
Chapter 72: Beast Soul Warrior


Xia Ya regretted choosing this direction in his heart. Seeing that the Odins began to line up, he immediately stepped back cautiously, using his agile skills to climb silently on the tree trunk, his movements were like a vigorous The lynx, hunched over his waist, climbed from one tree to another. This process was very slow. Every movement he made was as light as possible, until he climbed out of more than ten big trees and entered deeply. In the woods, farther away from the group of Odin's army, Xia reluctantly enlarged some movements, speeded up, and headed towards the woods.

But soon, in the depths of the woods, the appearance of a small group of icefield hunters made Xi Ya's heart in his throat.

These guys are sharp enough to threaten Char's hiding place!

He stopped immediately and was on the branch of a big tree...

Through the dense branches and leaves, Xiaya vaguely saw a group of majestic Odin warriors approaching. These Odin warriors were taller and more burly than the ones he had encountered, and everyone seemed very sharp. Appearance, wearing animal skins, carrying a hatchet, these guys look indifferent one by one, and there is a violent taste in their eyes, but they just stand there quietly in a circle.

The most terrible thing is that there are more and more Odins gathered below. In addition to the icefield hunters, there are more than ten Odins wearing ancient monster skins. A strange ornament made of animal bones, one of which is an old Odin, thin and tall, with messy hair, wearing a large leather robe, and the leather robe is actually naked, this Odin seems to be a The highest status among all the Odins, and the other Odins kept a considerable distance from him, maintaining a respectful attitude from a distance.

A fire soon ignited on the ground. The skinny Odin grabbed a handful of powder he didn't know he was carrying and threw it into the fire. The flame immediately turned a strange green and was burning brightly. .

This guy sprinkled the powder and started to sing strange notes in his mouth, because Xi Ya didn't understand Odin, so he couldn't understand the other party's words at all, but, with the singing of this Odin, all the Odins around him The Ding people all knelt down and prostrated around the green fire...

A strange feeling came out of Xia Ya's heart.

This Odin... Could it be a magician

Ah, no, I heard that the Odins are not called magicians, but... priests

The Odin warriors in the back quickly carried two beasts, a living wolf, and even a living grizzly bear! !

These animals were originally tied up and left by the fire, still roaring and grinning, but this Odin priest walked over, with a strange smile on his thin face, and first reached out to touch the wolf , the wolf suddenly seemed to be so frightened that he didn't even dare to struggle, and shrank his head and howled pitifully...

With a miserable smile on his face, the priest gently pressed his hand on the wolf's head, pressing his fingers like dried branches on the wolf's head, and then as the notes he chanted in his mouth became more and more strange, the wolf's cry gradually decreased. down.

With the finger of the priest gently pinching... Xia's eyes widened and he saw a strange scene...

Above the wolf's head, a transparent light was "pulled" out of the wolf's head by the sacrifice! !

The group of rays of light was very weak, and as the rays of light were "pulled away" from the wolf's body, the wolf suddenly stopped moving and stiffened.

Suddenly thinking of the dragon slaughter experience, Xia Ya's heart was beating wildly!

Yes... Soul! !

This sacrifice actually "pumped" the wolf's soul out of his body with one stroke! !

With a solemn expression on the sacrifice's face, he held the ball of light in his hand, and then gently threw it into the green flame...

With a bang, a green light burst forth, and in the flames, there seemed to be a painful howl!

The priest dragged his fingers and cut off a green flame directly from the flame, turning it into dozens of green light spots in his hand. With the flick of his finger, dozens of lights It shot at the burly Odin warriors with axes around them!

Those light spots fell on the chests or heads of the Odin warriors, and the green light spots disappeared into the body immediately, and then every warrior raised their hair and howled in pain!

The faces of these Odin warriors were full of painful expressions, the muscles on their faces kept twisting, grinning, and some even shed tears and snot, as if they were in great pain, and then some people struggled to stand up, Their bodies twisted stiffly like puppets, and then these people suddenly tore off their leather robes one by one. On their bare chests, the naked eyes could see that their muscles were rapidly expanding, and the skin on the surface was quickly supported. It broke open, but soon the new skin healed the wound, and thick black hairs grew from the surface of the skin, and even thick hairs grew on their faces... It was like, as if...

Half wolf half human monster

Everyone's originally cold eyes have turned into a weird green! It seems that there are two green flames flashing in the eyes! ! If the eyes before were cold, but at least it was a kind of human emotion, but after turning into two green flames, it seemed that there was no trace of humanity anymore.

(burning the soul of the beast and injecting it into the human body... Could it be... )

Xia Ya's face changed wildly.

Could it be the legendary "Beast Soul Warrior"? ! He seemed to listen to some past mercenaries in the tavern in Wildfire Town being drunk and bragging about their experiences. Someone once mentioned that there is a kind of "beast soul warrior" with extremely powerful combat power in the Odin Empire. The beast soul warriors in the battle are as ferocious as beasts, with infinite strength, no fear, no pain, and extremely strong fighting power, as if possessing the power of the soul of a beast.

