
Chapter 77: go ahead!


"Who! Who is scolding me!!"

After shouting a few times, but there was no response, Xiaya looked strange, looked outside the tent again, and finally set his eyes on the spar on the bed, with a surprised expression: "Could it be... is it you?"

In my mind, the dry and emotionless voice finally remembered again: "I'm right in front of you, can't you see it?"

This time, Xia Ya saw it clearly, a faint red light appeared on the stone, and the stone that was not gray in autumn has completely turned into a red spar!

"Yi? Stone? Is the stone really talking?" Xia approached with a flaming fork, lightly lit it on the stone, and shouted angrily, "What is it!"

"Damn it, your sword has sucked my blood, your body has been wiped with my blood, and your body has passed through my scales..." The voice suddenly showed a tyrannical taste: "You still haven't. Know what I am?"

Xiaya was stunned, he opened his mouth, and immediately pressed the fire fork to the stone below.

"My day! You are the dragon!!! You, you, aren't you dead?!"


The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the valley's Taniguchi, and the dim sunset light reflected on the armor and weapons of the warriors, showing a chill.

General Adric rode on a horse, the huge scar on his face almost cut his entire face in half, his eagle-like eyes stared at the densely packed Odin warriors slowly pressing out of the valley.

The brave general of the Byzantine Empire snorted coldly and sneered in a sonorous voice: "Let's line up!"

Following the general's order, the Byzantine elite soldiers immediately began to act.

The mounted infantry of the 1st Banner Regiment had already left the warhorses behind, and two densely long and flat infantry formations were lined up in front of the formation, although the infantry formations of the two thousand-man squads were slightly thinner in terms of thickness. , but the soldiers of the 13th Corps, each of them clearly portrayed perseverance! Not a single soldier's eyes wavered even a little bit!

The queue was quickly lined up. The soldiers were close to their comrades, trying to keep the formation as compact as possible. The first row was the strongest soldier selected, wearing thick infantry heavy armor and half a person tall. The giant shields formed a shield wall, and their faces were fearless, lining up the queue like a knife and an axe!

In the cold air, the hot air exhaled by the soldiers seemed to form a white mist that enveloped the top of the phalanx.

After a little test on the two wings of the infantry formation, the cavalry of the second and fourth banner regiments were ready. Their task was to firmly protect the two wings, and then attack at any time.

"Then let me see the weight of these Odins."

Adrick held a spear in his hand, his face was full of fierce fighting intent, and his eyes were sharp: "Look at the Odin who can eat one of my flag regiments, what kind of three heads and six arms are they!"

On the hilltops on both sides of the valley, there was a rapid and thick horn sound. Soon, there were bursts of crazy shouts from the Odin team.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!!"

Countless Odin warriors seemed to be in a state of excitement and rage. They frantically slapped their shields, raised their swords and axe, and when the horn sounded to the extreme, finally, after a cry, countless Odin warriors were like The tide is rushing up!

It's like a group of dense ants, madly rushing towards the Byzantine army array!

These Odin warriors were disheveled and dressed in leather armor of various styles. The weapons in their hands were also cluttered. There were machetes, arrows, and even sabres. Their boots trampled the ground and raised a large cloud of dust. When running, the weapon collided with a clanging sound.

Looking at the piece of dust, General Adrick's eyes were sharp as needles, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Humph! It's still the same..."

He raised his right hand, the spear in his hand was raised high, and he swung it in the air to draw a circle.

With a buzzing sound, about a hundred archers fired a salvo from the back of the army formation!

The rain of arrows from the sky fell on the crowd of Odins advancing, and suddenly brought a howl of pain. Dozens of Odin warriors were hit by arrows in the running, but these violent and sturdy Odins were hit by arrows. Warrior Ding, but only a dozen or so fell down. Most of the people who were hit by the arrows frantically cut off the shanks of the arrows stuck to their bodies. Instead, they let out an even crazier roar, and rushed up at a faster pace.

The archer only had time to launch three salvos, especially the third salvo, because the distance of the Odins had already rushed to the front, and it almost became a flat shot!

Although the three-round salvo of a hundred archers also caused the death and injury of no less than a hundred Odin warriors, for the fierce and warlike Odins, it seemed to have inspired their madness.

Soon, the crowd of black pressure charging slammed into the forefront of the Byzantine infantry phalanx like a tide. !

