
Chapter 65: Secret list 2


Li Chunsuo knew that Song Tiejun was good at disguising, saying: "As a Chinese, we should be the same hater and fight against foreign insults. He is not talented. He is loved by the secretary. He should serve the country and kill himself. He is only framed by others and has the ambition to serve the country. But if there is no use, the chief secretary is asked to observe and prove his innocence. I shall fight the enemy bravely and be loyal to the country."

Song Tiejun clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Li is really a bloody man. I didn't miss you. The Communist Party has a lot of talents. This is also the country's blessing!"

Li Chunsuo knew that Song Tiejun had set up a trap for him to use, so he said: "Chairman, the subordinates don't understand what you mean, why do you want to gain others' aspirations and destroy your own prestige? The Communist Party is nothing more than a bandit, and it cannot be compared with the Kuomintang. "

Seeing that Song Tiejun couldn't figure out what he said, he lowered his face and asked, "Do you know that County Chief Shi is a Communist Party?"

"He doesn't have any lettering on his face. The subordinates really don't know." Seeing that he lost patience, Li Chunsuo knew that the show had begun.

Song Tiejun sighed and said, "In fact, I knew he was a Communist Party, and worked closely with him in accordance with the above spirit. I didn't expect him to leave without saying goodbye, which made the outside world think that I can't tolerate him. Do you think he is a young man? Human heart saves the gentleman's belly?"

"It is not convenient for subordinates to comment on the matter of the chief." Li Chunsuo knew that he was tempting himself with the purpose of admitting that he was the Communist Party, so he went in circles with him instead of following his rhythm.

Song Tiejun knew that this was not the way to go, so he made a plan and said: "Brother Li is a talent of the party-state, and his loyalty to the party-state is commendable. The Xuebing team broke up this time, mainly because some Communists in it sabotaged the war of resistance. Brothers, can you tell me which people are the Communist Party? Tell me the name list. I protested to Wu Fei’s temporary county committee of the Communist Party of China and gave them an organization.”

"I don't know, I can't talk nonsense."

"Is Zhang Fengshan the Communist Party?"

"Without proof, I can't guess."

"Do you know who the'Captain' is?"

"It should be you? If you compare Wencheng County to a boat bumping in the wind and waves, this'captain' is none other than you."

Song Tiejun was confused, but he was inspired by Li Chunsuo's words, which made him even more convinced that the "captain" was Shi Yong, but now he knew it was too late. An unprecedented sense of failure enveloped him. The special commissioner from Yan'an disappeared, and the "big fish", the "captain" who had been with him day and night, ran away again. He wondered if he was old and dull. ? Knowing that it has become meaningless to ask further, he said to Ma Biao "I will leave it to you", and then went out.

Huang Yubing was closed at the other end of the classroom. Song Tiejun didn't use the kind of gentleness this time, and asked directly: "Why do you want to join the Communist Party?"

There were bursts of heart-piercing screams from the next door, cutting through the dark night and reaching the eardrums of Topaz soldiers. "I am not a Communist."

"Do you think the sophistry makes sense? Li Chunsuo has already admitted, but is not willing to cooperate with us. I hope you can cooperate with us, of course it is the kind of heart-to-heart. As long as you tell me what you know, you will no longer be anything. The captain of the fifth squadron, the deputy captain of the standing squadron is yours."

Huang Yubing learned from Song Tiejun that Li Chunsuo could not be defeated and destroyed in the face of enemy torture. He couldn't help but stand in awe. He also hated the Kuomintang reactionaries like Song Tiejun even more for playing double-faced tricks, which is a false cooperation and true anti-communism. He said: "I have nothing to tell you, it is you who undermine the overall situation of the cooperative war of resistance."

Seeing his strategy, Song Tiejun was overjoyed and said: "This is a bad remark. It is your Communist Party that undermines the overall situation of the War of Resistance against Japan. Your Communist Party's propaganda talks about what the Chinese don't fight the Chinese, and the KMT and the Communist Party cooperate to fight against Japan secretly. But they have a different set. Take your guerrillas as an example. They are illegally armed if they were established without the approval of the National Government. Chairman Chiang is an internationally recognized leader of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War. Only under his unified command, the nation There is a way out, and the country has a future."

