
Chapter 57: Army of Glory


The Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment of the Byzantine Empire, in addition to this official designation, it also had a special name "Vexilatio", "Vexilatio (Note 1, see the end of this page)" in the Byzantine ancient language It means "mighty knight".

In the Byzantine Empire, only cavalry units with outstanding military exploits were eligible to be called this alias.

And the Thirteenth Cavalry Corps is indeed worthy of this honorable title.

In the military history of the Byzantine Empire, the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment also had a prominent and glorious history of warfare, and was a veritable trump card elite army in the Byzantine Empire army.

Its predecessor was called the "Rodrian Cavalry Regiment". Its history can be traced back to the Sixth Patriotic War of the Byzantine Empire two hundred years ago. At that time, in order to quell the rebellion, the then emperor of the empire, Aulius the Great, moved from the sturdy Romance The Delia region recruited local knights to form a cavalry regiment, and then made great achievements in the Great Patriotic War. During the South and North War, six rebellions were quelled and nine Odin invasions were repelled. In the nature and blood of the Roderians, the characteristics of belligerence and blood are melted, fighting bravely and perseveringly. A record: After sixty-four battles, no one retreated! ! (This point, none of the Byzantine armies can do it, even the prominent palace guards have a record of being defeated and fleeing.)

At that time, there were only 2,000 cavalry regiments in Rodriguez, but the 2,000 cavalrymen from the Rodriguez region had a very special way of fighting. When the cavalry charged, they used to use a special The four-meter-long lance and the large oval-shaped giant shield are held high - and only people from the Rodriguez region with excellent and powerful physical fitness can use this heavy weapon. They can't be strong when charging. Fear of death, never back down.

It is worth mentioning that in the Great Patriotic War experienced by the Rodriguez cavalry regiment, they never retreated in 64 battles, thirteen of which almost killed the entire regiment, but still no Back off!

A slogan of the Roderian cavalry at that time once made all Byzantine soldiers change their color!

"Go forward, or die!!"

This is not a general slogan. From officers to soldiers, everyone in this army has used their blood and life to prove the authenticity of this slogan to the world!

After going through bloody baptisms again and again, the soul of this army has become more and more tenacious. Even if this cavalry regiment is crippled and lost in tragic battles time and time again, the later rulers will not lose it. Hesitant to rebuild it again and again! Because even an idiot ruler understands how precious such an iron army, baptized with blood, is to the empire!

After the end of the Sixth Patriotic War, the Roderian cavalry regiment changed from a temporary conscription to a regular force and was officially included in the regular army of the Byzantine Empire. At that time, it was renamed the thirteenth imperial cavalry regiment. The establishment was also expanded to 12,000 people, and this establishment has continued to this day.

In the more than two hundred years from the founding of the army to the present, with the changes in the territory of the empire, political changes, and ethnic migration, the former Rodriguez region has become a sparsely populated and barren land. The demi-humans, the traditional and pure Rodrians no longer exist, and they have completely dissolved into every corner of the Byzantine Empire, turning into a drop of water in the sea.

But the 13th Cavalry Regiment still retained the iron-blooded spirit of the most traditional Roderian cavalry regiment.

"Go forward, or die!"

The soldiers and soldiers of the 13th Cavalry Regiment of all dynasties have defended this glorious slogan with blood. For more than two hundred years, this cavalry regiment has been stationed in the southern part of the Inland Sea of the Empire, quelled the rebellion of the Governor of the Military Region. The western frontier of the empire has resisted the aggression of nomads, and participated in the previous battles with the Odin Empire on the northern border. Any commander will not hesitate to put it on the toughest and toughest front line, fight the toughest battle, and gnaw on it. hardest bone.

Even in the face of the Berserker God Blessings of the Odins, the soldiers of the 13th Cavalry Corps never took a step back.

As a result, the 13th Cavalry Regiment also set a record in the history of the Imperial Army: they were the army with the largest percentage of damages in any battle and, at the same time, the most rebuilt army.

