
Chapter 66: Rabbit run


It has been three days since the last scout reconnaissance mission. In the past three days, the 13th Cavalry Regiment has stepped up its combat preparations, and a large number of supplies and equipment have been transported to the station. Just last night, a banner regiment's cavalry had already set out After leaving the barracks, we conducted a power search northward according to the operational plan.

And the central army tent has become more and more busy. In the past three days, the generals of a flag regiment and a flag regiment have been in and out of the tent, and the battle meeting has been carried out tensely. All tasks have been assigned, and the vigilance of the station has also been raised. to the highest level.

But these have nothing to do with Xia Ya for the time being. He was lying on the bed, and he was still thinking about the experience of today's trial repeatedly in his mind. At the same time, he took the time to rest. The short one-hour rest time must allow his physical strength to be fully recovered.

Although he has never actually been on the battlefield, the brief confrontation with Odin's icefield hunters in the woods has given Char a taste of the cruel side of war.

He likes staying in this place very much, and he likes the new friends around him, whether it's Kevin, Cato, or the burly and strong man Sharba, he likes them very much. Very direct, especially once you are accepted by them, you will get their sincere treatment - these atmospheres are absolutely absent in Wildfire Town.

In the past 18 years, Xia Ya has never really had any friends except for this short adventure on the Wildfire Plain, so he now cherishes this feeling.

But he also knew very well that this was the army! The army is going to fight! War is cruel!

Therefore, he must practice his own skills well.

In the past few days, he practiced martial arts hard during the day, and at night, he took the initiative to apply for patrol missions, just to seize the opportunity to practice his horsemanship. And every time Xia Ya patrolled, he would take the time to ask the cavalrymen who were patrolling with them to teach the cavalry to fight on horseback.

He knew very well that one of the simplest skills might become his life-saving reliance on the battlefield in the future - it wasn't how smart he was, but the vigilance he had learned from fighting beasts in the mountains and forests since he was a child.

The one-hour break passed quickly, and poor Dodoro brought water, but Xiaya didn't have time to take a bath at all. He jumped up quickly, put on the new armor that the magician wiped off, and rushed out. Tent... The magician spat fiercely behind him, threw the brush on the ground, and lay down on Char's bed.

God, bless this turtle, let him fall off his horse while patrolling...

The devout prayer in the magician's heart.


After joining the patrol as ordered, Xia Ya followed the team out of the gate of the station, and saw a horse team slowly approaching in the distance. The cavalry at the forefront was under the banner of the imperial army, and the queue was tidy.

"Who?" Xia asked his companions.

"It's the guy from the 6th Corps... I heard that they will be here in the next two days. Hehe... Rookie, you are so lucky, you just arrived to catch the big battle!" An experienced cavalryman next to him smiled.

The oncoming horse team quickly changed its formation, and the flag of the friendly army was called from far away. The patrol immediately gave way to let the horse team pass through the main road. Xia Ya and the cavalry of the patrol watched the army pass by on the side of the road. The cavalry was not large, only about a hundred or so, while a group of cavalry in fine armor guarded a general riding a red horse. The guy who looked like-that general had big arms and a round waist. Although he was wearing a full set of golden armor, instead of a trace of shrewdness, he looked bloated.

"That's General Ruhl of the 6th Corps." A patrolling cavalry next to him told Char.

General? Xia immediately compared this guy with General Adric, and then a trace of contempt arose in his heart. This guy looks more like a cook...

"He was born as a cook." Another cavalryman whispered: "General Ruhr is a member of the Minas family. He used to be the cook of the Duke of Minas, and he didn't know how he was appreciated by the Duke of Minas. He was promoted. Sigh… Duke Minas is also a famous commander of the empire, so he must have missed such a guy in his life.”

Obviously, the cavalry of the 13th Corps seemed to be very disdainful of this General Ruhr.

In fact... they certainly have reason to despise the Ruhr general.

The tradition of the 13th Cavalry Regiment is "Advance, or die!" In the history of the regiment, this iron army has never retreated once.

