
Chapter 21: You are stronger than goblins


When a group of goblins that looked slightly "regular" appeared in front of the wilderness, Char's carefree expression finally became a bit serious.

He kicked the poor captive goblin to the ground with one foot, then dropped the poor creature, staring vigilantly ahead.

Compared with the beggar goblins I met before, the guys who are in the front now are obviously a little less down-to-earth in their dress.

There are about a dozen of them, and they are physically stronger than the beggars they have encountered before—and only a little. The same green skin, but with at least some similar equipment on his body. The dirty leather armor had not been clear for a long time, covered with dirty mud and some suspicious red and white things - but at least these were barely "armor".

Moreover, they had weapons in their hands, albeit rudimentary by human standards: a few short spears, with the bones of wild animals as hilts, and the tips of the spears were sharp pieces of iron. There were also a few rusty dull knives, dug out of some kind of grave, I don't know. One of the tallest goblins even held a shield, although this shield was about the size of a human washbasin, and it was just a piece of rotten wood covered with a layer of animal skin.

But at least these goblins are organized.

The poor bastard was immediately worried. Because if you add this regular army, then the number of goblins around you already exceeds seventy or eighty, including the wanderers who follow behind.

So many goblins, if swarmed...

But soon, a scene that surprised the poor man happened!

This team of regular army goblins did not directly attack Xia Ya and the poor worm. They walked around, showing their teeth and claws, waving their weapons, and chasing those homeless people with a full beating, and those homeless people who beat them screamed and cried. .

The wanderers seemed to fear these regulars, and they almost collapsed at the touch of a button. Seeing the same kind of people who were beaten to death, these goblin warriors laughed proudly, and some even made excited "Oak" calls to the enemies fleeing in the distance. There were two more daring ones, who took off their pants and patted their buttocks happily in the distance.

"There is an old saying on Wildfire Plain: Goblins are a race that will never learn to 'unite'." Char muttered: "There are as many goblin tribes on Wildfire Plains, with a population of thousands of large ones and hundreds of small ones. With so many tribes, the total population is astonishing. If they unite, even the dwarves will not dare to bully them easily. But in history, these goblins have never been united. It seems that for the goblins, Bullying one's own kind is more than fun."

Those goblin warriors chased away the wanderers, instead of attacking Char and the poor worm, they separated two people and flew back, and the remaining goblins took the role of those wanderers, hanging from the distance between the two of them. Surveillance around.

Xia Ya still walked forward with the poor guy, and still didn't let the poor prisoner go. After kicking a few times, the guy rolled forward helplessly.

Sure enough, seeing a fellow of the same kind being abused, those goblin warriors did not show the slightest sympathy or even the slightest pity, and instead pointed at the fellow and laughed out loud.

More than a dozen goblin warriors, the number is much less than the previous wanderers, but the poor worm felt that Char's reaction became a lot more serious.

Because the momentum displayed by these goblin warriors is far better than those of the wanderers before. At least, those homeless people before were just a bunch of dogs, following far behind, barking occasionally. But now these goblin warriors are more like a pack of wild wolves. While barking, they dare to show their fangs.

The first test came in the afternoon.

The two goblin warriors who had run back before were about to report the news, and they brought more companions.

Seeing seventy or eighty goblin warriors approaching from the front, they even managed to maintain a queue... Well, the level of rigor in such a queue is barely comparable to that of human gangsters fighting together.

Moreover, the number of these goblin warriors stimulated their courage. For the first time, they raised their weapons and obviously blocked the way of Char and the poor.

The goblins screamed and looked very excited. The screams of Okeok kept one after another. Char put down the poor worm, and then kicked the captive. The captive saw so many goblin warriors gathered together and was already frightened. His legs were softened, he threw himself on the ground and clasped his head with his hands, and threw his butt high, shivering.

The goblins continued to press on, and when the distance between the two sides was only a dozen steps away, one of the goblins was pushed out and shouted at Xia from a safe distance.

"Oak! Humans, goblins, territories, dead bases!"

The goblin shouted on both sides, glanced timidly at the battle axe in front of Xia Ya, and then quickly retreated back to the queue of his companions, and then he became more courageous.

"What did it say?" asked the poor creature.

"It said that it's not good for humans to break into the goblin's territory." Xi Ya grinned: "The meaning of dead base is not good. The language of goblins is very simple, and one word often sums up a lot of meanings."

Indeed, the poor bastard was stunned. When the captive was interrupted by Char, he called out to Orke and Dieji at the same time.

For it, if the foot is "broken", the broken can also be replaced by "bad", which is "dead foundation".

After Charya finished explaining, he walked forward alone with the axe in his hand. The goblins immediately raised their weapons in fear and shouted at Xi Ya.

A scene that surprised the poor man happened...

