
Chapter 51: Ten steps crimson


Xia ran back a few steps with a fire fork. When he stood in front of Sim, Sim came back to his senses. He roared and shook his arms, and a gray grudge erupted from the gun. This time he With all his strength, the vindictive qi was pushed to the extreme, and the vindictive qi almost surfaced a foot away from the gun, obviously reaching the pinnacle of power he could exert.

The spear turned into a cloud of dust and rolled over, and saw Sim yelling and stabbing one after another. In the midst of a mass of grudge, Xi Ya just raised the fire fork to cover the left and right, and from time to time he heard the spear. Smashing on Xia Ya made a muffled sound.

Xia Ya's martial arts cultivation was indeed much worse than the opponent's. She tried desperately to resist with a single force, but she was finally unable to stop the dense tide-like attack. Shim unleashed a set of spear skills. Xia Ya took a few more heavy blows, the head and body of the gun left a few marks on Xia Ya's body. It was obvious that the beaten had been swayed, but it took a long time to fall.

Sim was anxious, shocked and angry in his heart. He had never met such an opponent in his life. He had suffered so many times, but it seemed like nothing happened? With this level of attack, if you change yourself, you won't be able to take two hits, and you'll probably already lie down. This wild boy screamed in pain, but he became more and more energetic

Finally, with a clanging sound, Sim suddenly twisted his body, holding the gun in both hands, and stabbed fiercely—this was originally a stab with a lance on a horse, but at this moment Sim couldn't care about it anymore, he just wanted to kill this kid. Directly stab a transparent hole.

The tip of the spear plunged into Xia Ya's chest and abdomen with a burst of vindictiveness. Xia Ya's eyes widened instantly, a strange color flashed in his eyes, his feet quickly retreated, and the fire fork in his hand was swiftly facing the opponent's spear point. Just a few clicks.

Ding Ding Ding! !

After a series of crisp voices, the figures of the two finally stopped.

Sim's arms raised the spears in a stab-like shape, and Char shrank back to dodge, both of them were exhausted, and Sim's war gun, from the tip to the gun body, was covered with countless tiny cracks , in a few places, it was even close to breaking, and the sharp point of the gun was blunt, and it was easily knocked off by the fire fork. He stabbed it under his ribs, but it was stuck on a dragon scale, and it could no longer be pierced.

Sim's face was distorted, and finally, with a bang, the gun in his hand turned into countless pieces and exploded. A few pieces of iron scraped his face, cutting deep blood marks, and Sim didn't seem to notice it. , just stared at the boy in front of him for a while.

What, how is it possible? !

Sim's hands and palms were full of blood, which was the consequence of forcibly destroying his vindictiveness regardless of the consequences. His fingers trembled, and suddenly he fell to the ground with a thud, blood gushing out of his mouth, and the backlash of vindictiveness shook his own internal organs.

But why, this kid is all right? His martial arts are obviously messed up, but why...

As soon as Sim fell to the ground, several Night Kings knights rushed up and dragged him back, and the rest looked at Xi Ya with complicated eyes.

For a while, the scene was eerily silent.

On the other hand, behind Xia Ya, Duoduo was lying beside the poor worm. He was trembling with fright at first, but when he saw the fight was over, he couldn't help being terrified: This little thief is really powerful! That knight was able to use Dou Qi, so he was clearly a mid-level martial artist, yet he was actually defeated by him.

Xia Ya took a breath, but she was not at ease.

After the fight just now, although there are dragon blood and dragon scale inner armor as the foundation, Xiaya is not feeling well. After all, dragon blood and dragon scales are not omnipotent, and the so-called invulnerability is only a relative statement. Although an ordinary person cannot cut through, but facing a mid-level warrior's vindictive attack, it is very different.

After more than ten blows on his body, Xiaya felt as if his bones were about to be shattered, his whole body was in severe pain, and he was stabbed in the ribs by the gun, although he knocked the gun off immediately. Yes, but how powerful the fighting spirit of a mid-level warrior is. He was stabbed, although he never pierced the dragon scales, but the grudge still slammed into his chest through the dragon scales.

At this moment, Xia Ya only felt the pain rolling in his chest, he felt a rib was broken, and the pain was so painful that he vomited blood.

His heart is bright, even if there is dragon blood to strengthen his physique, this strengthening is not infinite! After a few more hits, he will definitely die!

"Kill this kid."

From the knights of the night knight, Sim's weak order came. Although this guy was defeated, he still did not forget his mission.

Many knights did not hesitate, and the knights in the back dismounted one after another, drew their long swords, and flew towards them.

Several swords stabbed from the left and right at the same time, and Xiaya could only resist while retreating. A sword was slashed on his shoulder. Although his body was strengthened with dragon blood, the blade of the sword still cut through his skin, and blood flowed out. If it was in the past, this sword would be able to slash one of his arms. down!

The person who cut his sword was also a powerful guy who could use vindictiveness. Xia Ya took a sword and kicked the man's thigh with all his might. He kicked it so hard that the knight screamed. His thigh was kicked off, and Xia Ya turned around and ran away, but there was a sword on his back from the left. Fortunately, there was a dragon scale to protect him. This sword did not go in, but the powerful sword hit him like a heavy hammer. On the body!

Xia Ya stumbled under his feet and finally fell to the ground. As soon as he landed, several swords were stabbed. He could only roll on the spot in embarrassment, waving the fire fork desperately in his hand.

None of these night knights are weak, even if they are just an ordinary member, they all have a formal warrior rank. How can Xia alone resist so many formal warrior sieges

Half of the warriors who besieged him were able to display their vindictive energy, and these dark night knights were even more decisive after receiving the order, and everyone was full of murderous looks. Even with the dragon's blood to strengthen his physique, he was still unable to completely resist the attack of Dou Qi. Fortunately, he also had dragon scale inner armor, which protected the vital parts.

