
Chapter 45: Eternal Tears


Ada sneered, looked at Xiaya, his eyes were full of sarcasm: "If you want good things, good things are naturally rare! If it can be done easily, then everyone can get it? Think about it for yourself, there are thousands of people on the mainland. Over the past 100 years, how many pieces of equipment have dragon attributes? If it weren't so rare, everyone wouldn't break their heads for these things."

Xia Ya was at a loss for words, and after being stunned, he sighed: "Okay! It makes sense for you to say... "

He couldn't help but glanced at the dragon, poor Dora, who hasn't breathed yet, has been skinned and cramped in this turtle's heart, but the turtle's greed is not satisfied: "Is there any other benefits? ?"

"The rest, you are useless." Ada said lightly: "I said, I want to take something away, the body of this dragon belongs to you, but her soul belongs to me!"

"Soul?" Xia Ya pouted: "Soul or something, I won't rob you, and I'm not a magician. I'm just asking you... This dragon meat... Uh, is dragon meat useful?"

Ada was stunned for a moment, stared at the turtle, and said, "You? You don't want to eat her, do you?"

Xia Ya wiped his mouth embarrassedly: "I have eaten pheasant meat these days. I saw such a big guy, and now that I have settled down, I remembered that our lunch today hasn't arrived yet..."

Ada was stunned.

Although he is a dragon, he is trapped in a human form and has been in the human world for a long time. He has seen all kinds of people, but he has never seen such a bold fellow like this turtle in front of him!

Ordinary people are always in awe when faced with a dragon. Even the legendary dragon slayers still have enough respect for the dragon.

This turtle... But thought of eating? !

Looking at Ada's stunned expression, Xiaya was not at all disturbed. In the heart of this turtle, he was really used to being lawless. He doesn't have any sense of reverence. To him, this dragon is already dying anyway, whether it is strong or weak, it is the same.

Tigers and wolves are also very strong. After killing them, don't they eat them normally

"It's you." Xia Ya's expression was very strange: "I said Ada, how can you say it is a dragon? This female dragon is also your kind. But it seems that the hatred between you and her is deep. Otherwise, why did you teach me how to skin her and cramp her so carefully?"

Ada's expression changed, and the rays of light in his eyes suddenly converged back, and they were replaced by dullness.

I usually see this kind of scene, even if Xia Ya has never seen it, but after listening to the story too much, she can't help guessing according to the usual routine...

The turtle said carefully: "Could it be... you have a leg with this female dragon?"

Generally speaking, the story is here, it should be a lingering love story with grudges and hatreds, right? Ada mostly has a leg with this female dragon! Hmm... Then I don't know what is willing to hate because of love. As for whether Ada, the male dragon, wrapped a mistress dragon, or this female dragon gave Ada a green hat, it is worth thinking about it.

Or is it... an unrequited love? My day, that's too exciting!

Turtle's eyes flashed, just waiting to hear Ada tell this story. Don't blame Xia Yatai for gossip, this is not a scandal about a character like Aunt Sofia in Wildfire Town, this is a dragon, two living dragons!

But... Seeing Ada standing with this dragon, I feel a little "human beast"...

(I have to say, the old guy's education on Char is really bad... )


Ada was not provoked by Xia this time. He seemed to sigh faintly, rubbing his fingertips on Dora's neck for a moment, and an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What you think is wrong."

There was a hint of loneliness in his tone.

"Love... It's ridiculous, you actually think of love. But, I'm really sorry. If there is love between me and her, maybe we won't have the sorrow we have today."

"Dora and I were both born in the very northern dragon territory, and we each belong to different dragon tribes. When Dora was very young, she was famous for her beauty in the dragon tribe, her pride, her nobility, her intelligence, It has made countless young dragons hope to gain her favor. However, please don't get me wrong, I am not of the same clan as she. I am an ice dragon, so according to the tradition of the dragon clan, very few dragons will cross clans. Like her, I have been the most gifted dragon in my clan since I was born, and like her, I have enjoyed everything from birth: envy, love, praise...

Dora and I are actually a kind of group. We were born on the top, and from the time we were born, we were the best in the racial group, surrounded by people with all the sweet words and praises. We used to get carried away by it, and even lost our true nature. We used to think that from the moment we were born, this world was created for us. The day is mine, the earth is mine, and everything naturally belongs to me.

But at this time, we met each other.

When a high-ranking guy meets another high-ranking guy, then if the two sides can't be friends, they can only become enemies! Other than that, there is no third way.

Every once in a while, the dragon group will have a selection, and select the strongest, smartest, and most talented young dragons from each clan. These dragons are allowed to enter the holy land of the dragon tribe and pray to the dragon god. The lucky ones among them may be blessed by the Dragon God and have some special and powerful abilities bestowed by the Dragon God.

