Contemplating Crane Notes

Chapter 98: River Wind and Cold Dew (V)


Deng Ying supported herself on the bed with her elbows and slowly lay down.

Yang Wan asked him softly, "Where is the knot of the sweat towel?"

Deng Ying held Yang Wan's hand, "Wan Wan..."

Yang Wan pulled out her hand and gently touched Deng Ying's face, then leaned over and kissed Deng Ying's forehead, "It's okay."

She had touched the knot of the sweat towel, but she did not untie it immediately. She lowered her head and said softly, "Deng Ying, I don't really know how you feel. Maybe you are not willing to do it to me, so I can only try it based on my own feelings. If you feel uncomfortable, just let me stop, okay?"

After hearing this, Deng Ying nodded blankly after a while.

Her fingers are cool and feel like jade.

"Relax, Deng Ying, or you will feel uncomfortable later."

"Wan Wan..."



Deng Ying only uttered the first syllable of the word "dirty" before Yang Wan covered her mouth.

"Deng Ying, sex is like this, everyone is the same. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just usually protected by clothes, so it's a little shy at this moment."

She smiled and said, "Without clothes, we are the same."

Without their clothes, they were the same.

Deng Ying did not understand that this sentence contained the understanding of "x" and "human" by a humanities researcher living in the second century. Yang Wan did not intend to explain to Deng Ying these concepts that had grown over six hundred years. She bent her fingers and gently pinched the tiny bud on Deng Ying's unimportant part. The bud was because he was already an adult when he was tortured, and the knife maker left him a little leeway out of consideration for his life.

Zheng Yuejia protected him during the physical examination and did not let him suffer the pain of being brushed, so over the years, some buds gradually grew there, and when Yang Wan touched them, he actually felt the slightest sensation.

Yang Wan saw Deng Ying's earlobes gradually turning red, and then she was sure that she had done nothing wrong.

As for how to do something that is not a big deal with someone like Deng Ying, the materials are not clear. The Qing Dynasty notes "Langji Congtan" (real materials) said: "When eunuchs are close to women, they always like to touch their mouths and bite them, and they are nervous for a while until they sweat. It seems that they have completely exhausted all their sexual desires, which is also abnormal."

The so-called "caressing the mouth and biting it, tensing for a while, stop when sweating." Probably people who have been castrated will also have sex, but they can't enjoy it as much as ordinary people, and fever and sweating are already extreme. But just like the name of this notebook - "Wandering Talks", it sounds like a frivolous person made up for people to hunt for curiosity, not rigorous at all.

Yang Wan was deeply afraid that she would be deceived by the words and hurt Deng Ying. Fortunately, he did not look uncomfortable and his body even gradually relaxed.

She finally said to Deng Ying, "Lift your waist. My wrist is being strangled."

The person under her was completely speechless, but still raised his waist in obedience to her wishes.

Yang Wan pulled Deng Ying's pants down to the floor. The silk material was too slippery, and the pants quickly slid from the knees to the ankles. He finally revealed his entire body. This was the first time he faced his own broken body in front of another person after being tortured.

Deng Ying, who was in the torture chamber back then, had more than 20 years of self-cultivation and strength to resist the humiliating punishment. Although he was afraid, he was not panicked. At this moment, his mind was almost blank, but he did not want to suppress the panic. In this panic, he clearly felt the warm feeling of the ground that even your sister knows. This feeling has nothing to do with the cultivation of a scholar or the self-consciousness of a eunuch, and it is enough to make him temporarily forget who he is.

"Deng Ying."

"… "

"I want to hear what you have to say."

"Wan Wan..."

He couldn't speak at all and could only call Yang Wan's name.

Yang Wan looked down at him, "Deng Ying, I hope that because of me, you can let yourself go. Even if it's not possible now, you must let yourself go in the future and live peacefully... Deng Ying, I love you very much..."

It rained heavily late at night, and the green tile roof was crackling.

Yang Wan spoke the last few words very quietly, and Deng Ying didn't hear it clearly.

He just felt a little tired, and his hair drooped unconsciously.

He later fell into a sound sleep, like a piece of warm jade, lying motionless beside Yang Wan.

Yang Wan secretly got up at night, cleaned herself with cold water, and applied medicine to herself.

The rain hit the window with a rumble, and the moss in the corner soaked up the rain and became softer.

Yang Wan looked at Deng Ying lying on the couch and recalled her descriptions of him in "The Biography of Deng Ying", which were all about his political attitude and outlook on life. Because there was no material to support her, Yang Wan had never touched upon his "love and desire." So although she could describe his life in tens of thousands of words, she could never describe the process of his mental wound healing.

Yang Wan thought about it, then walked to the lamp, took out her notes, spread them out on the desk and opened them.

From the second year of Zhenning to the 15th year of Zhenning, her writing style changed from rigorous and cold to occasionally sharp and out of control.

This process was not healing for her, but a further split.

Fortunately, there was Deng Ying, who was like a good medicine, allowing her to maintain basic respect for the people and events of six hundred years ago.

Let her calm down and turn from external observation to internal observation.

She stroked the ink on her notebook, turned sideways to look at the person on the bed, and whispered to herself: "I am trapped in this situation, but I don't want to give up. It's partly because I'm afraid of death, and partly because of you..."

The bedside didn't respond, but her fingers clenched lightly, and her eyelids moved slightly.


The next day, Deng Ying got up earlier than Yang Wan. He turned over and sat up from the couch, carefully lifted the quilt, and moved his feet from the couch to the floor.

