Contemplating Crane Notes

Chapter 168: My modern daily life with Yang Wan (Spring Festival)晄


Winter in Sichuan is actually not that easy for us.

Although it wasn't snowing, it was very cold.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, it starts to rain more frequently. People come and go in the aisle, their soles are wet as they step in and out. The cleaning staff keeps mopping the floor with water, and the entire aisle is wet at all times.

I have always been a person who is particularly afraid of cold weather. I have gotten used to the heating in Beijing, and now I have to spend the winter in Sichuan, so I am a little worried.

Although the hospital wards are air-conditioned, it is not a large hospital, so there is no central air-conditioning installed in the corridors.

According to hospital practice, patients staying in the corridor must undergo surgery before being moved to the ward. However, since the inflammation in his leg was not healed well, he had to stay in the corridor for two more nights.

Yang Lin went to the observation ward to sleep that night.

But Yang Wan did not leave. She was busy running in and out helping them with various hospital arrangements.

While she was out buying food, I called her at home.

My family is a large one, and my parents like to host a party, so almost every Chinese New Year, all the relatives get together.

Although it is only the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month today, the atmosphere here is already very lively.

My mother picked up the phone and yelled at my father in one sentence: "Old Deng, tell Aunt Wu and the others to keep their voices down. Your son is on the phone."

After saying this, her tone immediately became gentle, "Son, you haven't finished your work yet. Everyone in the village is waiting for you to come back. Your second uncle wants to introduce you to a girlfriend. She is back from studying abroad. Mom saw her today and she is very pretty..."

He didn't respond, and said, "The work is almost done, but I accidentally broke my leg."


My mother's voice suddenly got louder, and I had to hold the phone farther away.

"No big questions..."

"No problem yet! Where are you? Come here with your dad right now."

Sitting on the hospital bed, he laughed and said, "What will happen to all the elders in the family if you leave?"

"this… "

He looked at the quiet corridor, raised his hand with the IV needle in it, picked up the thermos cup on the bedside and took a sip of water.

"Forget it, Mom. You guys can't help much. I'll hire a nurse here, and when I can be discharged from the hospital, I'll ask my colleagues from the same unit to send me back."

My mother asked with some concern: "Are the people in the cooperative unit reliable?"

"Why not? Don't worry."

My mother said "Oh" reluctantly, and then asked, "Do you need surgery? Your father has a few friends in Chengdu. Do you want to ask them to help and come over to look after you?"

"No, it's New Year's Day, it's not good to ask someone to come to the hospital for treatment."

"That's right..."

My mother was a little helpless, "When will you have the surgery?"

"I'm still taking anti-inflammatory drugs. The doctor said the timing will depend on how the inflammation goes. Maybe I can do it the day after tomorrow."

My mother sighed, "You are so stupid. Your feet have always been hurt since you were a child."

As he was talking, Yang Wan came over with two bowls of rice. Seeing that he was on the phone, she moved a stool to sit at the head of his bed and put the rice out to dry. He was a little nervous and said to his mother casually, "Mom... Let's do this for now. I'll contact you tomorrow."

After saying that, he quickly hung up the phone.

Yang Wan took a spoon out of her bag, soaked it in boiling water to disinfect it, and asked, "Auntie?"

‌ subconsciously held ‌ on his knees and nodded in response: "‌."

Yang Wan stood up and poured out the hot water from the spoon, then turned around and said, "Auntie must be very angry with you. You got into a car accident during the Chinese New Year, and you couldn't go home for the reunion."

He lowered his head and said, "It's okay. I don't really want to go back."

Yang Wan nodded, but did not ask any further questions. She handed the spoon to him, glanced at the girl on his right side who was hanging the bottle, and suddenly hesitated.

He looked up and saw that she was hesitating, so he said quickly, "I'm used to using my left hand. It's okay."

Yang Wan finally relaxed her brows, "That's good. The New Year is coming soon, and it's hard to hire a nurse. The earliest they can come to take care of you is tomorrow afternoon. You can just make do with it. Ask a male nurse to help you with things like going to the toilet, IV drips, and buying food."

‌ asked Yang Wan: "Aren't you going back to celebrate the New Year?"

Yang Wan picked up the copybook and handed it to him: "It's very close, I can go back anytime, and... I don't really want to go back for the New Year. There are too many things to talk about, and once I start talking about them, it will never end, and I can't handle it."

"Excuse me, how old are you?"

Yang Wan smiled and said, "You're thirty now, you know."

As she spoke, she moved forward on the stool she was sitting on, "Eat it while it's hot. I'll bring it to you."

