
Chapter 33: Want to catch up 3


In fact, Zhang Fengshan learned this knowledge in the Japanese Concession in Shanghai, where Japanese tea houses are blooming everywhere. In addition to teahouses, there are more of them are Taoist halls. Zhang Fengshan feels that the Japanese people are contradictory. The tea ceremony emphasizes being friendly to people, while Bushido advocates self-madness and bloodthirsty, pays attention to etiquette but is savage and cruel, oppresses the weak and obeys the strong. China and Japan have exchanged for thousands of years. Before the Yuan Dynasty, Japan had always used Chinese civilization as a teacher, but after that, especially since the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Japanese students tore off the veil of tenderness and wanted to destroy Mr. "Okay, you will go to a pot of spring tea in the future, and I will show it to you."

Xu Yuqing thanked him, returned to his room, opened the notebook, and suddenly understood. This Zhang Fengshan really took a peek at her things, it seems that he is definitely not a person waiting for leisure, compared with Song Tiejun’s old traitor, he looks young and mature, as if he is covered with a diamond cover, water and fire do not invade, Xu Yuqing resorted to all over his body. Solving the numbers, I couldn't see which immortal he was.

One day after half a month, Zhang Fengshan and Xu Yuqing returned to Wencheng. Song Tiejun did not break his promise and went to the Wencheng Wharf to meet him. Ma Biao, Zhang Fuhai, and Yang Sicheng, a person Zhang Fengshan did not know, went with him.

Zhang Fuhai saw that his son's face was thinner, from the original Chinese character face to a long face, his eyebrows were thicker than before, and there were more black-rimmed glasses on his face. Nothing else changed. He was very happy and took a step forward. He hugged him and said excitedly: "Fengshan, you are finally back."

Zhang Fengshan's heart was turbulent at this time, and he set foot on the land of his hometown for the second time, which made him feel like a world away. He muttered: "I'm back, I'm back."

Zhang Fuhai introduced Song Tiejun to his son. In fact, this was all designed by Song Tiejun in advance, mainly for others to see.

Song Tiejun said in a pretentious manner: "Mr. Zhang has returned from his studies and served the country. On behalf of the Wencheng County Party Headquarters and the county government, I would like to extend a warm welcome."

Zhang Fengshan said, "Thank you, sir!"

Song Tiejun also introduced Ma Biao and Yang Sicheng to Zhang Fengshan, one is the police chief and the other is the dean of Wencheng Middle School.

Before Zhang Fengshan came back, he got Xu Yuqing's instructions, shook hands with them one by one, and said, "Happy meeting!"

Since Ma Biao saw Zhang Fengshan for the first time, he remembered the person named Zhang Fengshan caught by the county party department a month ago. He was shocked. The two looked too alike, as if they were cast from a mold. In fact, before he came, Song Tiejun had told him that the person he was going to pick up was Zhang Fuhai's son, and the genuine Zhang Fengshan. At that time, he had imagined Zhang Fengshan's appearance in his mind, and when he saw him, he still didn't believe his eyes. He saw Song Tiejun as if he didn't know Zhang Fengshan before, and Yang Sicheng from Wencheng Middle School where Zhang Fengshan had studied also didn't know him, so he no longer doubted them for showing off, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

Yang Sicheng was also surprised. He knew that Wang Xiaohu had been looking for Zhang Fengshan, thinking that he was the special commissioner from Yan'an. Could it be that Zhang Fengshan couldn't resurrect his corpse? He saw Song Tiejun acting as if he didn't know Zhang Fengshan before. It seemed that the dead Zhang Fengshan was really an impostor, but it was a pity that the great opportunity for meritorious service was wasted. Before Song Tiejun came, he told him that Zhang Fengshan graduated from Wencheng Middle School. He came to welcome him on behalf of his alma mater. In fact, when Zhang Fengshan was studying in Wencheng Middle School, Yang Sicheng was a teacher in Fushan Middle School, so the two never met. Naturally do not know. Yang Sicheng deliberately flattered and said: "Mr. Zhang is the pride of our Wencheng Middle School. This time he has learned knowledge in Japan, and he has also learned the style of struggle and unity of the Japanese people. He will definitely accomplish a lot."

