
Chapter 48: developed!


When Xiaya walked out of the cave, he was carrying a huge burden several times bigger than others. He simply peeled off most of the dragon's skin, and wrapped the dragon's skin, such as the dragon's teeth, dragon tendons, and dragon scales.

Such a heavy thing, only a strange man like him can carry it.

Seeing Xia Ya walking out like a human-shaped snail, the poor bastard was relieved, but Dotara, who was next to him, swayed his legs again, staring at Xia Ya, thinking in his heart, should I say hello to this little thief?

To be ruthless

That is naturally not possible! This little thief seems to have a good relationship with His Royal Highness. Even if this one is not mentioned, with his terrifying strength, he is afraid that he will be pinched to death casually with a flick of his fingers.

Besides, I had just strangled this savage by the neck, what if this savage found him to settle accounts? My few bones, I'm afraid it's not enough to be punched by him...

The revenge of the robbery in Wildfire Town, I am afraid that revenge is hopeless.

Thinking of this, Dodoro sighed very sadly.

Although Xia Ya was very strong and came out with such a big burden, he almost packed the little dragon, and his steps were a little heavy. Just as he was about to say hello to the poor worm, he suddenly saw a figure rushing over and threw himself in front of him. , hugged his leg.


It's the conjuration!

Dotolo hugged Xia Ya's thighs, snot and tears, and his attitude was even more submissive and intimate: "Hero! Thank you for saving me from the dragon's kiss! The kindness of re-creation is not repayable, just please Accept my gratitude!"

After speaking, he wiped a snot on Char's pants by the way.

Xia Ya was a little dazed. Sir, when did I save your life? You just ran all the way down the mountain and rushed in front of me, right

But... is someone delivering to your door...

Xia Ya stared at Dodo Luo twice: "Are you really sure you want to repay your kindness?"

"Of course!" Seeing Xi Ya's friendly expression, Dotolo was relieved, and he stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling person. I'm so respectful, you must be embarrassed to settle the account with me.

"Very good! Since I saved you, according to the rules of Wildfire, you are my captive! Before you redeem yourself, you are considered my servant." After speaking, Xia grinned and threw the giant baggage backhand. Going over: "Give the master a backpack!"

"I..." Dodoro only felt that a hill was pressing down, and his eyes darkened: "Help..."

Poor Todoro was directly pressed under the burden and gasping for breath, but Xia had already walked in front of the poor man and looked at each other with a smile.

As soon as the poor worm saw Xi Ya, he remembered that he was at the entrance of the cave just now, and saw this bastard naked... and the terrifying murder weapon... Thinking of this, the poor worm's face became hot, his heart was beating wildly, and he just felt short of breath. Don't dare to look at Xia Ya.

"I have something good for you." Xiaya said, and took off a skin bag (also made of dragon skin) from his waist, then bent over to pull the poor man's trousers.

The poor bastard screamed and pulled back desperately: "You! What are you doing!!"

The scream of the poor worm alarmed Dodo Luo, who was under the burden. When Dodo Luo saw it, his eyes suddenly turned black!

It's over, it's over, it's over! This barbarian is indecent to His Highness! God! What should I do! !

His Royal Highness was molested in front of me, I should step forward to stop this crime in the name of justice! But... But how dare I? This little thief can knock me out.

If he really wants to do something, he might kill me afterwards!

No, no, no... How about I go up and help? He is going to rape His Royal Highness, and I will help him push his ass

Bah Bah Bah! ! ! ! I'm a magician, how can I do such a despicable and sinful deed... It's so evil! So despicable! !

But, just sit back and watch? That is also a great sin! !

Suddenly, the stake, the gallows, the guillotine... A series of terrible names came to my mind.

The poor magician was trembling with the war between men and gods.

"What are you messing with!" Xia Ya pressed the poor worm to the ground and said angrily, "Don't mess around, let me see the injuries on your legs and feet!"

With that, he ripped open the poor man's trousers.

(Fortunately, it was just the trousers.) The poor worm was sure that Xia Ya had no other actions, and he felt a little more at ease, but his heartbeat still accelerated. He only felt that his legs were held in his hands by this turtle, and suddenly a numb and crisp feeling followed. The calf passed up, but it kept going into her heart, her body softened, and then her heart softened...

