
Chapter 83: Advanced Turtle


Since Xi Ya destroyed his tent, he moved out of his original residence and made a random excuse. He moved to the edge of the station and set up a tent alone under a hillside next to the station.

Anyway, after the army left, there were not many people in the station. He was also a personal soldier, and others would not care about him.

However, Sharba and Cato noticed Char's strangeness.

For three days in a row, Xia Ya disappeared. He only came back every night when he was eating, but when he came back, there were obvious scars on his face. Something has been scratched, covered in blood, and sometimes it looks ashamed, as if it had just come out of the mound.

When he usually eats, this guy eats the most, and eats more than Sharpa, but these days, when Xi Ya eats, his hands are shaking so much that he can't even grasp the spoon, and he grins when he eats, as if he is enduring a huge amount of food. pain of. When walking, his body twists and turns, as if his bones are falling apart. Once, Cato accidentally patted Xia Ya while eating, and the guy immediately screamed like killing a pig, almost throwing the plate on Cato's face.

Both companions and friends were a little worried about this guy.

"Hey, did you sneak out to find a woman?" Looking at the bloodstains on Xia Ya's face, Cato thief smiled.

"I think it's a fight with someone? Damn it! Who dares to beat someone in our Guards! I'll go find a place with you!" Sharba slapped the table.

Xia Ya's body trembled desperately, tears welling in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "No... I, I accidentally fell myself... "

(Damn, it really hurts...)

Xia Ya can't tell how hard it is. In the past three days, he has suffered enough to learn this goddamn dragon knight combat skill from the female dragon named Dora!

There are not many dragon knight combat skills that Dora handed over to Char. For the time being, there are only three styles. Dora claims that she can only do that. Of course, Char suspects that this cunning female dragon is hiding something.

The dragon knights in the ancient times had powerful fighting power, and their fighting spirit had reached a peak level, but for Xia Ya, where did he learn the fighting spirit? Dora knew a little about human martial arts and fighting qi, but she taught Xia Ya for a long time, but Xia Ya did not have any sense of breath, and then Dora judged that Xia Ya did not have the talent to practice fighting qi at all—that is to say, The dragon thought that it was impossible for Xia Ya to become a warrior at all.

Such a statement made Xia Ya very unconvinced? (It took a long time for Xia Ya to realize that she was tricked by this cunning female dragon.)

What are you kidding? This uncle has no talent for martial arts? In Yehuoyuan and on the battlefield, there are eight or nine samurai who died in the hands of this uncle! grudge? Is the grudge great? I have also killed a few enemies with fighting spirit!

At this time, there is a tenacious earth turtle in nature, which is inspired to not admit defeat. Fighting qi, isn't fighting qi a kind of power

This uncle doesn't know how to fight, can't he do something else

Naturally, the first thing he thought of was the strongest power he possessed now: the crimson murderous aura.

After the previous training, he has initially mastered the trick of crimson murderous aura. To put it simply, when encountering a strong enemy, let yourself have a strong and powerful will to fight and kill, as well as strong pressure from the outside world, and use this kind of spiritual induction to stimulate the pendant you wear, and the pendant in the pendant. The soul imprint will be touched.

Whenever this happens, Xia Ya will feel that his whole body is washed away by a feeling of coldness - it is like being thrown into the icy lake in the cold winter, and his heart will be filled with endless in an instant. The desire to kill, a power that does not know where it comes from will be aroused. Xia himself couldn't understand how this power came about, but he didn't need to worry about these issues for the time being.

The only flaw is that in order to control one's own consciousness and prevent oneself from being completely mad and lost consciousness by the mad stimulation, so desperately suppresses the frenzied killing in the heart, the person is awake, but the crimson murderous aura that he uses is more powerful than that. The power of the first two unintentional eruptions was much smaller.

Xia Ya first tried the crimson murderous aura within his control a few times, and finally found that at this level, the attack distance that the crimson murderous aura could reach is only about three steps at most. And within three steps, the power that is invincible and almost ignoring defense is also weakened. When he used the fire fork, he could easily cut the hard wooden stake without making a sound.

When encountering harder objects, such as metal shields and armor, it can still be cut off, but the penetrating power of the past is much inferior. All can be broken!

He tested it. At the current level, the shield of the three-layer army can be easily cut off, but if it is four, then the fire fork will be stuck on the fourth-layer shield and cannot break it. .

"This level has basically reached the power level of your human middle-level warriors when using Dou Qi." - This is Dora's evaluation.

Uh... that's a grudge.

However, Xiaya clearly felt it when he was awake. Every time he used the crimson murderous aura, the longer it lasted, about the time he spent a meal, the whole body would be exhausted, not only the physical ones. I was exhausted, sweating like slush, I couldn't move a finger, and even my spirit began to get tired, as if I hadn't slept for three days and three nights, and my consciousness began to blur.

