
Chapter 6: Torture to extract a confession 3


"The taste is not bad, right? You have seen it too. It is known as the'eighteen martial arts'. Would you like to try it all?"

Then Song Tiejun talked about these tortures, such as pouring hot pepper water, ten-finger connecting heart, pinching sticks, fuchsia bells, hanging half of a pig, flying by plane, roasting chicken, etc. He also explained them one by one, such as "pouring hot pepper water". : Pepper water is not poured into the mouth, but into the nose. For example, "Ten Fingers Connecting Heart": popularly known as "insertion of bamboo sticks" and "pull out nails". The characteristics of this type of punishment are simple, labor-saving, and extremely painful. , Fix the person’s hands and put a sharpened bamboo stick into each finger. Usually, the thorns on the fingers are painful, let alone such a thick bamboo stick? "Pulling nails" is easy to understand, which means pulling out one's nails piece by piece with a vise. Ten fingers connected to the heart, this kind of pain is heart-piercing; such as "upper clip stick": use a special clip stick to clamp a person's finger or toe, and pull the finger or toe to inflict pain. In severe cases, the finger (toe) bone can be removed. Tear to pieces; such as "fuchsia": tie one foot of a person with a rope and hang it, and then tie the other foot and hands together from behind to make the body hang upside down in the air; such as "hanging half of a pig": The thumb (hump toe) of one hand and foot is tied together, and then suspended, and a heavy object is hung on the other hand and foot; such as "hanging duck water": tie the person's feet together with a rope, head facing Hang it upside down, and then continuously immerse its body in the water. When the person is choked and is about to faint, then pull it out of the water. Repeatedly, the victim is extremely unbearable. For example, "flying in an airplane": putting the person's hands and feet His thumbs (hump toes) were tied together from behind and hung face down. A special iron hook was used to hook the person’s nostrils and hung on the beam to force him to raise his head. The executioner pushed the victim’s body while interrogating. Make it sway in the air, which is called "flight"; for example, "fire chicken": strip a man's clothes naked, hang his hands, tie his feet apart with ropes, and place a wax candle under his crotch to act as a person. When the waist is weak, the candle will burn, and the genitals will be grilled... Finally he pointed to a chair beside him and said: "This is called a jolly chair. When you turn on the electricity, it will make your whole body bite like ten thousand ants. This is the most important thing. 'Modern' is also the most'scientific'. At this time, if your nerves and heart functions are not strong enough, you will not be able to sustain it." Song Tiejun said these jaw-dropping tortures, just like a routine, with eyelids. Without blinking.

"You only have this ability. Come on, be afraid of not becoming a Communist." Fang Ming's strong will converged into a force, which is harder than iron and stronger than steel. At this moment, his heart is not only full of the enemy. Apart from the anger, there is no pain anymore.

The agents tossed for most of the night, and never took a word from Fang Ming's mouth again. Of course, most of the time Fang Ming was in a coma. Whenever he was awakened by the enemy with cold water, he just used his eyes to express his anger and hatred.

Just as Fang Ming was beaten to death by the enemy, Zhang Fengshan was also tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Ever since he saw the cigarette peddler being taken away from the cell of the police station, he knew that this was destined to be a difficult night, and the enemy would use extreme methods to torture this man, even though he did not know his Name, but he already has a sacred and noble name in his mind: Comrade.

Thinking of this word that made him feel excited and excited, Zhang Fengshan's thoughts returned to the night three years ago. It was still in Shanghai. Just as Zhang Fengshan bought the ticket to Japan and was about to set off the next day, something happened that changed his fate.

In the early 1930s, Shanghai had become one of the most prosperous cities in the world, known as the "Paris of the East". There are spacious roads, busy traffic, multi-western houses, magnificent and magnificent buildings, the highest is six or seven floors, and the lights are brilliant at night, as bright as day. This was something Zhang Fengshan couldn't see in his hometown. He remembered a poem describing its prosperity like this: "The vicissitudes of the ocean and the land have changed a few times, and the prosperous sea broadcasts new sounds. The fireworks are ten miles of ecstasy, and the lights never sleep in the city." Indeed, Beizi Yangshupu, south to Shiliupu, along the Huangpu River, the gas lamps and electric lights on the bank are like a fire dragon when you look at it at night. Along Fuzhou Road, there are row upon row of quyuan hooklane. Once the night comes, the wine and meat are everywhere, the music is everywhere, and the women of all kinds of styles lean on the building and laugh. Every time Zhang Fengshan sees this, he can't help but think of the ancient poem: "Business women don't know the hatred of the country. , I still sing the backyard flowers across the river." Since the signing of the "Nanjing Treaty" that humiliated the country, Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Japan and other countries have divided concessions large and small here, becoming a "country within a country."

In Hongkou, Shanghai, this is the area where the most Japanese people live. Sun flags are planted on both sides of the road. From time to time, groups of Japanese ronins in kimonos are seen on the street. The haughty expressions seem to be patrolling their own territory.

