
Chapter 81: Victory in the War of Resistance 3


Jinjizhai was burned in the fire, Wang Hezizi had to lead the remnant defeated generals to Baizhangya, where Wu Fei led the people to block the way.

Under Wang Xiaohu's persuasion, Wang Hezizi agreed to join Wu Fei's team in the fight against Japan, seeing that the situation is over. Wu Fei appointed him as the deputy commander of the independent regiment and reorganized his team. The company commander and platoon commander arranged for Communist Party members to transform this bandit team into the People's Army.

The Guizi's "three-light policy" and strict sealing did not frighten the people in the base areas. Wu Fei led the soldiers to respond to Chairman Mao's call: "Do it yourself, get enough food and clothing", open up wasteland and cultivate land, and produce and save yourself.

Seeing that the plan to resist the Japanese soldiers and civilians in the base areas was in vain, the devils began a more vicious "sweeping and sweeping" policy and implementing the "snap-out" policy. The so-called piece of light is to cut the green crops clean. When the crops were about to spit out the ears and fill the grains, the devils and the puppet army launched a large-scale "mopping" on the base areas, forcibly driving a large number of people in the enemy-occupied areas into the base areas to harvest green crops. Guizi and the puppet army searched village by ditch, and when they found the crops, they forced the people to cut them off, even the stone ridges where only a few crops were planted. After the green crops were cut, the army and civilians in the base area had to rush to grow buckwheat, sweet potatoes, radishes, cabbage, etc., hoping to harvest a little. But when the crop seedlings and vegetable seedlings grew, the devils and the puppet troops came to "mop up" them, even cutting the belts and letting the animals, and they were completely destroyed.

There is little arable land in the mountainous areas, and the "cutting green" of devils and puppet troops has made many lands without crops. Coupled with the strict economic blockade, the base areas have suffered unprecedented serious living difficulties. Except for a very small amount of food to satisfy their hunger, the army and civilians almost depend on wild vegetables and leaves to survive. When the leaves of wild vegetables are all eaten, they eat bark and dig grass roots. Due to lack of salt and severe malnutrition, everyone is weak, swollen all over, and starvation often happens.

After Zhang Fengshan learned about the situation from Dai Changchun, he knew that the most urgent task was to provide salt to the base area. However, the Kuomintang also imposed an economic blockade on the base areas. Salt is an embargoed material and a rationed supply. Especially after the firearms station and military uniforms were robbed, the division and county party headquarters took more stringent precautions, setting up guards at various traffic junctions leading to the base area and strictly inspecting passing personnel.

Zhang Fengshan went to the village for the purpose of investigating smuggling, and soon discovered a national defense salt storehouse, located in a cave, guarded by a platoon of soldiers.

The "dumb" still sent the information, but this time something went wrong. The next morning, Zhang Fengshan didn't see the "dumb" when he got up. He had an ominous premonition in his heart. He quickly asked Shuisheng to look for it. Shuisheng ran to the street and saw the "dumb" being tied up by the five flowers and taken to the county party headquarters.

Shui Sheng hurried back to report to Zhang Fengshan.

Zhang Fengshan deliberately said to himself: "What illegal things would he do as a dumb?"

Shui Sheng said: "I heard the escorting officer said that the dumb man was in awe. He was discovered by the secret sentry of the county party headquarters. At that time, he hung a branch with a rope hook in front of a cliff, and then climbed the tree to the top of the cliff. I didn't watch out that several sentries were urinating and grabbed him on the spot. The dumb struggled while stuffing the document into his mouth to chew. The sentry knew that this was important, and thought that the opportunity to perform meritorious service arrived, so he used a tree stick to pry him fiercely. In the mouth, a few dumb teeth were pried off, and the documents were swallowed into the stomach."

Zhang Fengshan was moved in his heart. Although he didn't know the name of "dumb", he knew that he had a common name called "comrade"!

Zhang Fengshan knew that Fang Jiqing would soon know that the "dumb" was his own person. Only by turning passive to active and looking for his dignitaries on the grounds of losing files might be able to save the life of the "dumb".

When Fang Jiqing heard that Zhang Fengshan was here, he sneered: "Dumb? Do you believe he is dumb? Can a dumb know to swallow information into his stomach?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "But he has been in our company for more than two years and never saw him say a word. If you don't believe it, the chief secretary can come to our company to investigate."

Fang Jiqing said coldly: "I don't think this is necessary, Captain Zhang, since you are here, let's witness him speak together."

In the interrogation room, the dumb has been beaten to death.

