
Chapter 75: great merit


Kevin and Butler had already formed a defensive formation in the far south of the valley and were ready to stand guard. The people below suddenly reported that someone had rushed out of the valley. Kevin ran to the front and saw Xia from a distance. The three of them rushed all the way from outside the valley in embarrassment, and behind them there were Odins roaring and chasing to the valley.

Without any hesitation, Kevin got on his horse and went up to him. Fortunately, the Odins didn't chase after him. When they reached the mouth of the valley, they shouted for a while and retreated.

Once the three of Xia Ya were rescued, they finally collapsed to the ground as if they were exhausted. It was carried back by the Byzantine cavalry.

Arriving in the queue of his own people, Xia Ya suddenly burst into laughter. The fear and tension in his heart, as well as the pressure of the rest of his life after the catastrophe were all vented, and it turned into a mad laugh. But he couldn't care less. It's just a little weird that the wild laughter is mixed with the screams of oops.

"Hahahaha! I actually didn't die! I actually survived for me! Hahahaha!!!"

Cato and Sharba were naturally bandaged. Cato's injury was okay, but Sharba was miserable. Ke Kelan shot Xi Ya flying with his last arrow. He crushed several bones, but fortunately the broken bones did not pierce his internal organs, otherwise, without the presence of the priest, he would have died.

Kevin and Butler surrounded Char and the three of them and asked carefully. When they heard that Char had escaped alone, they sneaked into the woods on the hillside beside the valley and met Odin. human sacrifice...


Butler suddenly shouted: "You said! You killed a sacrifice!! An Odin sacrifice?!"

The man swept away the slump on his face, his face full of excitement and excitement. Kevin also widened his eyes and stared at Xi Ya, his mouth wide open, unable to say a word.

"Uh... To be precise, it wasn't me who killed it, but was shot to death by the other party and their own people. Probably because they couldn't be saved, so just..." Xia Ya's tone was a little unsure.

"Anyway, you caught the sacrifice, that's right." Kevin suddenly punched Xi Ya's chest, causing Xi Ya to scream in pain. He coughed, and a few mouthfuls of blood came out of his mouth again.

Kevin quickly withdrew his hand and gave Xia a nervous look.

"Bald-headed man, do you want to kill me!" Xia groaned. He could feel that the injury he suffered this time was the worst he had ever suffered.

Kevin touched his bald head a little embarrassedly, but Sharba and Cato next to him said weakly: "The one who caught the sacrifice is Xia, we were just rescued by him, for this credit, we will never be with us. Xia robbed it. Haha… "

Kevin was excited and stared at Xi Ya: "You idiot, don't you know that in the Odin army, each legion will be equipped with a great sacrifice, and the status of the great sacrifice is almost equal to the commander of the legion! From the dress of the sacrificial you mentioned, it must not be an ordinary sacrificial sacrificial, but a legion sacrificial sacrificial right!! Char, do you know how much credit it is to kill a big Odin sacrificial!? "

"How much credit?" Xia Ya's eyes widened, a little dazed - he is not a Byzantine, how did he know these Byzantine laws

Kevin swallowed his saliva and blushed: "This credit is enough to get you a noble title and a fief! You will be a nobleman in the future! As for the title, at least a knight! If you meet His Majesty I'm happy, maybe I will give you the title of a baron in an exceptional manner - sigh, it's just a hereditary title, I'm afraid it's not possible, it's probably a lifetime title."

"Sir? Baron? How big can a fief be?" Xi Ya asked stupidly.

"Under normal circumstances, a knight will be allocated a small piece of land, which is enough for you to build a manor of your own. As for the baron, maybe you can get a village and town as your territory, then in your territory, you have the right to make Decrees and taxes, you can even have your own personal escort — as long as you can afford it.”

"A village... can it be as big as Wildfire Town?" Char's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wildfire Town is so big... It's unlikely." Kevin shook his head: "Wildfire Town is a small city. For an ordinary village and town, it is about a quarter of the size of Wildfire Town."

"Damn..." Xia Ya suddenly sat up excitedly, although her face was twisted in pain, she couldn't help but scream: "A quarter, there is also a place as big as a black street! Hahaha! How can that be? Isn't it like a mayor? I can decide my territory? Haha! Isn't that what you want to do? If you like something, you can move it home! If you see any girl you like, go home and grab it? Haha Ha ha… "

The faces of Kevin and Sharbakato next to him froze.

This rookie... This turtle! ! I thought he was a good guy! If he became a noble, he must be the kind of bully like a bully! !