It was unfortunate that in that selection, there was one more outstanding person selected in the end.

It's not me, it's her! "

Char is a little disappointed...

Why is there no peach-colored gossip in your imagination? Is it just mere competitors framing each other

"That selection was fair." Ada felt Xia Ya's doubts: "Such a selection, presided over by the clan elders of our clan and a few respected elders, can't be false. And Dora lost to That opportunity fell upon me. I entered the Holy Land and prayed…”

When Ada said this, his tone was very vague, and he seemed unwilling to say more about it. He quickly continued: "When I left the Holy Land, I became the most dazzling member of the Dragon Clan, almost all The dragons of all will talk about me who was chosen to pray to the Dragon God.

And these, of course, deeply stimulated Dora as a loser. "

Xiaya pricked up his ears, and he felt as if the drama was finally here.


"Soon, Dora found me. At the beginning, she pretended to respect me and tried her best to flatter me and please me. Soon, we became the recognized couple of all dragons. Although we We belong to different clans, but because we are all leaders of our respective tribes, all the elders of the dragon clan are very optimistic about our combination.

However, all of this was actually her vicious method!

On our wedding day, she gave me a poison with a strong curse. "

Ada smiled softly, his fingers were shaking, and there was a deep chill in the corners of his eyes: "I used to like to learn Transfiguration, for dragons, this is just a small magic, many dragons will use Transfiguration , there are also some of the same kind who will change into other appearances and infiltrate the world of other races such as humans or dwarves in the continent. I especially like Transfiguration, on the day of our wedding, she cheated and I made me become a human Then, I drank the poison from her—Eternal Tears.”

Xia Ya frowned: "What tears?"

"Eternal Tears." Ada took a deep breath, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes: "This is a strange treasure belonging to the elves. It grows in a seed called 'Forgetful Flower'. It is very rare and Rare, and this kind of thing, the only use is a strange curse.

According to legend, as long as you bow down a drop of eternal tears, no matter what form you were at that time, you will always be this way. "

Xia Ya was a little disapproving at first, but then his mind changed - forever...

"God! Wouldn't that be immortal?"

Seeing Xia Ya's surprised and twisted expression, Ada sneered and used a cold voice to dispel Xia Ya's wishful thinking: "Of course not."

He sighed: "It's just the same shape, that is, if you drink a drop of this thing now, when you're eighty, you'll still look as young as you do now, but your Your lifespan will not be extended, you just look young, and your vitality will not increase in any way."

Xia was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being disappointed and frustrated: It just looked like it was the same.

But then I thought about it, even if it won't really live long, but this one thing alone can keep young forever, it's enough to drive women all over the world crazy!

Just imagine, if there is a thing in this world that can make women drink, and when they are 80 years old, they will still look like 18 girls - if there is such a thing, then women all over the world will not be able to break their heads

Xia's face was full of excitement, and she rubbed her hands: "That, what... What tears are you talking about, where can I get them?"

Ada saw through Xia Ya's treacherous intentions at a glance, and snorted: "Don't think about it, this kind of thing is extremely rare in the territory of the elves, and it's extremely rare for you to get it. "

Xia Ya was a little disappointed at first, but then he thought about it again. Anyway, he has heard too many "legendary" things today. In the future, he will always have the opportunity to slowly verify them one by one. Remember them first and talk about them later.

I heard Ada continue: "At that time, on the night of the wedding, she turned me into a human form, I did not refuse her request, and then I drank the poison in her hands.

Since that day, I have been trapped in this humanoid body, until now! "

"Damn it!" Xia Ya couldn't help but said angrily: "This woman, ah no, this female dragon is too vicious, right? It's just that you won her in some selection competition, so you just retaliate like this? But... why didn't she just directly Poison you to death?"

Ada smiled, he looked at Xi Ya, his eyes seemed very gentle, and his voice was calm: "Can't you guess? Dear witcher, I don't like you pretending to be so savage and rude in front of me - you may be A rude person, but I know very well that you are definitely not a fool!"

Xia Ya was stunned by Ada's words, he laughed dryly and scratched his hair: "Okay... I think, she hopes to ask from your mouth, the secret of your dragon god's blessing? After all You said that you were the only one who was chosen to pray to the Dragon God and entered your holy land, has your God manifested itself, and has it really given you some powerful ability?"

After hearing this, Ada was silent for a while, then sighed softly and glanced at Xia Ya with a serious tone: "You are really smart, but why do you always like to pretend to be vulgar and dirty? Woolen cloth?"