
Chapter 37: United Front 1


The night is dazzling. Outside the Juxian Tower, a string of red lanterns hung. In the middle of the red lanterns, the three words "Juxianlou" are very conspicuous.

From time to time, a rickshaw stopped at the entrance of the building, and a well-dressed man came down, and they walked into the building in vigor.

A few children were playing outside the building. They watched all this with curious eyes and sang a nursery rhyme made up by no one: Outside the small building, Yue is skewed, big sister, leaning on the railing facing outwards, combing their hair , Put on gouache, blush and fragrant cheeks, cherry little mouth everyone loves, everyone loves!

The children stuck out their tongues and made faces inside the building, and they were very playful.

Wearing a phoenix suit, Wang Xiaohu covered most of his face with a top hat and walked into the building.

Juxian greeted him with a smile: "Master, please come inside. Dare to ask if you have a friend?"

Wang Xiaohu shook his head, and Juxian immediately rushed upstairs and called out: "Girls, come out soon, here is a guest."

Suddenly, many doors upstairs opened, and some women dressed in heavy makeup came out, twisting their waists, and glaring at Wang Xiaohu.

Without looking at him, Wang Xiaohu went upstairs into a woman's room. The woman closed the door immediately, went up to hug him, and said, "This uncle, I'm afraid this is the first time to come?"

Wang Xiaohu nodded and said, "Call your boss, Juxian, over here."

The woman said, "Uncle, the lady boss won't pick up the guests. I'll serve you."

Wang Xiaohu said impatiently: "Why is there so much nonsense? You can go if you ask you to go!"

The woman saw him with a fierce look, so she didn't dare to say any more. Soon the lady boss came in and said to Wang Xiaohu, "The uncle, is the girl okay? Would you like to change one for you?"

Wang Xiaohu drew a dagger from his boot, pierced it on the table of the Eight Immortals in front of him, and said to Juxian, "Close the door."

Juxian's legs trembled with fright. He did not move for a while. He was wondering whether to shout or run away. Suddenly, he saw a dagger stuck on the window lattice with a "slap", the curtain cord was disconnected, and the curtain slowly unfolded, covering the window. Strictly.

"If you call someone before you can speak out, I will let your soul return to the west, do you believe it or not?"

Juxian didn't see him manually just now, so the dagger was shot out quickly and fiercely. If it hits his throat, would he still be alive? She was so frightened that she knelt down with a "plop", "Master, please forgive me!"

Wang Xiaohu got up and closed the door, and said to Juxian: "It's not difficult to spare your life. The key is to see if you cooperate or not?"

Juxian knocked his head like garlic, "I will definitely cooperate. As long as the uncle doesn't kill the little girl, I can do anything."

"Well, I have a few questions for you. You must tell the truth. If I find you lying, I won't kill you today, and I will come to take your head in a few days."

"Uncle, let alone a few questions, it's a few hundred, as long as I know I will never dare to tell a lie."

Wang Xiaohu learned from Juxian that Zhang Fengshan had indeed committed suicide, but he did not die at that time and was sent to Huasheng Hospital for rescue. Juxian also said that he had been in the hospital and Zhang Fengshan had been in a coma with gauze wrapped around his face. His family was at the door of the ward. She made her own way and went to find Zhang Fuhai, wanting to blackmail some money. Before she could tell Chen Youliang, Chen Youliang was called to the hospital by Song Tiejun and never came back. That night, she was forcibly taken to the county party headquarters by Ma Biao and others. She was forced to commit herself to Song Tiejun and was considered a life saver.

"How did Zhang Fengshan die?"

"Uncle, how do I know this. I also heard Song Tiejun say that he was dead. When his family recognized the body, it was not Zhang Fengshan but a fake. This is why Chen Youliang was arrested by Song Tiejun. But I dare to conclude, Chen Youliang is as timid as a mouse. He never dared to deceive himself from others and do such daring things, and he would never back me in anything. If he dares to do so, I will know." Juxian can't wait for it. Take out everything in your belly.

Seeing that Juxian hadn’t lied, Wang Xiaohu put away two daggers and said to her, “I’m not allowed to tell anyone about what I came here today, including Song Tiejun.” After speaking, he threw two big oceans on the table and opened it. The window jumped directly into the courtyard.

