
Chapter 17: Stealing beams and changing posts 2


"I have a trick called stealing the beam and changing the post. In layman's terms, it is a scam. At present, only a few of us know that your son woke up. I immediately blocked the news and said that your son died and replaced him with a condemned prisoner. Wait for me tonight. After the arrangements are in place, inform Chen Youliang and your family to come over. At that time, we will play the duo. You must deny on the spot that this person is not Zhang Fengshan, he is a fake, and I will take care of the rest. This will save your son's life and I have also explained the reputation of your family."

Zhang Fuhai had already guessed seven or eight points, thinking that it is true that the ancients think that having money can make ghosts grind is true. Song Tiejun dared to take such a big risk, not because he was looking at the 20 "pornographic products". Fortunately, he is generous. If he stings a little bit, can he help? But he was still a little worried, so he asked, "Dean Qian and Doctor Xu know about this, what should they do? Do you want to spend some money to seal their mouths?"

Song Tiejun said: "They are all my people, I will arrange them properly."

"Can I arrange for him to heal his injuries at home?"

"No, your family has many people with mixed eyes. If you are stabbed out, not only will your son's life not be saved, but we will also have to go to jail. I have helped your son find a remote house in the provincial capital for Dr. Xu to take care of He, when he is healed and the wind is gone, I will arrange for him to work at the county party office."

"I want him to come back and help me take care of my business." Zhang Fuhai knows that the county party department is a mixed bag, especially when there are too many enemies abroad, and personal safety cannot be guaranteed. He can't let his son just break out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den.

"Also, I don't insist on this. It's just that Linglang has to make a little change so that people can't match the previous Zhang Fengshan."

"how to change?"

Song Tiejun chuckled and said, "Dr. Xu is an expert in this area. You can't even recognize him after a month, so he can just go home by boat at that time."

Finally a smile appeared on Zhang Fuhai's face. Suddenly he thought that Song Tiejun would use a death row to impersonate his son, and his smile disappeared quickly. "Clerk, I have one last question. If you get a death row inmate to impersonate, don't you know about the prison? Also, if he looks different from my son, will anyone else doubt it?"

Song Tiejun saw that Zhang Fuhai was very cautious and was very satisfied. He liked to deal with such people, at least with a higher insurance coefficient than other people. "Lao Zhang, please rest assured, I have my own arrangements for this. As for your appearance, didn't your son commit suicide by hitting his head against the wall? When the time comes, his head and face will be wrapped up like rice dumplings. Who can recognize it? Besides, don't I still have it. Dr. Xu? She moved her fingers to make him exactly as difficult as your son. At least seven to eight similarities are okay."

Seeing Song Tiejun's thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness, Zhang Fuhai said, "Leading Secretary Song to be the master of everything, I will thank you again by then!"

At this time, there was some noise outside the door.

Song Tiejun strode past, quickly opened the door, and shouted, "Who?"

Xu Yuqing was standing timidly at the door. Seeing the door suddenly opened, Song Tiejun looked furious and turned Huarong into discoloration, and said quickly: "It's me, I'm here to get a blood pressure monitor. It's time to take the patient's blood pressure. "

"Why didn't you knock on the door?"

"Report to the Chief Secretary, I was about to knock on the door, but I did not expect you to open the door."

Song Tiejun glanced at her with a puzzled look, and then said: "From now on, anyone who is not allowed to see Zhang Fengshan will say that he is still in a coma."

Xu Yuqing said "yes" and took the sphygmomanometer and left.

Song Tiejun said to Zhang Fuhai: "It shouldn't be too late, you always go and discuss it with your family to make sure that there is nothing wrong with it."

Chen Youliang can’t figure out why Zhang Fengshan committed suicide. As the saying goes, it’s better to die than to live. What's more, he is a young master who needs wind and rain, rain and money, and beautiful women let him play. Why do you encounter such a thing? Can't think of it? If he wakes up soon, it's okay, there is still a play in the thousand yuan ocean; if he can't wake up, not only the money will be lost, but Zhang Fuhai will definitely not let him go.

On the second day of the incident, Chen Youliang visited the hospital and saw Zhang Fuhai's family waiting outside the ward from a distance. Knowing that Zhang Fengshan hadn't awakened yet, he quickly turned his head and left.

Just after Chen Youliang got out of the hospital, he was stopped by Juxian. She said weirdly: "Oh, isn't this Director Chen Da? Where is this going?"

Chen Youliang saw someone stopping to look at them, fearing that her entanglement would not affect them, so he said, "Go back and talk about it."

Juxian Xing's eyes widened, "Do you still know how to go back? I tell you, I almost rummaged through Wencheng in order to find your old lady."

Chen Youliang knew that this woman was looking for her own purpose. I am afraid it was also the idea to spend the money, but now she hasn't seen a single one of her. "What are you looking for me for?"

"What do you do? I'm afraid you have money to be happy outside, so I will see what kind of friend you have found."

"Apart from you, how can I be good?"

"It's hard to say, there is no cat like you that does not steal fishy."

When Chen Youliang saw her talking more and more ridiculously, he stopped the rickshaw and said, "I'll go there first, you won't be able to return it."

As soon as Chen Youliang's front foot arrived at the Juxian Tower, Juxian followed her back foot.

"You're really right. Song Tiejun asked me to release people yesterday morning, but Zhang Fengshan's name was not among them. I hurried to his office to have a look, guess what?"

"Did you bump into Zhang Fuhai?"


Juxian pressed her body over, put her arms around Chen Youliang's neck and asked affectionately: "How did you talk?"

Chen Youliang sighed, and said with some annoyance: "Song Tiejun asked him to take the Thousand Xian Dayang as a guarantee. He agreed and left. We didn't speak at all."

