
Chapter 61: War is war


Those black shadows jumped and jumped, jumping back and forth between the trees, like giant apes, but they rushed in front of them in a moment, a black shadow fell from the sky, fell high, and fell into a hand. On the soldier with the sword raised...

Although the cavalrymen had already drawn their weapons, they seemed to be a little unprepared for such a high-ranking enemy. Three were quickly knocked down, and one was stabbed in the heart with a knife when he reached the ground. , and the other two struggled with their opponents.

The remaining dozen or so shadows also rushed into the crowd of imperial cavalry in an instant, and Xia Ya felt a stinky aura hit her face. Dodging, he was thrown to the ground, the opponent's hand twisted Xia Ya's neck frantically, Xia Ya snorted, grabbed the opponent's hand and slammed it twice, the opponent's hand in the dark It broke, and then the two of them rolled on the ground, Xiaya had already grabbed each other's throat, and tried hard...


When he struggled to get up, Kevin next to him had already used a pyramid to smash a black shadow flying towards him. Kevin had a short knife on his shoulder. He was injured when he was thrown down just now.

"Damn it! What?"

Watching a few black shadows quickly retreat, jumped up, and changed positions after a few jumps. Although they were burly figures, they were as dexterous as monkeys.

Kevin gasped in a low voice and roared loudly: "Close up! Everyone close together! This is Odin's Icefield Hunter!"

In the first wave of attack, the Byzantine scout cavalry had already laid down six people, only two were alive, and the other four had died.

On the other hand, only two of the "Iceland Hunters" on the other side died. Except for the one whose neck was broken by Char, the other one was killed by Kevin's edge hammer and fell under the tree, with a large indentation in his chest. Apparently the sternum was shattered.

At this moment, in the dark night, the sky in the woods was blocked by branches and leaves. In order to hide, these scouts did not light a fire. However, Xi Ya, who was born with night eyes, still saw the appearance of these "Iceland Hunters".

Each of these guys is covered in black fur, tall and tall, a head taller than the Byzantine scout cavalry around him, with long hands drooping, really like an ape, and the tall body is covered in black fur in the dark , like a big bear, it is really difficult to see their appearance in the dark night.

The weirdest thing is that these guys are obviously bloated, but their movements are frighteningly agile when they run and jump! Even their jumps between the trees, or their jumps on the ground, didn't make any movement! !

After all, it was the elite 13th cavalry regiment. The scouts gathered together quickly, and everyone quickly formed a circle back to back. Xia Ya and Kevin leaned closely together, next to the captain of the scout, the face of the captain of the scout. With blood on his body, he was also thrown down just now, his forehead was smashed on the ground, he held the sword in one hand, and clutched his left rib with the other, where the leather armor was cut, and a deep wound was There was blood coming out.

"It's these ghosts! Humph, the mortal enemy of our Byzantine scouts!"

The captain gasped in a low voice, his mouth burst into words, and his eyes stared at the hunters in the darkness - those guys retreated with a single blow, but not far away, more than a dozen figures quickly came up on the big tree He moved back and forth, jumped, and seemed to be looking for an opportunity to attack.

Kevin pulled out the short knife on his shoulder, frowning in pain, gritted his teeth and said, "Xia, be careful, these guys are Odin's scouts, they live in Odin's northern icefield, and they spend all the year in the smooth Running and surviving on ice fields and steep snow-capped cliffs, you are the most agile!"

No wonder... One by one really looks like ape.

Xiaya squinted and stared into the distance, both sides were patiently confronting, those icefield hunters kept changing positions...

Finally, with a whistle, a black shadow jumped down first, and more than a dozen shadows behind jumped down from all directions! The cavalrymen raised their swords and fought hard to resist, but those guys were extremely fierce. Often a cavalryman's sword clearly hit the opponent, but the opponent didn't care, sticking it up with a short knife and stabbing the cavalry's vital point!

After a few screams, the circle of defense has been broken! Xia Ya kicked a guy who flew towards him with one foot. He was very powerful. When he kicked out, the person was still in the air and spurted blood. The turtle had already pulled out the fire fork with his backhand. These guys with agile hands are not easy to use with huge cross-edged swords, but will affect their agility.

Then Xia rushed up!

He jumped vigorously, just like these icefield hunters, he threw up several meters, and met a guy in mid-air. Xia opened his arms and hugged him like an octopus. Char's chest... But this guy miscalculated! The turtle's body is now so powerful that it cannot be pierced by a short knife! Xia Ya's arms clenched hard, and with a few grunts, he crushed the opponent's bones! The strange power of the barbarian is really no trivial matter, Xiaya fell on the tree with this guy who had vomited blood, dropped the corpse, and at the same time took the short knife from the opponent's hand, and looked at a shadow rushing towards the side in the darkness, Xiaya. Throwing the short knife out, the guy immediately covered his throat with his hands, Grid shouted a few times, and fell back.

