
Chapter 53: Surrender and accept the rebel 2


Song Tiejun fights the injustice: "It can't be said that this disaster was caused by Japanese devils, and we must record our grudges on them. From now on, we must unite and work together to the outside world."

Zhang Fuyang's wife questioned: "Don't say beautiful things here, why don't you fight the devil and be a tortoise here?"

Song Tiejun was very embarrassed and was about to defend. The orderly soldier came and reported: "Chairman Secretary, Master Liu is here, waiting for you at the county party headquarters."

Song Tiejun felt aggrieved, and said angrily, "Isn't he scud? What is coming to me at this time? Don't expect me to have military pay for him."

The orderly drew close and whispered: "Chairman, you have not been there for the past two days. I heard from the people who came back over there that Cui Shuqiang led a regiment to the enemy this morning."

Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to be not stingy with a thunder, which made everyone present be bewildered. Zhang Fengshan knew that although Liu Chenglong was defeated when he was defending the city, he had taken care of the remnants and defeated generals. There were two or three regiments of soldiers guarding Wujiling, a throat fortress leading to Longwan. Mo Kaizhi said that as long as the Ujiling is guarded, Longwan can sit back and relax. Now that Cui Shuqiang is in the enemy, Liu Chenglong’s strength is greatly reduced. If the Japanese and the puppet forces jointly attack, Ujiling will not be able to defend, and there are only some local militia groups in Longwan. They are all mobs, and they are even more vulnerable. By then this last piece The position will also be unprotected, and I can't help but worry about this.

Song Tiejun scolded angrily: "Damn, he still has the face to come to see me, I want to ask how he led the soldiers?"

Song Tiejun left angrily.

Xu Yuqing was also secretly shocked. Originally, the squadrons and guerrillas had won several battles, and the county's standing brigade was also gearing up and eager to try. In addition, some local militia groups and bandits from Jinjizhai have a great advantage in number, although they are not as good as the enemy's. The weapons and equipment are well-equipped, but the enemy and the enemy are evenly matched. Now that Cui Shuqiang is surrendering to the enemy, the balance of power has been broken.

"I'll go over and take a look." Xu Yuqing said as she left.

Zhang Fengshan still had some doubts in his mind, so he asked the soldier of the security regiment who had escaped: "Did your regiment Zhang not draw up a retreat plan before saving people?"

"Of course we did. Last night, we went into the county in the dark. Leader Zhang arranged for someone to find several boat bosses on the pier and asked them to park the boat near the pier. Once the Master Zhang family was rescued, they would retreat by water. Unexpectedly, as soon as the gunfire rang, those ships headed towards Jiangxin. We tried desperately to protect Captain Zhang to the riverside. There was no ship left, so we had to fight with them."

"This group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, how can the old uncle count on them? You should prepare your own boats and set aside some people to respond."

"Those ship bosses have a deep friendship with Captain Zhang, and they usually feel grateful to Master Zhang for taking care of them, and I promised them."

Zhang Fengshan knows that in these years of turmoil, people only seek self-protection. For personal benefit, they can betray their organizations and comrades, betray their friends and even their relatives. They are lingering and panting. Most people have not yet realized that the party has a lot of work to do to realize the nation's war of resistance, and there is still a long way to go.

"Have you seen the sacrifice of Head Zhang with your own eyes?"

"I saw that he was shot, but I don't know what happened later."

"Did you find his body when you were in the graveyard?"

"I just wanted to escape back to report, and I didn't pay attention to it."

Zhang Fengshan said to Zhang Fengjiao: "Sister, you have to take care of your aunt. I will take people to the graveyard tonight and bring the old uncle's body back for burial. You can't let him go wild."

Zhang Fengshan returned to the station, thinking about a question all the time. Zhang Fuyang led the security team to rescue people, why did he keep it from him? Don't let yourself go with him? Knowing that the rescuers are his father, mother and elder brother, he is even more responsible.

