
Chapter 23: Good name!


Afterwards, Oaks, like Char Leiming and the poor worm, tells the poignant and poignant story of a goblin who is not afraid of tyranny and has the courage to resist oppression (really, oppression).

All the testimony of Oaks was converted into human language. The general content of the story is as follows: This territory near the wilderness belongs to a goblin tribe, and this goblin tribe is also a relatively large one among the many goblin tribes in Wildfire, with about Thousands of people. With such a scale, it is already a rare Wang clan among the goblin races in the Wildfire Plain. With a population base of thousands, there are more than two hundred goblin warriors in addition to the elderly, the sick, the disabled, women and children.

And this Princess Oaks was born in this goblin tribe.

At the same time, according to its statement, it is a very rare and beautiful man among the goblins in this goblin tribe.

(Okay, when talking about this, Xi Ya laughed unsympathetically for a long time, and scolded, "You are also a handsome man? Your goblins' aesthetic standards are so fucking weird!"

But when Xia Ya finished saying this, she found that the poor worm was looking at herself with a half-smiley look...)

Well, the story continues...

The tragedy of Oaks is that it was born too handsome and beautiful - by goblin standards.

Of course this is not the root cause. If it's just because it's handsome, then under normal circumstances, its biggest tragedy is to marry several goblin wives, and then face the dire straits of domestic wars every day.

However, its greatest misfortune is that it was born in this powerful goblin tribe. The current lord of this goblin tribe is brave and good at fighting and has excellent leadership skills, but he has one troublesome problem: his sexual orientation is different from ordinary people!

It is said that when the lord was choosing his wife, he selected all the young female goblins in the clan over and over again, and none of them saw the right eye.

Finally, when the lord saw the handsome Oaks - the lord suddenly became a fire, and the fire of the broken heart burst into flames...

Then, Oaks tragedy...

It is conceivable that this kind of thing is not uncommon in the human world. Among the aristocrats of mankind, there are many who like male style and have a special preference for broken back. Among the human nobles, there are not a few who raise a few prostitutes, or openly engage in homosexuality. I even heard that the current crown prince of the Byzantine Empire, His Royal Highness, is quite good at this...

but! but! but! But, they are goblins! ! !

When human beings engage in basic love, they tend to be elegant and poignant.

But when this kind of thing falls on the goblin, it is really speechless...

And... goblins really don't have such a tradition!

As a beautiful man, Oaks was forcibly accepted as the lord's concubine under the lord's power, and he was helplessly treated miserably. But it itself is a goblin who yearns for freedom and normal sexual orientation, so after enduring a period of miserable treatment, it finally made a step of its own resistance to that endless tragic fate: run away!

It is better to abandon the identity of a legal tribal inhabitant, rather to live in the wilderness as a black homeless person, rather to give up the life of the princess's fine clothes and food, and live in the wilderness with precarious meals.

It's dangerous for a goblin to be a wanderer. The goblins are weak in the wildfire, and if there is no attached tribe, there is no guarantee of survival in the wilderness alone.

But Oaks still chose this path, and in this regard, it is a very dignified goblin.

"No wonder... When I saw these goblin warriors just now, it buried its head. It turned out to be worried that those guys could see it clearly." The poor creature sighed.

Charya is also sighing. Although he has never had much sympathy, at this moment, he can't help but feel some pity for this goblin. He even became much kinder to Oaks, untied the ropes on Oaks, and even gave him a piece of wolf meat.

Oaks was very grateful, and it quickly told Char all the valuable information it knew about the surroundings.

This nearby territory belongs to the "Goblin Lord of the Base Love", and from here to the northeast, it will take about a day to get out of the strength range of this tribe. After that, there will be a river, that The channel of a river will dry up in winter, and it will go all the way north along the riverbed. Along the way to the north, there are no other large tribes except the goblin tribe in front of you. Most of them are between two or three hundred in number. Small tribes, scattered in the wilderness along the way, in addition, there are some robber gangs composed of wandering goblins, no more than a dozen people at most.

It takes about three days to walk along the river to the end, and it will be considered to be out of the goblin's territory, and further north, it will be the northern area of Wildfire Field.

A huge mountain in the northern region is a natural barrier to the north of the wildfire field. If you cross the mountain, you can see the Odin Empire in the distance.

When Xia heard this, she was overjoyed... That mountain might be the dragon's hiding place!

Moreover, in order to repay the piece of wolf meat that Xia Ya gave, Mr. Wang Fei also drew a scribbled map by himself. All the goblin tribes that you may encounter along the way north are marked on the map.

As soon as Xia Ya was happy, she said that she could let the respectable Mr. Princess go.

"Actually, you can go back to the tribe, wanderer, and become Soso sooner or later." Xia Ya sighed: "Besides, I also broke your foot, ah... You, foot, die! Soso, not good!"

Oaks' eyes widened immediately, and he pointed to his foot that was broken by Xia Ya: "Me, Soso, foot, Shiji!"

Then it turned around and patted its butt: "I, princess, butt, Shiki!"

When it turned back, it had a sad expression on its face: "I, Soso, I'm willing! Princess, I don't want to!" As if he still didn't know what to do, he added: "Foot, dead base, endure, willing! Ass, dead base, endure, no willing!"

Char and the poor man collapse again...


After a while, Xiaya paid tribute to the goblin lord whom he had never met: "What's the name of that goblin lord?"

"Tiangong, the strongest, goblin, lord!"

attack? Uh…

Xia Ya was shocked for a moment, and sincerely praised: "Good name! It really is a good name! People are like their names, people are like their names!!"

Then, the miserable Mr. Princess Wang provided another piece of news that made Xi Ya's eyes light up.

Just a few days ago, there was a group of very powerful human beings who also traveled all the way north in this area. The nearby goblin tribes once tried to fight the idea of those human beings, and they suffered a lot.

"Could it be those magicians who hunt dragons?" Xia Ya was ecstatic, but the answer from the princess was not the same as she continued to ask.

According to Oaks, there are about dozens of humans who broke into the wilderness, not magicians, but all fully armed knights, with spare horses, well-equipped, and the first day they came to the wilderness Slaughtered a small goblin tribe, and reportedly captured a few wandering goblins, and headed north.

Seems like... those humans are looking for something important.

The poor worm secretly glanced at Xia Ya.