
Chapter 1: Traitor betrayed 1


The phoenix sounds in Gaogang; the phoenix grows in the sun.

At 2 p.m. on July 18, 2006, the Gonghe Express passenger ship of Wuhu Taifeng Shipping Bureau, which was sailing from Shanghai to Wuhan, was about to dock at the wharf of Wencheng County. A young man with the appearance of a rich man in a white suit came to the deck early and looked towards Wencheng. His name is Zhang Fengshan, a native of Wencheng County, and he is now returning to his hometown after three years of absence. Although the expression on his face is serious, the corners of his eyes cannot conceal a trace of joy from the bottom of his heart.

In Zhang Fengshan's impression, the hometown of Wencheng has a long history, is rich in humanities, and is fragrant. Like the phoenix phoenix tree described in the "Book of Songs", it is gorgeous and noble, with more character. The phoenix is a legendary divine bird, neither spring nor drinking nor phoenix trees do not dwell. There is a mountain named Fengshan in Wencheng, where phoenix trees are planted everywhere, which may have the meaning of "planting phoenix trees, the phoenix comes from". His father named him "Fengshan", and hoped that he would become prosperous and prosperous.

A young man in a black tunic suit approached him. Zhang Fengshan said intently: "I'm finally home, as if in a dream, I can't believe my eyes."

"You're called cowardice near hometown." The speaker's name is Zhou Jin, and Zhang Fengshan is a fellow countryman. They met after they got on the boat from Shanghai. After a few days, the two became good friends.

Zhang Fengshan said with emotion: "The man is determined to go out of his hometown, and he will not return when he fails to become famous. Why don't he bury his bones in the sangzi, the world is full of green hills. I didn't expect to return to the hometown today, but he fled back in despair."

Zhou Jin said: "Yes, it seems that the appetite of Little Japan is not small. It is by no means satisfied with the three provinces of the East, but intends to infiltrate the whole of China. Brother Fengshan, I am here to call on the fathers and villagers in my hometown to unite and defend my hometown. , Would you like to do it with me?"

"Brother Zhou's patriotism is admirable, but Fengshan has not returned home for many years, so please ask your parents for peace before making plans." Faced with the passionate young man two years younger than himself, Zhang Fengshan suppressed his inner impulse. He said calmly.

"The Huns are not extinct, so why do you have family? The little devil is about to hit our house soon, can you sit back and watch?"

Zhang Fengshan knew that since the Japanese army launched a full-scale war of aggression against China, the Nationalist government's army was defeated and lost ground in a single blow. The society was filled with pessimistic views of "China's rapid death theory". The little devil even threatened to "destroy China in three months." The Chinese nation is at a critical juncture of life and death. "The national disaster is at stake. Every Chinese descendant has the heart to kill thieves. It's not too late to discuss the matter with Brother Zhou after letting me go home and settle down for a while.

Zhou Jin smiled and said: "Let's make a decision!"

The steam whistle blew long, and the passenger ship Gonghe slowly approached the pier.

"Why did the tugboat bother Wu Niu when he was breathing the moon?" The sun seemed to be scorching the earth from the sky. The bluestone slabs of the pier were covered with blue smoke, but there was no fire initiator, otherwise the earth would definitely burn.

The wharf in Wencheng County is still bustling with pedestrians, and vendors are selling the goods in front of their stalls. Some sell cigarettes, some melon seeds, some fruits, and all kinds of things. Zhang Fengshan knows that for these people who are struggling to survive, although the heat is unbearable, they don't look at God's face very much.

Zhang Fengshan got off the boat and greedily enjoyed the long-lost breath of his hometown. He looked around and saw two peasant-dressed people selling watermelons in a corner of the street. The younger one lifted the towel on his neck to wipe sweat, while yelling: "Watermelon, big and sweet watermelon!" The other elder squatted on the head of the watermelon wheelbarrow, took off his straw hat and kept fanning, his sharp eyes looked around. A mobile hawker carrying cigarette cases came to the passengers, yelling, "Cigarettes, do you want cigarettes?"

