
Chapter 67: Tensions 1


Zhang Fengshan was taken away by Liu Chenglong.

Song Tiejun made a compromise. After all, Liu Chenglong was the commander of the division, and the Xuebing team was controlled by him, but Song Tiejun also confessed to him that Zhang Fengshan was a member of the county party headquarters and meant his own.

Seeing that his goal was not achieved, Zhou Jin was so angry that he led a group of people away.

At the division headquarters, Liu Chenglong personally interrogated him. He threw Zhou Jin's "List of the Communist Party Members in the Academic Forces" in front of Zhang Fengshan and said: "You immediately notify these people to gather at the division headquarters."

Zhang Fengshan already knew that it was Zhou Jin's devil. When he was taken away, Xu Yuqing stopped him and told about the relationship between Zhou Jin and Zhou Songru and Zhou Hong, pointing out that this was a public revenge, and asked his uncle not to believe him. It was not until Song Tiejun said, "I agree to let him cooperate with Commander Liu's investigation."

"Commander Mingcha, these eleven people are the backbone of the academic team, two squadron captains, two squadron deputy, four squad leader, and three squad deputy. Qing said that this was Zhou Jin’s private revenge. If the Xuebing team is disintegrated, can I still be the captain? Does your team still exist? Commander, don’t be fooled."

Liu Chenglong used to criticize the Xuebing team because of the outstanding combat achievements of the Xuebing team, which made him lose face on it, but now it is different. He is the commander of the division area, and the Xuebing team has become his own team. Counting on himself, if this team doesn't exist anymore, his own strength will be weakened a lot, which is what he is reluctant to see.

"Someone wants to punish you, I can't do anything."

Zhang Fengshan knew that Zhou Jin would not give up, and he knew that Liu Chenglong didn't want to embarrass them, so he fanned the flames and said: "In Wencheng, if you can't get along with the Xuebing team, you can't get along with the commander. Who has the courage?"

Liu Chenglong said: "Zhou Jin's group is not easy to provoke."

Zhang Fengshan showed a contemptuous expression, and said, "Isn't it the'crow' that a group of people hate? The commander holds a heavy hand, is he still afraid of them?"

Liu Chenglong saw that Zhang Fengshan compared them to "crows", and remembered that they usually wore black clothes and behaved sneakily. He felt very appropriate and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Zhou Jin showed up with two men in black and said to Liu Chenglong, "Commander Liu, you don't seem to be interrogating, but you are like a guest at home."

Seeing his domineering look, Liu Chenglong was a little disgusted and said, "I don't want to intervene in Laozi's affairs."

Zhou Jin said: "Do you not know the CEO's "Methods for Preventing Communist Activities in Occupied Areas"?"

Liu Chenglong suddenly choked. The above asked the local armed forces to cooperate with the military commanders to arrest the Communist Party. After all, he was only a supporting role and had to revolve around the protagonist. But if the protagonist is Zhou Jin, Liu Chenglong can’t swallow this breath, thinking what he is. Not long ago, he was a small captain of the Military Law Division, equivalent to a battalion level, and he had no real power. Even now, he only He is just a major, a few ranks worse than his own rank, yet he is still arrogant in front of him, don't give him a good look, and will not pee on his head in the future? So he scolded: "Mom, what are you doing in front of Lao Tzu? What do you use to scare widows? Tell you, Lao Tzu grew up, not scared. You want people, unless you take the Chief Liao of the Five War Zone Here comes the telegram."

Zhou Jin threw a newspaper in front of Liu Chenglong and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to do this, because Chief Liao saw King Yan this morning."

This is an "An Dong Daily" of the day, and the front page reads in bold boldface: Chairman Liao died of illness for a long time. Here is his legacy: "Yu Yiwu has led the army for a long time. Since the war of resistance, he has only used his strength to kill the enemy. Since last year, he has also been in charge of security. The value of the place is dilapidated. The stubborn enemy is relying on the tomb. The construction has not been achieved. At present, we are not defending the province’s land, shielding Gansu, and restoring the Central Plains. Without consolidating the Dabie Mountains, we cannot build the foundation for a large-scale counter-offensive. All colleagues in our party, government and military, hope to do their best, under the leadership of the president , Unite sincerely, rejuvenate China, and reach the final victory."

