
Chapter 79: Victory in the Anti-Japanese War 1


On January 7, the Republic of China, Zhang Fengshan heard a message on the radio: The New Fourth Army has disobeyed the military order, and the National Government has dispatched 80,000 troops to encircle and suppress.

Zhang Fengshan knew that the first and second squadrons of the New Fourth Army went out of northern Jiangsu and defeated Han Fuqu in Huangqiao. Only the military headquarters remained in Jingxian County, southern Anhui, surrounded by Kuomintang troops. He thinks that there are only a few thousand people in the military, and facing an enemy that is several times his own, I am afraid that there will be more than good luck.

Sure enough, a few days later, "Xinhua Daily" published Zhou Enlai's elegiac poem in large black letters: "Eternal injustice, one leaf in the south of the Yangtze River; in the same room, why bother to fry each other!" Old Wei pointed to the newspaper and said to Zhang Fengshan: "Old Jiang has always Seeing us as thorns in the eyes and thorns in the flesh, now he tore off the veil of warmth and veins, revealing a cannibal face. This time our army suffered a heavy loss, and it was the biggest time since the founding of the army. Six or seven thousand brothers did not die under the devil's bayonet. It fell under the guns of my brothers, so we cannot have any illusions about the Kuomintang."

Zhang Fengshan remembered that Old Wei asked him to arrange civilian ships to cooperate with the New Fourth Army's northward retreat more than two months ago. He said: "If you withdraw to Jiangbei in time, it will not be almost annihilated."

Old Wei sneered and said angrily: "It is not necessarily true that the northward withdrawal route designated by the Kuomintang Military Committee is the front line of Tongling Fanchang, where the devils and the puppet army are heavily guarded. They deliberately use the knife to kill people and use the devils, the puppet army and me. The army met the enemy head-on, then copied our army's back, strangling them all. This plan was very vicious, but our army didn't get the trick, they couldn't wait to go into battle in person and kill them. More than 2,000 people from our army broke through and arrived in Jiangbei. It was blocked by the devils again. If the Jiangbei Detachment hadn't responded in time, the loss would have been even greater, and the entire army would have been almost wiped out."

Zhang Fengshan couldn't help taking a breath, and said, "How urgent is this! The foreign troubles have not been eliminated, and we are fighting each other. This is not good for the great cause of the Chinese nation's war of resistance. I really don't know what Lao Jiang thinks." ?"

Old Wei said: "His heart is afraid that we will grow stronger. Some time ago, the Eighth Route Army launched the'Hundred Regiments War' against Japanese invaders in North China and achieved great victories. This stirred up Chiang's sensitive nerves. In addition to the Huangqiao incident, he The revenge of the sword led to the tragedy. The central government has issued an order to rebuild the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army, appointing Chen Yi as the acting army commander, Liu Shaoqi as the political commissar, Zhang Yunyi as the deputy army commander, Lai Chuanzhu as the chief of staff, and Deng Zihui as the director of the political department. , And unified the Central China New Fourth Army into 7 divisions and an independent brigade, with a total of more than 90,000 people."

Zhang Fengshan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this also shows from the side that the party's strength has indeed grown, so he said: "This is great. To deal with the Kuomintang reactionaries, we must persist in the tit-for-tat struggle."

Lao Wei nodded and said: "You are right. The Provincial Party Committee reviewed the work done some time ago. We rely too much on the Kuomintang government and focus on the united front everywhere. Who knows that the Kuomintang is not like this. Instead, it took advantage of us. According to the comrades who broke out, the military headquarters are surrounded by the Kuomintang’s grass-roots government, secret service agencies, and the army. Without our people’s power, when a war starts, our army is naturally blind riding blind horses and facing the deep pool in the middle of the night. Therefore, the provincial party committee decided to strengthen the regime building in the anti-Japanese base areas so that the base areas will become the rear and strong backing of the army."