These half-wolf warriors were roaring, and the lanky Odin priest had already walked to another grizzly bear. The bear barked his teeth and roared in a low voice, but as the priest approached, the sound gradually changed. It became a scream, as if he also had a premonition of danger and despair.

The sacrifice seemed to have a smile on his face, but the smile was very strange, not the slightest joy, but with a cruel light, and pressed one hand on the bear's head, just like the previous action, as he chanted in his mouth. , the fingertips made a gentle movement of pulling away, and soon, a green soul light was stripped from the bear's head like a cocoon and a thread!

Obviously, the capacity of the bear's soul light is much stronger than that of the wolf. A mass of light was thrown into the green flame, and the blazing fire suddenly became much more vigorous.

The priest seemed to be a little tired, his forehead was full of sweat, his face paled, the tune in his mouth also fell, and his breath was obviously rushed. Immediately, he stretched out his hand, and his dry, claw-like hand reached into the firelight, and with a slight wave, the green light was separated, and the mana of the sacrifice seemed to be unable to support consumption. At this moment, the smoke of Chi Chi suddenly appeared, and the palm of the hand was scorched.

The priest frowned, as if feeling no pain, but just a little nervous. He quickly grabbed a handful of green fireballs into his palms, and then his claws, which had been burnt black like charcoal, quickly flicked a few times. Down.

Behind him, a row of tallest and burly Odin warriors came out. These Odin warriors were full of excitement, as if they were looking forward to what was about to happen. This team of Odin warriors is the tallest of all the Odins that Char can see. Each of them is at least two heads taller than Char himself, and they all wear heavy and thick iron armor, with long arms in their hands. steel axe.

The flames of more than ten bear souls hit these guys, and soon there was a loud and thick roar, and more than a dozen Odin warriors roared up to the sky, beating their chests hard, and their muscles swelled rapidly. When they got up, some of them instantly increased their height, and the expansion of their bodies made the iron armor on their bodies deformed, making a twisted sound. These guys don't seem to feel pain, they just roar like wild beasts, but they finally feel the restraint of their armor, and some simply stretch out their palms that have become giant claws and tear them down.

The originally thick iron armor was as fragile as paper under their hands, and it was torn to pieces with a gentle pull!

Xia on the tree sees her heart beating wildly...

What a powerful force! At least Xia Ya himself knows very well that although he is also known for his strength, if he wants to tear the iron armor with his bare hands, I am afraid that he can't do it! At least these Odin monsters can easily pierce the iron armor with their fingers, and then tear... their fingers are not that hard!

Even if it is strengthened by dragon blood, I am afraid it can't do it.

Day, hard as iron! The hands of these Odin monsters are truly as hard as iron!

Look at the muscles of these guys, their arms are swollen and thicker than their thighs! The naked parts are covered with long black hair, and some sharp canine fangs grow rapidly from their mouths - are these guys still human? !

Xia Ya's heart was beating wildly. He knew very well that he had made a mistake and encountered some kind of magical ritual that Odin sacrificed to create beast soul berserkers. Right now, there are all these terrifying half-human, half-beast monsters. The terrifying combat power that can tear through the armor with bare hands... Once he is discovered, he will definitely die...

Ah no, it's dead! !

No matter how daring the turtle is, under such a scene, it is inevitable that he will beat his heart, and some of the back of his head will feel cold.

He subconsciously held his breath, and he was cautiously sitting in the tree branch, not daring to move at all.

But at this moment, the continuation of the following ceremony made Xia Ya's complexion suddenly change! !


Obviously, the ceremony was not over yet. Dozens of beast soul warriors who had just become maddened were roaring and roaring on the ground in front of the sacrifice. The Odin, who was also wearing a leather robe, seemed to be an assistant to the priest. He walked over and said a few words with concern. The skinny priest closed his eyes and wiped his sweat, shook his head, and then opened his eyes, very determined. Said something.

Soon, a few guys were tied up again from the woods, but this time, when Xia looked at the tree, her eyes suddenly turned red!

This time, it was not a beast, but a man! !

Several wounded Byzantine cavalrymen were tied up and carried up. Seeing their still bloodstains, it was obvious that they had not been captured for a long time. What shocked Xia even more was that there were people he knew among them!

The one who was tied to the head was a burly man who was not much worse than the Odins. Such a physique was rare among the Byzantines. The robe of this guy was cut in several places, and the blood was still flowing. , when he was brought up, he held his neck and yelled at him.

Xiaya recognized it immediately, this was Sharba, a personal comrade-in-arms of the Guards! It was the former number one strongman of the Guards, who had wrestled with himself. In the Guards battalion, apart from Kevin and the cunning Cato, this rude man was the guy who had the most trouble with him. This time, I rode north with myself, Kevin and others to rescue Butler, but why were they captured here

Did Kevin and the others lose the battle

Xia Ya was a little anxious in her heart.

Sharba scolded loudly, although he knew that most of these Odins could not understand, but the man still kept scolding.

And the guy tied to the second one, Xiaya knew even more!

It's Cato! ! It's that sly Cato! That Cato who secretly stuffed himself a bottle of wine on the first day he entered the barracks! !