Hearing this, Zhang Fengshan felt like he was being pulled by something, because in his mind, Chairman Liao was a good man who had made great contributions to the War of Resistance. During his administration in Andong, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party united under the banner of the Provincial Movement Committee, and for a while, the anti-Japanese mass movement behind the enemy lines in Dabie Mountains formed a huge trend, and it had the reputation of "anti-Japanese red flag flying high on the Dabie Mountains".

Liu Chenglong burst into tears and said: "Chairman Liao died of illness and overwork, and he has done a great job in the War of Resistance."

Zhou Jin said disdainfully: "Although he has made great achievements, he has also made great demerits. Under his connivance, the Communist Party has flourished. Even the Central Daily News commented that the entire Anton has been reddened. Chongqing has long been interested in changing generals, Nai. He was extremely ill, so he stayed for a few more days."

Zhang Fengshan knew what Zhou Jin said was true. Under the cover of the committees at various levels, the party organization organized and established the party's direct-led armed forces in various forms and under various names. The Wencheng Xuebing Corps was one of them. And Shi Yong also told him that there are still many armed forces like the Wencheng Xuebing Team in Anton, with a number of thousands of people, which will surely lay a good foundation for the establishment of an anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines. In some places, guerrilla groups were incorporated into the New Fourth Army to strengthen the revolutionary armed forces, making the New Fourth Army one of the main forces in the resistance against Japan. However, all this has aroused the vigilance of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and now they are beginning to take action. "Master Zhou, at this time of the country's internal and external troubles, we should work together instead of fighting in the same room."

Zhou Jin said: "You are my enemy now."

Zhang Fengshan smiled and said: "The enemy can't be talked about, the rivals are about the same. You hate me because Yuqing likes me, but the more you are, I'm afraid that you will be farther and farther away from your desire."

This sentence hit Zhou Jin's sore spot. Since he and Xu Yuqing left the student team, Xu Yuqing returned to work at Huasheng Hospital, and Zhou Jin opened a tailor shop not far from the hospital. Li Yuzhu volunteered to help take care of it. When Zhou Songru was killed, Zhou Jin felt that an opportunity had come. He took a boat to Chongqing and found Zhou Hong. With his help, Zhou Jin and the senior management of the Military Unification Bureau got in touch with each other, and he was assigned to Wencheng to set up a military control station to be responsible. Monitor local military and political personnel, punish traitors, and eliminate alien parties. They will directly take orders from the Anton Military Command Station and send electricity to the Chongqing headquarters in an emergency. In return, Zhou Jin promised to his cousin that he would avenge Zhou Songru and use the blood of the leaders of the academic team to comfort his spirit in the sky. After Zhou Jin returned to Wencheng, he used the funds given above to buy the courtyard behind the tailor's shop as an activity place for the Juntong Station. He recruited troops and soon formed a team. There are small vendors, shoe repairers, hairdressers, teachers, reporters, and even gangsters. They are distributed in the streets and lanes of Wencheng. They are woven into webs like spiders, just waiting. Delicacy delivered to your door. Zhou Jin wanted to develop Xu Yuqing's organization, but Xu Yuqing said that she didn't want to lick blood on the tip of a knife. In these troubled times, she still feels safe to be a doctor, and even the Japanese will not embarrass her. Zhou Jin asked her to accept her protection, Xu Yuqing agreed. In fact, her purpose was to get close to Zhou Jin to obtain information. The two met almost every day. When Zhou Jin wanted to make a "breakthrough," she was cleverly avoided by Xu Yuqing. She quoted the ancients "the Huns are not destroyed, why do you want to be a family?" Zhou Jin said that if the little Japan If you can't drive away for ten or eight years, don't you still have a family? Xu Yuqing nodded, saying that she didn't want to become a family and broke her home. Just imagine how many complete homes can be under the iron hoof of the Japanese? Zhou Jin thought that as long as there was no interference from Zhang Fengshan and the support of Liu Chenglong, Xu Yuqing would raise his hand to surrender under her fierce offensive sooner or later. Yesterday morning, Zhou Jin suddenly received a telegram from Chongqing. Zhou Hong asked him about his progress in the telegram. Zhou Jin called back "under implementation" while writing down a list of the twelve members of the Xuebing Team. He wanted to pay tribute to Zhou Songru with the heads of these twelve men. He negotiated with Liu Chenglong. Liu Chenglong had heard people say that there were Communists in the Academy. Seeing that Zhou Jin came up with a detailed list, he promised to arrest people. The two discussed the same: capture the thief first, capture the king first, control first. Live in Zhang Fengshan and force him to hand him over. In the evening, when I was dating Xu Yuqing, Zhou Jin was in high spirits, thinking that Zhang Fengshan would be killed immediately, so he drank high without knowing it. Now Zhou Jin's mind has been haunting the scene where Xu Yuqing blocked Zhang Fengshan's bullets, making him feel that his efforts all the time have been wasted.

