
Chapter 99: Back to Wildfire


Finally ushered in the rare warm day in winter. Horses' hooves trampled on the dry and hard soil. The warmth of the sun made people lazily. The surface of the armor showed a slight residual warmth. With this rare pleasant time.

It seemed that the atmosphere of the war, the brutal slaughter not long ago, was far away from them.

Xi Ya was at the end of the queue, he was a little reluctant to follow the team, Cato rode with him beside him, and the smuggler did not know where to get a bottle of ale like a trick. Come, a small bottle, dozens of cavalry took turns to take a sip, the hot wine flowed into the stomach, and the warm sunshine made the whole person hot from the inside out.

When the bottle came to Xia Ya's turn, there was only the last sip left. He hesitated for a moment, then handed the bottle to Cato with a smile. Cato didn't refuse. With his mouth, he gestured to the front of the team with his eyes: "You plan to go this way and ignore that guy?"

Xia Ya rolled his eyes, then shook his head: "Forget it, the general said, be a little more polite to him. If he doesn't come to provoke me, I will ignore him."

In front of the queue was a carriage. The carriage was not luxurious. After all, it had just gone through a war, and only a food cart was found in the barracks for a simple modification, and it became Bonfret’s car— However, this gentleman who has always liked to enjoy actually accepted it without saying a word, jumped into the carriage at the same speed as running away, and set off in a hurry, as if he didn't want to stay in the 13th Corps for a second.

The Lord Sir put on his luxurious clothes again, as well as that gorgeous but fragile as paper armor, and even his attendants brought from the imperial capital city raised their heads proudly again, arrogant all the way. . Sir Bonfret hadn't come down since he got into the carriage, not even when he stopped to rest on the way.

Xia Ya and Cato made a malicious guess: Could it be that this guy who sells his ass even needs someone to put the urinal into the carriage when he urinates

On this trip, Sharba did not accompany him because of his injuries. This brave man followed Xiyana's 200 cavalry out of the city in the last battle. The medical officer in the army said that his injury lasted for a month. I can't ride a horse anymore... Poor Sharba fell off his horse in the chaos, and was scratched by the Odin's axe on his ass...

Fifty guard cavalrymen, plus fifty retinues, gathered a horse team of one hundred people, escorted Bonfret and his entourage, and after a day of walking slowly, they came to Wildfire Town in the evening. They will rest here for the night before heading out.

The Turtle who returned to Wildfire Town was very emotional for a while. The last time he left here, he was besieged by dozens of soldiers from the Empire. When he escaped, he even knocked out a big hole in the city gate.

This time, the hole in the city gate has obviously been repaired. In the previous war, although Hastings did not really come to attack Wildfire Town, the defenders in the town were also very panicked for a while and closed the city gate. After reinforcement, when entering the city, Xiaya saw a large amount of wood piled up at the city gate.

The imperial soldiers guarding the city gates were obviously a lot more relaxed, as if once the war was over, these Byzantines couldn't wait to make plans to go home, and the soldiers patrolling in Wildfire Town were also lazily unable to keep up their spirits.

The streets are still deserted, and most of the shops have never opened, but the business of the tavern has picked up again, and some mercenary warriors or adventurers in different dresses have also begun to appear. It is said that when these guys were threatened in Wildfire Town, He once took the initiative to express his willingness to help the defenders to defend the city together. Although there was no real war later, such a kind gesture won the trust of the defenders.

In general, Wildfire Town is recovering, and it will probably return to a state of anarchy and freedom after the Byzantines recede in a few days.

The largest building in the town is the Mayor's Mansion of Wildfire Town, which is actually just a slightly larger yard and two rows of houses, with two two-story outposts erected in front of the door. Now it is temporarily occupied by the Byzantine army and has become a garrison.

Bonfret and his party entered the garrison directly, but Xiaya didn't want to live there - the garrison general here had no friendship with him, not only did he have no friendship, I am afraid that Liangzi had some. When he was on his own, he also whipped the garrison general a few times. That bald guy was...

Xia sighed and ordered herself to stop thinking about it.

Xiaya sent someone to the garrison to sign up, and then took a group of brothers to the tavern opened by Aunt Sofia's husband.

