
Chapter 77: Economic Dark War 2


Zhou Jin's expression was a bit ugly. He didn't intend to come after receiving Zhang Fengshan's invitation. Later, he heard that Liu Chenglong, Fang Jiqing, Hu Kongzhao, Song Tiejun and other important people from the party, government and army were all present. The scalp came, and at this moment, seeing Zhang Fengshan being covered by Liu Chenglong, and seeing Xu Yuqing socializing as a hostess, I felt like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, which was very unpleasant.

Zhou Jin was about to leave with an excuse, and a hand hurriedly came over and handed him a telegram. After Zhou Jin saw it, his face was as gray as paper. He turned on the radio in the house and turned up the volume. As long as the radio heard: "There is only this one and only legal central government in the country. The National Government of the Republic of China implements joint efforts with Japan. The principles of good-neighborly friendship, joint defense against communism, and economic support are to eliminate disputes in the past and establish goodwill relations in the future; to eliminate dictatorship from within, the Communist Party must be destroyed and clarified, so that there is no poison..."

The noisy scene was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard, everyone was stunned, and everyone couldn't believe their ears.

For a long time, Liu Chenglong cursed: "Isn't this Wang Jingwei of dog days? It's a damn daring to risk the world. If I was there, I would like to eat his flesh and blood." The crowd was in an uproar. Song Tiejun said: "He has long since revealed his wolf ambition. It is obvious that the chairman of the committee respects the boss so much, but unfortunately he has fallen short, otherwise he will not be the boy today." He said while taking his eyes to look at Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin knows that since the establishment of Juntong, it has been invincible and invincible. Even the Japanese are afraid of three points. Only the assassination of Wang Jingwei has repeatedly failed, which has become a shame and shame, but the best killers of Juntong have been dispatched. It didn't help, and he couldn't help but sighed and said: "Unlucky, God's will made him the biggest traitor in China."

Fang Jiqing said: "Wang Ni splits the party-state, and sells the owner to seek glory. The crime deserves death!"

Hu Kongzhao beat his chest and his feet: "It is said that house thief is hard to guard against. Wang Ni is in a high position and has bloated ambitions. He is willing to be a running dog of the Japanese. He is the common enemy of my 40,000 compatriots."

Zhang Fengshan was silent, and only felt a sense of nameless anger coming from his chest. He splashed ink and wrote a line: "Congratulations" to Wang Jingwei for being the chairman: The virtue of the past is rare in the present.

When everyone saw him taking the dragons and snakes, they were crazy and confused.

Liu Chenglong said angrily: "Fengshan, what's the matter with you? Everyone can't wait to blame this top traitor, but you sing praises for him?"

Xu Yuqing stood by and said, "Uncle, you have misunderstood Fengshan. He is cursing Wang Thief." Liu Chenglong said, "Why can't I see it? No word is cursing."

Xu Yuqing said: "This is a pun technique. Those who are'brilliant' are'damned'; those who are'rare' are also'traitors'. Fengshan is scolding him as a'traitor to the damn'!'

Zhang Fengshan let out an angry roar from the bottom of his heart: "Down with Wang Jingwei!"

The sentiment was so angry that they all chanted.

After the establishment of the Wencheng Economic Guerrilla Brigade, Zhang Fengshan used the Chamber of Commerce platform to mobilize all businesses in Wencheng to act as the eyes and ears of the brigade and pay close attention to market trends.

Businessmen in various industries quickly reported to him an important message: Recently, a group of "sweeping" people appeared on the market. They did not talk about the price, as long as they were goods, they would buy them all.

Zhang Fengshan asked who are they? They said they were all Chinese, there were no devils, and they all used legal currency.

Zhang Fengshan realized that this was abnormal. These people were likely to come from the occupied areas to help the Japanese purchase supplies. He thought that if he informs the shops not to sell the goods, this is not a long-term solution. After all, the merchants are only profitable, and they can't do it if they don't make money. Moreover, some goods are seasonal and will rot if they are not sold in time. Who will recognize the loss by then

When Zhang Fengshan was worried, Shuisheng reported to him that a boss wanted to buy all the tung oil in the company.