Fang Jiqing walked over and said, "I am the person in charge here. If you can hear me, just nod your head."

The dumb didn't react at all, as if he didn't see anything.

Fang Jiqing asked him to take paper and pen, write to him, and tell the "dumb" to just tell who is online, to whom to send the information, and what is the content of the information? He can be treated immediately, and he is guaranteed not to be held accountable again.

"Dumb" looked at it and vomited Fang Jiqing's blood stained face.

Fang Jiqing was furious, and ordered someone to pour soapy water on him to let him spit out the information he had swallowed in his stomach.

Zhang Fengshan knew that this trick was vicious, and Fang Jiqing wanted to verify whether what he said was true or not? Once exposed, he can't get out of the door of the interrogation room. But in full view, he was also powerless, only resigned.

"Dumb" was pushed to the ground by several people. Suddenly, he used all the strength of his body, broke free, and slammed his head against the wall. Suddenly, his brain was violent and he died.

Everyone was stunned. Fang Jiqing woke up and let people scratch his stomach. He wanted to find out what Zhang Fengshan said. "Dumb"'s stomach was cut open, and there was only a mass of regurgitated paper in his stomach, which made Fang Jiqing disappointed.

Looking at the bloody scene, Fang Jiqing said, "Director Song was known for being ruthless when he was the chief secretary. I didn't expect that Secretary Fang would be even better. Fengshan's eyes are open, let's say goodbye!"

After that, Zhang Fengshan and Dai Changchun couldn't help crying when they talked about the tragic death of the "dumb". Thinking of the difficulties in the base area, Zhang Fengshan said: "You inform Wu Fei that I am going to lend his wife to him." Then he told him his plan.

Dai Changchun shook his head and said, "No, our Communist Party doesn't need this kind of indiscriminate means."

Zhang Fengshan said: "There is no alternative to this. Only in this way can we solve the urgent needs of the base area."

Dai Changchun thought about Zhang Fengshan's words, and said, "I have to feel wronged, Madam and Young Master."

On the day of Xiao Shengli's first birthday, Xu Yuqing proposed to Zhang Fengshan to take her children to the Biefeng Temple to reciprocate.

Zhang Fengshan understood that she had received Xu Youlan's letter, and said, "I will let Shuisheng accompany you."

Xu Yuqing said: "The things at home are inseparable from him. If you don't worry, I will bring two guards by myself." She knew the aquatic spirit and feared that he would reveal her identity, so she picked two dumb guards.

Zhang Fengshan was secretly happy, and said in front of everyone: "Let's go and get back early."

However, Xu Yuqing took her son and took the sedan chair to Biefeng Temple, and after burning incense to pay homage to the Buddha, a monk came over to give a deep ceremony and said: "Amitabha, all things follow the law, and all beings can become Buddhas. Donors, please use tea in the back hall."

Xu Yuqing knew that this was a code word, and that the person who came was the one who was connecting, so she said: "It is good to listen to it."

When they came to the apse, the guards also wanted to go in, but Xu Yuqing stopped them: "Buddha, you two should wait outside."

The two guards waited left and right, but Xu Yuqing did not come out and opened the door to enter. There was no one in the hall. There was a letter on the table, which read: Captain Zhang: The grandfather had broken the agreement back then, and this hatred has never been reported. Today the cottage is destroyed, I am waiting for the meal to sleep on, there is nowhere to take root, the mountain people are in distress, the family is surrounded by walls, all thanks to your very tight private investigation. I can see that Mrs. Ling and Linglang come to the temple for incense, so they bring them as a "meat ticket". You are limited to give 50 dans of white rice and 10 dans of salt to Jinjizhai within three days, otherwise you will wait for them to collect their corpses.

Wang Cannabis Seed

The guard hurriedly reported the kidnapping to Zhang Fengshan. Zhang Fengshan pretended to panic and hurriedly reported to Liu Chenglong.

Upon hearing the news, Mrs. Liu cried into tears.

Liu Chenglong said angrily: "I will bring troops to smash the Golden Rooster Village and suppress these bandits."

Madam Liu stopped: "No, what if they see you take the soldiers and tear up the ticket? Without her wife, what's the point of killing them no matter how many people?"

The incident spread to Longwan in an instant, and Fang Jiqing and Hu Kongzhao came over to express their condolences. They were actually listening to Liu Chenglong's movements.

Fang Jiqing said: "Commander, my subordinates have heard that this Wang Hezi has long been a bandit, and Wu Fei is the deputy commander of the regiment. I am afraid this is a fraud. You must not fall into the tricks of the New Fourth Army."