Juxian said disappointedly: "One thousand presents the ocean, so few? Then how do you two divide into five, four, six, three or seven?"

"Song Tiejun doesn't love money. He promised that all the money will go to our police station as a pension for his dead brother."

Juxian "pushed" with a laugh, "You, don't think about it, is there anyone in this world who doesn't love money? You have to say that Song Tiejun doesn't love money, and he won't believe in killing his old lady. In my opinion, he I can't take a look at these few small coins. Song Tiejun must have taken the'yellow goods', but instead used these broken copper and iron objects to send you away."

Chen Youliang is not a fool. He also suspects that Song Tiejun is tricky in it, but what can he do? The ancients said that "the first is to be strong, and then the second is to suffer." Song Tiejun climbed first and made a lot of money; he slowed down for a while, and there was nothing left. Fortunately, Juxian notified the news in time, otherwise there would be no one at all. "What you said makes sense, this guy is better than ghosts, and I am convinced when I lose in his hands."

Juxian stretched out a hand and said to Chen Youliang, "Bring it."

"What?" Chen Youliang asked puzzledly.

"Pretend to be confused, it's Da Yang naturally. The old lady confided to you that I also have my share of this thousand yuan. It's not too much to ask you for two hundred yuan, isn't it?"

"It's not much, but I haven't seen a single one until now."

"You lie, don't Song Tiejun mean anything?"

"Where did I lie to you? However, this time I can't get the money, and Song Tiejun can't even think about making a penny." Chen Youliang said gleefully, and then he told Juxian what happened.

Juxian was dumbfounded, "Why did Zhang Fengshan commit suicide?"

"I don't even think about it. You can analyze it for me."

Juxian giggled, and said, "You are the chief of the police, what do you think you don't understand, how does a little girl of mine know."

Chen Youliang hugged her slender waist and said, "Let's not mention this unlucky thing. It's still important to be happy."

Juxian pushed his hand away and said, "Want to eat free food again? Last time I used a dead man's broken pocket watch to coax my old lady. Forget it, I won't do it this time."

Chen Youliang said: "No, this Zhang Fengshan didn't die. I heard that the operation was successful and he has escaped his life. It's just that he is still in a coma. If he wakes up, it will be two hundred yuan. It’s yours."

Juxian suddenly opened her eyes and smiled, "Speaking counts?"

Chen Youliang said, "It's hard for a man to chase a horse with a word." Then he picked up Juxian and threw it on the bed. While undressing, he said, "Let's go to the fire in these two days, come, let me go to the fire!"

While Chen Youliang was happily looking like a fairy, Song Tiejun was caught in infinite trouble.

The Anton Provincial Party Headquarters ordered him to immediately execute a group of people, including Zhang Fengshan. The above restrictions must be resolved within 24 hours, the bodies were buried secretly, and the files of these people were destroyed. Song Tiejun sensitively captured the information that the political climate is about to change. It seems that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are really going to shake hands for the second time, but In any case, the above is still a good move. By then, the Communist Party's request for the release of political prisoners will fail, and the people they want have become lone ghosts.

After Song Tiejun received the secret order, he arranged for Ma Biao to prepare, and secretly execute it in the suburbs the next night. But for Zhang Fengshan, Song Tiejun couldn't make up his mind. If these 20 gold bars have become his hot spot, he would be underestimated. In his eyes, the interests of the party state are above all else. He could even detain Zhang Fuhai for investigation, impose a common crime, and confiscated his family's property.

Zhang Fengshan! Song Tiejun poked the name hard with a pen until he smashed the piece of paper. He sorted out the whole process again in his mind, and all the signs indicated that Zhang Fengshan had a major suspicion. Especially this suicide incident caused the weight in his heart to fall on the side of Zhang Fengshan who is a Communist in Yan'an. Zhang Fengshan must have had his conscience uneasy after he poisoned his comrade Fang Ming by himself, and the release personnel did not have him, and he had a mental breakdown for a while. This is called suicide with fear of crime. This can avoid cruel torture and can also be used. There is no evidence to save his family.

It was too easy for Song Tiejun to kill Zhang Fengshan now, like pinching an ant to death. But a person cannot be resurrected from the dead. Is he a Communist from Yan'an? What is his purpose in coming to Wencheng? These secrets will be brought into the soil by him and become a mystery that will never be known.

At midnight, just as Chen Youliang and Juxian were falling asleep, Song Tiejun made a major decision: Zhang Fengshan should not die, and he should give him a room to play as he originally envisioned. Once the time is right, the net will be closed. The power of the Communist Party in Wencheng is completely wiped out. If Zhang Fengshan is really the Communist Party, then it is in his own taste. After all, people who have no opponents are lonely. Just like chess, it is too boring to play with yourself. The master moves and enjoys the process, but the result is not important, even if There is no regret for being defeated by the opponent. If he is not the Communist Party, he does not have to be their substitute for the dead, and he will sell Zhang Fuhai as a favor and gain both fame and fortune.

But how can Zhang Fengshan be saved from death unconsciously? It's easy to let go of him, and there is no way to explain it; don't let go, Zhang Fuhai's family will not give up. He had to come up with a strategy that had the best of both worlds. Song Tiejun's mind turned very fast, and soon he had a seamless plan called "Removing Flowers and Trees". Song Tiejun deliberated every detail again, and when he confirmed that there was nothing wrong, it was already dawn, and he went to bed to sleep peacefully, and had enough energy to prepare for the night's actions.

Juxian woke up early in the morning. She was worried about the two hundred yuan and urged Chen Youliang to go to the hospital to see if Zhang Fengshan was awake.