"Take me to see him." Zhang Fengshan followed Shuisheng to the company, only to see a middle-aged man in a satin jacket and top hat drinking tea in the front hall, asking the guy about this from time to time.

"I'm the manager of this company, where does Xiongtai make a fortune?" Zhang Fengshan bowed his hands and said.

The man owed his body and said, "It's just a small business, and you have to pin your head to the waist of your trousers."

"It's not illegal to do business, so what should I worry about?"

"That being said, the piers I ran on are all devil's sites. If the devil catches it, the confiscated things are not counted, and the head may move."

"I heard from my buddy that you need all the tung oil here, and I'm worried that you don't have enough money."

The man said, "Money is not a problem. This is one thousand yuan. Is it enough?" He took out a wad of money from the cloth pocket tied around his waist, all of which were bills of one hundred yuan issued by the Central Bank. .

Zhang Fengshan was surprised. You can buy a calf with just one hundred yuan. The purchasing power of such a lot of money is quite amazing. The average small business and hawker cannot earn a few banknotes when they are busy in a year, and most of them are issued by the Agricultural Bank of China. The largest denomination of two yuan, five yuan, is picking up yuan, I’m afraid I’ve never seen a banknote of this kind. "This big brother, that's enough, but our company doesn't have so much tung oil to sell."

"Aren't you the only one in Wencheng who is in the tung oil business? Can't get such a small amount of goods?"

Seeing that this man is wealthy and wealthy, Zhang Fengshan became more convinced of his own judgment. He slapped his palm and rushed in with a dozen soldiers with live ammunition, binding the man like rice dumplings.

The man kept struggling and said, "I'm in a legitimate business. You are a robber. I want to go to the government to sue you."

Zhang Fengshan ordered him to be taken to the economic guerrilla brigade, and pointed to the words on the signboard and said: "Do you know? This is the government set up, I'm afraid you have no lawsuit against Monroe."

After interrogation, the man confessed that his name was Ni Xiaosan, and he was from Nanjing. These one hundred yuan bills were given by the devils. He was asked to go to the Kuomintang Control Area to purchase supplies, and he was rewarded for everything.

Zhang Fengshan understands that most of the "sweepers" who suddenly appeared in Wencheng were traitors. The devils asked them to carry large amounts of banknotes to purchase. This is not the usual style of devils. Where did they get so much money? There seems to be a problem with these banknotes.

Zhang Fengshan took the banknotes to the Wencheng Agricultural Bank and asked the staff to verify the authenticity of the banknotes. After they checked it, they said it was true, which made Zhang Fengshan confused again.

Just as Zhang Fengshan was puzzled, Gao Wenyuan found him and said that he had made a major discovery. It turns out that Gao Wenyuan has always felt that there are eyes behind him watching him. One night, he deliberately walked in the alley with a medicine box on his back. At an incense shop around the corner, Gao Wenyuan stepped in. The boss knew him and greeted him. He said he was in a hurry to borrow your toilet for a use, and ran into the courtyard while talking. Gao Wenyuan came to the backyard and saw a man in black walking tiptoe forward in the alley outside the courtyard. This man was of medium build, thin, and wearing black clothes all over, with a black hat on his head. He walked lightly. , Almost no footsteps can be heard. Who is this person? Why follow yourself? Could it be that Song Tiejun sent him to monitor him? I saw this person hesitating around the corner for a few seconds, then turned and walked quickly towards the other end. Gao Wenyuan opened the courtyard door and quietly followed this person until he came to the dock. The man in black sat down on a secluded stone step and stared at the rushing river in a daze. After a while, a man in a black suit walked over, and the two sat side by side. Gao Wenyuan hid in the bushes above the stone steps, watching their every move. Seeing the man in black put down his hat, revealing his "horse tail", Gao Wenyuan was startled. It turned out to be a woman, but Xu Yuqing was not seen in appearance. Who is she? What is the purpose of following him? When Gao Wenyuan heard their voices, his eyes almost fell off. They were speaking the language of a devil, and he couldn't understand a word. Gao Wenyuan thought that he had killed a devil officer. This man had raped his wife. Now that the devil is looking at him, could it be that his relatives are seeking revenge? Probably not. In the war years, death between the enemy and us is no longer commonplace. Who knows that Gao Wenyuan did it? The two talked about a conversation and then left. Gao Wenyuan alone cannot be broken into two people. He can only follow one of them. The man walks behind and Gao Wenyuan can only follow him. In front of a house with a courtyard, a man in a suit pushed the door and walked in, then closed the door. Gao Wenyuan couldn't get in. Seeing a sycamore tree outside the courtyard wall, he used his hands and feet together to climb the tree and hide among the dense leaves. What happened next was incredible to Gao Wenyuan. There were four or five people in the yard. They opened a few wooden boxes and took out the new banknotes and scattered them on the ground. One of them picked up a bucket of water from the well and grabbed the mud and put it in the bucket. In the middle, use a wooden stick to stir for a while, and then pour water on the bills.