"Zhang Fengshan, don't be complacent. I saved Yuqing with her blood still on her body. I protect her every day and treat her like a baby, but you? Where are you? Can you give her happiness? "Zhou Jin almost roared, howling hysterically like a defeated wolf.

Zhang Fengshan sneered and sneered: "Don't you hear the ancients saying,'If two loves last for a long time, will they be in the morning and evening'? Although you have her blood flowing on your body, her heart is not on you."

This sentence pierced Zhou Jin's heart like a sharp knife, Zhang Fengshan did nothing, but it seemed to have taken root in her heart. As long as this Zhang Fengshan is still alive, he has no hope at all. Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang? God, why are you so unfair? Thinking of this, Zhou Jin said viciously: "Zhang Fengshan, I must have you die! If you don't kill you, I will swear not to be a man!"

Zhang Fengshan turned his head and said to Liu Chenglong, "Commander Liu, did you hear that? The stationmaster Zhou was trapped by feelings and has lost his reason and can't distinguish good from bad."

Commander Liu scolded in a Guangxi accent: "His grandma's, nothing promising!"

Zhou Jin was boring and said, "The surname is Zhang, you wait, I won't let you go." After that, he left in a sullen way.

Seeing this, Zhang Fengshan was overjoyed, and said to Liu Chenglong: "Commander, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back to the team, lest I become unpopular."

Liu Chenglong said: "No hurry, you stay here for two days, and I still have questions to ask you." After that, whether Zhang Fengshan agreed or not, he went out.

In the living room of Liu's family, Xu Yuqing was pacing back and forth anxiously. Seeing Liu Chenglong coming back, she stepped forward and grabbed his arm and asked, "Uncle, what's the matter with Fengshan?"

Liu Chenglong was full of anger and cursed: "You are a girl, and you don't know how to be ashamed. I ask you who Zhang Fengshan is, you don't even want your life for him?"

Xu Yuqing said, "He is my fiance. Why? You don't recognize him as a niece?"

Liu Chenglong became even more angry now, and cursed: "What a shameless little slut! When do you privately book for life?"

Xu Yuqing blushed and said, "I didn't book a lifetime privately. This is your uncle's consent. I heard the chief secretary say that he came to propose marriage, and you fully agreed."

At this time, Liu Chenglong’s wife did not know when she came out, and said to the side, “Master, there is such a thing. I remember that Secretary Song said that Zhang Fuhai’s family is big and the wealth is too great to count, and she will all fall into this Zhang Fengshan in the future. Body."

Liu Chenglong finally remembered that it did happen, but this is not what it used to be. Zhang Fuhai’s grave head wormwood is probably a foot deep. The high wall compound was also torched on the night of the explosion in the Japanese arsenal. Zhang Fengshan now has nothing. I wanted to regret the marriage and said, "I agreed, but the Zhang family did not reply. If the two parties did not drink engagement wine together, this is not a matter. Qing'er, this Zhang Fengshan is a pauper now, and you will not be happy with him. This week’s advancement, there is another backer in Chongqing, and the future is limitless. Two days ago, he came to propose a marriage. I agreed, and I will marry you when the situation settles down."

Xu Yuqing was dumbfounded, thinking that if Liu Chenglong was on Zhou Jin's side, Zhang Fengshan would be more auspicious. Since uncle loves money, it is better to make up a lie to cheat him, so he said: "Uncle, you have hurt me. Who says Zhang Fengshan is a pauper, his treasure is hidden."

When Liu Chenglong heard that there was a treasure, his eyes lighted up, and he quickly asked, "There is a treasure? Why haven't I heard of it? Tell me where to hide."

Seeing him on the bait, Xu Yuqing spread her hands and said, "Where do I know? Since it is a treasure, of course it is not revealed. Now Zhang Fuhai and his wife are dead, and only Zhang Fengshan knows what is left."