Juxian ran to the window to take a look. He didn't even see a personal figure. It seemed that this man was very skilled, I don't know where he was sacred? She slapped her chest with her hand and muttered to herself: "God, I'm scared to death."

Wang Xiaohu got very useful clues from Juxian's mouth. He thought that as long as he inquired at Huasheng Hospital, the truth would come to light.

In Huasheng Hospital, Xu Yuqing was on duty when she suddenly heard the nurse shouting "Doctor Xu, someone is looking for", and then a young man pushed in.

"Are you looking for me?"

Wang Xiaohu looked at her directly and asked, "You are in charge of the operation here?"

Xu Yuqing nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Wang Xiaohu closed the door and said, "You don't have to be nervous, I only ask you one thing, and you can tell me."

"who are you?"

"As for who I am, you don't need to know, you can answer my question now." Wang Xiaohu took out his dagger and played with it in his hand.

"Do you want to intimidate me?" Xu Yuqing showed no fear on her face.

"I don't want to use it, but this matter is very important. You must tell me honestly."

"I want to hear what it is, you say."

Wang Xiaohu said: "More than a month ago, did you operate on a man named Zhang Fengshan?"

Xu Yuqing heard this familiar name, and his voice and smile immediately appeared in her mind. After coming back for a few days, there is nowhere in her life without his shadow. "This is the patient's privacy, and I have no right to tell you."

Wang Xiaohu said in an unquestionable tone: "You only need to answer'yes' or'no'."

Xu Yuqing thought quickly. She was judging the identity of the person in front of her. If he was an underground party, she would not threaten herself with a knife. If not, then he is a spy, who was sent by Song Tiejun to test himself, which is even more likely. "I'm not scared, if you use this method, don't try to get half a word from my mouth."

Wang Xiaohu had never seen a woman so brave. He didn't want to fall short. He had to frighten him in a real way. A woman with a hard-talking tongue would definitely be softened once he heard that she was going to be disfigured. So he deceived him, put a dagger on her neck, and said: "Such a good face, it would be a pity if you make a cut. Don't blame me for not knowing how to pity and cherish jade

Xu Yuqing expected him to have this. He stepped back and pushed his left hand upwards in a thunderous manner. Then, he took the opportunity to buckle his wrist and grabbed his dagger with his right hand. "With your skills as a three-legged cat, you want to show off in front of me?" After speaking, he threw the dagger on the ground.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaohu only felt dizzy, and then the dagger in his hand reached Xu Yuqing's hand, and she was thrown on the ground, humiliating him. He was a little unwilling, and said: "Then let me learn your skills." After speaking, he took out another dagger.

"Don't move!" Suddenly a small pistol appeared in Xu Yuqing's hand, and the black muzzle pointed directly at Wang Xiaohu.

Wang Xiaohu was dumbfounded and lost Jingzhou carelessly. He closed his eyes and said, "Are you a spy? You are ruthless, I admit it, you can shoot."

Xu Yuqing put down the gun and said, "I tell you Zhang Fengshan is dead, you can go."

"You don't have to tell me, but why are you lying? Someone clearly saw him on the dock a few days ago."

"There are so many people in China, where is there no one with the same name and surname? Anyway, the Zhang Fengshan I had the operation on is dead. As for the Zhang Fengshan you mentioned, I don't know him."

When Wang Xiaohu saw her skill and gun, he knew that she was a spy and couldn't get the truth from her, so he had to find another way. He clasped his fists and said, "There will be a period later!"

August 25, 2006 was a day worth remembering forever. Zhang Fengshan heard Xinhua’s broadcast on the radio: The Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China issued an order for the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army to be reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army: Zhu De was the commander-in-chief, Peng Dehuai was the deputy commander-in-chief, Ye Jianying was the chief of staff, and Zuo Quan was the deputy chief of staff. Ren Bi was the director of the Political Department at that time, and Deng Xiaoping was the deputy director of the Political Department. There are three divisions under its jurisdiction: Division 115, division commander Lin Biao, deputy division commander Nie Rongzhen, director of the Political Training Department Luo Ronghuan; division 120, division commander He Long, deputy commander Xiao Ke, and director of the Political Training Department Guan Xiangying; The teacher, the teacher Liu Bocheng, the deputy teacher Xu Xiangqian, and the director of the Political Training Department Zhang Hao. The entire army has more than 45,000 personnel. At the same time, major domestic newspapers reported the news, and pointed out that the main force of the three divisions will go to the front of the Shanxi Anti-Japanese War in the near future.