But this Ruhr general has a special record in the Byzantine Empire: the troops he commanded have always been the ones with the smallest losses and the most complete preservation at the end of each war!

Because this Ruhr general seems to have a very special talent: he can always foresee or sense the impending danger, and then... lead the troops to withdraw quickly before the danger comes!

Attention, evacuate, not escape! Because this guy will never lead a team out of combat in violation of military orders, because then he will be punished by military law. The special thing about General Ruhr is that he can always find a way to survive in the most dangerous situation and evacuate safely with his men.

Once in a war, General Ruhr was only the flag officer of a flag regiment, leading the army to serve as the vanguard, because the enemy suddenly rushed forward and detoured, and went straight to the rear to attack the main force behind. The Ruhr's army was trapped in the enemy's territory.

As a result, the Lord Ruhr developed a skill that amazed all Byzantine generals: he took 2,000 subordinates, and was surrounded by a total of more than 40,000 enemy troops in the complex terrain. I found a gap and ran all the way out of the enemy-occupied area!

Except for a few soldiers who sprained their feet while escaping, he was unscathed! !

If not a miracle, such a command can be regarded as a masterpiece of art!

General Ruhr has been in the army for 30 years, and he has never fought a tough battle, but his troops can always complete tasks such as side response or detour.

Moreover, he also set an admirable record among all the generals of the Byzantine Empire: his army once faced the army of Hastings, the God of War of the Odin Empire, who is recognized as the most powerful general on the continent!

Hasting is recognized as the No. 1 warrior in the mainland, and the proudest god of war in the army of Odin Empire! The Byzantine Empire has always fought against the Odin Empire with winners and losers, but in the face of Hasting's army, it has always lost more and won less, and even the 13th Cavalry Corps of the Iron Army has suffered a lot.

But this General Ruhr is different...

About six years ago, the war broke out between the two countries. At that time, Ruhr had just been promoted to general and commanded a regiment of troops. Unfortunately, his army encountered Hasting's regiment on the battlefield.

The military order Ruhr received was that he had to hold off Hasting's army for at least two days!

The Ruhr general began to send someone to give Hasting a gauntlet. The gauntlet was full of rhetoric, asking Hasting to have a head-to-head battle on the battlefield! The battle writing is very dignified, and it also explains that although he knows that he is not Hasting's opponent, but...

"Defend the dignity of the warriors, and defend the glory of the imperial soldiers. Our army will fight to the death and use blood to write the integrity of a Byzantine soldier!"

"Being able to fight against Your Excellency, even if I die, I have no regrets!"

—These are the original words of the battle book! !

Seeing such a chivalrous opponent, Hasting was overjoyed and agreed to such a request with a heroic cherishing attitude, and sent someone to write a respectful letter to reply.

As a result, when Hastings was ready for a decisive battle two days later, he led his troops towards Ruhr's camp, only to find that the camp was already empty!

It turned out that after receiving Hasting's reply, the general Ruhr left all the baggage and the ordnance logistics that night, and ran away overnight with his men.

When Hastings was furious and led people to hunt them down, Ruhl's men were already two hundred miles away...

Although he lost all the ordnance supplies and baggage, he was not punished by the military because Ruhr successfully delayed Hastings for two days.

Hasting made an evaluation of this despicable opponent: Among all the generals of Byzantium, this Ruhr is the most despicable and cunning, he is simply a fox... No! Foxes are bolder than him, he is a rabbit at all! A very fast rabbit!

From then on, General Ruhr got a nickname - "Running Rabbit"!

Another interesting thing is... The rhetoric that Ruhr originally wrote to Hasting was torn to shreds by Hasting angrily after he found out he had been fooled. After the fierce general calmed down, he re-attached the gauntlet and kept it with him to remind himself that he must not be arrogant and careless when he encounters an enemy in the future.

This kind of practice spread out, and it also added a lot of fame to General Ruhr from the side.


Watching Ruhr's men and horses pass by, after Xi Ya heard the glorious past of this general rabbit from the mouths of the cavalry, unlike the cavalry, he did not look at the horses in the distance with the slightest contempt, but instead showed A bit of thought and admiration.