
Chapter 63: Show off your edge 3


After the reduction, there are only more than 60 students left in the squadron, but it is more capable and efficient than before, because almost all the squadron leaders and the squad leaders are held by Communists. The entire squadron is , 30% are party members.

Zhang Fengshan took the initiative to report to Song Tiejun and asked him to go out to buy food, saying that if he couldn't buy food back this time, the Xuebing team had only one way to go.

Song Tiejun was also reluctant. After all, this team gave him a face, but in times of crisis, only the car was lost to protect the commander. Compared with the security team, the standing brigade was regarded as his direct line, while the academic team was the same. A team of spontaneous organization, people come and go freely, he can't control or control. If you didn't take care of your bowl, you won't be under your control. Now Song Tiejun's prestige in the academy has plummeted. Except for Zhang Fengshan, who cares about the overall situation, no one else will buy him because he has cut off the academy's salary.

Song Tiejun said pretentiously: "Fengshan, it is not that I am unfeeling, but because of the difficult situation, so many mouths are begging me for food, how can I take care of it? In order not to let everyone starve to death, I have to sacrifice a few. We have saved the majority, I hope you will understand."

Zhang Fengshan said: "It is a wonderful achievement for the secretary-general to be able to maintain this. I heard that there will be assistance from the above in the near future? It will be fine by then."

Song Tiejun smiled bitterly, and said, "You are your own person, so why not tell you clearly, it is coaxing, and now the devil surrounds us, where can we get in even if there is assistance?"

Zhang Fengshan was taken aback and asked, "What if there is a civil commotion if someone starves to death?"

Song Tiejun showed a trace of complacency and said: "We are boiling the frogs in warm water now, so that their hopes will slowly disappear. When they realize that they have been deceived, they will have no strength to resist. Besides, we are raising the Wencheng division, the standing brigade and The security team is not good at dealing with little devils, they are very good at dealing with these poor demons, and the guys in their hands are not vegetarian."

Zhang Fengshan understood Shi Yong's intentions. It turned out that he didn't want to cause chaos internally and destroy the good situation of united resistance.

"The devil's blockade is very tight now. Where do you go to buy food? How do you bring it in even if you buy it?" Song Tiejun asked in a suspicious tone.

"The chief secretary, my father has many friends in the business field. It shouldn’t be a big problem to buy food. The transportation is really difficult. But there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. The living will not be suffocated by urine. The solution, you can’t just watch everyone starve to death, right?"

Song Tiejun thought that if he was forcibly prevented, the responsibility for the starving people of the Xuebing team would fall on him. If Zhang Fengshan could find a way to break through the blockade, he would be very reluctant, so he said, "I don't support or oppose you. In doing so, you just need to pay attention to safety when you go to the occupied area."

Zhang Fengshan brought Shuisheng and Husheng to Qing'an, the provincial capital. He asked the brothers to contact the customers of the former Zhang family and figured out how to get some rice and salt. He went straight to Lao Wei to report to him the situation in Wencheng and requested Drag the Xuebing team to the anti-Japanese base area behind the enemy lines of the New Fourth Army.

Old Wei shook his head and said, "No, now the KMT has a grudge against our strength, and occasionally stirs up small frictions. If you do this, give it a handle, saying that we should sabotage the war of resistance, and we should not lose big because of small things."

Zhang Fengshan disagrees, "Doesn't they engage in frictions to undermine the overall situation of the War of Resistance?"

Old Wei smiled and said: "A mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. They were trying to wipe us out in a ten-year civil war. Now that the Japanese fascists invaded, they had no choice but to cooperate in the fight against Japan. It’s not good that the two parties will work again, so you must be mentally prepared in advance."

Zhang Fengshan remembers that Shi Yong said that when dealing with Song Tiejun, he can bear it, and he will not tear his face until the last moment. "Major Shih coincides with your opinion."

Old Wei nodded, analyzed the domestic situation to Zhang Fengshan, and pointed out that the power of the military reunification should not be underestimated. Their penetration is very strong and they are very destructive to the party organization. He chose the opportunity to enter the military reunification organization and obtain intelligence.

But he said that Shi Yong is here, he has written his resignation, just waiting for the opportunity to come.

Sure enough, the opportunity came. Ma Biao came in and reported to him that a few farmers who had gone to Guangxiangjiu's house to grab grain were shot and killed by his house guard.