Zhang Fengshan said: “It’s not too late to mend the situation. Although our party organization in Wencheng is now underground, its strength has grown dozens of times compared to before the War of Resistance. These people are distributed in various regions and industries, just like a dark one. This lighthouse attracts more people to the light, and the final victory belongs to us."

Old Wei said: "The future is bright, but the road is tortuous. Fengshan, we must not be blindly optimistic. We must face the difficulties ahead. The devil turned the direction of the offensive to the Anjiang Anti-Japanese Base. Take a bite of us, the situation is serious. I forgot to tell you one thing. Comrade Guozhu died in the battle to meet the breakout forces of the New Fourth Army. Comrade Youlan is very strong. You are relatives. You have the opportunity to see her."

Zhang Fengshan was shocked when he heard the bad news, and was stunned. Shi Yong’s voice and smile kept flashing in his mind like footage from a movie, as if it were true yesterday, but the cruel reality hurt his nerves. Thinking of the death of the Sri Lankan, two lines of tears could not help but welled up in his eyes. For a long time, he muttered silently: "The crying father has only tears, but the pen is speechless; the career is not completed, the blood is sprinkled on the mountains and rivers. Hungry for the Japanese pirate meat, thirsty for the blood of the traitor; When the victory day, the letter reports Huangquan.

Zhang Fengshan couldn't bear to face Xu Youlan and commissioned Xu Yuqing to greet him on her behalf.

The sisters met and cried.

Xu Youlan wiped away her tears and asked, "How did you know?"

With tears hanging in the corners of her eyes, Xu Yuqing shrugged her shoulders and said: "Fengshan told me that he said that a leather collector in the company came back from an area controlled by the guerrillas and saw a group of New Fourth Army soldiers holding a memorial service. The people in China are very similar to County Mayor Shi, so let me come over and have a look. When I just walked in, I saw the picture of my brother-in-law wrapped in black gauze, and I understood. Sister, my brother-in-law died at such a young age, it is really heartbreaking. Yeah."

Xu Youlan understood Zhang Fengshan's intention in doing this. He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself in front of her, and that he would lose a comrade-in-arms, and no matter how strong people would show his true feelings, Xu Yuqing would easily see the clues. Regarding Zhang Fengshan's identity, Xu Youlan kept Xu Yuqing secret, although it was later confirmed that the traitor was not her, but Gao Wenyuan. Lao Wei supported Xu Youlan and believed that Zhang Fengshan should not reveal his identity, even to Xu Yuqing, although it was cruel to her. After all, Zhang Fengshan's work was dangerous. The less people knew, the safer it would be for him.

"Since he came back from Wencheng, we have only met once, and he went to Jiangbei Detachment. On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he asked someone to send me a letter containing a poem:'Today Mid-Autumn Festival, Battlefield Watching the full moon; sending love to the bright moon, sharing a thousand miles of chasing Juan's, I didn’t expect this to be his desperate poem."

Xu Yuqing was originally a sentimental person. Seeing that although their revolutionary couples are in a very dangerous situation, they also have the affectionate side of their sons and daughters. They can’t help but feel all kinds of sorrows in their hearts. They hate God and don’t have eyesight. They live to separate the loving couple and make them yin-yang Separated. "Sister, what can you do from now on?"

Xu Youlan said firmly: "Chairman Mao once said,'Revolution is not a dinner party, a essay, or painting and embroidery. It cannot be so elegant, so unhurried, gentle, so gentle, courteous and frugal. Revolution is a riot, a violent action by a class to overthrow a class. 'You have to sacrifice when doing revolutionary work. This must be realized. Comrade Guozhu is gone, but his ideals and career have not yet been completed. We need to wipe away our tears and continue to struggle!"

Xu Yuqing nodded and said, "Sister, I'm sorry for you. Besides, Comrade Shi Yong went so hurriedly that he didn't even leave a single bone and blood."

