
Chapter 71: Intentionally unpredictable 2


After Zhou Jin finished writing, he chanted it several times, wet with tears. He folded the paper carefully, put a silver dollar inside, and threw it into Xu Yuqing’s window, hoping that she could read her own heart, as she did at the beginning. Reading his diary has a good impression on him.

Xu Yuqing was silently thinking of Zhang Fengshan under the light, but as a bride, she could not accompany him at the moment, so she was full of guilt. She thought that the reason why her uncle didn’t hand over Zhang Fengshan was probably because her own lie played a role. In his eyes, Zhang Fengshan was a treasure, but she was worried that if her uncle found out that Zhang Fengshan was a Communist Party, she would definitely kill him. In the Baise riots, the Communist Party killed his uncle who was the parent of the rich man, so he and the Communist Party did not share the same love. How to save him? While she was thinking and meditating, suddenly there was a "pop" on the floor, which frightened her. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a ball of paper. She picked it up, feeling heavy, and saw that the window was open again. The window was thrown in.

Xu Yuqing came to the window and saw Zhou Jin standing under the street lamp looking towards her. Without hesitation, he threw the paper ball back to him and closed the window.

Seeing that Xu Yuqing hadn't read the poem he had written, Zhou Jin closed his eyes in despair. A small pile of cigarette butts had already accumulated on the ground around him.

At the same time, Zhang Fengshan was also missing Xu Yuqing in the confinement room. The moonlight shone through the narrow window, making him suddenly remember that it should be Mid-Autumn Festival, so he moved to the window. Sure enough, the moon in the sky was already half-round. Now, thinking that the full moon is not round, Zhang Fengshan couldn’t help but blurt out the verse of his predecessors, "A round moon in the sky, a few families round in the world". When the mountains and rivers are broken, how many hot-blooded men are fighting on the frontline and how many parents are there? Wife and children praying silently at home? And the relatives of the sacrificed soldiers, the closer the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the more they uncover their unscabed wounds, turning the supposedly beautiful holiday into a sea of hatred.

The wind is blowing, and a few floating clouds float in the air, reminding Zhang Fengshan of an ancient poem: "The cloud is the car and the wind is the horse, and the jade is in the mountains and the orchid is in the wild. The clouds are endless and the wind is over. Who can think about it?" He imagined that Xu Yuqing was also appreciating the bright moonlight at this moment, so he asked these clouds and wind to send his greetings. Grief is a kind of power, and love is also a kind of power. As long as there is love in each other's hearts, all barriers can be broken through.

Liu Chenglong knew that Zhang Fengshan was a hot mountain 竽. The reason why he didn't give it to Zhou Jin was indeed because he believed Xu Yuqing's words. This year, nothing can be trusted. Only strength is the last word. In the Jiang-Gui War, the Gui system was defeated, and Li Zongren was forced to go to the field, but he retained the old base of Guangxi. The strength of Chiang's challenge. In his view, strength is not only about people, but the key is money. Some people are easy to handle, but some have no money, and even clever women cannot afford to cook without rice. With money, there is no worries about finding people. Under the rewards, there will be brave men. In these turbulent times, the least valuable is human life. Many people do it for Eating a bite of food, selling children and selling daughters, or even becoming a traitor, the courtesy, integrity, shame, and national integrity are not worthy of the temptation to fill the belly. Therefore, he has to rely on the wealth of the Zhang family to expand his strength, and then he will no longer be a division commander, and it is not impossible to be a military commander.

When Zhang Fengshan was released to Daning Temple, Liu Chenglong couldn't wait to interrogate him. He backed away and said, "Xian-in-law, you have suffered! You know that in that situation, I have no alternative, so don't blame me."

Zhang Fengshan heard Xu Yuqing said that Liu Chenglong had no children and always regarded her as his biological daughter. It was him who suffered the most last night. Because tigers do not eat children, no parents have come forward in such a situation. It can be seen that Liu Jackie Chan is under tremendous pressure. So he said: "The commander treats Fengshan as a mountain, how dare he complain?"

Liu Chenglong took out the telegram personally signed by Commander Li and handed it to Zhang Fengshan, saying: "I am under great pressure now, not only you, but what about these people?"