Shi Yong was in full bloom, but he calmly said, "I know."

Immediately afterwards, dozens of farmers carried several coffins to the temporary county government to petition, demanding severe punishment of the murderer.

Shi Yong said to them that he would kill for his life, and he would hold justice for them before they dispersed.

That night, Shi Yong led Li Chunsuo and his first squadron quietly to the Guangjia Mansion and surrounded it.

Shi Yong stepped forward and called the door. The Jia Ding on the tower heard that the person was the county magistrate, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly arranged for someone to inform Guangxiang that he knew, and opened the door.

Shi Yong and the others rushed in, and the soldiers quickly got off the guards' guns, and then drove straight in, blocking Guangxiang on the bed for a long time.

Guangxiangjiu was sleeping with his little wife in his arms, and saw Shi Yong and others entering with live ammunition. He knew it was not good, but he believed that he had Song Tiejun's backstage, and Shi Yong didn't dare to take him off. He put on his clothes in a hurry and said: "The head of Shi County is coming here, and the old people have lost a long way to welcome him, and he hopes to forgive him."

"Guangxiangjiu, are you convicted?"

Guangxiang knew that the visitors were unkind, but he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and asked: "Old and dull, I don't know where the sin is?"

Shi Yong said: "You violated the wartime economic control, hoarding strange things, bullying the market, arrogantly robbing, and instructing the family to kill the innocent. It is unbearable. Today, the county magistrate is here to preside over justice and tie me up." Li Chunsuo winked.

Li Chunsuo and the two team members rushed forward and tied Guangxiangjiu's five flowers together like a zongzi.

Guangxiang couldn't move for a long time, still reluctant to accept it, and said, "You will be unlucky if you do this. I want to see the secretary general at the top of the horse."

Li Chunsuo said: "Don't expect the chief secretary to save you. I'll tell you that he went to the provincial capital for a meeting and won't be back within three or five days."

Guangxiangjiu suddenly lowered his head, but he was not reconciled and said, "Don’t be too proud. My grandson-in-law Song Zhibao has more than 200 people and more than 100 guns. If you dare to do anything to me, he won’t I will spare you."

Li Chunsuo laughed and said: "If you mention someone else, it will make people laugh out of their teeth. Just like him, when he heard the gunshot, his pants were so scared that he wets his pants, so he dare to fight us? One of my squadrons turned his standing brigade upside down."

Of course Guangxiangjiu knows how powerful the academy is. At this moment, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. He wants the hero not to suffer from the immediate loss, and quickly kneels towards Shi Yong, kowtowing his head like garlic: "The county magistrate is forgiving, I am convicted. , Willing to trade all of the family property for the lives of the young and old."

Shi Yong said: "We are wronged, and we are in debt. We will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and we will not get involved. Your crime will be tried by a special court."

After dawn, Guangxiangjiu was escorted to Longwan Provisional County Government. The people rushed to tell each other, beat gongs and drums, and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

For Song Zhibao, Shi Yong made arrangements early. He asked Huang Yubing, the captain of the fifth squadron of the Standing Brigade and a Communist Party member, to detain him until the end of the referendum meeting.

The whole Wencheng was boiling, and people strongly demanded that the big bully be executed for a long time.

The special court is made up of representatives from the party, government, and military. These people drag their families to Longwan. Although they have public office, they are provided with a fixed amount. They can’t get enough to eat or wear warmth. They cheat Guangxiangjiu and Song Tiejun. Dissatisfied with colluding to buy and sell, they agreed to sentence Guangxiangjiu to death and forfeiture of property.

Shi Yong was afraid of long nights and dreams, so he issued an execution order and escorted Guangxiang Jiu to the playground of Longwan Middle School where he was shot.

The scene was crowded with people. When people saw Guangxiangjiu being held up by Wuhuada, they clapped and cheered. Some people spit at him, and others threw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves on his face.

A fast horse rushed into the temporary execution ground, and the person handed a telegram to Ma Biao. Ma Biao yelled, "Keep people under the gun!", while hurriedly ran over and delivered the telegram to Shi Yong.

Shi Yong unfolded and saw that it was taken by Song Tiejun: "Guangxiang has been successful in the war of resistance for a long time and cannot be killed! Brother can detain him first and wait for his brother to come back. Remember! Remember!