Suddenly, a parade of students marched toward the dock, and the first old man in a gray cloth gown distributed leaflets to pedestrians as they walked. Zhang Fengshan and Zhou Jin couldn't help but watch.

Zhang Fengshan understands what is going on. It seems that the comrades of the underground party have been fully prepared to ensure the success of the joint, so they are full of expectations for the next thing.

The old man immediately jumped onto the big rock in front of the pier and began to give a speech: "Compatriots: 42 years ago, Japan forcibly signed the Shimonoseki Treaty with the decadent and incompetent Qing government. Since then, we have lost the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan and Taiwan. The Penghu Islands; Six years ago, the September 18th Incident broke out. Since then, we have lost a large area of the three northeastern provinces. The Japanese invaders are rampant on our land, without any scruples, burning, killing and plundering, doing nothing wrong, what they are. It’s horrible. These people slaughtered the local compatriots and committed heinous crimes. Now, the gunshots of the invaders are heard by the Lugou Bridge. Pingjin is in a hurry! North China is in a hurry! The Chinese nation is in a hurry! On the huge Chinese land, no more Can’t put aside a quiet desk. But, can we be subjugated slaves? Never! We have to stand up, and the fate of China is in our hands! Let us take up the guns in our hands, even with our bare hands. Everyone died in this land left to us by our ancestors! We must not give it up! Let us share the same hatred and shed the last drop of blood to defend the motherland! Resolutely drive out the Japanese invaders from China!"

The students waved the slogans and banners in their hands and shouted: "Down with Japan!" "Kill the Japanese devils out of China!" "Our compatriots unite and defend every inch of the country!"

Zhou Jin’s face was filled with a smile, and his mouth yelled, "Well said!" He pointed to the old man who was speaking and said to Zhang Fengshan: "That is Ye Mingyi from Wencheng Middle School and my teacher. At that time, he drafted a telegram on behalf of all walks of life in Wencheng, demanding the Beiyang government to release the arrested students. He was highly respected in Wencheng, and I was influenced by him, so I wrote for the military. Let me introduce you to me.

The corners of Zhang Fengshan's eyes were a little moist. They hadn't been seen for a few years. Although Ye Mingyi was much older, his strength of character was still there. In his spiritual world, there is a firm strength supporting him, and this strength is the endless source of the Chinese nation.

"On this occasion, don't cause trouble!" Zhang Fengshan's face was calm, although his heart was surging like a tide. Ye Mingyi is his mentor, his daughter Ye Yuexia and his childhood sweetheart, don't want to see them right away. However, compared with the tasks delivered by the organization, these are things he must bear with pain. The only thing he has to do now is to connect, and he must get in touch with the party organization in Wencheng as soon as possible to convey the spirit of the central government.

"You, greedy for life and fear of death, are just a pair of cartilage. If I have eyes and no beads, I will recognize you as a friend." Zhou Jin had a fierce temper and turned his face immediately, as fast as a book. In Zhou Jin's impression, Zhang Fengshan was always stunned, and was afraid to avoid sensitive topics related to the current situation.

Zhang Fengshan wasn't angry at all, and smiled and said, "Be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years."

A peddler selling cigarettes approached them and asked Zhou Jin: "Sir, let's get a pack of cigarettes. I have the best Pyramid cigarettes here."

Zhang Fengshan's heart moved, knowing that this was a comrade sent by the underground party to join the joint, and he was about to say the next joint code: "Excuse me, how do I get to Zilai Teahouse?" Suddenly he found that several pairs of eyes were staring at them in the distance, making him feel immediately When a huge danger approached him, he swallowed forcibly, turned his head to the side, and pretended to spit.

Zhou Jin shook his head and said, "I don't smoke, thank you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a few people rushed up and knocked Zhou Jin and the cigarette vendor to the ground. Several black hole guns were aimed at them: "Don't move! You will be killed if you move."

