
Chapter 85: Firewire promotion


Seeing that this little white face finally closed his mouth, Xiaya smiled with satisfaction, moved the dagger two steps away, looked at a set of extremely gorgeous armor hanging on the wall next to him, walked over and took it off - this armor looks gorgeous The style is complicated, but the weight in his hand is so light that Xiaya couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and threw the armor heavily in front of Bonfret: "Put on the armor! Sir! Hmph, let's start now, Let me 'protect' you personally! Sir, please put on the armor immediately, and you need to come forward to rectify the morale of the army!"

After a while, Char and Bonfret walked out of the tent together. The white milk on Bonfret's face was scrubbed indiscriminately, but it was still green and white, but the armor was on, but obviously there was no time to wear it. The lined leather robe revealed snow-white skin. Xia Ya followed him closely, her eyes fierce, and she pushed the jazz out, but she shouted loudly, "Observe the lord!!"

Outside the tent, several attendants brought by Bonfret from the imperial capital had already been knocked to the ground. Sharba and Cato stood at the door, and Sharba was still holding a prism in his hand.

Seeing that his attendants were subdued, Bonfret's face was full of despair, and he glanced at Xia Ya resentfully, but was fooled by Xia Ya's stare so that he didn't dare to look again.

"Look, I said this kid has a kind! Hahaha!" Sharba slapped Cato, and the injury was not healed until Cato only had a dagger in his hand. He smiled: "Not bad, not bad, this kid really has a lot of courage in doing things, hehe... Don't you think that his energy is a bit like Via... "

As soon as the name "Via" was mentioned, Sharba shuddered and said in a low voice, "Oh, don't mention the name, it's not like you don't know, General he..."

"What are you afraid of, the general can't hear anyway. Hmph, if Via was still here now, the situation wouldn't be so chaotic..."

When Xia saw Sharba and Cato, she was stunned for a while. The three looked at each other, and together they "detained" Bonfret and walked to the gate of the station.

At the gate of the station, the battalion officer had already assembled the soldiers of the headquarters, and other officers from the baggage transportation unit and the auxiliary battalion in the camp also gathered the news.

At this moment, the surrounding area was full of rout soldiers running back. Seeing the miserable appearance of these rout soldiers, Bonfret felt a little weak, but Xia Ya kicked him lightly in the back. Although the movement was hidden, his strength was not strong. Small, just kicked Bonfret a few steps forward.

Taking the opportunity, Xia Ya shouted loudly: "Please observe the envoy and order it!!"

According to Bonfret's thoughts, the order he wanted most at the moment was to run away immediately, ride the fastest horse to the inner belly of the empire and escape at the fastest speed. But he is not a fool after all. He can be favored by the crown prince in the imperial capital. …

After coughing, Bonfret said in a trembling tone: "Well, yes, um... order, I order..."

He glanced at Xia Ya, Xia Ya sneered on his face, Bonfret quickly cleared his throat: "Pass my order! The whole army, the whole army... that guard! And... Also, send people to search for traces of the enemy. , gather the rebels! Count the number... er, and... and..."

In fact, when he was wearing the armor just now, Xiaya had already taught him a few things, but at the moment he was in a panic, but he forgot most of it. After all, Bonfret was still a bit quick-witted. Speaking, the face of the guy next to him became more and more ugly. He had an idea, pointed at Xi Ya and said loudly: "I announced that I will appoint him as my special military adviser and issue orders instead of me! That... He, what he said, just It's like what I said..."

After speaking, Bonfret shivered in the cold wind and glanced at Char pitifully.

Xia Ya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but at this moment, many soldiers and soldiers below were looking at him.

Anyway, the main battle flag regiment has gone north now, and all the auxiliary battalions left by the 13th Corps or the miscellaneous army such as the baggage transportation team are in the station. As the general's personal soldier, Xia Ya's status is not low. Besides, the fact that he came back from an honorable service this time has passed through the mouths of Cato and others in the past few days, and everyone has long recognized him. It is about to ascend, and there are not too many sudden reactions at this moment.

