
Chapter 35: The grief of the beautifully handsome man


Ada's words made both Xia Ya and the poor worm chill, and the indifference in this guy's tone made them feel a little hairy.

And Xiaya thought a little deeper: this Ada is definitely a cold noodle villain who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!

The poor bastard looked at Xia Ya, she was thinking about how to persuade Xia Ya to give up the idea of looking for the dragon. From the beginning, she was not optimistic about this adventure. If she had no choice, she would not follow this turtle. come here.

And now, the tone of this mysterious Ada, how can it sound as if he continues to move forward without life.

"How's it going?" On Adan's gorgeous face, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, full of mockery: "Do you want to find that dragon too? Do you need me to lead the way?"

"Xia Ya!" The poor creature called out quickly, she stared at Xia Ya seriously: "Don't go!!"

Shaya didn't speak.

"Don't go!" The poor man's tone softened a little, even a little soft pleading: "If even a few magicians are not opponents, then we will not be able to. We have no chance - the treasure is although It’s tempting, but you have to spend your life. I promise you, if you need money, I can pay you a lot of money when you go back!”

"..." Xia Ya was silent for a while, and then the hesitation in his eyes finally disappeared, replaced by a firmness: "Go and see!"

"You!?" The poor worm was a little crazy: "Are you crazy?"

"Of course not." Xia Ya pouted: "Of course I know that life is the most important thing. However, since I've come here, if I just turn around and leave like this, I'll be a little unwilling. Go and see, we don't have to approach, Let's see. Besides... Maybe the magicians have already succeeded. None of us have seen whether the magicians are really dead."

Ada looked at Xia Ya and determined that he was not stiffening, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'll take you there... But let's talk about it first, I have one condition."

"What?" Xia Ya looked at this guy suspiciously.

"You should come for the dragon's treasure." Ada said lightly: "If there is a chance... The dragon's treasure will belong to you, and as a reward for leading you on the road, I only want a piece of the dragon's cave. something."

Xia Ya listened and sneered dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Ada, don't forget, you are my Soso now! You eat my food, wear my wolf skin, and even your life is mine Save it! What qualifications do you have to talk to me about conditions?"

Ada didn't object after hearing it. He glanced at Xia Ya, sighed suddenly, shook his head and said, "What a pity, what a pity..."

Saying that, he actually ignored Xi Ya, walked slowly to the pit next to him, and quickly pulled the dog skin off his waist - this action made the poor worm scream and turned his head quickly. Go and close your eyes.

Ada jumped into the pit with a plop, just exposed his head outside the pit, looked up at Xia Ya, and said calmly, "Come on."

"Huh?" Xia Ya opened her mouth wide.

"Since you don't agree, then just bury me and pretend that you didn't save me." Ada's tone was calm and even more disdainful: "Look at you three guys, with your clothes on and your clothes simple, You must have suffered a lot and experienced a lot of hardships to come here. Hehe... You can find it yourself without my guidance. Anyway, this mountain range is not too big. In the past, it has been three or five years so-so, if you are lucky, there may be two or three percent that you hope to find."

Xia Ya stared at this guy wordlessly. The two looked at each other for a long time. There was some anger in Xia Ya's eyes, but this Ada's eyes were always calm and clear. The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Xia Ya gave in. He shook his head in dissatisfaction: "Okay, okay! I've convinced you. There are still people in this world who volunteered to be buried alive... Well, anyway, my goal is those treasures, and I'm not interested in other things. ."

When Ada heard the words, he crawled out of the pit again and put on the dog skin—Xia murmured in his heart, feeling a little complacent: Although this guy looks a little bit more handsome than Lao Tzu, his thing is smaller than Lao Tzu. For a little while, hum! The old guy said that as long as a man is big, it can hide a hundred ugliness!

(The old guy continued to smile Jiuquan... )

With the addition of new partner Ada, the group continued to head towards the mountains.

"Hey, since everyone is now a companion, you should share a little more information. For example, what does that dragon look like?"