In the concession, patriotic students held demonstrations from time to time to protest the Japanese occupation of the three northeastern provinces of China. On the afternoon when Zhang Fengshan bought the ferry tickets, a student team marching to the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai at No. 3 Minhang Road was shot by Japanese soldiers. Then the Japanese army launched a large-scale raid in an attempt to find out who was behind the scenes.

In the silent night, there were bursts of gunfire from time to time. Zhang Fengshan knew that after every gunshot, a Chinese might lose his life. But this is in our land. How can we allow the invaders to run wild? Weak people are deceived by others, and the country is ridden by others. Since the Opium War, it seems that the great powers have been accustomed to riding on China's neck and peeing, but our people have not been vigilant yet. Many people watched their compatriots being killed indifferent.

Zhang Fengshan has a strong sense of justice since he was a child under the guidance of Ye Mingyi. He worships those national heroes in Chinese history, such as Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, and Qi Jiguang. "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country." He thought that if the country fell, and he became a slave to the country, what was the use of learning a lot of business knowledge at that time? Still not serving the invaders? Become a tool for them to squeeze their compatriots. Do not! Zhang Fengshan suddenly had the idea of violating his father's life. When he went to Japan, he was determined to change to military studies, with the mission of defending his family and the country.

Just as Zhang Fengshan was so excited about his new idea that he couldn't sleep, he suddenly heard a "plop" outside the door. He opened the door and saw a man covered in blood lying on the ground, groaning non-stop.

The man saw Zhang Fengshan with a strange light shining in his eyes, as if someone falling into the water suddenly encountered a savior and waved to Zhang Fengshan.

Zhang Fengshan walked up to him quickly, and through the faint light of the street lamp, he saw that the man was shot in both legs and shoulders, and his clothes were stained red with blood. Who is he? Now the whole street is catching the Communist Party, is it he

There was a chaotic sound of footsteps in the distance. Although I couldn't see the people clearly, the voice of the voice was squeaky, obviously Japanese.

At this moment, a feeling of compatriots spontaneously emerged in Zhang Fengshan's heart, making him unable to consider the dangers he was facing, and decided to carry this person into his hut.

After the man understood what he meant, he shook his head, then took a note from his arms and stuffed it in his hand, and said weakly, "This is more important than my life, please help me." Deliver it to No. 30 Zhengyang Lane."

Zhang Fengshan was still hesitating. The man pushed him hard and said in a commanding tone: "It's dangerous here, go!"

Zhang Fengshan ran away. He heard gunshots from behind. At a corner, he looked back and saw that this man was shooting at the surrounding Japanese soldiers. Two Japanese soldiers fell to the ground.

A burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and the man was beaten into a sieve shape, blood gushing out from the bullet holes, and merging into a river on the ground beside him.

Zhang Fengshan saw such a bloody scene for the first time. He was shocked and frightened, and rushed lifelessly. He didn't stop until he ran through seven or eight streets and was so tired that he was out of breath.

Zhang Fengshan held the note tightly in his hand. He remembered that the man had said that this thing was more important than his life, so he unfolded it curiously, wanting to see what was written on it.

There is nothing on it except for the neat rows of Arabic numerals and a few blood stains that have not yet dried.

Zhang Fengshan feels very strange as if he is reading a book of heaven. What do these Arabic numerals represent? Look at their arrangement, except that they are all four numbers in groups, there are no rules to follow, it seems that they are not related to the mathematics I have learned. But that person insisted that this thing is very important, there must be his reason.

Zhang Fengshan called a rickshaw and came to No. 30 Zhengyang Lane. This is a typical Shikumen building, which is very different from the Western architectural styles of Shiliyangchang.

Zhang Fengshan confirmed that he was correct and knocked on the door knocker a few times. The door knocker collided with the solid black painted door leaf and made a heavy "bang bang" response.

A voice inside asked: "Who?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "I'm here to deliver the letter."

As the door shaft turned, the door opened a slit, and then a head was exposed. The man glanced at Zhang Fengshan, then looked at both sides vigilantly, and said to Zhang Fengshan, "Come in."

As soon as Zhang Fengshan came in, the door closed again.

In the room, Zhang Fengshan handed the note to this person. He unfolded a look, his expression changed drastically, and asked, "How did you get it?"

Zhang Fengshan told him what happened.

He nodded and said, "Thank you!"

Then this person asked Zhang Fengshan about his personal situation, and then completely put down his guard, took out a small notebook from the drawer of the table, and flipped the notebook under the light to write and scratch, just like a primary school student looking up a dictionary.

As time passed, Zhang Fengshan found that this person's face became paler and paler. Finally, he struck a match, lit the piece of paper, and placed it in the ceramic jar. A flame flashed by, and the piece of paper turned into a pile of ashes, as shiny and short as the living life.

"Why did you burn it? This is the person's life in exchange for it." Zhang Fengshan asked anxiously.

"Your mission is complete."

"What does the above mean?"

"I can't tell you."

"Are you the Communist Party?"

The man hesitated and said, "I am."