It seems that the crimson murderous aura consumes not only physical strength, but also people's mental strength.

In this way, from the perspective of cost performance, it is much worse than the middle-level vindictiveness...

Xia Ya felt a bit indignant in her heart, thinking of the penetrating power of the crimson murderous aura that erupted before, ignoring all defenses, it is really a bit of a person blocking murder, God blocking killing God's majesty - that's in line with this uncle's style.

But Dora made Xia quiet with just one word.

"After you become mad, your power is stronger, but you don't have self-awareness when you attack, and you attack indiscriminately within a certain range! On the battlefield, you always have your own companions by your side. Are you killing your companions together?"

"… All right!"

Xia Ya can only admit helplessly.

But the weakening of the crimson murderous aura is not a problem, the problem is... When learning the combat skills of the dragon knight, the pain will come!

The dragon knight combat technique is to use a mysterious method to instantly force out the power that can be sensed in the body! Every time I was lucky, the power of the whole body would suddenly swell up. The induction of this power was about ten times stronger than when the crimson fighting qi itself was running. When this strong sense of swelling came up, Xia Ya clearly felt the whole body. Every muscle, every blood vessel, and even every nerve in his body suddenly expanded several times! The feeling of being cracked made his whole body tremble uncontrollably. At this moment, even his heart suddenly stopped beating!

At the same time, he fell into a state of auditory hallucinations, as if everything around him was completely distorted and slowed down. The sound of wind, the sound of birds in the woods, the sound of training slogans in the military camp in the distance, each sound was stretched and distorted in the ears. , everything within the line of sight in front of you is distorted, and finally, as if the space is deformed, there is only one point that falls in front of you!

a little! !

Raising his hand, the fire fork stabbed at that point...


He clearly heard such a roar in his ears, and the sound seemed to fall directly into his consciousness. The shock made Xiaya wake up in an instant, all the hallucinations disappeared, and the power in the whole body suddenly reversed. Feeling poured out instantly! This kind of outburst like a frenzy made him feel as if at this moment, the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards! The beating speed of his heart accelerated frantically, so fast that he was almost unable to support...

Where the fire fork pierced, I saw a little red light, which turned into a thin red line, like a hair, shooting straight out...

All the power was instantly condensed at a point on the tip of the fire fork, and it gushed out. The power was so powerful and intense that it even made Xia Ya rushed forward involuntarily. He didn't take the initiative to step, but It was forcibly pulled out by this force!

With a few big strides, he directly bumped into a big tree in front of him. He saw that wherever the red dotted line went, the bark on the trunk cracked silently, and the tree inside seemed to be dotted by the red line. And break! The shattered wood turned into thin strands of wood that quickly opened, and those strands of wood were pulled back by the force and flew backwards, swiping across Xia Ya's face, leaving streaks of blood like scratches!

Taking a closer look, the tree in front of me has a hole about the size of my little finger, which directly penetrates the tree body, and then a few steps back, another big tree is also penetrated, and then back...

Within the range of a straight line, at a distance of about 30 meters, all objects that pass by are directly penetrated! Six big trees, and two rocks about the size of a table, left a round hole about the size of a little finger! !

Xia Ya ran over to check it step by step quickly, and when he saw such a result, he was so shocked that he couldn't even say a word! !

But before the shocking energy was over, our turtle suddenly screamed, rolled his body on the ground, and shouted: "It hurts me!!!!"

All over his body, he didn't know how many pores, and blood beads ooze out in an instant! As far as the eyes can see, there are thin cracks in the muscles of both arms, the skin of the epidermis is directly torn, the blood flows down, and the bones of the whole body begin to rattle—for a moment, Xia felt in his heart. Extremely fearful, for fear that all the bones in his body will be broken!

This kind of pain lasted for about half an hour before he reluctantly rolled from the ground, but the pain was everywhere in his body, as long as he touched it lightly, it seemed like countless sharp needles were stabbing him! Even just walking slowly, the soles of my feet hurt and I could barely stand.

After the first trial, it took him a full two hours to recover a little strength. The first reaction was to laugh a few times, and there was a scream of pain in the laughter. But then there were doubts in my heart.

"Hey, Dora, I heard that high-level warriors among human beings can use their fighting qi to condense and shoot to hurt people in the distance. It seems that they can't achieve a distance of 30 meters, right?"

"Humph! How can the fighting skills of dragon knights be compared to the fighting qi that is currently circulating among humans! Although fighting qi can also force the force out of the body to injure people, the skills of condensing strength are too simple. When condensing fighting qi, most of the The power is wasted. And this kind of dragon knight's combat skills can concentrate the power to a small point, avoiding the unreasonable loss of power to the greatest extent! Concentrate all the power to the strongest point!! Therefore, this formula , it's called... Dragon Thorn!"