The peddler said in a low voice, "Boss, did you recognize the wrong person? I'm a cigarette seller. These days, the soldiers are in a panic, so I have to make people eat something, right?"

Zhou Jin was emotional: "Why do you arrest people?"

A plainclothes waved the king's box in his hand and sneered, "Why? It's this guy. If you don't agree, I will reward you with a peanut."

Zhou Jin's hands were cut back, but he was not reconciled. He kicked his legs and cursed unceasingly: "You bastards, you don’t know Taishan. I am a captain of the national army. The officer ID is in my right pocket. ."

A small agent took out a green leather ID from the right pocket of Zhou Jin's shirt, opened his eyes, and said in surprise: "Captain, you are really a captain. Did we catch the wrong person?"

The old spy who was the captain said: "There is an explanation from above. As long as it is the person who connects, no matter who he is, or the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, he will be arrested in the same way."

Zhou Jin defended: "I am my own."

The old spy sneered: "Your own person? Either a white-skinned red heart, or a fake and shoddy. If you don't have this little book, I still believe it. The more you use this thing to cover, the greater the possibility of the Communist Party!"

Knowing that the action had been exposed, Zhang Fengshan quickly turned around to leave, but was blocked by two agents behind him. One agent asked the older agent for instructions: "Captain, what about this person?"

The old spy walked up to Zhang Fengshan, looked at him, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Fengshan pretended to be trembling with fright, "Sir, I am a student, this time I am going home to visit relatives."

The old spy sneered again and said: "The Communist Party started with students first, mobilizing students and expanding political influence, so your suspicion is not small, and you are not allowed to leave. Come with us to the police station."

Zhang Fengshan knew that once he entered, it would be difficult to figure it out, and begged: "Sir, I'm really not the person you are looking for."

The old spy raised the gun in his hand and said, "Are you the person we are looking for? When you arrive at the police station, it will be clear."

Suddenly, a clear gunfire sounded, and there was a sudden chaos on the dock. People fled one after another. Some cigarette stalls and melon seed shops were knocked over and scattered all over the ground.

A person ran out of the Yingjiang Teahouse and cursed angrily: "Who told you to shoot?"

The old spy replied: "It was not we who shot, it was the Communists who caused the chaos."

Seeing the chaos everywhere, the man quickly commanded: "Catch them, if you resist arrest, kill them."

Gunshots broke out.

Zhang Fengshan knew that it was the comrades who were covering him to get away, but he was held by a spy with a gun on his chest. If he was forced to do so, he would be very risky. Not only would he expose himself, but he would also risk his life. Although his body could not move, it did not prevent him from observing the surroundings with his eyes. I saw that the two watermelon farmers were shooting back at the surrounding agents. The older one seemed to say something to the young one and gave him a push. The young one rolled on the ground and flashed over. At the corner of the opposite alley, shooting from the side to surround the elderly spies.

There are more and more secret agents, coming to them from all directions.

Zhang Fengshan's heart was so nervous that he screamed. How much he hoped that the older comrade would order a retreat. If he continued to resist, there would only be a dead end. At this time, there is still a chance to retreat.

Time passed by one cent and one bill, and for every bill that passed, someone fell to the ground with a shot.

"Quickly go!" the elder yelled as he fired several shots in succession, killing all the bullets in the gun.

Several bullets shot into his body from different directions. Zhang Fengshan saw his body tremble, blood gushing out from the bullet holes, and then he shook his body a few times before falling backward.

Zhang Fengshan felt sore in the corners of his eyes, and he felt as if the flood had broken the gate. For the first time since he joined the revolution, he watched his comrade fall in front of him, but he was helpless. He feels like a coward, and when he thinks like this, an impulse arises in his heart: "I'm fighting with you!" However, he quickly rejected this idea, desperately just acting recklessly, facing a powerful enemy. It is tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

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