll accept it with a smile. Well... cough, but, with such a ghost-like woman, do you think Lao Tzu is easy to fool?!"

The housekeeper frowned: "This... Lord General, please calm down, it's really the most beautiful girl we can find in this city just now. Well, to say something disrespectful, even if it's from our Lord Baron's family. The most beautiful side wife, in terms of appearance, is a bit worse than this girl."

Xia Ya listened, stared, the anger on his face disappeared immediately, he sighed very much, patted the butler on the shoulder, and said in a pitiful tone: "It seems... your baron, life is also very hard. …”


This is only the first episode, and Xiaya didn't take it to heart.

But he left later and came to the next city. The local garrison generals warmly entertained him. At night, he sent another girl to Xiaya's room to sleep in... This time Xiaya didn't treat her as a ghost, but that girl was still being scolded. He coaxed out angrily.

In the next city, two stops ahead, the entourage had already spread the news, but it was said that this nobleman had a very high vision and was even more demanding on the appearance standards of women. The garrison officer in the third city spent a lot of thought, and finally found a stunning woman from a Fengyue place. It is said that this woman was from a certain aristocratic family, and she really was born with a celestial beauty. The garrison officials originally planned to keep it privately, and then after training, she sent it to the imperial capital to curry favor with her immediate superior. Since This nobleman was so demanding, so he simply offered it up.

The result is still the same...

The general was furious, and when he saw this woman at the banquet, he was so angry that he overturned the table.

This time, others were finally suspicious.

If this general's vision is high... it's too high! Such a stunning woman, even if she is sent to the imperial capital, I am afraid that it is a superb collection of treasures that are regarded as treasures by the dignitaries! Such beauty is also said to be ugly...

Is it... Is it...

Um, could it be that, the General, there are some problems with that...? ! I'm afraid it's "no"! Well, it must be like this, so every time someone at the stop gave him a woman, he was so embarrassed!

Although I dare not say this kind of thought in front of Xiaya, but if it is passed on behind my back, it will inevitably reveal some traces. In the end, Xiaya clearly feels that the guys accompanying him look at him every time. , is so weird.

The most outrageous thing is that after another two days, the chief garrison of this place has thought about it... Since this uncle doesn't like beautiful women, is it possible... He likes masculinity

That night, a handsome and handsome young man was sent into Xia Ya's room. As a result, in less than a minute, Xia Ya rushed out of the room screaming. He didn't even go down the stairs in a hurry. On the fence of the building, he rolled over and jumped off.

"Damn it! I was in a trance, thinking that Bonfret's rabbit was resurrected to seek revenge for me!!"

(Okay! It seems that the general must be "no way"! All the followers along the way have recognized this in their hearts.)


Xia Ya is not a fool. After so many times, he gradually became suspicious... Why do these people think beautiful women, but he is...

If it is said that someone brushes themselves, then every time they pass, these local guys join forces to play Laozi

Well, it's impossible for everyone to have problems, so... the problem is probably only on their own!

With such doubts, Xiaya waved his hand and ordered a change of clothes!

After taking off the luxurious armor and driving away the attendants, he and Dodorosoit changed into casual clothes and continued on their way.

Without the welcome and delivery along the way, those "embarrassments" are naturally avoided. Anyway, Uncle Xia has money in his pocket, so he doesn't have to worry about food and clothing.

It's just that Todoro suffered and took up the job of a handyman again.

Finally, after walking for twenty days, I came to a city called "Cadoral".

It is only ten days away from the imperial capital of Osgilia, but Cadoral, but it belongs to a military region under the Tema system, with Cadolar City as the center, and four surrounding towns are under the jurisdiction of the military region land.

When they came here, Xia Ya and others finally did not attract the attention of the local military government. They entered the city, but they encountered an accident: the city-building festival of Cadolar City is coming, and in the past few days, the city has gathered from all over the city to come. Almost all the inns were full.

Xia Ya and others walked around the city for two hours without finding a place to stay, and finally came to a hotel in the east of the city. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a few people dressed in strange clothes sitting around a table. , Two of them were negotiating something with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was obviously the owner of the hotel. He frowned and tried to explain, but the other party kept shaking his head.

Xia Ya took a look. These people's attire is obviously not Byzantine. Everyone wears jackets with upper and lower body. The trousers and calves are tied with thin ropes. It is also obviously different from the shaggy hair that Byzantine men are used to. These people have very short hair, and there are a few people with turbans wrapped around their heads - just like the one-eyed in Wildfire Town.

The most striking thing is that most of the people sitting at the table are carrying a pair of bows behind them. The bows are of good quality and the horns of the cowhide bags are definitely not the ordinary ones used by ordinary hunters.

And although these people were sitting there, each of them was full of energy, with their heads held high, and their actions were quite disciplined, as if they had some kind of marks in the military.

Hearing the other party's accent, the Byzantine language was very blunt, and Xiaya's heart suddenly moved.

Odin? Well, not in terms of height.

As soon as he saw the other party's turban and the bow on his back, Xia's heart was instantly determined.

It's the Landis, the one-eyed homeland of the sea nation, Wildfire.

When Xia Ya and others approached, Xia Ya's obvious warrior temperament when walking, immediately aroused the reaction of the other party, those sitting people straightened their bodies unconsciously, and a few people turned their heads. Come on, staring at Xia Ya and taking a deep look.

"Really, I can only clean the back yard... Ladies and gentlemen, it's not that I don't like money, but now it's full. No matter how much money you give me, I don't have the ability to contrive land and houses. Come." The boss frowned.

Xia Ya walked over, patted the boss on the shoulder, and said cheerfully, "Well, you said there is a yard? Well, if these people don't want it, give it to me!"