Ada has been walking in front of Xia Ya. He seems to be familiar with the terrain here. He led the crowd to the mountain. Hearing this, he slowed down a little, turned his head and frowned at Xia Ya: "Are you right? This dragon doesn't know anything, so he came looking for treasure?"

"...I don't know." Xia answered honestly.

"Alas." Ada sighed and looked at Xiaya with some pity: "Now I sympathize with you, is money really so attractive? You don't even know the strength of that dragon. , dare to run?"

"So what if you know?" Xia Ya was calm, and he grinned broadly: "I also know that dragons are strong and weak. But I know how much my ability is worth - even if I meet the weakest dragon, I It is also absolutely invincible. In this case, is that dragon strong or weak, and it has something to do with me? My method is to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and I don’t really want to be a dragon slaying hero.”

"Dragon slaying hero." When Ada heard the words, a faint mockery flashed in his eyes: "You are still a little bit short. As far as I know, among humans who can slay dragons, they are the most powerful people on the continent. What about you? A rookie little samurai?"

Xia Ya's temperament seems to have never been affected by these ridicules. He tightened the waistband of his trousers and snorted: "A rookie is a rookie, do you have all the hair below you when you were born?"

Ada's face suddenly became very exciting, he glanced at Xia Ya strangely, and simply turned his head away and ignored the rough.

But after walking for a while, he still threw a few words from the front without looking back.

"That is an earth-type blue dragon, an adult female dragon, good at earth-type magic, and its physical attack and defense capabilities are top-notch according to human standards. If I have to say it, then when the earth-type dragon faces water magic , the defense is a little weaker. And none of the magicians I met were of the water system. So I said they were dead."

Xia Ya immediately became excited when he heard it: "Then... I heard that the dragon seems to be in a weak state, what's going on?"

Ada's peaceful voice came: "It seems that you are not completely ignorant - that dragon, its eyes are blind."

Along the way, Ada seemed to be too lazy to talk nonsense with Xia, this guy has a very weird temperament. His tone was not too harsh when he spoke, and he even had a smile on his face occasionally. However, whether it is Xiaya or the poor worm, they all feel that even when this Ada smiles, the light in his eyes is so sharp, as if he can see through people completely!

Moreover, they always felt that this Ada's behavior seemed to carry a natural noble pride.

And this kind of noble pride is not made deliberately, but inadvertently exudes that instinctive breath in his words and deeds. Although he didn't look arrogant, the more relaxed he was, the more he felt like he didn't care about everything.

Do you really care? Or... did he simply have everything under control

All that aside, Ada wasn't lying at least one bit.

He is really very familiar with this place!

He led Xia Ya and others through the mountains, walking through mountain streams, over jungles, through rugged hillsides, and climbed steep cliffs.

It took six days on the way.

During these six days, Ada also showed a strange behavior: he would occasionally talk to Xia Ya, and even in the face of lowly goblins, his attitude was always pleasant.

but! But for the poor man, this Mr. Ada never had a good look on his face. Thinking about it carefully, there are even some vicious words, his eyes are indifferent, and there is a hint of disgust in his eyes.

This made the poor man very depressed.

Turtle just thinks of himself as an ugly monster. But this outrageously beautiful Ada seems to think that he has a virus on his body, as if looking at him one more time will stain his eyes! This attitude...

It just doesn't make sense! !

In the identity of Adeline, I didn't expect that the two human men I met on the wildfire were actually such a faulty guy!

On the sixth day, even Xia couldn't bear Ada's disgusting attitude towards the poor creature.

"Actually... don't discriminate too much against the poor bastard." Xia Ya tried to persuade him, after all, everyone is now a companion.

"I hate people with ugly appearance." Ada's answer was cold.

This answer made the poor creature almost vomit blood.

So unreasonable!

Even the turtles are fine! Is this Ada also blind and perverted? !

Even... At this moment, even the poor worm couldn't help feeling a little crazy, she even doubted and began to waver about her appearance: Am I really an ugly person? Those men in the past deliberately complimented me with lies just because of who I was

"Uh... Actually, he's pretty pitiful too." Xia Ya's performance was still very kind: "The appearance is given by my parents, so I can't blame him for being ugly."