He tried to hold the bottle with the water hanging on it, and said, "You can hold it yourself."

"Forget it. It's not good to recover blood later."

She finished speaking, resting her elbows on her knees, "My brother just told me that you are a really nice person. Not only did you not make things difficult for him, but you also didn't ask for anything."

He scooped up a handful and took a bite.

The chopped green onion has a particularly strong aroma and the soup is very fresh.

Yang Wan asked with a smile, "Is it okay? The nurse told me that this place is very famous."

He nodded, "Yeah, it's delicious."

"Then I'll buy you some beef noodles tomorrow morning. Um... you're from the north, so you probably can't eat spicy food."

"I like spicy food."

"Huh? Really?"


Why do people eat spicy food

In fact, you have to learn it deliberately.

I remember that during the Ming Dynasty, Yang Wan had always been craving for chili peppers, but it was a pity that I and Song Yunqing didn't dare to eat them.

One time, she made a Sichuan hot pot in her house, with the soup full of red oil, and hung it on the stove to cook meat like any other pot. Chen Hua took a bite and hurried to drink water, and I tried it too, and it was so spicy that I cried.

Yang Wan... seemed quite disappointed, but she didn't know what to say.

She put away the pot and started cooking again, but she would secretly get up in the middle of the night, squat in the yard by herself, light the stove, and sit by the stove to boil the leftover vegetables.

I got up and went to see her. I saw that she was sweating while eating, but she was very happy.

From then on, I have been thinking that if I were younger, I would definitely learn to eat spicy food, so that I can accompany Wanwan while sweating while eating hot pot, and not let her be alone.

So, when I was very young, I started to try to learn to eat spicy food.

Most Beijing dishes don't use condiments like chili peppers and fermented soybeans, but if they are on the table, I will secretly eat them. At first, they are so spicy that I cry, and even my family members say it's weird. My mother often says in front of relatives, "This kid must have had a Sichuan son-in-law in his previous life. He can't eat spicy food, but he insists on eating it."

God knows.

This is such a regret from my previous life.

"It's not easy for Beijingers to eat spicy food."

Yang Wan sat in front of him and sighed, "But forget it, you are taking anti-inflammatory medicine, so eat something light."


I habitually agreed to her request. "I'll eat it later."

Yang Wan burst out laughing and almost dropped the bowl.

I felt a little overwhelmed, thinking I had said something wrong.

"I'm sorry... ‌ ..."

Yang Wan steadied the bowl and said to him, "You must have never cursed anyone."

He nodded and said "hmm".

Yang Wan gestured to continue eating, tilted her head and smiled: "Brother, you are so lucky to meet a wounded person like you. The more you are like this, the more embarrassed I feel. I don't know how to make it up to you."

I'm here to make it up to you, Wanwan.

"Eat quickly, it's getting cold."

"Oh, okay."

Afraid that she would be tired from lifting it, Yu Xin quickly ate the entire bowl of rice.

Yang Wan got up to wash the dishes and helped throw away the garbage. When she came back, she had a cup of hot tea in her mouth. She stood in front of the nurse's station and asked the nurse for a spring bed.

The nurse asked her, "Which bed number are you looking after?"

Yang Wan looked at the patient, then looked at the observation ward, and said to the nurse, "Maybe you have to run to both sides, so just put your bed next to bed number 13. Hey, I'll just take a nap if I'm sleepy, I probably won't fall asleep."

The nurse said, “Okay.”

Yu Xi gave her a bed and reminded her to pay attention to her finances.

Yang Wan, carrying the bed in one hand and holding a cup of tea in the other, walked towards him with a smile.

An auntie sitting in the bed in front of me asked with a smile, "Your wife."

Almost subconsciously, the aunt said "hmm", and smiled to the man accompanying the bed: "It's good to be young, right? Look how loving the young couple is."

He hurriedly said to Yang Wan: "I... I don't mean that."

Yang Wan handed the tea to her and said as she spread out the bed, "Then what are you 'hmm'ing about?"

She quickly turned around to explain to the aunt next door, "Well, we are not husband and wife."

The aunt was obviously disappointed and said, "Ah," "If you're not husband and wife, then you're just friends."

"No... no discussion."

‌When this person gets nervous, his ears turn red and he speaks incoherently.

Seeing her embarrassment, Yang Wan stepped forward and said, "Auntie, my brother hit him with his bike. Please come over and help my brother take care of him."

The aunt smiled kindly after hearing this, "Oh, so that's how it is. But it seems that you two are a perfect match. Young man, are you married?"

