
Chapter 13: master?


In addition to the sound of footsteps, there was also a metal clanging sound. It was obvious that the person who came was wearing metal armor and carrying a weapon! Apparently it was a collision while walking in the jungle.

Most of the people walking on the wildfire with weapons are some adventurers.

And it may not be a good thing to meet other adventurers on the wildfire!

Xia Ya knew very well that he was only making an occasional cameo role as a robber, and he was very unprofessional. But on the Wildfire Plains, most adventurers have been doing "professional" black-and-white business for many years!

Everyone is walking on the wasteland, eating with their heads on their heads, and no one here will care about morality and the like, and the swords and weapons in their hands are the last word!

Generally speaking, if an adventurer encounters a companion in the wild, he will immediately make a measurement.

If the strength of the two sides is equal, then everyone will maintain a vigilant attitude and quickly separate and walk away without interfering with each other.

But if one side is strong and the other side is obviously weak, and the weak side still carries some property... hum!

There are only two people on my side now, and they are both injured... Uh, or to put it simply, in the calculation of Xi Ya's combat power, this poor bastard is not even a "person", but a burden.

If the other party sees that their side is so weak, maybe they will have a black heart and slaughter themselves as a fat sheep!

Originally, I was penniless, and when I met others, others might not be able to get rich.

But now, he is carrying a first-class wolf skin on his back, and he still has a huge sum of money in his arms! !

Xia Ya tightened his body, but every movement became lighter. Although he was holding the poor man in one hand, he quickly found a big tree in the distance, like a big lynx, crawling agilely. He went up and hid his body behind the thick branches and leaves.

Quietly held his breath, at the same time he made a few threatening glances at the poor man, and covered his mouth tightly with his hands. Finally, after a while, Xia Yaleiming saw the person coming.

There were four people in the other party.

The man in front of the head looked at most thirty years old, with blond hair, a tall and straight body, and wearing a delicate chainmail, which was actually made of all-metal! The silver-white armor was polished brightly. This guy was also carrying a long cross sword behind him, and a red gem was inlaid on the hilt.

Few adventurers on the Wildfire Plains wear metal armor. Not because of anything else, but because metal armor is generally very heavy, and wearing thick and heavy metal armor is not conducive to movement. Only a small number of people with rich financial resources can afford to sell those high-quality armors - such as chain armor, which is made of stainless steel, and the lock-shaped armor leaves are very delicate in craftsmanship, which maximizes the use of traditional armor. Some bloated parts of the plate armor are light in weight, but they are very good in defensive effect, especially for bows and arrows.

But the price is naturally high. Xiaya once saw someone selling this kind of thing on the black street, asking for five gold coins for a set!

Char once thought that one day he would be able to walk on the wildfire in this high-end armor...

The second person was wearing a long black leather robe, looking short and thin, but the leather robe was wearing a cloak and covered his head, so he could not see the other person's appearance from Xia Ya's commanding heights.

The third guy was a burly man with a body like a giant bear, with wild red long hair. He was the strongest and tallest in the group. It's just that the exaggerated muscles are a little too bloated in the eyes of Xia Yaleiming. This guy is carrying a huge shield like a turtle shell behind him. The shield is actually a hard iron shield, and there are some fancy patterns on the shield that Char Ya can't understand. What caught Xiaya's attention the most was that this giant man, like himself, used an axe as his weapon!

But what makes Xiaya a little ashamed is that the other party's axe is obviously much higher-end than his own.

It was a steel battle axe! There are circles of patterns on the handle of the axe, which can effectively prevent slipping when the axe is swung. It is full of heaviness and strength, and the axe is equipped with a pointed spear!

It can be said that such an axe is exactly the weapon that Xia Leiming dreams of!

He once saw a similar axe in a weapons shop in Wildfire Town. It felt that the texture was slightly worse than that of the guy in front of him, but the price was cheaper than a set of mail, but For Xia Leiming, it was already an astronomical figure: three gold coins!

Looking at this battle axe, Xia Ya's eyes couldn't help but grow a little yearning. He subconsciously touched the bag of gold coins in his arms, and the hard feeling made him feel a little relieved. I can't help thinking: Well, this time I go back, I will also buy such a good axe! Well, as well as the heavy and light chain armor, you can also have a set.

At this time, Xia Ya set his eyes on the fourth person.

This is a woman!

There is no doubt that this is a beauty that most men in the world can't help holding their breath when they see it!

The cheeks are like fat, the eyes are like peach blossoms, the eyebrows are like the cold moon, and the skin is like frost and snow…

Those ecstatic eyes are enough to make most men's hearts rip. What's more, this woman is still very young. When she walked slowly, she was wearing a gorgeous leather armor - why is it called gorgeous

This leather armor is actually a rare white rhino leather! White rhino leather is recognized as one of the finest materials of all leather armor. White rhino leather is tough and strong, and it is difficult for ordinary swords to penetrate. It is the best choice among leather armors. More importantly, white rhinos are very rare, and getting a piece of white rhino skin is enough to buy a big price!

At this moment, the white rhino leather armor on which this beauty is going up the mountain has been painted with a layer of silver-white armor paint, which outlines patterns like flowers in full bloom, and the good breathability and elasticity of rhino leather make the leather armor It is very sophisticated, sticking tightly to the beauty's body, and setting off the impressive curves of her upper body more and more alluring.

Under the leather armor is a set of battle skirts, and each armor leaf is like a lotus petal.

This woman is slender and has a long bow behind her. The body of the bow is dark, but it is actually a high-quality iron tire bow, and the bow string is thin and exudes a silver luster. Sigh: God, is this man crazy with money to make bowstrings with silver thread! !

When it was even more exaggerated, the girl had a quiver hanging from her waist, and only ten arrows were inserted into it!

Xia Ya took a closer look and sighed even more.

The price of that arrow alone would be enough to feed him for more than ten days! (Actually he underestimated).

Ordinary arrows, even if they are of a slightly higher grade, are just geese feathers for the tails, but this woman's arrows... An experienced hunter, Xiaya, can recognize it at a glance, and they are actually eagle feathers! ! !

And there are only ten arrows in the quiver... Such a move also puzzled Xia Ya.

On the wildfire plains, there are so many wild beasts and beasts, not to mention other dangers. Most of the adventurer's archers will bring at least two large pots of arrows, which are barely enough.

this woman...

In this group, there are warriors, swordsmen, archers, and the one in the leather robe may be a healer, or even a legendary magician.

This kind of staffing is exactly a standard adventurer group. Moreover, judging from the excellent equipment of these people, those who can afford such expensive equipment must be masters!

Of course... Another thing that makes Char sigh is...

This female archer looks like...

Alas, there are still such ugly women in the world...

It seems that even the masters are ugly.