
Chapter 46: The beacon fires a prairie fire 1


As night fell, Wencheng entered the sixth night after being occupied.

In this wounded land, the prosperity of the past is no longer seen. People's resistance to the invaders is to shut themselves at home and refuse to cooperate with them.

As the electricity was not restored, it was pitch black everywhere. But this is an excellent cover for Zhang Fengshan and Shi Yong. They entered the city in the evening, picked a load of watermelons, and gave them to the Japanese soldiers at the checkpoint, saying that they would visit relatives in the city. Chen Youliang was also there and saw Zhang Fengshan. He felt that this man was very familiar, but when he saw him dressed as a peasant, he also called Shi Yong his brother. He couldn't remember who he was, so he said, "Go, the imperial army loves the people greatly." Zhang Fengshan told Shi Yong that this person was Chen Youliang, who was formerly the chief of the police and was arrested by Song Tiejun because of his own affairs. Unexpectedly, this guy was transformed into a traitor. Shi Yong said: "The people will remember the crimes of these traitors, and there will always be a day when they are liquidated!"

Zhang Fengshan led the way, and He Shi Yong came to the alley in front of his house. From a distance, he saw two three-wheeled motorcycles parked at the gate. Several Japanese soldiers were patrolling back and forth, and they detoured to the back door.

Zhang Fengshan was afraid of knocking on the door and being heard by the nearby Japanese. Fei carried a sycamore tree, then climbed up the fence along the trunk, and gently slid down the fence, and went into the yard silently, opening the back door to put the stone Come in bravely.

Zhang Fengshan was afraid that there would be Japanese soldiers stationed in the house, so Shi Yong waited in the corner of the yard and went in to find out. Shi Yong asked him to be more careful, return if it is inconvenient, and find another way.

With candles lit in the study, Zhang Fuhai was writing calligraphy. For him, this was a way to relieve loneliness and pain. With a stroke, he seemed to use all his strength.

Zhang Fengshan checked other rooms and saw that there were no Japanese garrisons, so he went to the study to meet with his father.

Zhang Fuhai asked in surprise: "Why did you come back alone?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "The head of County Shi is also here."

Zhang Fuhai said: "Please!" He and his son went to the backyard and welcomed Shi Yong into the study.

Shi Yong saw that the ink on the table was still wet. It was Lu Fangweng’s poems "The deceased’s tears are all in the dust, and Nanwang Wangshi is another year", "The deceased’s hope to recover, a few tears are weeping tonight", and said: "Old man My heart is very sad for me."

Zhang Fuhai asked: "The county magistrate Shi came to my home with a personal risk. I wonder if there is any advice?"

Shi Yong said: "I want to persuade the old man to come forward and serve as the chairman of Wencheng maintenance, so as to reduce the casualties of innocent civilians."

Zhang Fuhai said: "The Japanese killed my people and raped my daughter-in-law. I don't share the same life with them, let alone serve them."

Shi Yong said: "I know all these things, and because of this, I came to persuade the old man."

Zhang Fuhai was puzzled. He took out the letter Song Tiejun had written to him, handed it to Shi Yong, and said, "Look at the letter sent by Secretary Song. If he becomes the chairman of the maintenance committee, he will be a traitor. On the point, what he said is that I would not even dare to lend me ten courage."

Shi Yong said: “He considered the problem from the standpoint of the KMT’s county party headquarters. I agree with the Communist Party in this regard. The common people’s affairs are the biggest thing. You think the city’s commerce has not recovered, and the impact on the Japanese is small. It is very big for ourselves. Many residents are struggling with starvation. I am afraid that they will not die under the guns of the aggressors, but starve to death in vain. We cannot be indifferent about this. I will explain from the Secretary General, I can’t. One-sidedly believe that being the chairman of the maintenance is a traitor. It mainly depends on which side the chairman stands on. If you blindly cater to the Japanese and work for the Japanese, like Chen Youliang, you are a traitor; if you fight with the Japanese based on reason, Safeguarding the interests of the common people is the people's hero."

Zhang Fengshan also persuaded: "Father, I know you are very embarrassed, afraid of being misunderstood, and afraid of being insulted on your back, but I think County Mayor Shi is right. Although you personally bear the humiliation a little bit more, but if you can save the people, you too Made a great deed."

Zhang Fuhai sighed for a long time and said, "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? County Magistrate Shi, I agreed."

Shi Yong held Zhang Fuhai's hand tightly and said, "On behalf of the people of the county, thank you!"