Xia Ya didn't know how long she resisted, and she didn't know how many blows she took on her body, and her mind became a little blurry. She waved a fire fork to split a knight on the opposite side, and a cloud of blood was sprayed on her face. Stagnation, I vaguely heard the wind whistling in my ear, just turned my head, and saw a prism smashed in front of me! After all, Xia Ya was injured and reacted slowly. He didn't have time to dodge, and was smashed in the back of his heart by this edged hammer. This hammer also contained the bursting effect of vindictiveness! With a bang, Xia Ya was thrown up and thrown out. When he landed on the ground, he vomited blood, his eyes darkened, and he felt that his whole body was scattered.

The edged hammer is a heavy weapon used by knights. It is similar to a mace, but it is made of all-metal and has a heavy weight. This hammer was issued by the leader of the dark night knights, and it hit Xiaya on the back. Although he had dragon scales, under the strong impact, Xi Ya vomited blood, and he finally didn't have the strength to get up, so he barely turned over, and his hands and feet didn't listen to his commands.

At this time, the poor worm had already rushed up, but two night kings had already grabbed her and pushed her away. The poor worm screamed and screamed and kicked with both feet, but how could it resist two powerful knights

Dotolo was lying on the ground, his body trembling, his face pale, and he didn't even dare to lift his head.


Xia Ya was lying on the ground, his face was pressed to the ground, the blood and mud at the corners of his mouth were mixed together, his breath was disordered, he shook his head vigorously, and felt a few knights standing beside him, these guys seemed to be watching After showing his weakness, he didn't rush to do it anymore. He just gestured back and forth a few times, and the sharp sword of the opponent would fall and pierce his body at any time, and at this moment, a heavy step came.

A slightly taller knight came with a hammer in his hand, separated from the other knights, and stood beside Xia Ya. This person was the guy who attacked Xia Ya with a heavy hammer just now, looking at him with murderous expression. Looking at Xia Ya, he raised the edge hammer high and aimed it at Xia Ya's head. When the hammer hits, his head will be smashed into flesh.

The hammer has been raised high, and the shadow of the hammer shrouded the back of Xia Ya's head, at this moment...

Xia Ya was lying there, and the gray stone on his neck suddenly burst into a red hot red light! The light instantly expanded, without warning, it was dazzling! !

At this moment, the red light had enveloped Xiaya's whole body, and the red light instantly swept all over the body!

Visible to the naked eye, the heavy blows, cuts, hammer wounds, falls, and vindictive shocks, blast injuries suffered by Xia Ya... All these injuries, under the red light, almost took the blink of an eye. , it healed instantly! !

After seeing the red light, Xia Ya's whole body was completely intact. He was lying there. The stone under his neck was originally gray, but it had turned crimson red, like a blood crystal!

Dodoro was startled by the red light and raised his head. Seeing this amazing scene, the magician opened his mouth wide and sweat dripped down his forehead. There was only one thought left in his heart: damage, damage absorption? !

As soon as Xia Ya took a breath, she felt a force flooding her body instantly. This force contained a violent taste, as if a bucket of cold water was poured down, from head to toe, the energy was full of energy, almost to the point of The feeling of bursting out made Xia Ya couldn't help humming heavily.

At this moment, with the power that filled the whole body, a violent and incomparable emotion filled Xia Ya's entire mind. His heart was chaotic, but full of all kinds of negative emotions: anger, murderousness, irritability...

He jumped up suddenly, the red light on his body hadn't dissipated, and Xiaya's eyes were completely red at this moment, he no longer had any consciousness, he just felt that the murderous aura in his heart was getting harder and harder Patience, and finally roared...

The red light burst out from his body without a sound, as if it penetrated into the surrounding air in an instant, and even the air had a hint of crimson...

The black fire fork was in Xia Ya's hand, and he swung it round and danced, drawing a circular arc, the fire fork crossed, but it seemed to shine a faint red light...

One, two, three... about ten steps away!

Within ten steps, they are all crimson!

And within these ten steps, every knight seemed to see a flash of red light in front of him...

… all fell into silence.

after awhile…

Kaka! !

The knight who was closest to Xia with a hammer in his hand suddenly heard a crisp cracking sound from his armor. When he looked down, he saw that the armor had been lightly torn, and there was a thin line on his body. Blood spurted from the fine scratches...

The hammer in his hand is silently divided into two! Half of the hammer hit the ground.

Then he widened his eyes in horror, but found that he couldn't utter a word, and watched helplessly as his body slipped from the slanted scratch on his waist, and his upper body gradually slipped! !

The blood finally sprayed out, and the half corpse fell to the ground, and the part below the waist stood there by itself!

At the same time, there are more than ten knights beside Xia Ya. The heads of the five or six people closest to him are directly divided into two. It is the trace of Xia Ya's fire fork, and the brains and blood are sprayed everywhere. Yes, there are two other guys, both of them were cut in half. There were three other people who stood a little further away. One's long sword and arm were directly broken. One's shoulder was directly separated from his body. The last one screamed and wanted to run, but only took a step. , but found that the upper body moved, and the part below the knee stopped in place...


Sim was already paralyzed on the ground, unable to move. He watched helplessly as his team was killed by Xia Ya with a single blow. He stared at Xia Ya with a look of madness in his eyes!

Break, break and kill thousands of troops! Crimson murderous! !

No wonder this kid can seal his sword, because he has never learned to kill thousands of troops! No wonder this kid is extremely powerful, but he doesn't cultivate Dou Qi.

What he cultivates is not fighting spirit, but murderous spirit! Crimson murderous! !