"I hate all the unbeautiful things in this world." Ada answered decisively, with a bit of piousness in his tone: "If it wasn't for the fact that you still have a bit of a manly wild temperament, I would also I won't talk to you."

Xia suddenly became happy, and he couldn't even care about the grievances of the poor worm, and patted Ada on the shoulder: "Hahaha! Of course, we are both beautiful men!!"

But then he suddenly frowned: " just hate poor bastards, but why are you so kind to Oaks? What Oaks looks like..."

Ada shook his head: "According to the cultural standards of goblins, Oaks is indeed a beautiful man among goblins."

All right!

Poor worm internal injury: This bastard still thinks I'm stronger than a goblin, but this Ada actually thinks I'm worse than an ugly goblin? !

(Ox burst into tears: Ooke Oke ~ a beautiful and handsome man)

When the evening came, the group led by Ada came to an open swamp.

The terrain here is very strange. This swamp is about 100 meters wide, and on both sides, there are large quagmire, which cannot be seen at a glance.

"This is the only entrance to the Dragon's Cave." Ada pointed to the opposite side of the swamp—about two hundred meters away was a forest: "Come across the swamp, pass through the forest, and the mountain behind is Dragon's Cave."

Xia Ya looked at the swamp in front of her, and suddenly felt a sense of alertness in her heart. The air here is full of dry heat, and the temperature is so hot that people sweat!

He looked at the quagmire on both sides again: "Here..."

"Did you see it? The quagmire on both sides is impossible to pass through. If you step on it, you will sink deep into it. There is a bottomless pit below, and such a big quagmire cannot be bypassed. Only such a narrow 100-meter width is a swamp. There is a thin layer of hard soil, and we need to run over it quickly, and if we run slowly, the layer of hard soil above will collapse... If you fall, I guarantee you will die."

Ada smiled: "However, the hard soil of this swamp is not easy to pass through."

As he said that, he took out a pheasant from a leather bag in Char Ya's hand - this pheasant was just caught by Char Ya at night, and was going to be kept for midnight snack.

I saw Ada grabbing this colorful pheasant and throwing it forward. The pheasant barked cheerfully and galloped all the way along the hard soil on the swamp... After running about ten meters, I saw the ground in front of me. On the hard soil, suddenly the underground soil suddenly collapsed, and then…

A loud bang! A pillar of fire spewed out from the ground, and the pillar of fire was four or five meters high! !

After the flames, I saw that the pheasant with colorful feathers had turned into the charcoal-grilled chicken nuggets! Immediately, the pillar of fire dissipated, and the hard soil on the ground covered it again. After turning over a few bubbles, it returned to its original appearance. However, from far away, Xiaya smelled a strong smell of sulfur, and the hot air rushed to the face, making people suffocated.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?!" Xiaya exclaimed in discoloration.

"Do you see it clearly?" Ada turned his head, looked at Xiaya, whose expression changed dramatically, and smiled: "This is a dangerous passage. Under the hard soil are underground flames. These flames will spew out at any time. When you run over, Maybe a fire will suddenly spew out from under your feet and burn you directly to coke!"

"Damn it!" Xia Ya got angry: "You still say this is the safest passage?"

Ada said coldly with a straight face, "I promise this is the only safe passage... Other roads are more dangerous than this one, unless you don't believe me and want to try elsewhere!"

"But... Where is this place safe?" Xia swallowed: "It won't turn into barbecue if you rush in!"

"How easy is it to find the dragon cave?" Ada squinted his eyes and smiled coldly: "This is a magic circle. Originally, there was an underground flame under the mountain. I told you, that dragon is good at Soil, this magic circle has made some special changes to the terrain and land here, making the hard soil below it extremely fragile, and it will become what it is now."

Xia Ya looked at Ada's cold eyes, he coughed, the turtle's eyes rolled, and then suddenly turned his head, staring at Mr. Wang Fei who was shivering, rubbing his chin and smiling strangely: "You! Oaks !you go first!"


Mr. Wang Fei's legs trembled, his face pale, and he sat on the ground on the spot.