And... still... zero backlog!

Of course, there is another record: as if the soul of this army was infused with the sturdy and aggressive nature of the Rodrigues two hundred years ago, this cavalry regiment will always be part of the imperial army. Its thorns, and its successive commanders are all like lunatics or madmen.

Even if the imperial military occasionally sends some officers who the military considers to be "steady" and "experienced" to take charge of this army in order to restrain the army, the amazing thing is that once those officers arrive in this army, they will soon be arrested. This army has been assimilated, and even calm and sophisticated people have become madmen.

Once, the military dispatched a new commander to this cavalry regiment. The young general was from a noble family and was a well-known gentleman in the royal city, with extraordinary elegance. But it turned out that after the nobleman arrived at the 13th Cavalry Regiment, in less than three months, the first "merit" he did that attracted the attention of the military was to lead a group of subordinates to snatch the allocated military resources and send friendly troops. His military camp was burnt to rubble, and without trial, several corrupt logistics officers he identified were executed. After that, he repeatedly violated the imperial military law because of fighting, guarding the shortcoming, etc., and became the number one madman of the military.

The general later became a lieutenant general and served as the governor of a military region of the empire. He recalled the time when he was the commander of the 13th cavalry regiment and said: "As long as you come to this unit , you will feel its war spirit everywhere! In this case, you only have two choices, either get out! Or, become one of them! And I am lucky, I chose the latter."

All subsequent commanders of the 13th Cavalry Regiment took this predecessor's words as their motto. And the 13th Cavalry Corps has never produced even an obedient and honest general. In the records of the Imperial Military Law Department, it will always be ranked first...


Char Ya left with General Adric and his group. He went back to his house on the way. General Adrick left the Kevin who competed with Char to wait for him, and then took Char back to the barracks.

Xia's luggage was very simple. He brought a bag of gold coins with a piece of dragon skin folded at the bottom and a few dragon scales pressed on it. Of course, the big killer was still stuck in his waist. He ran to the back mountain to lead a horse and confessed to the goblin: I have gone to join the army, and I will take care of it at home. Then floated away.

Along the way, that Kevin didn't show any hostility towards Xi Ya, even though the two had a big fight. This guy took off the face-covered helmet and revealed a bald and shiny head, which made Xia amazed.

Kevin is not ugly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, tall and straight, and strong arms, but he has shaved his hair, and that huge and bright head makes the whole person look a bit more hideous.

Xia Ya joined the army for the first time and seemed to be curious about everything. Kevin also explained something to Xia Ya very seriously, especially a brief introduction to the deeds of the 13th Cavalry Regiment, with an undisguised tone. proud.

After listening to Xia Ya, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's too good! Go forward, or die. It's a goddamn kind!"

With such a temperament and such an age, he naturally admires heroes, and it is the age where his blood is most likely to be boiling. After listening to it, he can't help but yearn in his heart.

After thinking for a while, looking at Kevin's bald head, he suddenly couldn't help but say, "That... Kevin, why is your head..."

Kevin glanced at him, and said in a loud voice: "On the battlefield, it is easy to be injured by bows and arrows, and the hair is shaved. In case of injury to the head or face, it is more convenient to wrap the medicine."

Xia Ya nodded again and again.

But suddenly a wretched thought came into my mind: It's just that the head is easily injured... So what should I do with my body? And if the thigh is injured... Did you shave all the hair in that place

Thinking of this, I subconsciously glanced at Kevin's place, and my eyes couldn't help being a little sneaky...


(Note 1: In real history, Vixilatio does not mean "mighty knight" with praise, but simply means "cavalry". The historical Byzantine military system verified in the display In this book, the cavalry regiment is also called "Vekhiradio - Palatine", and Palatine refers to the establishment of the Guards Corps (corps, brigade). Wangda people laughed it off.)

(Note 2: The Byzantium in the book and the Byzantium in real history are naturally not the same thing, but some structures such as the political system and the military system will also be used in the description. When I wrote this book, I still did some Homework, hehe.)