On September 22, the Kuomintang Central News Agency issued the "CPC Central Committee's Declaration on Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party." On the 23rd, Chiang Kai-shek made a statement. Zhang Fengshan knew that the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek had recognized the legal status of the Communist Party of China, marking the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party as the mainstay. The anti-Japanese national united front was formally formed. This helps the party mobilize the masses across the country and unite patriots from all walks of life to participate in the anti-Japanese struggle. He wants to get in touch with the party organization as soon as possible to clarify the next tasks.

Zhang Fengshan went to the provincial capital with his father's permission in the name of purchasing tea.

Shuisheng and Husheng are inseparable from him. Zhang Fengshan said: "You two will go shopping for tea. I will go to the Chenghuang Temple to buy some things for Fengjiao. I didn't bring her a gift last time when I came back from Japan. This girl is still worried about it. It."

Although Shuisheng and Husheng were a little reluctant, seeing Zhang Fengshan's resolute attitude, they had no choice but to go.

Zhang Fengshan got on a rickshaw and asked the driver to take him to No. 17 Zhongshan Road. When he returned from Yan'an, the old leader Zhu Dapeng told him to report directly to the old Wei of the An Dong Provincial Party Committee on future work. The address was No. 17, Zhongshan Road, and the joint code was a Tang poem.

After Zhang Fengshan arrived at the destination, he paid the coachman and then habitually looked around. It is close to the vegetable market, busy with traffic, and it is very lively. On both sides of the street, there are shoe repairers, newspaper sellers, and philosophers.

Next to the 17th is Qing'an Middle School. At the gate of the school, many people gathered, and a few students looked like they were distributing leaflets to the crowd. When Zhang Fengshan passed by, a student stuffed a leaflet in his hand. He glanced at it and saw that it read: "Anti-Japanese and Save the Nation, Defend China-Qing'an Middle School Tuanjie Opera Club's public performance arrangement", he understood this It's a poster. Then, a loud singing sounded in Zhang Fengshan's ears. He looked up and saw a few students in tunic suits standing side by side in the crowd. They were singing Nie Er's "Graduation Song".

Classmates, stand up and take on the rise and fall of the world!

Listen, the public is full of wounds!

Look, the loss of the country year after year!

Are we going to choose "war" or "descend"

We are to be masters to fight to death on the battlefield.

We don't want to be slaves and Qingyun goes straight up!

Today we are fragrant peaches and plums.

Tomorrow is the pillar of society.

We are here today.

Tomorrow will set off a huge wave of national self-help!

Giant waves, huge waves, keep rising!

classmates! classmates! Hurry up and take out your strength to take on the rise and fall of the world!

Singing is the horn, awakening this sleeping nation, summoning their inner strength to fight bravely and never surrender! Zhang Fengshan's heart is surging. He thinks that young people are the future of the country and the most patriotic and enthusiastic group. As long as they are organized, our country will have hope and will always be invincible.

Zhang Fengshan came to door 17 and knocked on the door three times, the first one is heavy, the second is light, and the third is heavy. There is a short pause in the middle each time. This is a purposeful hint that he is engaged in underground A method often used by people who work.

The door opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man with deep myopia glasses looked around the door and asked, "Who is the sir looking for?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Weicheng is in the rain and the dust is light, and the guest house is green and new."

The man immediately answered: "Persuade you to have a glass of wine, and the sun will come out for no reason. Are you Comrade Yansheng?"

Zhang Fengshan nodded, and quickly shook his hand and said, "Old Wei, you can be seen."

Old Wei introduced Zhang Fengshan into the house, there was also a man and a woman inside. Old Wei said: "Let me introduce, this is Comrade Zhang Yansheng."

The lady stretched out her hand first and said, "Fengshan, don't you know me?"

"Are you Huang Haiyan?" Zhang Fengshan was surprised.

Huang Haiyan said: "That's my pseudonym, in fact my real name is Xu Youlan. Come, let me introduce to you, this is my husband Shi Guozhu."

Old Wei asked, "Do you know each other?"