Xu Youlan said: "We gather little and leave more. Sometimes we don’t see each other for a year or a half. We didn’t leave any blood for him. This is also a great regret in my heart. You don’t want to learn from us. Revolutionary work needs to be passed on from generation to generation. , There must be someone to succeed. Only in this way can our career continue to flourish." Xu Youlan said while looking at Xu Yuqing's abdomen, only to see her lower abdomen slightly bulging, she couldn't help asking with joy, "Sister, are you happy?" "

Xu Yuqing nodded.

Xu Youlan said happily: "It's great, we have a queen in Xu's family."

Xu Yuqing suspected that Xu Youlan was hiding something from herself, deliberately sighed, and said: "I don't know who the child's father is. If it is our comrade, I will definitely raise him to an adult; if it is a spy, I will throw this wicked species out to feed him. Dingo."

Xu Youlan knew that this was a radical approach, and said: "Yuqing, at the moment, if you have different beliefs, you are in different camps. Some believe in our party, some believe in the Kuomintang, and some believe in Wang Jingwei, and even others. Believe that Japanese aggressors act as traitors, our party’s policy is open-minded, and we will treat them differently. As long as they are not the heinous traitor agents, we will treat them leniently. Even if Zhang Fengshan is a spy, he is also serving the camp he believes in, as long as he takes care of it. If there is no blood from the people, we will not hold it accountable. Besides, the child is innocent, you can't be willful."

Xu Yuqing hit the wall again and had to say: "Forget it, I know you won't say it. Since this is organizational discipline, I won't ask again."

This year’s Spring Festival, Wencheng has resumed the same lively scene as in previous years. After all, this is the first Spring Festival after the devil evacuated, away from the bayonet and overhead machine gun people, celebrating this rare freedom and tranquility, despite the greatness of China. Part of the country is still under the occupation of devils.

Before the Spring Festival was over, the roar of the ghost plane came over Wencheng, and bombs were dropped. There were ruined walls and corpses everywhere.

On February 8th, Zhang Fengshan was attending a meeting in Liu Chenglong’s headquarters. Suddenly, someone broke into the meeting room and said that there was an emergency military situation to report to Commander Liu.

The visitor was sent by Wu Fei, captain of the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd New Fourth Army Advancement Regiment, and he handed Liu Chenglong a letter.

Liu Chenglong opened the letter, saying that the 116th Guizi Division concentrated more than 3,000 puppet troops near Qing'an and Datong, dispatched 4 aircraft and 4 tanks to attack the Wendong Shuiwei area, and urged Commander Liu to dispatch troops immediately. Resist the enemy. After reading it, Liu Chenglong laughed, seemingly relieved and said: "This Wu Fei, I have never been Liu Chenglong in his eyes. Now that he is about to die, he thinks of me as the commander." After speaking, he sent the content of the letter to Everyone announced.

Hu Kongzhao said: "The New Fourth Army has robbed many of our sites, established base areas, and established grassroots political power in them. Our taxation and grain control personnel cannot enter and are either arrested or driven out. The base area is completely an independent kingdom. The claim to support the National Government and obey Chairman Chiang is simply another way of doing it. Now they deserve it. My opinion is to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight, and let them lose both."

Fang Jiqing said: "The chairman's attitude towards the New Fourth Army is very clear. This'Jiangnan incident' is enough to explain, so my opinion is not only to not save, but also to attack them in a timely manner and give them a salary from the bottom to avoid future troubles."

After Zhang Fengshan learned of the content of the letter, his first reaction was that the base area was dangerous. Wu Fei and the others were dangerous. Now that these two people had bad intentions, they thought that they had to know how to do it, and strive for Liu Chenglong to send troops to support them, and do their best to protect the entire East Anti-Japanese base area. So he said: "Since ancient times, the Wendong Shuiwei area has been the site of the New Fourth Army, but it is also a barrier to the Wencheng. If Wu Fei and the others can't resist losing the base area, the devils will drive straight in, and Wencheng will be in danger I am also very disgusted with the Communist Party’s refusal to obey orders, but at the time of the enemy, I think it is appropriate for the two parties to abandon their own selfishness and fight the enemy together, otherwise the devils will be reaping the benefits of the fishermen."