Guangxiangjiu, who was still like a dead fish just now, suddenly came to his mind and said: "I was wronged, and I have been successful in the battle."

The noisy scene suddenly calmed down, and people stared at Shi Yong intently, worrying about what might happen. Suddenly, someone yelled: "Kill him!" Suddenly, the sound of a tsunami came from below: "Kill him! Kill him!"

Shi Yong knew that Ma Biao had sent a letter to Song Tiejun, and said to him: "Look at this scene, if we don't kill him, can we go out?"

Ma Biao saw the flames of anger in people’s eyes and said: "Do you dare to disobey the order of the secretary general? You set up the fire, and you have to find a way to extinguish it."

Li Chunsuo said: "We will be out, and military orders will not be affected."

Ma Biao glared at Li Chunsuo and said to Shi Yong, "I suspect he is the Communist Party. Please order him to be arrested."

Shi Yong said: "Don't be suspicious. The sentence of Guangxiangjiu to death is a special court ruling. I will explain to him from the secretary general, so let's execute it."

After a gunshot, Guangxiangjiu's fat body fell down like a haystack, blood ran all over the floor, mixed with the smell of excrement and urine on his body, and it was extremely foul.

Ma Biao stamped his foot and left.

Killing Guangxiang for a long time, very happy. The prestige of the Xuebing Team in the hearts of the people is even higher.

Li Chunsuo suggested to Shi Yong: Get rid of Zhou Songru, another big local tyrant and evil gentry.

Shi Yong had this intention long ago, because Zhou Songru took refuge in the Japanese this year and did everything in Zhoujiawan. However, Zhou Songru had more than forty people armed and sophisticated weapons, and it was not easy to attack him.

Telegrams continued to flow, all interceding for the local tyrants and evil gentry of Wencheng, including Zhou Songru. Some of these people are their immediate family members, such as Zhou Songru’s son Zhou Hong, who served as a legislator in the Central Committee of the Kuomintang. In his telegram, he questioned whether the Wencheng county government was eroded by the Communist Party. Some of their relatives and friends are old. An officer who served as the regimental commander on the front line in Hunan stated in a telegram: He shed blood and sacrificed on the front line, but his family in the back was not peaceful.

Shi Yong didn't expect Zhou Song to have such a big backstage, no wonder Song Tiejun treated him respectfully and courteously, and even turned a blind eye to his behavior of surrendering to the enemy. He thought that Zhou Songru was extremely angry with the people, and he was carrying the lives of several guerrillas. No matter how old he was, he could feel the tiger's ass.

Shi Yong discovered that Zhou Songru accepted his concubine and sent a letter to Wu Fei in the name of the "captain", asking him to organize a small team to cooperate with the Xuebing team to attack Zhou Songru.

Zhou Songru relied on his son and the Japanese to support him, and with the large number of people, he did not put Shi Yong and the Xuebing team in his eyes. On this day, he was busy doing the wedding, drunk and just about to enter the bridal chamber, Shi Yong and the Xuebing team seemed to have fallen from the sky, the gunshots were loud, Zhou Songru’s men did not resist, they were disarmed, and he himself was there. He took a gun in the chaos and went to be the bridegroom in the underworld.

Shi Yong ordered the captured weapons to be handed over to Wu Fei's guerrillas.

After killing these two local tyrants and bullies, all local tyrants and evil gentry in Wencheng felt uneasy day and night. They donated food and materials at home to the county government, and the hunger problem was solved.

Song Tiejun couldn’t wait for the meeting to end, so he hurried back. When he took the staff from the County Standing Brigade and the Security Corps to ask Shi Yongxing to question his guilt, he found that Shi Yong had already left Longwan. There was a letter on the table with a letter on the cover. It was written with the words "Personal Enlightenment by the Chief Secretary", and he could not wait to open it.

Secretary Chang Junjian: Guang Xiangjiu and Zhou Songru are two bullies with great public indignation. The killing of the two is really forced by the situation. Nai Shang is puzzled, and he wants full blame. Shi Mou is willing to bear all the responsibilities. Now resign from the post of county magistrate, so that the sage can live there. The Xuebing team is acting on orders, and don’t hold them accountable...

Song Tiejun couldn't finish reading it, and said angrily, "Find Shi Yong for me, I want to see people alive, and a corpse when I die!"