Xia Ya sighed in his heart, forced his calm on the surface, and said loudly: "Okay! Sir Sir is not feeling well, I will temporarily serve as your military advisor..."

He pointed to the battalion officer and said loudly, "Uh... Slater? Well, your name is Slater, right?"

The battalion officer smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Slater, brother, you are responsible for gathering all the soldiers in the station! Gather all the soldiers in the transport battalion and the auxiliary battalion. At least a thousand people must be selected as soldiers. The more the better in the case of strength, the distribution of infantry equipment. Sharba!"

Sharba immediately straightened his neck: "Here!"

"Salba, you are responsible for selecting a hundred people! You must be able to ride horses. I remember there are more than a hundred horses in the logistics team?"

"Well, if you add the horses that pull the cart, you can make up to 200 horses."

"Okay! Then a little more... You are responsible for picking two hundred people out! We need cavalry, whether it is patrolling or as an assault force at a critical moment, cavalry is indispensable. Also, Cato! I know you are not injured yet. Ok, but now I need you to temporarily take over the logistical quarters! Your work is heavier, and you have to settle the wounded... Also, organize people to strengthen the fortifications! Let's see what else we can use in the quarters, all of them are Move out!"

Afterwards, Xia Ya gave four or five orders in a row. It was the first time he did this kind of thing, and he was a little nervous in his heart, but in the end he just let his heart go. Anyway, the old guy's books also wrote these things, It seems like it is like giving orders like this.

Although those who stayed behind were not the main battle corps, they were also the 13th Corps after all, with strict military discipline.

Xia grabbed Cato and said in a low voice, "I'll leave this ass-selling jazz to you, watch him carefully, but don't let him run away... He can't run now, once he runs away , our brothers in the 13th Corps may be fine, but those defeated troops will immediately riot..."

Cato nodded and gave Bonfret a stern look: "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on this Sir Sir like a thief."

The Thirteenth Corps is worthy of being the iron army of the empire. Once it is in operation, it immediately exerts a strong efficiency.

In less than two hours, the statistics were all done.

The guard infantry battalion that was originally left behind, plus the manpower drawn from various places, made up a total of 1,500 soldiers, including more than 200 archers. Sharba also gathered all the horses pulled by the transport team and gathered nearly 300 horses, but only one-third of them were real war horses, so the cavalry was not difficult. Even the auxiliary soldiers were mostly skilled in horsemanship, and Sharba quickly gathered more than 200 cavalry.

Cato took over the quarters, and all the stored materials were taken out from the quarters' warehouse. Among them, there were more than 300 sets of heavy armored infantry equipment and 60 sets of heavy armored cavalry equipment. After hesitating for a moment, Xiaya ordered the cavalry's heavy armor to be removed for the infantry, so that they managed to gather 400 heavy armored infantry.

This approach made Shaerba a little puzzled. This stout man really hopes to command a heavy armored cavalry, even if it is only a mere sixty cavalry. However, Char's explanation was immediately accepted by Sharba.

"Although the heavy armored cavalry is powerful, if you can't make up enough numbers, just a few dozen heavy armored cavalry will not be able to form the impact of a group charge. It is better not to! It is better to let the infantry gather the heavy armor. After all, our cavalry is too Less, mainly used to search for scouts and harassment support... Wearing heavy armor will affect mobility."

After listening to Sharba, he immediately nodded in agreement. He patted Cato again at the same time, and laughed loudly: "Look, I'm right! This kid really looks like Via!"

"Shut up, you stupid big guy! Have you forgotten the general's order?!"

Xia Ya's heart moved, and he looked at his two companions: "Well... Speaking of which, I have heard the name Via for the second time. The last time I heard him mention it at the side of the general... This person is also our 13th Corps. One of the members? Why have you never seen him?"

Sharba and Cato looked at each other, closed their mouths at the same time, and moved their heads away.

After a while, Cato turned his head and said in a low voice with a wry smile: "This, don't ask... The name Via is considered a taboo among our personal guards... The general does not let me mention it, every time If you mention it, the general will send out a fire on the freshman day."