There was a dense crash of ping-pong-pong, and the powerful Odins slammed into the Byzantine infantry array with brute force. The shield wall in the front row was hit slightly uneven for the first time. They withstood the shield with their bodies, and the infantrymen in the second and third rows behind them also pressed forward hard, with the thickest possible formations to resist the fierce impact of the Odins!

In front of the shield wall, the layers of Odins seemed to be blocked by a flood blocked by a dam. The Odins in the front row slammed wildly, but they were greeted by the sharp spears of Byzantine soldiers. These spears stabbed out from the gaps between the oval shields, and the officers behind shouted loudly for instructions. Bringing a bloody red light, the warriors who rushed to the front of the Odins were quickly overturned by more than 200 people, and were easily strangled in front of the battle!

At this moment, the archers were still covering the battlefield with projectiles from the rear, and the sporadic arrow rain was still harvesting the lives of the Odin warriors who came forward.

For a time, the roars and screams of the Odins, as well as the roars of the Byzantine infantry, and the screams of assassination were intertwined on the battlefield...

As the wave of the Odins' charge became more and more ferocious, the shield wall in the front row was finally suppressed and retreated layer by layer. The soldiers did their best. Before the shield wall, they had killed at least more than 400 Odins. And the injured Odin fell to the ground, and was trampled into mud by the companions who rushed in front and behind!

The shield wall was gradually driven by the breakthrough, and the Odins were fierce and fearless of death. Some Odin warriors even opened their arms and used all their strength to slam into the sharp spears of the Byzantine warriors with their flesh and blood! There are also Odin warriors who were pierced by a spear, but desperately grabbed the spear and pulled it back hard...

After a while, the shield wall was finally broken through a few gaps, and the crazy Odin rushed in through the gap like a madman, but the Odin who rushed in first was soon waiting in the back row in the shield wall. The long sword of the Byzantine warrior was torn to shreds!

Blood rains everywhere, blood and flesh fly everywhere! The dull sound of the spear piercing the human body, the sour scraping sound of the knife hitting the armor, the sound of the armor shattering…

Adrick was still sitting on the horse, looking coldly at the queue in front of him. At this moment, the general's expression was as cold and severe as a rock, and his eyes were as unshakable as iron, coldly looking at countless The death of one's own soldiers and enemies, watching the wailing of the battlefield...

Finally, when the shield wall was broken through seven or eight places, Adric waved his arm firmly, and the spear in his hand waved again. As the bugle of Byzantine sounded, the remaining shield wall in the front row collapsed. Now, the warriors voluntarily dropped their shields, raised their long swords, and fought with the Odins.

In such a staggered strangulation of the enemy and me, the two sides are entangled with each other, and it is indistinguishable, but it gives full play to the elite of the Byzantine soldiers! Although the Odins are brave by nature, they pursue personal bravery too much, and in this melee, they appear messy. The Byzantine infantry, on the other hand, quickly formed a group of three or five, either defending with a round shield, or concentrating on killing the enemy with a sword. Such a strictly coordinated battle group could easily rush the innermost Austrian one by one. Ding warrior strangled. One by one, the self-reliant and brave Odins fell under the double-edged sword of the Byzantine soldiers. On the front line, they became the road of death for the Odins. Every time they moved forward, they had to drop more corpses. !

"It's still the same, rushing around, these Odins will never learn to fight with their brains..." Behind Adric, a bearded Byzantine general sneered with disdain, broad shoulders and a majestic The body almost burst the armor!

Adrick's mouth showed a sneer, turned his head and glanced at this subordinate: "Okay, Socia, it's time for us to play!"

Sosia, the flag officer of the 2nd Banner Regiment, the most elite subordinate of the 13th Cavalry Regiment, shouted excitedly, and rushed to the rear of the right flank of the formation with his personal soldiers. The heavy armored cavalry of the Second Banner Regiment!

Just as the infantry queue stubbornly blocked the wave of the Odins, although the soldiers of the elite Thirteenth Corps resisted the advance of the Odins with sharp group combat and strangulation tactics, after all, the infantry queue was too thin and was still surrounded by the densely packed Odins. The Ding people pressed the line to become more and more flat...

Finally, when a loud charging horn sounded, Adric's majestic roar came from the left flank of the queue!

"Go on!! Rodia!! Go on!!!"

This loud roar spread across the entire battlefield with the power of fighting qi. Suddenly, all the soldiers of the Thirteenth Corps, thousands of voices made the same cry!

"Rodria! Go forward!!"

It was like a dull thunder, and the sound of the horse's hoofs on both wings smashed the dust in a dust! !