Gradually he understood that Zhang Fuyang must be thinking about it for him, fearing that he would follow him in risk, he wanted to keep the people who inherited the incense for Zhang Fuhai's family. Soon after that "borrowing a gun", Zhang Fuyang came to the Xuebing team and sent 20,000 Dayang, saying that this was what Zhang Fuhai meant. Zhang Fengshan knew that he had met with his father. It seemed that his father was supporting his fight against the Japanese, otherwise he would not have given out so much money. When Zhang Fuyang was leaving, he said that Fengxian's condition was getting worse and worse. The doctor asserted that he would not be able to pass the new year, and that his father was most worried about his safety, so he must take care of him. As for the guns he borrowed, Zhang Fuyang didn't mention a word.

That night, Zhang Fengshan searched the entire chaotic grave, but did not find Zhang Fuyang's body. Although some corpses were bitten by wild dogs beyond recognition, Zhang Fuyang was bloated, and he was very different from other security guards, so he was easy to identify.

It seems that Zhang Fuyang is not dead, and Zhang Fengshan's sadness has alleviated a little. But when he immediately thought that even if Zhang Fuyang was still alive, the Japanese would not let him off easily, so he thought about it again.

Xu Yuqing returned from the temporary county party headquarters and told Zhang Fengshan the real reason for Cui Shuqiang's surrender to the enemy. It turns out that the enemy has strengthened the blockade of the mountainous area. The living supplies in the mountainous area are extremely scarce. Liu Chenglong's more than 3,000 men can't eat enough. Winter is coming, their clothes are thin, and more and more soldiers are deserted. They cannot stop it. Liu Chenglong reported the situation to the top and asked him to figure out a solution. He had no choice but to preserve his strength and agreed with Cui Shuqiang to lead more than a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers to surrender to the Japanese army.

"Why didn't he ask Song Tiejun and Shi Yong for help?"

"He knows that our side is also very difficult. At the beginning, our war preparations were planned for six months. He didn't expect the war to be prolonged for so long. If we continue to press this way for a long time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhang Fengshan knows that war is not only fighting military but also fighting economics. Now the Japanese have occupied a large area of China, robbed of supplies, supported the war by war, imposed an economic blockade, and tried to make the Chinese surrender without a fight.

"Cui Shuqiang turned to the enemy, didn't you hold your uncle accountable?"

"This matter is acquiesced. I heard him mention that some regular troops of the national army have also fallen to the enemy. Moreover, he is still a miscellaneous army that his father and his mother do not love. He also said that in this case, Liu Chenglong is not the first. One, and it won’t be the last."

"I'm afraid that this wind will grow longer, and the more followers will follow it, it will be extremely detrimental to our resistance." Zhang Fengshan knew that in times of difficulty, defections were unavoidable. The defect of a division commander has a lot to do. After surrendering to the Japanese, this person used his familiarity with the Resistance to lead the Japanese to beat his own people desperately. Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about Wencheng. Since the fall, some small Kuomintang troops that have been disbanded have become puppets and willingly sacrificed their lives for the Japanese. However, it is very rare for an entire regiment like Cui Shuqiang to submit to the enemy. .

"You are right, but we can't stop it. Do you have any clever tricks?"

"The ancients said: Kill one and be intimidated. I would rather destroy them than let them be used by the enemy."

Xu Yuqing hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, you are the Chinese who beat the Chinese, which is what the devils hoped. Besides, when Cui Shuqiang left, he promised my uncle that he would not beat his own person. If he was forced by the Japanese, I can’t help but raise the muzzle, or not hit the deadly part."

"This group of cowards, since they are willing to be slaves to devils, don't they act with the eyes of the master? I'm afraid they won't be able to let them at that time." Zhang Fengshan knows that the Japanese army is always on guard against the puppet army, and they have a certain amount of guns and ammunition. Strict restrictions do not allow them to have heavy weapons, and they are not even equipped with machine guns, and each squad is equipped with Japanese personnel, both in command of the battle and monitoring their actions.