Suddenly, the door was knocked to the sky, and Zhang Fengshan said, "Father, now I have to send County Mayor Shi back, so I won't meet with my grandma, mother, and brother. Tell them."

Shi Yong and the others left through the back door, the front door opened, and Qingtian Dazuo came. He led someone straight into the house, but saw two cups of tea in the study, still steaming. "Chairman Zhang, is there a visitor at home? Can you tell me who it is?"

Zhang Fuhai said: "No, this tea is for Da Zuo and Director Chen."

Qingtian glanced at the tea and said sharply: "You are lying, don't forget that Japan also has a tea ceremony. Judging from the color of the tea, the tea has been brewed for more than 15 minutes, and it is the second time. You were drunk. The old cancha came to deceive me, aren't you afraid that I will chop your head?"

Zhang Fuhai wondered that Qingtian came so fast, I am afraid it has something to do with Chen Youliang. He must have seen Zhang Fengshan. He thought it would be delayed for a while, so he said: "Da Zuo, there are hundreds of varieties of Chinese tea. The place of production and workmanship are different, and the color, aroma, and taste of the tea are also different. I admit that this tea is brewed for a certain period of time, but the first time it is opened, it is often not drank. ."

Qingtian knew that Zhang Fuhai was delaying time, and his opponent said, "Search me now!"

The search found no one, and one soldier reported that the back door was concealed.

Qingtian was furious, slapped Chen Youliang, and cursed: "Idiot, please send someone to chase you!"

Zhang Fuhai laughed and said, "I'm afraid that people are out of town now, Dazuo, don't you just want to use him to blackmail me? There is no need, I can promise you."

Seeing that his strategy was seen through, Qingtian wanted to get angry, but when Zhang Fuhai agreed, he turned his anger into joy and said, "It's fine if you understand. As long as you don't play tricks, I will support you."

Zhang Fuhai said: "Your Excellency Dazuo, I have one more condition: from today onwards, indiscriminate killings of innocents are not allowed. If the Japanese army wants to shoot people to death, they must first seek advice on maintaining the association.

Qingtian sneered and said, "I promise you that you must let the shop resume business tomorrow."

The shops have resumed business, and the old street has recovered a little bit of anger, but the expressions on people's faces are numb, like walking corpses.

The death of Sun Xiuying nearly collapsed Gao Wenyuan, and he fell seriously ill. After his condition improved slightly, he left Wu Fei a leave without saying goodbye.

Gao Wenyuan entered the city disguised as a peasant and sneaked into the house of his father-in-law, Sun Rulai.

Sun Rulai narrated what happened. After they came back from Longwan that day, Sun Xiuying asked to go home and have a look. The old couple were uneasy. Sun Xiuying said that the Japanese Anmin notice was clearly written and would not harm the Chinese. He also said It won’t take long to come home and take a look. But she didn't come back this time, but committed suicide. After we heard the news, we rushed to the scene and saw that she was undressed and bruised. She knew that she had been raped and she must have committed suicide because she was embarrassed and angry. The crowd onlookers was indignant, saying that it must be the Japanese, but there are so many Japanese in Wencheng, who is it? Fortunately, it was Chairman Zhang. He negotiated with Osaka Aodao. The Japanese side only launched an investigation. It was a second lieutenant named Ichiro Ozawa who raped Sun Xiuying. He checked the sentry that night and saw Sun Xiuying hurriedly walking down the old street. Secretly trailing behind, when Sun Xiuying opened the door, he rushed into the house and raped her.

"Ichiro Ozawa, I must cut you a thousand times." Gao Wenyuan gritted his teeth.

Sun Ru said: "Chairman Zhang is really nice. He strongly requested Ozawa Ozawa to punish Ichiro Ozawa, but he was rejected by Ozawa Ozawa. Ozawa Ozawa said Ozawa Ichiro was a soldier of the Emperor and was only worthy of death on the battlefield."

In the following two days, Gao Wenyuan inquired around and learned that Ozawa Ichiro had been transferred to a stronghold in Ishisaka by Qingtian, so he bought good wine and meat and went to the stronghold to entertain the Japanese. The Japanese were very wary of him at first, but seeing him come to treat the imperial army every day, they gradually became acquainted with him.

In this way, Gao Wenyuan met Ozawa Ichiro. This guy likes to drink. Gao Wenyuan wanted to put some medicine to poison him and all the devils in the stronghold, but when he thought that it was too cheap for him, he must die with fear and death. pain.

The opportunity finally came. One day, Ozawa Ichiro was checking outside the stronghold, and when he saw Gao Wenyuan beckoning at him from a distance, he approached and asked, "Why didn't I go to the stronghold?"