Zhang Fengshan read the telegram and was immediately dumbfounded. The so-called labor camps are the concentration camps set up by the Military Statistics Bureau in various theaters. If they are submitted for trial, the people on these lists will undoubtedly die, and the academic team will also be ruined. He thinks that the most urgent task is to go out and inform them to transfer to the New Fourth Army, but after thinking about it, the military order is like a mountain, Liu Chenglong can arrest them first, and then tell himself this. He must have his purpose in doing this, so he asked: "Does the commander have any ideas?"

Liu Chenglong said: "I thought about it all night, only to save the time to see Commander Li, to clarify the problem, and ask him to open the Internet. As long as he takes his life back, what can Zhou Jinzhi and his followers do to me? But these people are all under you. People, do you dare to guarantee your wealth and life?"

Zhang Fengshan has put his personal safety aside, patted his chest and said, "I can guarantee it."

Liu Chenglong smiled and said: "Since this is the case, I am relieved. I am afraid that they are really the Communist Party, and the blame will be blamed at that time, and the two of us will not be able to eat. For the sake of a few Communist parties, it is a small matter of losing office. Life is too uneconomical."

Zhang Fengshan picked up the paper and pen on the table, wrote a letter of guarantee, signed the name and gave it to Liu Chenglong, saying: "I'm troubled Commander."

Liu Chenglong had collected it, but didn’t mean to leave. He blinked his small eyes and laughed a few times, and said, “Fengshan, we are now a family. I will not hide from you. There is one more thing for me. Worry."

Seeing him hesitating, Zhang Fengshan asked, "I don't know what the commander is worried about?"

Liu Chenglong has been wondering how to let Zhang Fengshan tell the location of the treasure without revealing a trace, not only to achieve his goal, but also to be afraid of rushing to the grass. "Fengshan, you also know that my army hasn't paid out payment for more than half a year. This time I went to the province to see Commander Li. Although we have a friendship with the same country, we have nothing to say. I am afraid that things will be difficult to achieve. ."

Zhang Fengshan understood that the officials of the National Government were corrupt and it would be difficult to do things without management. If spending a little money can save the lives of comrades, it would be a pleasure not to do it. So he asked: "Commander, how much money do I need to manage?"

Liu Chenglong's eyes suddenly lighted up, then dimmed, and he deliberately sighed, and said, "Although I have some savings, but they are all silver dollars. The silver dollars are cumbersome and inconvenient to carry. Commander Li is in a high position. I don’t like it, and it’s hard to impress him with a small amount of money. I wondered that I must have 20 gold bars, otherwise I would not be able to get things done, and even I would be embarrassed. But where can I get so many gold bars these years? Forget it, it’s useless to tell you this. If your father is alive, he can still think of a way, but his old man died for the country and his property was confiscated by the devils. Alas, I’m at a loss now."

In fact, Xu Yuqing was on the right track. Zhang Fuhai really had a treasure. After the fall of Nanjing, Zhang Fuhai set about transferring the treasure to Longwan. The silver dollars and some valuable properties were handed over to Zhang Fuyang and stored in the Long Family Ancestral Hall. He personally handled the gold bar. . On the pretext of finding a graveyard for his old mother, he walked all the peaks and gorges of Longwan, and finally found a treasure trove in Yanziya. On the night of Zhang Fengshan’s transfer, Zhang Fuhai came to his room, closed the door and said four verses to his son.

Moonshadow Mountain hung on the tip.

The silver light shoots Danya.

Want to find a place where gold is hidden.

Wait for the swallow to come.

Zhang Fengshan has an excellent memory, and he recites it immediately.

Zhang Fuhai nodded slightly and said that this was the place where he hid gold. In Longwan Swallow Cliff, Zhang Fengshan asked Zhang Fengshan to choose a moonlight night to find gold after the spring swallows arrived.

Zhang Fengshan asked why he waited until the swallows came? Zhang Fuhai said that when the swallows come, they will build a large nest on the cliff. When the moon hits the sky, moonlight will shine from the cliff to the valley below, and the swallow's nest will block the moonlight and form a shadow.

Zhang Fengshan understood, and asked his father if this shadowy place was the place where gold was buried

Zhang Fuhai shook his head and said a few more verses: the first hundred moves, the last hundred moves, the left hundred moves, the right hundred moves, but seeing the stone man sitting withered, no gods come to play chess.

Zhang Fengshan was puzzled, his father whispered to him again, and both father and son laughed.