Hu Kongzhao also echoed: "Commander, the New Fourth Army is acting upright and will not do this kind of flies. In my opinion, their wives have no worries about their lives, and they will be released after a while."

Xu Dakai also came and said: "I heard rumors that this king could not endure the suffering of the New Fourth Army. He had already parted ways with Wu Fei and returned to Jinjizhai. I sent two thousand oceans over, otherwise I would take the head of my item. During this period, I was too scared to go out. I heard that Mrs. Zhang and my wife had also encountered this incident, so I just asked the commander to come up with an idea."

Liu Chenglong wavered and asked Zhang Fengshan, "Fengshan, what is your opinion?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "Fengshan is now panicked and has no masters. I don't know what to do? Everything depends on the commander."

Madam Liu blamed her husband and said: "You made him do a good job and offended the bandits. If her wife has a long and two shortcomings, I won't live anymore." After speaking, she went back to the room crying.

Zhang Fengshan went down the donkey and said: "Commander, I knew today that I regretted that I should not be the captain of this brigade. If they had an accident, I would only have to escape into the empty door with the blue light as my company." He said and left with a sigh.

Fang Jiqing blinked a pair of small eyes and said, "Commander, I suspect this is a bitter trick."

Zhou Jin was worried about Xu Yuqing's safety and rushed to him. He gave Fang Jiqing a blank look and said, "Chairman, how can anyone make fun of his wife and children?"

Liu Chenglong said: "You hurry up and investigate, and if Zhang Fengshan knows about it, arrest him."

Zhang Fengshan returned to his residence and wrote a notice for Shui Sheng to post at the door. The content was: Because his wife and children were robbed by bandits, the purchase of white rice and salt at a high price was effective within two days.

People rushed to tell each other, and soon the whole Longwan became a household name.

Long queues lined up in front of Zhang Fengshan's house, with sympathy for him, and some speculators who sold him at high prices and then bought them at low prices elsewhere to make a difference.

Fang Jiqing and Hu Kongzhao brought people over and accused Zhang Fengshan of disrupting the order and demanding that he immediately stop the purchase with materials.

Zhang Fengshan retorted: "Don’t say anything pretty, you two, if your wife and children are kidnapped, what will you do? My father’s tragedy tells me that Wanguan money is something outside of my body, so I won’t keep the floating wealth for the rest of my life and let me My family takes their lives as the price. Unless you arrest me, I won’t stop.”

Hu Kongzhao said: "Captain Zhang, that brother is sorry, come here, get him up!"

At this time, the people in the line refused to agree and surrounded Hu Kongzhao and Fang Jiqing and others, scolding them for being black-hearted, and preventing others from helping themselves if they did not come forward to save others.

Fang Jiqing and Hu Kongzhao's faces were red and white. Seeing that the anger was hard to commit, they had to say: "I'm going to see Commander Liu, don't you guys still want to rebel?" Then they left griefly.

After listening to the report, Liu Chenglong thought that these two guys were too ignorant and deserved to be scolded. Xu Yuqing is her own niece. She was taken hostage by the bandits. It was revealed that she had already lost her face. If she was torn by the bandits, she would be a commander in Wencheng. What face would she have in the future

"Did Zhang Fengshan use government money to buy rice and salt?"

Hu Kongzhao replied: "No, it's his own money."

Liu Chenglong said coldly: "Since it is his own money, he can spend it whatever he wants. What right do we have to interfere?"

Fang Jiqing's words are arrogant: "Commander, but he is doing this to be an enemy. Now Wu Fei's New Fourth Army is at a critical juncture. If these rice and salt are sent in, they will be brought back to life."

Liu Chenglong retorted and asked, "Then what do you have to do to save people? If not, don't say these useless words in front of me."

Fang Jiqing said: "I am starting from the interests of the party state."

Liu Chenglong said angrily: "Don't sing high-profile with Lao Tzu. If the bandits kidnapped your wife and children, would you be indifferent? Just now you saw that Zhang Fengshan has already picked up his son. If he hadn't forced the bandits to survive for the benefit of the party state, , Will the bandits attack his family? Also, Xu Yuqing is my niece, will my face shine after such a thing? If I get torn again, how can I still be in Wencheng from now on? You class Yumu's head, if he doesn't help out from the leader's perspective, he just adds up to it and makes a mess. What use does Lao Tzu want you to do?"

Fang Jiqing and Hu Kongzhao made a mess, and wanted to find a place to get in.