Hearing the words, Zhang Fengshan couldn't help but take a close look at Yang Sicheng, thinking that this person is so awkward when he speaks, what's wrong with the Chinese? Don’t the Chinese people be hardworking and kind? Is not unity of the Chinese people a mess? Since the defeat of China, some shameless literati in China have written and published books, praising the excellence of the Japanese nation, exaggerating the shortcomings of the Chinese, listing things such as laziness, cowardice, and enthusiasm for opium, causing confusion in Chinese social thinking. No wonder Japanese society uses "China" to slander China, which means incompetence, backwardness, and uselessness. This is a shame for all Chinese people. "Director Yang, I can’t agree with you. Please don’t forget who you are. From a historical point of view, you can say that Japan is the grandson of China. If you have the opportunity to go to Japan, you will see nowhere. There is no shadow of China."

"Mr. Zhang is misunderstood. I mean Japan is stronger than us and worthy of our study." Yang Sicheng was unhappy. A young man who dares to confront the teacher like this, even if you are a big one, you shouldn't be polite at all.

Song Tiejun said, "Teach the barbarians to develop their skills to control the barbarians. From now on, we must unite sincerely and jointly deal with the little Japan."

Xu Yuqing is very eye-catching.

Naturally, Song Tiejun couldn't turn a blind eye, so he smiled and asked, "Isn't this Dr. Xu from Huasheng Hospital? Where did he come from?"

Xu Yuqing said generously: "I came back from visiting relatives in Shanghai and happened to be on the same boat as Mr. Zhang."

Everything is as precise as a rehearsal, without any loopholes. Song Tiejun was very satisfied and said, "I will prepare a little wine for Mr. Zhang."

After the banquet, Song Tiejun personally sent Zhang Fengshan home and asked him what plans he had in the future. Zhang Fengshan said to take a break first, and then find something to do.

Song Tiejun said: "I hope Mr. Zhang will take care of the overall situation and serve the country." He said that because he didn't want Zhang Fengshan to leave his sight. As long as Zhang Fengshan has changed thirty-six under his nose, he can't escape his fire. Jin Qing.

Zhang Fuhai understands that in the troubled times, it is important to keep a clear mind. He doesn't want his son to join Song Tiejun’s spy organization. He said: "The secretary's kindness is accepted on behalf of the children. It's just that the old age grows, and this big stall will be handed over to him. But, please rest assured that the chief secretary needs to donate money and materials, and our family will definitely support it."

Seeing that it is useless to say more, Song Tiejun leaned close to Zhang Fuhai's ear and whispered: "Master, I have returned Linglang to Zhao. If there is anything in the future, that is another matter."

Zhang Fuhai understood that Song Tiejun's words were very meaningful. The deal was over, and there was no way to say what happened in the future. If he commits another crime, he still doesn't know what the result will be. From this moment on, Zhang Fuhai secretly made up his mind to firmly control his son in the palm of his hand. He called two bright-minded young men Shuisheng and Husheng, and let them follow the young master without leaving from tomorrow. , And report directly to him if there is any situation.

Early the next morning, Zhang Fengshan got up and asked his parents for peace, and then said: "I want to see the grave of my mentor and offer him a bunch of flowers."

Zhang Fuhai is a man who respects courtesy and education. Seeing that his son is very sensible, he complimented him and said: "This is what it should be. If you don't tell me, I am going to remind you. Ye Mingyi is a man of knowledge and decent, but he died. It's unclear."

Zhang Fengshan remembers that his father told him about Ye Mingyi's death when he was in the provincial capital. He would rather believe the rumors of the people than the conclusions in the official newspapers. "I will investigate this matter and make the teacher fair."

Zhang Fuhai shook his head like a rattle, "Son, I advise you not to walk in this muddy water. Now you promise me to let you go, otherwise you don't want to go out of this door."