"without… "

The aunt looked at Yang Wan and said "tsk".

"Then chase."

Chase, definitely chase! can I catch up

‌ He sat on the hospital bed and looked at Yang Wan. She also sat down cross-legged on the spring bed, took out a tablet from her bag, and began to study with her chin on her hand.

I couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking at?"


Yang Wan stood up the tablet and said, "Some professional information. You may not be bored. If you are bored, then don't read it. I will chat with you."

He shook his head and said, "I heard from your brother that you studied history."

"Yes. But the subject I'm working on now is very small, just studying one person."


"Um… "

She seemed reluctant to talk, put down the tablet and scratched her head, "This person, his name is the same as yours, Deng Ying, he was a how to say... um... an official in the inner court in the early Ming Dynasty."

He continued, "It's the eunuch, right?"

"Um... yeah. Don't mind it."

He smiled and shook his head. "I don't mind. Can I ask why you chose him as your research topic?"

Yang Wan crossed her arms and said, "I don't know either. The first time I saw this person's name, I felt an inexplicable pain in my heart. It was as if this person wanted to talk to me, but he couldn't open his mouth. So I started trying to understand him, and then studied his life and his experiences. Slowly, I found that he seemed different from what was recorded in history."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at him and said, "In fact, to study history, you must have as much original historical materials as possible, but you must also base yourself on the historical materials and try your best to restore the process of events. If you want to restore a person, it is too difficult. What was his personality like, what was his temper like, whether he liked anyone, or hated anyone, these are all known only by the deceased himself."

He nodded, indicating that he agreed with what she said.

"It's a bit boring, you're definitely not a liberal arts student."

"How do you know?"

"Guessing from the way you talk. Um... can I ask what you do?"



Yang Wan was stunned for a moment, then knelt down and asked, "You are also involved in architecture?"

‌He said "hmm".

Yang Wan patted her knee and said with a smile, "What a coincidence."

Of course it’s a coincidence.

Because he is the one who can't open his mouth.

Not only could he not open his mouth, he couldn't even speak. He could see her right in front of him, but he didn't know how to communicate with her further.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Wan was really more at ease in Nanhai Zi back then.

Although she always said that she didn't like me at that time, thinking I was just a cultured female hooligan, but she, who came from six hundred years later, really kept the most appropriate distance from me. But now, she was afraid that she would cross the line and become a "hooligan" in front of her.

Fortunately, the festival is coming soon.

Although I was in the hospital, the place was very lively and the patients' families who came to visit brought a lot of flowers and food.

Yang Wan ran up and down between the fifth floor and the first floor, and imitated the other subordinates by piling flowers and snacks on the bedside.

The art of ‌‌‌ was scheduled for the first day of the new year.

On New Year’s Eve, people have to fast and the skin is prepared at 6 pm. Even water cannot be drunk.

There was no need for intravenous drip at night. The nurse who took care of her said that she wanted to go home to have the New Year's Eve dinner. She sat on the bed reading a book, thinking that the meal would not take long, so she let her go.

It was almost eight o'clock, the sky was already dark, and fireworks began to be set off outside, lighting up the gentle night sky in bursts.

The televisions in the ward were all switched to CCTV, and that year's Spring Festival Gala began as scheduled.

He put the book down and looked out the window.

Thousands of lights, the world is bustling.

She had mentioned China to me before, and now it was right before my eyes. How lucky I was to live in this prosperous era with Yang Wan.


‌ was startled.

Yang Wan stood in front of him holding a bag of snacks.

"Why are you here?"

Yang Wan put down the bag of snacks, took out her tablet, and turned on the CCTV live broadcast.

"I had dinner here, and I thought you must be bored staying alone, so I brought the tablet over so you can watch the Spring Festival Gala. Here, there are some snacks, all for you."

He smiled and said, "I will be doing surgery tomorrow, so I will fast today."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot."

She was about to open the package of potato chips, but after hearing what he said, she put the chips back.

"Then I won't eat it either."

‌ Picked up the bag of potato chips and handed it to him, "It's okay, you eat it."

She then smiled and unpacked, moved out the nursing bench, and sat down in front of the bed. "I told you, fireworks are not allowed in the city, but the control is not strict here, so I brought a few fairy wands here. After twelve o'clock, find a place to secretly set them off so that you can make a wish."

‌Ask Yang Wan what her wish is.

She looked at the Spring Festival Gala and said with a smile: "I wish you a speedy recovery and I also wish you can meet your soulmate next year and bring him home for the New Year."