Seeing this turtle laughing wildly, Cato suddenly blinked his eyelids: "There is one more thing! When we were caught, those Odins interrogated us and described to us what a person looked like. They described The weapon used by this guy is the black fork that this kid likes to use, as well as his appearance and clothes, it is also this kid... Just on the hillside where we were ambushed on our way, he killed a lot of archers... I heard, also One of the chiefs of Odin's reindeer cavalry was also killed."

Xia Ya was stunned for a moment, then nodded casually: "Well, I cut a lot of them at that time..."

Cato took a deep breath: "Did someone cut in half by you? And it was cut in the middle?"

"Uh... yes..."

"That's right." Cato smiled slyly: "In the future, it seems that we are destined to call this guy a nobleman! He is at least a baron this time, and it is still hereditary!"

Looking at Kevin and Sharba's puzzled eyes, Cato smiled bitterly: "I know some Odin, and I heard from those Odins that among the reindeer cavalry killed by Char, there is a 'His Royal Highness'!"

Your Highness, Your Highness? !

This time Kevin and Sharba were completely shocked.

It's been a long time...

With a hoarse voice, Butler stared at Xi Ya: "A big sacrifice, plus a 'His Royal Highness'! Damn it! You kid, you can't even be a noble this time!!"

Saying that, Sharba grabbed Xia Ya and laughed loudly: "You're prosperous! Spit out the money that you won in the previous bet, hahahahaha!!"

Xia Ya was stunned by this sudden happiness - a nobleman? baron? hereditary? The happy turtle began to look forward to the wonderful life of the landlord and bully.


Towards the end of the afternoon, General Adric arrived with the First Banner Regiment. The arrival of the cavalry infantry of the First Banner Regiment gave Butler and Kevin's remnants strong support, and everyone's confidence was immediately increased.

The first banner regiment was mounted infantry, and soon set up a camp in the south of the valley. The camp was set up in the middle of the flat terrain. The baggage that came with the army was set up as a fortification, and the tall wooden boards were tied into a fence wall...

Xia was recovering from his injuries in the tent with Cato and Sharba. This time, he was seriously injured. The last arrow contained a strong freezing force, which almost froze his wounds and blood. When treating the injury, he found that his wound was instantly frostbitten, and he suffered some internal injuries to his lungs. He always had difficulty breathing, and there was blood when he coughed—this time, even though his physique was strong , I'm afraid it will take some days to recover.

While chatting with Sharba, Kevin came in with two personal soldiers. Kevin's face was very serious: "The general wants to see you!"

"Oh? Is it a matter of reward?" Xi Ya was instantly elated.

"Idiot, the reward has to wait until after the war." Kevin couldn't help laughing: "The general has something to ask you."

The two personal soldiers directly carried Xia Ya's bed to General Adric's temporary tent. The scarred-faced general stared at Xia Ya carefully for several times before smiling slightly: "Good job, boy. ."

Having said that, he walked to Xia Ya's side, looked at his injury, and the general stared at the turtle: "Are you afraid?"

Xia Ya scratched his head: "I was very afraid at the time, but I really forgot to be afraid when I fought hard."

"..." Adric was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Ha! Good boy! How many people are pretending to be heroes in front of me, only you can tell the truth and say that you will be afraid - that's right! Where can people be? Those who are not afraid of death? Who wants to die if they can live? It's just... Many times, people are forced to move forward step by step, and no one is born afraid of death. Hmph, you are very kind and honest."

Xia Ya was speechless - using the word honesty to describe himself, I'm afraid this general is really wrong...

(Dodoro's resentment... )

Adrick smiled slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "Your credit will be rewarded after the war." After speaking, he took out the dagger he used to play with from his boots and put it in Xia Ya's hand: "This is for you!"

This dagger is the favorite of the general. Xia Ya took a look at it in his hand, and there was a sharp cold light on the dagger blade. It was indeed a rare weapon! Of course, what makes the turtle the most happy is that the handle of this knife is actually pure gold...

While grinning and playing with the dagger, General Adric's face froze: "You have directly fought with those archers on the way. Tell me about the appearance of those guys and how their equipment and combat effectiveness are!"

"?" Xia Ya was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had an idea: "General... What do you mean... "

"Hmph." A flash of sternness flashed in Adric's eyes: "When did the Odins have such good archers? Those archers blocking you are definitely not Odin's army!"

"Not the Odin... Well-equipped archers... Could it be the ones at sea..." Char blurted out.