Zhang Fengshan knew that his father was always the same, so he nodded against his will and said, "I agree."

A smile appeared on Zhang Fuhai's face, calling Shuisheng and Husheng to come and let them accompany Zhang Fengshan to the cemetery.

Zhang Fengshan knew his father's intentions. Fortunately, Shuisheng and Husheng were his playmates when he grew up together. He believed that his words were more effective for them than his father's words. Both aquatic life and lake life are orphans. Their home is in Baidang Lake. One year when there was a big flood, the ocean was everywhere. Zhang Fuhai's cargo ship saw two wooden basins floating on the lake and ordered people to fish it. It was two boys aged four or five, and brought them back for adoption, named Shuisheng and Husheng.

When Zhang Fengshan came to the cemetery, he saw a delicate figure from a distance, and his heart jumped wildly. is her! She is Ye Yuexia, the woman who has appeared in his dreams many times, is now in front of his eyes. He wanted to run over and hug her so much, but when he thought that the situation in front of him was inappropriate, he suppressed his inner joy and walked quietly.

Zhang Fengshan put a bunch of golden chrysanthemums on Ye Mingyi's altar, then knelt down in front of the grave, and said in a choked voice, "Master, disciple Zhang Fengshan is here to visit your old man."

Suddenly Ye Yuexia's cold voice came from Zhang Fengshan's ear: "I think you are a cat crying and a mouse fake compassion, you go, my father is not a student like you."

"Yuexia, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean? You know it in your heart."

"I don't understand! With your father in person, please speak clearly."

"It's a pity that his old man can't hear it anymore. If he knows that you are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, you will die."

Zhang Fengshan looked at Ye Yuexia, her face as cold as frost, with deep hostility in her eyes. "We haven't seen each other for more than three years. I didn't expect you to look at me this way."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would meet here, I would rather not see you for the rest of my life."

Zhang Fengshan didn't understand why Ye Yuexia hated herself so much. Did she leave without saying goodbye back then? Probably not, she kept scolding him for deceiving his master and destroying the ancestor. It seemed that there was some misunderstanding in it, so he asked, "Tell me, why is this?"

Ye Yuexia’s mind came to mind from yesterday’s scene on the dock. When she saw Zhang Fengshan passing her cabin and disembarking, her heart was shocked and joyful, and at the same time full of hatred for him. This is a kind of love. Hate, hate him for three years without a word, but this hate was quickly replaced by joy, and finally met again, just as she was about to leave the cabin to greet him, the smile on her face suddenly froze, and her feet no longer moved. She stopped moving. It turned out that she saw a woman walking with him affectionately, which made her jealous, and the surprise that had just been thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun early. She quietly got off the boat and saw Zhang Fuhai and his group greet Zhang Fengshan and the beautiful woman at the dock. At this time, a rickshaw came over. She got on the car and asked the coachman who these people were. The coachman told her that the leader was Song Tiejun. , The people next to him were Ma Biao and Yang Sicheng. When he asked him who the woman was, the coachman shook his head and said that he didn't know. When Ye Yuexia returned home, it was not her kind father who greeted her, but the face of her father framed in black, and she fainted. When she woke up and her mother told her what had happened, she suddenly thought of the scene on the dock, and she was itching with hatred for Zhang Fengshan. "I can tell you, I'm afraid you never dreamed that I would go on the same boat with you, and I saw everything that happened on the dock."

This was indeed far beyond Zhang Fengshan's expectations. He would never have thought that Ye Yuexia was in the same boat as herself, so she must have seen herself and Xu Yuqing. Did she hate herself because of Xu Yuqing? No, if Ye Yuexia was jealous because of fighting for the wind and would never scold her to deceive her master and destroy her ancestors, then it must be because Song Tiejun and her have a vengeance for killing her father. He went to the dock to greet herself, and she must have made her mistakenly believe that she and him are the same. People along the way. "Let me explain to you."

"I don't listen." Ye Yuexia's tears burst out, and she ran away crying.