And Dotolo mysteriously led a group of squires and ran out - the magician's mind is not a secret, he took the newly-acquainted group of squire brothers to find a place! Those rascals who bullied him in the past, those bastards who robbed him, have to pay the price for the noble Master Duoduo who dared to bully him...

As soon as he walked into the tavern and saw One Eye standing behind the counter, still wiping the wine glass with a dirty cloth, Xi Ya smiled involuntarily, and greeted him first.

One-eyed saw Xi Ya wearing the soft armor of the Byzantine Empire cavalry, and began to be a little puzzled, then a smile appeared on his face, still showing yellow teeth, grinning and shouting: "Hey! Look who is here! This is not ours. That little turtle! Now he has become a Byzantine officer!"

Xia Ya sat in front of the bar, patted the table, and said with a loud laugh: "One-eyed, you guy, don't think you can fool the past with a couple of nice words, I kept a bottle of good wine with you last time, are you? It's been stolen."

After speaking, he thumped the table hard: "Brothers, find a place to sit by yourself, here is the best ale in Wildfire Town, the one-eyed old guy, give them ten barrels first, and I will pay! Ah, also, I am here today. Everyone, I invite everyone to have a drink!"

The last sentence made the drinkers in the tavern burst into laughter. These guys are natives in Wildfire Town, and many Xiaya know them.

Xiaya touched his pockets. There were still a lot of gold coins left by Chip and the poor man. Although he is a slut, he is also a generous person when he is rich. For such a scene of spending money, he never knew how to dream. How many times have I dreamed that it is rare to be majestic today, and my heart is also dark and refreshing.

The cavalrymen were very happy. Anyway, it was not a war, and the mission of this trip was also simple. The leader invited guests to drink. How could there be any reason to refuse

In less than a moment, the tavern was boiling, several large wooden barrels were moved out, and the cavalrymen grabbed the cups and drank. There were a lot of drinkers sitting in the tavern, and Xiaya greeted each other one by one. In addition to some old acquaintances, he also saw a few unfamiliar faces, probably adventurers who had arrived recently.

While chatting casually, he heard the conversations of several adventurers at the next table, which attracted Char's attention.

"Now this world is really a hell! I have seen Odins, Byzantines, Lantiss, and freelancers in Wildfire Town, and even dwarves appeared a few days ago, but now I didn't expect even goblins to form a fucking caravan to do business..."

"Yeah, what can goblins sell? Is it human flesh? Hahahaha..."

Xia Ya paid attention immediately, he leaned over, put the wine glass on the other party's table, raised his butt, squeezed out a place, and said with a smile, "What interesting things are you talking about? Do we have goblins in Wildfire Town? coming?"

In his heart, he was surprised. Within a hundred miles, the only goblin was the Oaks in his own home. Could it be that this Mr. Princess didn't look good at home, but went to Wildfire Town to fool around

The two adventurers were both wearing leather armor and armed with a sturdy look on their faces. They glanced at Xia Ya, and when they saw that he was dressed as an officer, they also smiled politely, and one of them said loudly, "Isn't it true? Two days ago, there was news that Hastings had retreated and the town gate was opened. Guess what? The first caravan that came was actually a goblin! Do you think it's strange? A dozen human beings brought seven or eight It was a big car, loaded slowly, and covered tightly, and I didn't know what it was. There were more than a dozen goblins accompanying them, and those green-skinned guys were screaming and wearing ragged clothes. The copper is rotten, the knife in his hand is rusted, and I don't know if it was dug out of some grave."

A dozen goblins

With that said, it's not Oaks anymore.

Xia Ya lost interest, he didn't care about these things. But I heard another adventurer continue: "There is something even more strange. Those goblins came to the town and clashed with a few mercenaries that day. Originally, those goblins were skinny and everyone was waiting to see. It was a joke, but the leading goblin was really fucking powerful, a middle-level warrior, he was chopped down to the ground with a few axe! It's a hell of a life, I've never even heard of it. There are such powerful goblins."

Char is interested... Can goblins be so powerful

"Well, the funniest thing is, I heard that the goblin head doesn't seem to have a good temper. After he came in, he asked if he saw a beautiful goblin, and he said, and said..." This guy endured With the urge to laugh wildly, he finally laughed out loud: "It also said that its wife was lost, and it came out to find her. Do you think it's funny or not? Hahahahahaha..."