Zhang Fengshan’s words were strict, neither humble nor overbearing, which aroused the sympathy of many present. The chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Xu Dakai said: “I think what Captain Zhang said is reasonable. Cheng, if you don’t help yourself at this time, and when the devil finishes cleaning up the New Fourth Army, he comes to attack Wencheng, Wencheng will be in danger."

Some people also echoed: "Yes", "The devils first bombed by planes, and then attacked by infantry. It seems that Wencheng will be ravaged not far away", "Wencheng is dangerous, Commander Liu should send troops to fight the enemy", "After all, the New Fourth Army is also Chinese. We must keep our guns on the outside and never allow devils to slaughter my fellow citizens"...

Fang Jiqing saw most of the voices in favor and few dissenting voices. He was very angry and asked Zhang Fengshan: "Captain Zhang, are you not the Communist Party? How can you speak for the Communist Party?"

Zhang Fengshan laughed deliberately and said: “Chairman Fang can’t put labels on him. When the KMT and the Communist Party cooperated, Chairman Chiang agreed. If according to the logic of Secretary Fang, all the people who speak for the Communist Party are the Communist Party, then not only are you present here. Most of the people, including the An Dong Provincial Government and even the Chongqing National Government, are there."

Liu Chenglong knew what Zhang Fengshan was saying, but his hatred of the Communist Party was deeply rooted in his bones. He wished that the devil would destroy the Wendong Anti-Japanese Base, so he cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, everyone has seen it in the past few years. There are only dozens of people in the team, dozens of broken guns, and it is not as strong as my platoon. But since the devils came in, they used the excuse to fight against Japan together, continue to grow and grow, and fight against the national army. We cooperate with them, there is always One day to raise tigers, I have decided to let the devils take care of them. If the devils attack Wencheng, we would rather retreat to Longwan again than help the Communist Party. Come, catch the Communist Party who sent the letter and put it in prison. ."

Fang Jiqing clapped his hands and praised: "Commander Liu is wise!"

Hu Kongzhao said: "I'm going to mobilize the people now, so that everyone can stand firm and clear the country. The devil is here, and what I get is just an empty city."

Seeing that these people were so reactionary, Zhang Fengshan said that it was useless, so he said goodbye to Liu Chenglong, saying that some materials in the company should be handled in time, so as not to be in vain by the devils without a single shot and a bullet. In fact, he was an excuse. When he saw Liu Chenglong shut down the messenger, he thought that Wu Fei must still be waiting for an answer. The longer the delay, the greater the loss. Liu Chenglong's sinister heart is to hold them down so that they can be wiped out by devils. Exhausted.

Liu Chenglong knew that Zhang Fengshan's business was flourishing, and he had accumulated a large amount of military supplies, which could not be given to the devils in vain, so he was immediately transported to Longwan.

Zhang Fengshan returned to the company anxiously, and wrote a letter in the name of a "fisherman", telling Wu Fei and Liu Chenglong's sinister intentions and asking him to abandon the base area and quickly move to Niushanchong area. Zhang Fengshan inserted a pheasant feather on the envelope, which represented one hundred thousand eagerness. He saw the "dumb" sweeping the floor in the yard, and threw the letter down from the upper floor. The "dumb" picked it up, saw the words "Wu Fei's pro-qi" on it, and quickly threw his broomstick to report the letter. This "dumb" was arranged by Dai Changchun. In fact, it was not really dumb, but for a long time pretending to be a dumb and engaged in underground work. No one knew except Zhang Fengshan who knew the inside story. "Dumb" is diligent and conscientious, every day to clean up the hygiene of the yard, aquatic jokes he is like a donkey, all day long he only knows where he is, but he just yelled, no one knows him Say what.

When Wu Fei received Zhang Fengshan's letter, the enemy and ourselves were fighting fiercely.