After the death of his parents, eldest brother and uncle, Zhang Fengshan intends to divide the gold into four parts, one for Fengzhi brothers to go to school and get married, one for younger sister Fengjiao as a dowry, one for himself, and one for his deceased relatives in the future. Repair the tomb.

Now Zhang Fengshan thought that it was important to save people, so he said, "Let me figure out a way."

Liu Chenglong suddenly opened his eyes and smiled and said, "Fengshan, I did not misunderstand you, not to mention our relationship, but based on your and my situation, we are now in the same boat. If I didn't hand over you, I would have violated. Commander Li, Commander Li will never give up, so now you are saving me as well as yourself." Liu Chenglong wanted to ask where the gold was hidden, but he was afraid that Zhang Fengshan would be suspicious, so he forced the second half. The sentence swallowed. He thought that since Zhang Fengshan had a solution, and 20 gold bars were nothing in his eyes, it showed that Xu Yuqing had not lied, so he regretted that he had spoken too little. He kept reminding himself that he should not be impatient and haste is not enough. Tell it yourself, as long as you know the location of the treasure, aren't these gold bars all your own

Zhang Fengshan knew that the location of the gold deposit should not be told to outsiders by any means, otherwise he would risk his life. His father also told him that when his life was critical, he could also say these verses to save his life. Zhang Fengshan now understands his father's good intentions. These verses were compiled by him. I don't know the secrets can't be deciphered. He is dead now, and he can use him as a shield, because the dead can't speak. Thinking of this, he said: "I need to go out to raise money."

Liu Chenglong was afraid that he would take the opportunity to escape, and threatened him and said, "No, Zhou Jin placed eyeliner outside. Once you leave the headquarters, your life will be in danger. Tell me the location and I will arrange for someone to pick it up."

Zhang Fengshan suddenly became alert, wondering if Liu Chenglong heard any wind noise? Since he dared to defy the military order to protect himself, he must be afraid that his piece of fat would be taken away by others. He said: "There is no place."

Liu Chenglong gave a dry smile and said, "Fengshan, if you can't believe me, I will let Yuqing come. She is your wife. Tell her you should rest assured, right?"

When Zhang Fengshan saw Liu Chenglong move out of Xu Yuqing, he understood that he was ill-intentioned, otherwise he couldn't explain why he was so anxious to marry Xu Yuqing to himself. The purpose of this is nothing more than to hold oneself tight and get the secret of hiding gold from oneself. But I didn't say a word to Xu Yuqing, how did Liu Chenglong know

Zhang Fengshan decided to do everything he could. If he didn't understand this problem, his safety in Wencheng would not be guaranteed. Everyone wanted to take it for himself, and he was their goal wherever he went. "Let Yuqing come, and I will discuss it with her."

Seeing Zhang Fengshan's cooperation, Liu Chenglong couldn't help but exasperated as if he saw gold shining in front of him, and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll send someone to find her."

In less than an hour, Zhang Fengshan heard the roar of car engines outside and knew that Xu Yuqing was coming. He thinks that Liu Chenglong is very efficient in doing things, but his mind is not used in the right way.

Xu Yuqing came in, winked at Zhang Fengshan, and pointed at the door of the room with her finger.

Zhang Fengshan understood that the wall had ears, and after a little thought, he had an idea. He stepped forward to hug Xu Yuqing tightly, leaned in her ear and said, "Your uncle suspected that I was hiding gold bars."

Xu Yuqing said: "I lied to him, and the purpose was to prevent him from harming you, but I didn't expect him to take it seriously."

Zhang Fengshan was relieved now, let go of her, and deliberately said loudly to the door of the room: "Yuqing, are you here? The person surnamed Zhou didn't embarrass you, right?"

Xu Yuqing also raised her voice and said, "He was crazy. He stayed outside the hospital for a whole night last night. Just now he stopped and asked me where I was going? I said you can’t control it. He said I was doing it for your good. I said I’m Who are you? You have no right to restrict my personal freedom. He said that this is a military vehicle of the headquarters. Your uncle must come to pick you up to fulfill you, but Zhang Fengshan is an alien, and I have the responsibility to take care of it. I said you go Tell my uncle, he will definitely not welcome people like you."

"Uncle is going to save him from presenting to Commander Li, but he lacks the courtesy of meeting him."