After listening to Zhang Fengshan, he immediately thought of Ni Xiaosan. Those one hundred yuan bills were new, but each one had stains on it. "Do you know where that place is?"

"I know, it's a warehouse on the dock. I'll take you over and copy them now."

Zhang Fengshan shook his head. He thought what the devil was doing to cover up? Since the banknotes are real, there is only one possibility, and that is that these banknotes are counterfeit. Zhang Fengshan felt scared. If the devil had mastered the secrets of the national government's money printing, as long as the machine was turned on, the money would be overwhelming. It would be able to buy out all the resources in the rear area. Even if it could not be bought all, it would also cause inflation. With rapid depreciation, what will the Nationalist Government do to resist the devils? He thought that he had to find out the source of these banknotes, so he said: "It's easy to find out, so I'm afraid of getting rid of it."

Zhang Fengshan wondered that they would continue to connect, so he and Gao Wenyuan waited outside the warehouse, just waiting for the man in the suit to come out.

On the third night they squatted, a man in a suit came out of the warehouse. Gao Wenyuan approached Zhang Fengshan’s ear and said, “It’s him!”

The two followed the men in suits to the pier and chose to hide in a repaired hull.

Not long after, the woman came, still dressed in black. Zhang Fengshan peeped through the cracks in his boat, and happened to meet her face. If she didn't look at it, she was shocked. She was not someone else, but Ye Yuexia, who was with her childhood sweetheart.

"Jun Fengshan, are you here?" The greeting from the man in the suit made Zhang Fengshan almost think he was saying hello to himself.

Ye Yuexia nodded and said, "Xiao Lin, my mother firmly disagrees with our business and forbids me to come out to see you again."

Zhang Fengshan knew that the man in the suit was called Kobayashi Koichi, who was Ye Yuexia's Japanese boyfriend.

Kobayashi said with an expression of pain, "No, Fengshan-kun, since you don't want to stay in Japan, now I'm here and never leave again. I want to be with you forever."

Ye Yuexia said: "You Japanese have brought killing and hatred to the Chinese people. It is impossible for us to be together. If people here know that you are Japanese, we are traitors and we will be killed by them. Dead, you should go and go back to your country."

Kobayashi Koichi said: "Now my Chinese is as good as yours, and I gave myself the Chinese name Li Xiaolin. If you don't say it, who would know that I am Japanese? Fengshan-kun, the reason why I have traveled far and wide When I came to China, I have found you with all my hardships, proving that I love you, and I love you unforgettable. I believe that war cannot separate us, but can only witness the greatness of our love."

"I know, but you have Japanese blood on your body."

"But I am different from them. I oppose this war."

"Stop talking about you, I'm afraid I can't control myself. I'm leaving, take care." After saying that, Ye Yuexia shrugged and ran away crying.

Xiao Lin Guang looked at her back until she disappeared into the alley, and then walked back in a daze.