Dragon thorn! !

fuck! This move is so fucking powerful!

But... but it really hurts! ! !

"Hey, actually, with your current strength, when you cast a dragon thorn once, the strength has not been exhausted, and the remaining strength is enough to use it two or three more times, but... your body can't bear such a great strength to fight back, with mine Judging, as long as you dare to use it twice in a row, you are afraid that your body will be seriously injured, and if you use it three times, you may collapse directly and die."

"… "

Xia Ya lowered her head and thought for a while, and when she raised her head, her face did not have the usual sternness, but became extremely serious.

"So speaking, the martial arts I have now are one is the crimson murderous aura, and the other is the 'Dragon Thorn', but these two moves can only be used as a life-saving trick. The 'Dragon Thorn' will be paralyzed after one use. I can't recover from it in half an hour, and it can only be used once under normal circumstances. On the battlefield, once the dragon thorn is used, although it can kill the enemy, I'm finished. And crimson murderousness, as long as I control my consciousness If you don't go crazy, one crimson murderous aura can last for about a meal... that's about half an hour at most... From this point of view, it can only be used in a short battle. And my biggest problem now is... I still can't. Martial arts used under normal conditions."

Dora listened to Xia Ya's words and replied with a sneer: "greedy human beings, there is no end to greed! With your current strength, you have my dragon blood to strengthen your physical body, and your own strength and speed beyond human level, such a situation , it is basically equivalent to a regular low-level warrior, and with the crimson murderous aura, combined with your axe skills of killing thousands of troops, you can be comparable to a middle-level warrior, and in group battles, the lethality is even higher. More than that. If a 'dragon thorn' erupts, the instant lethality can even reach the level of a high-level samurai! Did you know that ordinary human beings want to rise from the strength of a low-level samurai to a high-level samurai? A rare person with outstanding talent can’t be achieved without ten or twenty years of hard training! You have improved so many levels in almost one day, and you are still not enough?!”

When Xia Ya heard this, she couldn't help but scratch her head and smile bitterly. Thinking of this, she felt a lot more balanced. He gained power comparable to that of a high-level warrior in one jump. Although it was only a moment of lethality, the improvement of his strength always required hard work. It was extremely rare that he obtained power so opportunistically.

Although Dora's remarks are quite sarcastic, the truth is good.

"Okay!" Xia Ya waved his hand, showing a tenacious look on his face: "Practice again!!"


Xia Ya practiced in one breath for three days. Every day, she sneaked into the woods behind the hillside to practice the crimson murderous aura and "dragon thorns" repeatedly. Throw it and go to sleep.

When I woke up, there were bloodstains all over the sheets...

This made Dodo Luo, who is a squire, have a bit of a vicious reverie in his heart.

"Yi... there is blood on the sheets? Could it be that this rude turtle is the same as a woman, there are so many days every month... "

Three days later, Xia Ya also left the military camp, wandered in the surrounding mountains and forests for a long time, collected a large bundle of various herbs, and finally made a bucket of medicinal juice by himself and immersed his body in it.

This is the medicinal bath he has taken since he was a child. The prescription is left by the old guy, but it is said that one or two of the most important medicinal materials have been used up a few years ago. But can't find it. The rest of the medicinal herbs can be found in the mountains and forests, but after the preparation is complete, the old guy said that the effect is much worse.

Xia Ya has a strong physique that is beyond ordinary people, the main reason is that he soaked this unpleasant medicine every day since he was a child. It's just that when he became an adult, he refused to take this medicine bath. However, these days of practicing dragon thorns every day, the damage to the body is too serious, and I can't force it. I can only take medicine and soak it. As for the smell, I can't care about it.

As a result, when Dodo Luo was washing the sheets, he couldn't help but feel a little weird.

"Damn it! After the bleeding, the sheets stink again... Could it be that the owner is so old that he can't change the habit of wetting the bed?"

After struggling to wash the sheets, the magician complained angrily...


This almost masochistic training lasted for six days. On the morning of the seventh day, Xia Ya got up and was about to leave the camp to go to the back mountain. When he walked to the camp gate, he saw the soldiers on the observation deck in front of the station suddenly sound anxiously. The horn of warning!

Immediately after a buzzing sound, the soldiers patrolling in the camp lined up frantically and rushed to the gate of the station! The 13th Corps was really well-trained. In a short while, a battalion officer who was left behind rushed up with a team of soldiers in full armor. The gate of the station was closed immediately, and then a large number of soldiers rushed to the fence wall. After that, open the bow and arrow and face the outside nervously.

Groups of soldiers also gathered at the gate amid the hurried warning signs, lining up quickly amid the shouting and shouting of their respective captains.

At this time, an officer on the observation deck looked into the distance and shouted: "Look! It's our people!! Ah! Yes, yes... it's a defeated army!!"