According to Zhang Fengshan’s intuition, the Communist Party is all martial arts knights who can fly over the walls. Unexpectedly, the man in front of him is so ordinary. He has sparse hair, wears a pair of nearsighted glasses, and wears an old cloth robe with a punch on him Several patches. Zhang Fengshan suddenly had a thought that surprised him. He asked, "Can I join the Communist Party?"

This person also looked at him with a surprised look, did not answer directly, and asked, "Aren't you going to study in Japan?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "I changed my mind. The Japanese are overbearing on our land, and the wolf's ambition is obvious. I just returned from my studies. At that time, the country was ruined and my family was destroyed, and I became a slave to the country.

The man nodded, and then asked, "Aren't you afraid of danger?"

"I'm afraid."

"Then why are you still participating in the Communist Party?"

"I want to follow you to beat the Japanese and drive them out of China."

From then on, Zhang Fengshan followed this man on the road of revolution and joined the Communist Party of China under his introduction.

This person's name is Zhu Dapeng, alias Zhu Hong and Liu Peng, and the codename is "Carpenter". In the days when they worked together, Zhu Dapeng told Zhang Fengshan that the set of numbers arranged was a secret code. The Morse code corresponds to a Chinese character with a four-digit number. This number is the code table and will be changed regularly, and the issued code only requires Use different electrical signals to represent 10 numbers. For example, tick means 1, tick means 2, tick means 0, and tick means 5, which together is 1205. Just check the Chinese character corresponding to 1205 from the password table. The content of the secret code is the fifth defeat of the Central Red Army in its anti-encirclement and suppression campaign and is preparing for the Long March.

For the first time, Zhang Fengshan felt that the cipher telegram was such a miracle that some messy numbers actually carried such important information.

Behind Zhu Dapeng, Zhang Fengshan learned a lot of knowledge and also understood the basic situation of the party.

Because Chiang Kai-shek pursued the policy of violating the outside world, he must first settle the inside, and massacred the Communists. During those bloody days, Zhang Fengshan witnessed one comrade after another chanting "Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries" and "Long live the Communist Party of China", and fell at the gunpoint of the enemy.

Zhu Dapeng always said: "The enemy's instruments of torture and butcher knife cannot frighten the real revolutionaries. Since the Kuomintang reactionaries launched the "April 12" *** coup, countless Communists have succeeded and killed themselves. They have used their blood to inspire more people. Many later generations plunged into the torrent of revolution. One day, this torrent will destroy everything, bury the old world, and open up a new world. This is the belief of all Communists, and this belief brings them infinite strength."

Although Zhang Fengshan is in the enemy's cell, his faith is firm. As he said in his oath to join the party: "Strictly observe secrets, obey discipline, sacrifice the individual, class struggle, work hard in revolution, and never betray the party." For the party's cause, he is ready to sacrifice everything even his life at any time.

Like Zhang Fengshan, Fang Ming's belief is firm. The enemy's severe torture will only destroy his body, but it cannot destroy his iron will.

"Eighteen martial arts" were all exhausted, and Song Tiejun didn't recruit anymore. He pointed to Fang Ming, who was bruised and dying, and motioned to his men to lift him away. "Call a doctor to treat him."

Ma Biao said: "I'm afraid that I won't survive this way. In my opinion, don't bother about it."

The interrogation was inconclusive, and Song Tiejun succumbed to his stomach and cursed: "You know what a shit! Without him, you can't find the Communist from Yan'an, and you must not let him bring secrets into the soil."

"Yes, I'm going to make arrangements." Ma Biao insisted and was about to go out after speaking.

Song Tiejun said: "Wait, you arrange for someone to take care of this matter, and I will give you a more important task."

"The chief clerk, please give instructions, and your subordinates will resolutely complete it."

"You go to Nanjing right away and give all the interrogation recordings to the Secret Service. In addition, ask them to send an expert in drug interrogation. I don't believe I can't find this big fish. Also, this is what I wrote. A report, you have to present to Chief Xu Enzeng." Song Tiejun sent a telegram to Nanjing as soon as the operation ended, saying that the Wencheng underground party organization had been destroyed. Director Xu was very happy and called back to praise him and asked him to report the whole process in detail. In his report, Song Tiejun also proposed a plan for the next step. He wanted to do a two-pronged approach and kill with one arrow. Not only would he catch the Communists who came from Yan'an, but also use this Communist as a bait to be active in the literature. The guerrillas around the city swept them all out to avoid future troubles.

After Ma Biao left, Song Tiejun was still immersed in complacency. Back then, Xu En sent him to the party headquarters of An Dong Province with the intention of letting him stare at Guangxi guys, but Guangxi guys were xenophobic and arranged him to be the secretary-general of Wencheng. He complained to his senior superiors that Xu En once said that Wencheng is a very important place. It is located between Nanjing and the provincial capital of Andong, and is close to the old base of the Communist Party, which is useful. Sure enough, Song Tiejun was here like a fish in water. He caught several Communists every year. Xu En once appreciated him. Now he organizes the Communist Party in a pot. He believes that this time he will get a high score from Director Xu. When it comes to the stage of Wencheng Too small for myself. Thinking of this, he couldn't help smiling smugly.