"Let's open a breakthrough from him." Zhang Fengshan had an idea, and asked Gao Wenyuan to stare at Kobayashi Koichi, follow the woman himself, and go back to dispatch troops by the way.

That night, Kobayashi and others were wiped out and imprisoned in the headquarters. After interrogation, they all said that they were Chinese, their home was in Qingdao, Shandong, and they were here to do business in Wencheng. Zhang Fengshan deliberately tried in Japanese, but they pretended not to understand. Zhang Fengshan knew that they had been trained to speak Chinese deliberately in China. Although their Chinese was fluent, their local accent made them vulnerable. When asked about these banknotes, they all kept silent.

Zhang Fengshan has foreseen the outcome of this kind of trial. The Japanese's Bushido spirit is deeply ingrained. They would rather choose to have a laparotomy than to cooperate with their opponents.

Zhang Fengshan sent someone to find out Ye Yuexia's address and went to ask for help.

Ye Yuexia was immediately worried when she heard Zhang Fengshan said that she had arrested Kobayashi Koichi, but she didn't want Zhang Fengshan to know that she had a relationship with Kobayashi Koichi, so she said: "Since returning to China, we have no contact."

"You lied, someone saw you meet at the pier."

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Ye Yuexia was ashamed and angry, and said, "What's wrong with the meeting? He came to me, and I had to refuse in person."

"Kobayashi's purpose in coming to China is not as simple as you think. He is an economic spy."

"His business has nothing to do with me. Either you arrest me, or you leave. I won't cooperate with you anyway."

Zhang Fengshan took out a wad of dirty banknotes and said, "Yuexia, look at what this is? These banknotes were transported by Kobayashi Koichi and the others to Wencheng, and they are counterfeit real coins. If these banknotes are allowed to flow in For thousands of families, the victory or defeat of this war is determined, and we will definitely lose. If the teacher is alive in the sky, he will definitely let you help us with Kobayashi Koichi's work. Since he says he is anti-war, let him cooperate with us. Do something just, don't help the evildoer and act as an accomplice of militarism."

Seeing him mentioning her father, Ye Yuexia said angrily: "My father has died so far, what is your promise?"

Zhang Fengshan already had a goal in his heart. When he saw that it was Ye Yuexia who was following Gao Wenyuan, he knew that the deaths of Gao Wenyuan and Ye Mingyi were inextricably linked, and that his gold bar was not borrowed by his father, but where did he get it? Could it be a bounty? Lao Wei suspected that Xu Yuqing was the informer of the wharf tragedy that year. Zhang Fengshan asked Zhang Fengshan to conduct a secret review. Zhang Fengshan asked Xu Yuqing to adjust the file on the grounds of checking his medical records. At the time Xu Yuqing was operating on a patient with appendicitis. He reported the situation to Old Wei. Old Wei thought that this could not explain anything. It was probably a blind trick to create an alibi to cover up his evasion of review afterwards. Zhang Fengshan offered to investigate Wang Xiaohu and Gao Wenyuan, who were survivors of the Wencheng County Party Committee, and they can prove whether Wang Fei knew the news of his visit to Wencheng. If she didn't know, she could dispel it. Old Wei said that this matter was organized to investigate, even if Xu Yuqing is our comrade, let him not reveal his identity. The biggest flaw that Gao Wenyuan revealed was that he didn't know who Ye Yuexia was. After completing the arrest of Xiaolin Guangyi and others, Gao Wenyuan asked Zhang Fengshan who was that woman? How did the devil call her "Jun Fengshan"? Why not catch her together? Zhang Fengshan said that her name was Ye Yuexia, Ye Mingyi's daughter. Gao Wenyuan suddenly had cold sweat on his face, and he was speechless. Zhang Fengshan asked him what's wrong? He said he had eaten his stomach and wanted to go out for convenience, and then hurried away. Gao Wenyuan's abnormality made Zhang Fengshan firmer in his judgment. He betrayed his comrades and killed his mentor.

"Yuexia, I will never break my promise, and I will personally hand him over to you."

"So you know who it is?"