Liu Chenglong stared into Xu Yuqing's eyes and continued to ask: "Then how did you know?"

Xu Yuqing was thinking about trying to make this lie round. Seeing her uncle broke the casserole and asked to the end, she was at a loss for words, so she had to say, "I can't tell you."

Liu Chenglong's face changed, and he said, "Your uncle is not so good to lie. You must have fallen in love with that kid and made up this lie to lie to me?"

Seeing that he was seen through, Xu Yuqing quickly said: "Don’t dare to lie to your uncle. To be honest, Zhang Fengshan told me that once we were together watching the sunset and the mountains were stained with gold. He told me that in case one day he encountered an accident, Let me find a place called bird's nest, and let me remember a verse: When autumn comes on September 8th, I will kill all the flowers after the flowers bloom; the fragrance of bird's nest is soaring to the sky, and the mountains are full of golden armor. It seems that this is called The place where the bird’s nest is buried is the place where the treasure is buried."

When Liu Chenglong saw her speaking in a rigorous manner, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled, as if seeing a layer of gold bars spread across the slopes of the mountains, and said: "So, Zhang Fuhai really buried the treasure?"

Xu Yuqing said: "Of course, think about it. Compared with Zhang Fuhai, Guang Xiangjiu and Zhou Songru, whose family has more money? I am afraid that the sum of these two families is not as much as his family. But after Guang Xiangjiu and Zhou Songru were rectified, their property Confiscated, food alone, enough for the county to eat for a year or a half. Unlike these rich people, Zhang Fuhai has a rigorous family style and is naturally thrifty. Converted into gold bars. Before the devil came, the rich moved their property to Longwan. Zhang Fuhai couldn't be so stupid that he could leave the gold bars at home so that the Japanese would buy them for nothing. It must be buried in the bird's nest."

Liu Chenglong nodded and said, "It makes sense. It seems that the bird's nest must be somewhere in Longwan. I'll go and ask him clearly."

Xu Yuqing stopped and said: "Uncle, don't bother with it. Don't think about it, can Zhang Fengshan tell you? Throughout the ages, how many treasure-holders have been killed and killed, doesn't he understand this common sense? Now he keeps this secret, There is a chance to live. If you are upset, in this regard, you are far less shrewd than Song Tiejun. As long as you stare at his people, it will be like lying on the edge of a treasure and sleeping. One day you will be arrested. There is a chance. If you ask now, if you can’t tell the result, you will betray me, and he will never tell the truth to me in the future."

Liu Chenglong patted his head, and said apologetically: "You have forgotten about my excitement. I almost broke something. You still have a point. You can't get rid of it."

Seeing Liu Chenglong’s belief, Xu Yuqing further said: "Uncle, today I only told you and aunt this secret, and you two must promise me that you will never tell anyone. If an outsider finds out, Zhang Fengshan's life is in danger. Not immune."

Liu Chenglong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, if we reveal half a word, there will be thunder and thunder."

Xu Yuqing secretly proudly said, "Uncle and Aunt, I also promise you that once I get these treasures, I will honor the two elders."

Mrs. Liu stroked Xu Yuqing's head lovingly, and said, "This girl, it's in vain that we don't have pain in daily life."

Liu Chenglong suddenly remembered something and asked, "Qing'er, do you think Song Tiejun knows about this?"

Xu Yuqing thought that everything was made up by herself, and it was purely fictional, so she said, "I definitely don't know."

Liu Chenglong said: "No, he told me not to hand over Zhang Fengshan to Zhou Jin, and said that he could vouch for him. If he didn't know about this, based on his suspicion of everything, Zhang Fengshan would have lost his head for a few times."

Xu Yuqing said: "This old fox must have been coveting this treasure too, so he didn't start. Uncle, you haven't told me, what's the matter with Fengshan?"

Liu Chenglong smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is no one less chilly hair."

Xu Yuqing smiled and said, "Thank you, uncle! Then why don't you let him go back?"

Liu Chenglong said: "I am also thinking about his safety. You don't know. Just now, Zhou Jin also came to find my important person and was driven away by me."

Xu Yuqing was shocked. It seemed that Zhou Jin wouldn’t let it go. The uncle’s detaining him here was just a slow-down plan. He had to find another way. If he didn’t work, let him go secretly. The farther he went, the better. Isn't there a place for him to stand yet? So he said, "I'll go see him."