The shackles inevitably touched the bed frame, but fortunately Yang Wan just turned over and did not wake up.

Deng Ying then bent down to put on her shoes, then pushed the door open and entered the yard.

The rain had not stopped yet. Tan Wende and the guards of the East Factory were waiting for Deng Ying at the gate of the courtyard with umbrellas. Large brown and yellow paper umbrellas were neatly arranged. Passersby looked at the swords on the waists of these people and avoided them as if they saw a ghost. Tan Wende stepped forward with an umbrella and said, "Master, we have gathered all the people. Shall we go now?"

Deng Ying looked at the people behind him and said, "Not so many people, the rest will be enough."

Tan Wende turned around and said, "Leave a few people here, and the rest of you go back to the outer factory office and wait for orders."

After that, he called him hesitantly, "Master."


"I think it's not good for us to be too humble. After all, this is a trial of the cabinet minister. When we arrested him, we just asked for his help. When we get to the prison, do we have to serve him?"

Deng Ying smiled and said, "I won't let you do that."

Qin Wende said: "I am worried that you will not be able to continue the trial."

Deng Ying lowered his head and only responded with one sentence: "Don't worry, go ahead first."

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Yang Wan's voice from behind.

"Deng Ying."

Deng Ying was stunned, but it was too late for Qin Wende to leave.

Qin Wende looked at Yang Wan who came out wearing her clothes, and was also stunned, "Wan... Miss Wan."

Then he saluted, and when he saluted, the factory guards behind him also saluted in unison. Yang Wan was frightened by this scene and hid behind Deng Ying unconsciously.

"Captain Qin, give me the umbrella."

"Ah? Oh... yes yes yes..."

He hurriedly handed the umbrella to Deng Ying.

Deng Ying protected Yang Wan under the umbrella and signaled Qin Wende and others to step back.

"I left the token for entering and leaving the palace under your pillow. Remember to bring it with you when you return to the palace. It's still early now, and you can still sleep a little longer."

Yang Wan shook her head and said, "I won't sleep anymore. I want to go to Qingbo Pavilion and then go back."


Deng Ying turned and looked at Tan Wende, "Captain Tan."

Qin Wende was still in a daze. Someone poked him from behind, and then he realized that Deng Ying was calling him.

"I am..."

Deng Ying hesitated for a moment, "Do you have any money?"


"you… "

"Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

He quickly took off the purse from his waist and handed it to Deng Ying.

Deng Ying took it and handed it to Yang Wan, "I can't go shopping with you. Take these and buy whatever you want. You can also bring some food back to His Highness from the East Gate City."

Yang Wan originally wanted to show off her wealth, but when she saw Deng Ying’s slightly red earlobes, she smiled and took it.


"I'll have two centurions follow you from a distance, but you have to be careful too."

Yang Wan nodded, "I know, go and do your work."

She leaned half of her body out from behind Deng Ying and said to Tan Wende, "Captain Tan."

Qin Wende had just had all his money taken away by his boss, and before he could recover, he asked, "Miss Wan, do you have any instructions?"

Yang Wan smiled and said, "Take good care of your Lord. The injuries on his hands and feet have just healed a little."

"It was saved by my subordinates."

Yang Wan then took the umbrella and patted Deng Ying on the shoulder, "You have to promise me that no matter what you hear when you go to Bai Mansion, you are not allowed to go inside. You must come back to Chengqian Palace to find us. Today is the day when His Highness gave me the medicine."

Deng Ying nodded.

Yang Wan stood in front of the courtyard gate and watched Deng Ying get on the bike. She lowered her head to weigh the money in her hand and couldn't help but smile.

Qin Wende rode his horse beside Deng Ying's carriage and said to her, "Master, is Miss Wan satisfied with this house?"

Deng Ying did not say anything. Tan Wende was not afraid and asked, "Do you want your subordinates to add some more?"

"How much money do you have in your purse?"

"Hey, it's our duty to respect Miss Wan."

"I asked you how much."

"Not much, less than two taels of silver in total."


Deng Ying responded, "Come to the inner factory tomorrow, and I will give you the money for vegetables and rice and the two taels of silver today."

Qin Wende sighed after hearing this, "Master, we are really worried that you will suffer if you behave like this. You don't know how people outside scolded us when we locked the door and arrested the old man. In addition to Qingbo Hall, there are many other places on Donghua Street, such as Kuanqin Hall and Yabai Hall, which printed more than a thousand copies of the articles of the Donglin Party members, scolding you..."

He was a little unable to go on and spat while riding on the horse.

"The brothers below couldn't stand it any longer. Thinking that you wouldn't allow anyone to get hurt, they took the shopkeeper of Kuanqin Hall to the factory jail and gave him a good scolding yesterday."

Deng Ying said lightly: "Take the money and let him go."

Tan Wende raised his voice:

"The Kuanqin Hall paid a lot of money to redeem it, but our people refused to take it. It's not about the money, but about the humiliation. But before we came here this morning, the people from the Kuanqin Hall came over and said that they haven't printed private documents in the past few days. It's because they don't have enough ink. I asked a few questions and it seems that the people from their Qingbo Pavilion bought all the recent batches of ink. Lord Governor, now I understand why Miss Wan insisted on buying that Qingbo Pavilion. Don't worry... Miss Wan is really thoughtful."

(It has no soul. In order not to affect the reading experience, I may have to write a new version after it is finished. The previous versions will be like this.)