
Chapter 88: Dare to fight!


With a bang, the shield in Xia Ya's hand shattered into dozens of pieces in an instant, and the shattered iron pieces splashed out, and even cut off the heads of several Byzantine soldiers on both sides!

Xia Ya fell from the sky and slammed on the ground heavily, the muscles on both arms burst open in several places. When Xia Ya jumped up, he spit out blood, shook his head vigorously, and suddenly there was a trace of ruthlessness in his eyes. He pushed aside Slater, who was about to support him, grabbed a spear, and jumped onto the high platform, his eyes looking into the distance...

As if it was destined, he saw a small black figure at the back of the Odin array, and saw the figure standing there alone, and the Odins around him kept a distance from him. …

Xia's eyes were red, she took a few steps back, and then, with a run-up, she roared and shot the spear out...

Hasting stood there, watching a grey shadow come out from behind the camp gate and shoot through the sky, and he stood motionless...

With a bang, the spear landed about ten steps away from Hastings. The two Odin warriors raised their shields, but they were pierced by the roar. The spear fell to the ground and exploded into more than ten pieces. !

Hasting gently wiped away a bead of blood that had splattered on his face.

"The strength is not bad... Hmph, you're right, it's a little short."

Hasting's feminine eyes showed a hint of enthusiasm: "He is a good strong man. Strong man, hahahaha..."

The face of the Odin Valkyrie was clearly smiling, but his eyes became colder and colder. It was just a trace of enthusiasm in the coldness, but instead, the guards around him felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

Hasting picked up another spear, took a breath, and was about to shoot again...

But before he raised his head, he suddenly heard a few strange sounds...

With the sound of the springs of several catapults, several huge stones were ejected and fell in the direction of Hastings...

After a few bangs, the stone fell into the crowd, and there was a sudden scream. More than a dozen Odins were smashed into meat mud at the first time, and the bouncing of the stone to the ground caused the surrounding Dozens of Odins swept down...

Xiaya stood in the camp and looked at the place where the stone fell in the distance. He gasped for breath: "Damn... Do you think Lao Tzu is better than you? Lao Tzu is just testing the landing point and distance of the sling... "


The first attack of the Odins finally ended in an hour. The corpses piled up behind the fortified walls of the station almost formed a slope in several places. It is conceivable that the next attack of the Odins will be in these places. You don't even need a ladder, just step on the corpse and you can rush up the wall.

"We... I'm afraid it will be difficult to support the second attack." Slater smiled bitterly.

In the first attack, the Odins dropped nearly a thousand corpses. It seemed that they had finally repelled the attack of the Odins, but both Char and Slater were heavy in their hearts.

Because their losses were not small, at least 500 soldiers died, and dozens of seriously injured people had lost their fighting power and were carried to the back. Originally, the combat power was weak, and the strength of the station was only 2,000. Almost a third of it is now removed at once!

More importantly, the casualties in the first round were all soldiers lost! Among the remaining people, half of them are auxiliary soldiers who just took up arms, transport soldiers, craftsmen, grooms, coachmen, and even cooks...

Looking at Slater's wry smile, Xiaya didn't speak, just lowered his head and pondered.

At this moment, another horn sound came from the direction of the Odins.

Slater raised his eyes: "It's their rallying horn! As soon as the horn stops, the queue is assembled... Then, the second wave of attacks!"

Xia Ya gasped for a while, his arms were wrapped in a layer of white cloth, but the cloth was also soaked red with blood. He grinned, endured the pain, sucked in the cool air, and a trace of absoluteness flashed in his eyes: "Perhaps... I have a way to buy a little time."

He looked into the distance and suddenly smiled and said, "Remember Rabbit General Ruhl?"

He stood up and put his hand on Slater's shoulder: "Anyway, it's good to delay for a moment now! Maybe the next moment... The generals will be killed."

He picked up a spear and walked slowly to the high platform...

There was a flash of red light in his eyes, and with a bang, the spear pierced the sky, shot out with a roar, and landed on the battlefield in the middle with a bang!

The roaring sound immediately attracted the attention of the Byzantine soldiers and the Odins in the queue behind the wall.

The spear was stabbed to the ground, and it broke into several pieces, and a piece of dust was startled in the roar!

A loud and majestic voice spread throughout the battlefield:

"Hasting!! Dare to fight me!!"


This resounding challenge immediately shocked the audience! !