Lian Changjiang Jingyu led the crowd to fight in the forefront position. The enemy's firepower was very fierce, and a piece of scorched earth was formed near the position, with broken branches and incomplete limbs of the soldiers everywhere.

A platoon leader surnamed Zhou said to Jiang Jingyu: "Company commander, if you don't withdraw, it will be too late."

Jiang Jingyu said sternly: "My machine gun keeps on, so I have the right to prevent the enemy from passing through here. If I go out alive, how can I be worthy of so many comrades who died in battle? Keeping a moment is a moment, and I am determined to coexist and die with the battlefield."

Seeing that he was not afraid, the platoon leader said: "I am not a person in Zhou who is greedy for life and fear of death. Wendong is the land where I was born and raised. It is a good place to die here." He raised his machine gun. Leaving the bunker, fired at the devils who charged up.

Several bullets flew from a distance and hit Zhou Platoon’s body. Blood oozes from the thin cotton-padded jacket and dyed his upper body red. He widened his eyes and fell heavily back.

Wang Jingyu yelled "Lao Zhou!" Then he picked up his machine gun and yelled: "Little devil, I'm fucking your grandma, I'm fighting with you."

Just as he was about to jump out of the trenches, the correspondent rushed over and grabbed his arm, saying that Captain Wu ordered an immediate retreat.

When the troops withdrew to safety, they were reduced by more than half. Wu Fei took this team all the way to the west, and was besieged and intercepted by Liu Chenglong along the way. Fortunately, Zhang Fengshan's timely transmission of information, only to turn the danger to the barbarian many times, safely arrived at Niu Shanchong, set about establishing the Wenxi Revolutionary Anti-Japanese Base, and the unit designation was changed to the New Fourth Army. The Seventh Division advanced into the regiment.

A few days later, Wencheng fell again.

Since Chen Youliang failed to defect to Liu Chenglong, he had to lead the crowd to flee to Qing'an and re-attach to Qingtian Hiroshi. This time he was the first to attack Wencheng with the Longben brigade. When he led his subordinates to the Dongzuo Gate and overlooked the city, he couldn't help but cried out: "I Chen Youliang is back again."

Ryumoto set up the headquarters in the county party headquarters, while Chen Youliang occupied Liu Chenglong's Daning Temple.

The big transactions on the streets of Wencheng were replaced by Japanese plaques and Japanese goods. The devil came to "cooperate" without a capital of money, which in fact was tantamount to occupying.

After Chen Youliang's life savings were confiscated by Liu Chenglong, he held a grudge, and when he returned to Wencheng this time, he wanted to make more money back. As a result, he aggressively expropriated the merchants in Lao Cai. Those who did not cooperate were arrested and thrown into jail, or executed. For a while, public grievances raged, but he was backed by the Japanese, and people dared not speak up. Juxian was officially married by him and became the second wife. Chen Youliang decided to reopen the Juxianlou, and Juxian would manage him on his behalf. Because of the war, the former prostitutes scattered and fled, and some good women were arrested by him to act as prostitutes and become a tool for him to make money.

Zhang Fengshan and Xu Yuqing withdrew to Longwan with Liu Chenglong. Within a few days, Xu Yuqing gave birth to a big fat boy. She asked Zhang Fengshan to name him. Zhang Fengshan thought for a while and said, "Call him victory, even if we are here. A generation cannot see victory, but he can certainly see it."

Zhou Jin and Li Yuzhu came to congratulate them. They mentioned Chen Youliang in their conversation, and they all hated him. Li Yuzhu mentioned that the tailor shop was in distress, which made Zhang Fengshan's eyes shine brightly. He said to Zhou Jin: "Station Master Zhou, can you lend me the tailor shop?"

Zhou Jin said: "Since the evacuation, the place has been empty. If you want to use it, you can take it. What do we brothers share with each other?"

Zhang Fengshan was overjoyed and said, "I will definitely get rid of the big traitor Chen Youliang."