Seeing Song Tiejun’s clever tongue, Huang Yubing retorted: "Who is pursuing the policy of non-resistance? It is you. In whose hands the large tracts of land fell? In your hands. Now the Communist guerrillas are striving for survival on the tip of a devil's knife. Seeking development, you are jealous and you want to criticize, is there any reason? Where is your conscience? You are decayed. Take your nephew Song Zhibao as an example, marrying a concubine, playing cards, gambling, spending time and drinking, rely on Can he win the war? There are three theories circulating in the local area: one is to hold the gun tightly in the front, and the back to hold people tightly; the other is to shoot the gun in the front and to play cards in the back; the third is that the front is tight and the rear is tight. If you continue like this, you can have a future. I tell you, the hope of the country is not in you, but in the awakened working people and their leader, the Communist Party of China. Those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and we will wait and see if we don't believe it."

Huang Yubing's righteous words made Song Tiejun's face red. He became angry and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of not being a Communist Party member!"

"You are a person with a family, even if you don't think about yourself, don't you think about your family? They are innocent, do you seem too selfish in doing this?"

Huang Yubing felt even more shameless when he saw him threatening his family, and said: "You are only capable of this. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety can’t do both. When Yubing embarked on this road, he put everything out of the way, but I Your blood will not flow in vain. It will awaken more people, recognize your ugly faces, and invest in the camp that opposes you. One day, the people will settle your crimes."

Seeing that Huang Yubing was even more stubborn than Li Chunsuo, Song Tiejun was so angry that he was so angry that he said viciously, "Fight me, beat me to death!"

At this time, Ma Biao came over, and Song Tiejun asked, "Did you confess?"

Ma Biao shook his head and said, "No, the'eighteen martial arts' have been exhausted, and he didn't reveal a word in a daze."

Song Tiejun shot a bright light in his eyes and said, "You send someone to dig a hole on the hillside behind the school. It will be useful later."

Ma Biao knew what he was going to do, and asked puzzledly: "Don't send them to save it?"

Song Tiejun blamed: "You, your brain is still so stupid, are you responsible for escorting? Now the devil is in such a tight blockade, what if you lose your wife and break down? You have also seen it, these are two people who are deeply poisoned. For diehards, it’s difficult to pry out some useful information from their mouths. Since the end of delivery and non-delivery are the same, we don’t have to bother with it. This time I came back from the province and authorized me to do things cheaply. The easiest and most effective way to deal with such stubborn Communists is to physically eliminate them."

Song Tiejun was a fly on the "captain" issue. Shi Yong was introduced to the party by him. If he were an agent of the Communist Party, he could not be blamed. Therefore, in the report to the above, Shi Yong arbitrarily raised grain and undermined the overall situation of the war of resistance, so he took the blame and resigned. For Zhang Fengshan, he was confined for three days.

On the third day, Song Tiejun came and asked, "Captain Zhang, how did you sleep well these days?"

Zhang Fengshan was anxious and worried about the safety of the comrades in the academy. He had never slept for a full sleep. Seeing Song Tiejun suddenly asked these details, he knew nothing about it, and quickly replied, "Except for eating and sleeping. Oversleeping makes him even more exhausted. It’s unbearable, and there’s not even a person to speak. It’s more uncomfortable than beating me."

"Didn't you brush up on the past?"

"The past is over, and it's useless to think about it."

"Confucius said,'My day is three times my body'. Looking back on everything, he often gains a lot. Otherwise, people will easily make the same mistakes without repentance."

Zhang Fengshan acted very carefully, which was related to Zhu Dapeng’s precepts and deeds, but he could not let Song Tiejun discover his shrewdness and strength. He always hid him, pretending to understand what he said, deliberately slow to react, and for his achievements, Repeatedly emphasized that luck helped, which was the blessing of Song Tiejun. "Students behind the secretary general only obey orders and do not think about right or wrong."