"Are you both here?" Shi Yong changed his optimism and walked in with a heavy expression.

"Major Shi, when did you come back?" Xu Yuqing asked as she poured water on him.

"just came back."

Zhang Fengshan asked: "The county magistrate, what new spirit is there for this emergency meeting in the province?"

Shi Yong handed a copy of "Central Daily News" to Zhang Fengshan and said, "You can read it for yourself."

Zhang Fengshan took a look and saw the big black headline on the front page: "Wang Jingwei publicly surrendered to the enemy", which was shocking. Wang Jingwei is the vice chairman of the Supreme Council of National Defense, the vice president of the Kuomintang, and the chairman of the National Council of Political Affairs. The party and political power are all under Chiang Kai-shek. He is the second-ranked figure of the National Government. Such people openly vote against the Japanese national united front and are extremely destructive. .

Zhang Fengshan read it carefully. It turned out that Wang Jingwei had defected to Hanoi, Vietnam, and publicly issued a "yandian". In response to the statement of Japanese Prime Minister Fumuma Kanee, he defended the three principles of the destruction of China, and believed that this was the foundation for the establishment of permanent peace between the two countries. The foundation is also the Chinese people's due effort for the happiness of East Asia. "I really didn't expect that the person who could write the verses of'getting the sword fast, not worthy of the young man', turned out to be the biggest traitor."

Shi Yong sighed heavily: "Yes, the world is unpredictable, no one would have thought that he would surrender to the enemy."

Xu Yuqing heard that Wang Jingwei had thrown himself into the enemy, and hurriedly came over to pick up the newspaper, which was clearly written in black and white.

"The national government is split, and the difficulties we will encounter in the future will be unimaginable. For such traitors and traitors, why doesn't the chairman of the committee punish them?"

Shi Yong said: "This issue was also mentioned at this meeting. Chairman Liao said that the Chairman had this consideration and ordered the military reunification to eliminate rape at all costs, but it is very difficult. Hanoi is now under French rule. With the note of the Japanese government, protective measures were taken. The assassination in Nanjing that year allowed him to escape. If the marksmanship were more accurate then, China would not have him as a traitor."

Xu Yuqing knew about the assassination. It is said that the bullet was still in Wang Jingwei's body. She asked: "Then what shall we do now?"

Shi Yong said: "The province requires us to first deeply expose the traitorous behavior of Wang Jingwei and his like; secondly, prevent more people from being fooled into committing themselves to the enemy; thirdly, strengthen the united front; and fourthly, eradicate traitors."

After Shi Yong finished speaking, he said to Xu Yuqing who was recording: "Xu Wenwen, you go to the county party office now. If the secretary-general is there, then I will go over and see him immediately."

Xu Yuqing agreed to leave.

Zhang Fengshan knew that Shi Yong was going to convey organizational instructions to himself, and asked quickly: "Did you see Old Wei this time?"

Shi Yong nodded, "Old Wei said that Chairman Mao foresaw was very accurate, and the most difficult period has come. Organizationally, we are required to fully mobilize the masses, establish anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, and insist on long-term guerrilla warfare. In this process, the conditions will change. It is even more difficult, because we have to face not only the powerful Japanese army, but also the puppet army that surrendered to the enemy. Especially after Wang Jingwei’s surrender to the enemy this time, divisions within the Kuomintang occurred. The diehards in the Kuomintang will join the anti-communist camp, so we The fighting environment in the future will be even more sinister. There are enemies around, and there are enemies around. Intelligence work is particularly important in the future. Old Wei has set up a contact point in Tongjiapu, called Dai Changchun Hotel, and the owner’s name is Dai Changchun, who is ours. Comrade, you must try to obtain information and send it to Comrade Dai Changchun in the name of a'fisherman', and then transfer it to Old Wei."