This time in Byzantium, the soldiers on the wall turned their heads one after another, looking at Char and Slater standing under the camp gate.

Slater's eyes widened, he stared at Xiaya in surprise, and pulled him: "You, you are crazy..."

Xia shook off Slater's pull and waved his hand lightly at him.

Slater bit his lip: "You are dying! I know you want to buy time by inviting Hastings to duel, but that guy is Hasting! It is Odin Valkyrie! It can even be said that he is in the Odin army The number one powerhouse, you... this is a death sentence!"

Xia snorted, walked to the camp gate, faced the distance, raised her voice, and shouted loudly: "Hasting!! Dare to fight me fairly! Are you a coward! Don't you dare to answer!" !"

The queue on Odin's side suddenly fell silent, and finally, a hoarse voice came from a distance.

The voice was not very high-pitched, but it spread throughout the battlefield, and everyone heard it really.

"A challenge on the battlefield?"

Hasting's Byzantine is very proficient and indifferent: "I agree to your request, Byzantine."

Xia Ya laughed and shouted loudly: "Okay! I'll just wait to see how powerful you are, Odin! Then, I'll have a feast for dinner... Get ready... um! Just wait for the afternoon! Afternoon I will be waiting for you on the battlefield! I will come out alone! If you are timid, you might as well bring some more subordinates!"

Slater, who was next to him, sighed in his heart: Who said this guy is a rough piece, he can even use aggressive tactics.

Sure enough, Hasting's voice seemed to sneer: "Don't worry, we will fight a fair battle. I also want to see what people in the Byzantine army actually dare to challenge me like!"

Slater sighed in his heart: Bravery is brave, but it's too reluctant... Even General Adric would not be able to challenge Hastings...

"Report your name, Byzantine warrior!" Hastings' voice carried a hint of arrogance.

Xia Ya smiled, straightened her back, took a deep breath, and shouted out in the most majestic, generous and passionate voice!

"I! I'm not afraid to tell you! Me! First-class Sir of the Byzantine Empire, so does Bonfret!! I'll cut off your Hasting's head on the battlefield with my own hands!!"


Hearing this sentence, Slater's first reaction was that his eyes suddenly went black! !

The second reaction is: my day! This kid is too despicable and shameless! !

Xiaya jumped off the high platform, and then sat down beside Slater. Slater stared at Xiaya with his mouth wide open and rounded his eyes. His lips moved, but he found that he was really talking to this shameless boy. not a word.

It wasn't until Xi Ya sat down, picked up the leather bag and took a few sips of water, that Slater could not laugh or cry: "You... you... ah, you are really... "

Xia Ya stared, but instead said loudly and confidently: "What am I? That guy is the Odin Valkyrie, the number one expert in the Odin army! I really fight him one-on-one? Isn't that a broken brain and a death in vain? I haven't lived enough yet!"

"But... but you openly issued the gauntlet. After noon, Hastings came out to fight, you, what do you do?"

Xiaya smiled, touched his chin, and grinned: "That's not easy? Pull out our little white-faced sergeant, open the camp door, and kick him out! As for whether Hastings was beaten or killed, Then it's none of my business... Besides, he's the Observatory! He's our supreme commander! Who shouldn't he challenge? Really fight Hastings one-on-one, starting from the military high ground and going down, even if you They are ranked far ahead of me, so why can't it be my little soldier's turn to go first?"

Saying that, Xiaya lay on the ground, stretched out his body to rest, and regained his strength: "Anyway, I always bought us a short time, right? That guy Hasting wants to show his strong style, before noon, will not attack us..."

"What about you?" Slater couldn't help but said, "You don't have the demeanor of a strong man?"

Xia Ya pointed to his nose: "Me? Look at me, from head to toe, where do I look like a strong man? I am just a soldier now! Even if I want to be a strong man in the future, at least I can live before my eyes. This is the only level! Otherwise, if you don't become a strong person, you will be a ghost first."

Slater stared, took a breath, and finally smiled strangely: "I suddenly found out... you are really shameless!"

Xiaya lay there and patted Slater: "Okay! I took this sentence as a compliment."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Slater looked at this turtle, and suddenly felt that he couldn't see through this guy. But then he heard Xia Ya muttering to himself in a low voice like a neurotic: "I won't die, I definitely won't die. Even if I want to die... it's not here, it's not now!"