Gao Wenyuan pretended to say mysteriously: "Girls Flower, don't you want girls?" He said and gestured, pointing to a village not far away.

Ozawa Ichiro understood, and said with an obscene smile: "Miss Flower, it's great!" After speaking, he followed Gao Wenyuan.

In a house near the village, the owner is Zhu Shiheng. His wife was captured by the Japanese not long ago. It was said that she was sent to the largest comfort station of the Japanese army in Anton in Wuhu. Zhu Shiheng hated the Japanese, but he couldn't beat them with bare hands. After Gao Wenyuan learned of his experience, he discussed with him to lure the Japanese soldiers over and kill them.

Seeing Gao Wenyuan's success, Zhu Shiheng greeted him: "Taijun, come over and have a drink."

Seeing that there was meat and wine on the table, Ozawa Ichiro couldn't move, so he went into the house to drink and eat meat. The two could not help but persuade them to drink, and soon drank too much. Gao Wenyuan and Zhu Shiheng fired a gun and knife, and used hemp. The rope is sturdy.

Gao Wenyuan poured cold water on Ozawa Ichiro's face, sobered him up, and then showed him a picture of Sun Xiuying. Ozawa Ichiro suddenly understood, and shouted Rao.

Gao Wenyuan took out a kitchen knife, chopped off Ozawa Ichiro's crotch and threw it to the yellow dog at the door, then plucked out his heart, and finally chopped off his head.

Gao Wenyuan and Zhu Shiheng tied Ozawa Ichiro's body to a stone and sank in the pond before the entrance. Gao Wenyuan said: "Brother Zhu, you can't stay here anymore. Hurry up to Longwan with Ichiro Ozawa's head and ask the county government for a reward."

Zhu Shiheng asked: "Then what do you do?"

Gao Wenyuan said: "I will go home to comfort my deceased wife, and then come, let's kill the Japanese devils again!"

After Ozawa Ichiro's disappearance, Qingtian was very furious and sent troops to look for him. Under the guidance of the wolf dog, the Japanese soldiers locked the target at the home of Zhu Shiheng in Ishisaka Village. After a careful search, they found blood stains. Then they recovered a headless body from the pond in front of the door, wearing Japanese military uniforms, and confirmed that it was Ozawa Ichiro.

Qingtian ordered the entire village to be surrounded, shouted with a loudspeaker, and handed over the murderer within ten minutes, otherwise the whole village would be punished.

Ten minutes later, Qingtian saw no one came out and ordered the house to be set on fire.

People fled in all directions. Some were burned to death, some were shot, and some were caught and locked up again in the house. Then the Japanese locked the door from the outside and watched them hiding and struggling alive inside the house. .

The fire began to spread, and the wind assisted the fire. Suddenly, it became a sea of fire for seven or eight miles, and the walls made of adobe burned red. More than 600 houses were destroyed in this fire, and nearly 100 villagers were killed and injured.

After Zhang Fuhai learned the news, he rushed to Qingtian's office and asked him why he was fighting

Qingtian was still angry and said: "Remember yours. If you dare to fight against the imperial army, I will give back ten or hundreds of times."

Zhu Shiheng carried Ozawa's head to ask for a reward, but was caught by Shi Yong. After interrogation, he said that this was Gao Wenyuan's idea. Shi Yong ordered him to be detained temporarily and waited for Gao Wenyuan to deal with it.

After Gao Wenyuan paid homage to his wife, he just returned to Longwan when someone reported Shi Yong, and Shi Yong arranged for Ma Biao to arrest someone.

Song Tiejun knew of this situation, fearing that Shi Yong would shoot him to death. This was a trump card in his hand, so he hurriedly interceded. "Major Shi, these two people are good at killing the enemy, why did you send someone to arrest them?"

Shi Yong said: "Because of them, our price is too great."

Song Tiejun said: "This shows that the enemy is too cruel and has nothing to do with their behavior."

"I locked them up to make them sober. The devil wants to fight, but we can't do it so brutally. The people are our source. We must protect the people when we fight against the enemy. If there are no people, our food and clothing, And our soldiers have become water without a source and trees without soil. What else can we use to defeat a powerful enemy?" Shi Yong remembered Chairman Mao once said: The land can be expected", but these cannot be told to Song Tiejun, as they reveal their identity.

Song Tiejun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Educate them and let them go and let them commit crimes and meritorious service. I can't agree with what you said. The fighting still depends on the regular army. How can people rely on the common people?"