Xiaya seems to have transformed into an icefield hunter. His movements, jumping speed, and acuity are even far ahead of the opponent! If the other party is an ape, then he is simply a civet cat!

Killing three in one go, he quickly takes aim at the next target...

This is a guy with the tallest body. That guy has cut off the neck of a scout cavalry with a short knife. His face is covered with blood. When he rolled up from the ground, Xia Ya had already rushed over and brought the opponent's body down again. .

The two twisted on the ground, and Xiaya immediately felt that the other party's strength was not small, much stronger than the few icefield hunters he had dealt with before. He tried to break the other party's neck, but this guy actually struggled own hands.

Shaya quit! Uncle wants to kill you, how dare you resist

The two rolled on the ground, Xia made a little space, bent her knees and pushed it up, pressing heavily on the bottom of each other's thighs. The guy was in pain, and his body was twisted. An elbow hit the opponent's heart.

With a few clicks, the sternum burst, and Xia jumped up quickly and ran up the tree like a civet cat. At a glance, he saw that Kevin was knocking over an opponent, but another icefield hunter rushed to Kevin's back from behind. superior! The guy's legs were tightly wrapped around Kevin's waist. The stunned head Qing struggled a few times but was unable to shake it off. The Icefield Hunter on his back had already held a short knife and stabbed Kevin's neck fiercely. …

Xia Ya didn't hesitate, and the fire fork in his hand threw out like lightning. Kevin had already felt the cold air on his neck, and his heart was full of despair. Suddenly, he heard a pop, blood spilled on his ears, and the one who went north The guy fell off as soon as he stiffened. Turning around, the opponent's head was directly pierced by a fire fork!

Xia jumped down and pulled out the fire fork, Kevin gasped and whispered, "I owe you a life!"

Xia grinned...

At this moment, only four Byzantine scout cavalry were left alive, and the icefield hunters finally whistled, jumped out of the battle circle, and jumped to the tree quickly. get up and go...

Fourteen scout cavalry died in the attack, and ten of the ice hunters died. Among them, Xia Ya and Kevin killed six. It is conceivable that if there is no Kevin and Char, then the end of this scout cavalry is likely to be destroyed!

It was the first time in Char's heart that he had a deep impression of the strength of the Odins.

The enemy was gone, and Kevin immediately sat on the ground with his buttocks. Several or more of the scouts could stand unsteadily. The captain was still alive and he stretched out his hand to support the tree.

Kevin looked at Xia Ya's strange expression, pulled him and whispered, "Odins are inherently ferocious, these icefield hunters are natural scouts among the Odins. Although they are enemies, they must not Not to mention, in terms of individual combat power, they are stronger than our Byzantines."

After a pause, Kevin added: "But the general said a word, these guys gather together, but they are a mob, and we can always defeat them."

But after a short fight, the fourteen companions who had eaten and slept together for a few days turned into icy corpses.

For these cavalry, they didn't seem to be too sad, they just quietly cleaned up the battlefield, moved the bodies of their companions together, and carefully inspected the enemies at the same time - they didn't hesitate if they didn't die. to make up for a sword.

The process was very silent, no one said a word or a word!

For these people, it seems that they have become accustomed to this kind of separation of life and death on the battlefield. There is no grief on everyone's face, but the grief is turned into hatred and flashes in their eyes!

The wounded captain stood and watched for a while in front of the corpses—the first guarded soldier in the attack to be shot through the neck by an arrow. A sharp arrow was nailed together, and the water in the water bag had already drained, and it was mixed with blood into a ball...

The captain looked at the young soldier silently, and for a moment, his eyes seemed to be deadly silent!

Then he turned his head vigorously, his voice hoarse: "There is no time to delay! We have found the enemy, we must bring the news back immediately! Everyone mounts and sets off immediately!"

The captain took the lead and quickly climbed onto the horse, and the rest of the cavalry followed behind him and quickly left the killing woods.

It wasn't until after running for more than ten miles that Kevin told Xia Ya in a low voice...

"The dead soldier is the captain's son."


Xia was stunned.

This dead young cavalryman, these days of getting along with him, did not leave a deep impression on Xia Ya. He only remembered that he had a simple face and determined eyes, only when he laughed occasionally, he would show a bit of shyness. looks like...

And in these days, when facing the captain, he also called "Captain" with everyone, but never called his father. I didn't get any preferential treatment from the captain, reconnaissance and vigilance, as if the hardest things were left to him to do...

In just a moment, a father sent his son away.

In just a moment, life and death were so cruelly separated from the family!


This is the first battle that Xia Ya has experienced in his military experience. The captain's deadly lonely eyes when looking at his dead son were deeply engraved in Xia Ya's heart like a knife.

For the young hunter, he was suddenly reminded of a fact by the small-scale but tragic battle in front of him: war is not hunting in the mountains and forests!

War is not an adventure on a wildfire!

War is... war! !