Song Tiejun was very satisfied with Zhang Fengshan’s answer, and deliberately groaned and said: “It’s all like you, I’m a lonely person. You have eyes for seeing, ears for listening, and your head. What is used for thinking, if everyone talks about it, wouldn’t it be wasteful?"

Seeing that he was flattering, Zhang Fengshan continued to shoot: "The secretary is right, but as a subordinate, the role of the eyes is to see the wiseness of the chief, the ear is to listen to the instructions of the chief, and the brain is to think about how to execute the chief. Instructions, do not be distracted."

Song Tiejun laughed loudly, and suddenly said, "I think you are so wise and foolish, and clever and clumsy."

Zhang Fengshan had never seen Song Tiejun smile. He was shocked when he saw him now. The muscles twitched on that shriveled face, like countless earthworms crawling by. "Students are dull and trained by the negative secretary."

Song Tiejun lit a cigarette, smoked for most of it, and said, "Go back, take the team well, and don't get into trouble again."

Zhang Fengshan knew that the storm had subsided. He returned to the team and learned that Li Chunsuo had been taken away and was missing. Zhang Fengshan approached Song Tiejun's dignitaries, Song Tiejun said: "The province finds my dignitaries, but I have to send him and Huang Yubing to commit the crime."

Zhang Fengshan knows that they are going to be bad and bad, but he has no power to recover, so he can only take one step and see one step at a time.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. Late one night, Zhang Fengshan slept drowsily, and suddenly heard a gentle tapping sound from the window lattice. The sound was so subtle that it would not be audible if you didn't listen carefully. Ever since Zhang Fengshan embarked on the revolutionary road, he has never dared to fall asleep at night. He put a book on his pillow and woke up as soon as his head left the book.

Zhang Fengshan didn't light up the light, and crept over to open the window. There was no one outside. He thought the wind was causing trouble, and when he was about to close the window, a ball of paper flew in the dark, hit him with a "slap", and he flew towards the ball of paper. Looking intently in the direction of the room, a slender figure flashed across the corner of the room and disappeared.

Zhang Fengshan picked up the paper ball and flattened it with his hand. Then he pretended to smoke and struck a match. When the smoke was lit, he saw lines of beautiful characters written on the paper with the top line written by the faint light of the fire. Reading the "list of Communist Party members of the Xuebing Team", I couldn't help being surprised. Just as he was about to see who it was, the fire went out.

Zhang Fengshan forced himself to calm down and cast his gaze out of the window again. It was dark outside, and only the wind blew over the treetops and made a "oooo" sound.

Zhang Fengshan didn't dare to light the lamp. He knew what a bright light in the dark meant. Perhaps the person sending the letter did not go far, but was hiding in the distance and watching it secretly. If the enemy tried to test him, the consequences would be disastrous.

After a cigarette, Zhang Fengshan struck the second match. This time he saw the contents of the list clearly, and he ranked first, followed by Li Chunsuo, Jiang Jingyu, Gao Wenyuan, Yang Jinsheng, He Dongchu... a total of twelve Individuals, except for Gao Wenyuan who was expelled from the party, the rest were comrades in the party.

Zhang Fengshan felt the cold sweat on his forehead, and he thought that if he saw this list in front of Song Tiejun, his flaws would be exposed.

Zhang Fengshan's first reaction was to immediately notify the people on the list to transfer, but this idea was rejected by him as soon as it came out. Because he didn't know who was sending the letter, judging from his figure and handwriting, it looked like Xu Yuqing did it, but Xu Yuqing was from Song Tiejun. What was the purpose of her sending the letter? Can you believe her? In case this is Song Tiejun's trick, not only will all the comrades be exposed, even he himself will not be spared. The boundless darkness outside the window is like a huge black hole, and an opened cloth bag, just waiting for them to get in. If this is the case, the price will be too great. He warned himself not to take risks. The party's capital in the academic team is so small that it cannot withstand the toss and must ensure nothing is wrong.