Xiaya walked in front of the goblins, stuck the axe on the ground under his feet, coughed twice, and said with a loud voice: "Oak! I, the mainland, the strongest, dragon slaying, goblins, don't kill!" Said After that, he actually turned around, patted the buttocks at the group of goblins, and turned his face to make a look of disdain.

Even the poor bastard can understand this sentence... This turtle, actually blowing this kind of cowhide

What he probably meant was: Fuck! I'm the strongest dragon slayer on the continent, and I don't care to kill you goblins... Orc means "fuck" here.

When Xia Ya said the second sentence, he turned around and pointed behind him, first pointing to the captive goblin: "Soso!"

He pointed to the burden that was piled up like a hill: "Soso!!"

Finally, he pointed at the poor worm: "Soso!!!"

Although Xi Ya looked at the goblins: "Me, Suso! Chaji! Walker! Goblins, don't kill! Orke!!"

The poor bastard couldn't understand this sentence at all, but she was shocked: This bastard can actually speak goblin language? !

Those goblins actually quieted down immediately. The tallest guys, who seemed to be leaders, squinted at the poor worm and the prisoner behind them for a while, then looked at the baggage, and finally they murmured and discussed. a moment.

Xia Ya was a little impatient, pointed at the goblin captive and shouted, "Soso! Fork base!"

The goblins shook their heads.

Xia Ya pointed to the pile of burdens again: "Soso! Fork base!"

The goblins still shook their heads.

Finally, he pointed at the poor man: "Soso! Fork base!"

The goblins hesitated, looked at the poor creature carefully, but after a while, shook their heads again.

Char seemed disappointed, he picked up the axe, turned around and walked back.

Walking back to the poor worm, the poor worm immediately asked with concern, "What did you say to them? You can actually speak goblin?"

Xia Ya glanced at the poor worm, and seemed a little dissatisfied: "It will be a little bit better, hum..."

"What do you mean by Soso?" the poor worm asked, "You just pointed at us and called Soso..."

"Soso means loot, captives, gold coins, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, livestock, weapons and equipment, as well as goods... Everything that is captured can be called Soso," Xiaya replied.

The poor worm's face was a little ugly: "Where's the fork base?"

"Exchange!" Xia snorted: "Walker means walking, what I said just now is to exchange my trophies for them and let me walk through their territory. Alas... It's a pity that they actually dislike the trophies too much, Unwilling to agree... Look, even the goblins don't want you ugly."

After saying that, he sighed regretfully.

The poor bastard froze for a moment, and then she went wild!

"What!!! You actually want to exchange me for a goblin!!!!!!!"

She jumped up, ignoring the injury on her leg, and threw her fists at Xia Ya. Xia Ya gently slapped her to the ground and said disdainfully, "What's your name!"

The poor worm was so angry that she cried. She knew that she couldn't beat this turtle, and she slapped her hands on the ground hard, crying like rain.

This bastard! Turtle! Hillbilly! Blind eyes! !

When they were at home, everyone regarded the poor creature as a treasure in their palms. They were afraid of falling when they were held in their hands, and they would melt if they were in their mouths. Those men who adored her treated her like a rare treasure... This Turtle, it's okay to beat and scold yourself, but you want to sell yourself to a group of goblins casually? !

And... and the most annoying thing is that he also complained that he didn't sell for a good price! !

"Turtle! You can kill me!" The poor bastard raised his head and closed his eyes, "I don't want to be sold to those goblins by you!"

"Idiot." Xia Ya smiled angrily: "Are you an idiot? Of course I won't really sell you, but I'm just testing these guys."

He squatted down and said in a low voice: "I deliberately talked about their details! Look how powerful the tribe where these goblins belong! If it is an ordinary small tribe, then the price I offered is enough for them to agree. After all, except for myself, I gave them all my belongings, and my luggage is also very rich. Even if you and that goblin are not worth a lot of money, the wolf skin and metal on this bag, They are all good things that are very popular with goblins. If it was a small tribe, they would have agreed long ago. But now they don't agree, which means that their tribe is still quite large and has some strength, and they don't take this property seriously. in the eyes."

The poor worm broke into a smile: "You, are you really just a test?"

Xia Ya nodded, looked into the poor worm's eyes, and answered sincerely: "Of course! Even if you don't want those things you bring... How could I be willing to sell you!"

These words immediately made the poor worm feel a lot better, but Xia Ya's next sentence made the poor worm roll his eyes again with anger.

"I have to find that dragon! Good bait is not easy to find, and although this goblin is good, the goblin is too slow and too ugly, maybe the dragon doesn't like it. So, to be fair, you still Stronger than goblins!"

Witness the gods! In this life, the poor worm has heard countless sweet words of flattery and praise. Some people praise her as more charming than the moon goddess. Eyes are compared to pearls and stars...

But no one ever said such a damn compliment to her: "You're better than a goblin..."