Xiaya took out the leather bag and smeared some viscous red-green liquid from the inside and applied it to the wound on the poor worm's leg.

"It's dragon's blood!" He smiled and said, "I just found out that it can actually heal wounds! Look at the burns on my body, it's all healed. It's just the effect of the dragon's blood that I wiped! Ha! You wipe it on. A little, the wound will heal quickly, and if you apply it elsewhere, it can be as hard as iron in the future!"

As he said that, he smiled strangely on his face: "Everyone is a man, do you want me to teach you how to use it? Hehe!"

After all, the poor bastard is simple, but these words are incomprehensible. He looks at Xia Ya blankly, not understanding the meaning of his words.

Seeing that the other party is not picking up the slack, Xia Ya can't help but feel disappointed, thinking that this guy is too stupid, and he was born so ugly, most women will not look at him and use him... Hard as iron, and there is nowhere to use it, it is also a waste .

After thinking about it, after smearing the dragon's blood on the poor worm's leg, he put the bag back.

He withdrew his hand, but found that the poor worm was staring at him in a daze, his legs were still stretched out, his eyes were a little strange, and the strangeness in his eyes made Xiaya feel a little strange in his heart, stunned for a moment, and wiped it. Put your face: "Is there something on my face?"

(Stupid pig... )

The poor bastard immediately woke up, blushed and retracted his legs, sitting there with his knees in his arms, not daring to look at Xiaya, his heart was extremely confused, and he didn't know if he was dazed or shy, or if he was a little annoyed. The ignorance of this turtle.

But soon, she felt a tingling in the wounded parts of her legs, and looked down, but saw that the wound that had not healed for many days, it healed quickly, the skin grew slowly, the flesh was blurred, and the blood flail was also coming. fall off...

The poor bastard finally reacted.

"Dragon, dragon blood? Did you use dragon blood for me?" She was a little excited: "Dragon blood, such a precious thing, you actually used it for me?"

Xia Ya smiled, but thought in his heart, I have washed my whole body several times, and there is still a lot in the bag, and the rest is for you, what's the big deal

Todoro groaned from behind.

"That... esteemed lord, if you are not in trouble, please, please remove the things on my body... I, I am about to be crushed to death... "

Xiaya frowned, walked over and lifted the huge burden with one hand, and looked at the magician who was crushed with only half his life left: "It's really useless, you are more waste than my last servant."

Duoduo was furious in his heart, but his face became more and more submissive: "You, your last servant was..."

"Well, his name is Oaks, and he's a goblin."


Dodoro was about to spit blood.

I am a noble magician! Not as good as a goblin? !

He got up, looked around his head, and suddenly his eyes lit up! !

The last magician killed by Ada, the body is not far away!

Dotolo immediately flew over, and touched the magician's arms with both hands for a while. First, he carefully took off the gold badge, then the wind magic ring on the magician's finger, and finally found it again. A small deerskin bag filled with bits and pieces of bottles and jars.

Duoduo cheered. Although he is not good at it, after all, the magician still has the vision. It can be seen at a glance that these are extremely rare high-end equipment for magicians!

This wind magic ring alone is worth at least ten thousand gold coins! ! And the bottles and jars in those deerskins are mostly some good magic materials, as well as magic scrolls!

In the end, he even found two magic cores.

While he was rejoicing, he saw a huge shadow on the ground covering him. When he turned around, he saw Xia Ya standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"Have you found something good? You are my servant now, and all the discoveries are mine!" Xia smiled kindly: "You have no experience at first sight, alas... don't forget to put the The clothes are off, and the boots are nice too."

Dodoro: "..."


Sitting on the top of the mountain and resting until evening, Xia waited for the injury on the poor worm’s leg to completely heal before standing up with a pat on the buttocks, raising her arms, and shouting excitedly: “Okay! This adventure is a complete success, come back. home!!"

Well, my uncle Xia is considered developed now. The old guy said that in addition to money, a man has to have a woman to meet the identity of the uncle.

In Wildfire Town... Although Aunt Sofia is beautiful, she is old after all. By the way, it seems that she has a niece who looks a lot like Aunt Sofia, with thick hands and big feet, big breasts and big butt...

Uncle, I am developed now, and I will come to propose marriage when I go back! hum! !

The old guy has something to say.

"Virgin men don't have to be rich, but rich men are generally not virgins."