Could it be that Li Chunsuo rebelled? He is the party branch secretary of the Xuebing team, and only he knows who is a party member in the team. Since he was taken to the province, there has been no news. Zhang Fengshan knows that Li Chunsuo is inevitable, because the secret agents are cruel and ruthless. The "eighteen martial arts" are often not something ordinary people can withstand. Comrades who can survive have the will of steel. They are all loyal children of the party and belong to the party. The most valuable asset of a career. Zhang Fengshan immediately passed the information to Dai Changchun and asked him to inform Wei to find a way to rescue him. In case Li Chunsuo rebelled, the Communists in the Xuebing team would move safely before the enemy caught him.

The waiting days were tormenting. For several days, Zhang Fengshan arranged for Shuisheng to go to Dai Changchun Hotel and asked him to buy some saury from the boss, saying that he especially wanted to eat this kind of fish that is unique to the Yangtze River. Every time Shuisheng came back, he told him the words of the boss intact: Temporarily out of stock, wait another two days. Before dinner today, Shui Sheng came back and told his boss what he said: Out of stock, don't wait, don't wait.

Zhang Fengshan understands that Wei did not track down any clues, which makes him a little unbelievable, because Wei has been working underground in Anton for many years, and he was able to complete the task well during the period of white terror. Now is the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and some comrades are also successfully fighting. After entering the Kuomintang, the information should be better than in the past. Since there are no clues, the most likely thing is that they have not been taken to the province at all. Zhang Fengshan suddenly became clear, and he believed his judgment more and more. Because the devil’s blockade was tight, Song Tiejun was unlikely to risk taking them to the province, indicating that they were still in Wencheng, and they were in Longwan, but they were imprisoned. Where is it

Zhang Fengshan secretly inquired, and the results were consistent. Many people saw Ma Biao escorting them along the small path of Houshan. Zhang Fengshan knew that it led to the temporary location of the provincial government and the base camp of the Fifth War Zone, but this The road is very rugged and difficult to walk. You need to climb over a dozen mountains, and you have to cross five or six levels set by ghosts. When marching at night, it is easy to expose the lighting. Into the abyss.

The insider revealed that Ma Biao returned to the station the next night. From the time point of view, it was very consistent. Zhang Fengshan could not imagine how he accomplished this very difficult task. In fact, Ma Biao and the others didn't save it at all, instead they came back after wandering in the mountains for a day according to Song Tiejun's instructions.

Longwan is still as peaceful as it used to be. Government officials drink and dance, while soldiers gather for gambling, regardless of whether the people have enough food or clothes.

Zhang Fengshan was called to play chess by Song Tiejun. He didn't understand why Song Tiejun was so leisurely and elegant, but fortunately, he took the opportunity to inquire about Li Chunsuo's situation.

The two sides walked seven or eight times, and the fierce battle was going on. Zhang Fengshan asked: "Chairman, is there any news from Li Chunsuo?"

Song Tiejun showed displeasure and said, "Didn't it make you forget about it?"

"Brothers have a lot of discussions, there must be a point? If it is verified that it is the Communist Party; the Fa-rectification is on the spot; if not, it should be innocent.

"There is no explanation in the province, how can I explain it to you? I won't mention this matter again." As he spoke, he put Zhang Fengshan into the army.

Zhang Fengshan did not have a "taxi" and moved the "general" position, but lost the "car" and the situation became very unfavorable.

Song Tiejun sneered and said: "You have distracting thoughts, and you are sure to lose this game. Life is like this chess game. You must be cautious every step you take. You often take a wrong step and lose everything."

Knowing that he was self-defeating and aroused Song Tiejun’s vigilance, Zhang Fengshan complimented: "The secretary has a superb chess skill, and Fengshan is probably not an opponent in this life. Therefore, before playing chess, the outcome is determined. No matter how careful I am, It was also in vain."