Hu Kongzhao said: "The commander calms down his anger. I will now send someone a letter to Wang Hezi so that he will not embarrass her mother and son. We meet his conditions."

Liu Chenglong cursed again: "Idiot! If your letter is in the hands of Wang Hezi, he will not be arrogant and dead. The government bows to the kidnappers. I think you, the county magistrate, will end up as well."

It was Fang Jiqing's better mind. He said, "I understand what the commander meant. Zhang Fengshan will come forward and we will pay for it."

This is exactly what Liu Chenglong meant. He heard that Zhang Fengshan had paid a high price for rice and salt, for fear that he would spend all his money on his family and would have no money to honor himself. So I thought of a compromise plan. The government did not lose face and lost li, Zhang Fengshan lost face but did not lose li. As long as Xu Yuqing and his son came back safely, they would all be happy. Zhang Fengshan would be grateful. Face is gained again. So he said: "Now that you know it, don't you hurry up to do it?"

Zhang Fengshan delivered rice and salt to Jinji Village as scheduled and redeemed his wife and children.

When they returned to Longwan, the lake rushed to him out of breath and reported to him a shocking news: Guizi's headquarters had been bombed and was in chaos, and was evacuating the county town.

Zhang Fengshan was surprised and delighted, and asked, "When did it happen? Do you know who did it?"

Husheng said: "It was in the morning, but I don't know who did it."

After investigation, it was confirmed that Gao Wenyuan did it. Zhang Fengshan went to see the scene, and it was a mess. Human organs were scattered everywhere. He couldn't tell which was the devil and Gao Wenyuan. The ground was bloody.

An old man cleaning at the headquarters told Zhang Fengshan that a military meeting was being held at the time. He saw Doctor Gao go in and immediately came out, carrying the medicine box and rushed to the toilet. After a while, he rushed into the meeting again, and then there was a big explosion.

Zhou Jin arrested a traitor interpreter, who suffered minor injuries and ran to Huasheng Hospital for treatment. According to his confession, Gao Wenyuan often went to the headquarters to help Japanese military officers and was very popular with them. Ryumoto learned that he had served Qingtian Dazuo before and asked him to give himself massage, so that he slowly fell in love with Chinese medical massage every day. If Gao Wenyuan is not allowed to massage once, he will feel uncomfortable. In this way, Gao Wenyuan got a special pass from the headquarters, and it was unimpeded in it. That day, when he was in a meeting, he was not allowed to attend. Gao Wenyuan refused to listen to his persuasion. He was driven out by Ryuben Dazuo. After a while, Gao Wenyuan came again and rushed into the meeting room. He went forward to pull. Gao Wenyuan pulled off the cotton jacket and bundled rows of detonators inside. He said, "I'm fighting with you." He was so scared that he crawled out and ran outside. Then he didn't know anything. When he woke up, he found He was lying on the stairs with blood on his arm, so he ran to the hospital to bandage.

Soon, the name of the hero Gao Wenyuan spread across the streets and alleys of Wencheng. Some people asked suspiciously: "No? He is a traitor. Did I spit on him?" Someone immediately said, "He is Feel the courage and endure the humiliation, first approach the Guizi to see the opportunity and then explode." Someone said: "I heard that the Guizi leader was seriously injured and was sent to Qing'an for medical treatment. Several small leaders were killed on the spot. Thanks to Gao Wenyuan, Frighten the devil, otherwise he will stay here and not leave."

Only Zhang Fengshan understands Gao Wenyuan, and he silently said in his heart: "Big Brother Wenyuan, go all the way!"

After the devil was withdrawn, Liu Chenglong and the county party department moved back to the city. Wu Fei’s Wenxi Independence Group extended its tentacles to the towns and villages surrounding the county. News of "friction" between the two parties spread from time to time. In Zhang Fengshan’s ears, Liu Chenglong wanted to eat Wu Fei.

On August 15, 1945, Zhang Fengshan was having a meeting at Wei’s residence, and suddenly heard the loudspeaker on the street blaring, and a Japanese radio was being broadcast inside. Zhang Fengshan listened carefully. It was Emperor Hirohito reading the "Edict of the End of the War" and announcing his acceptance. Joint announcement by the United States, Britain, China and the Soviet Union.

"Japan announced its surrender! Japan has surrendered!" Zhang Fengshan jumped with excitement.

Old Wei said in disbelief, "Fengshan, you are crazy, what nonsense?"

Zhang Fengshan said: "It's true. The emperor was reading the edict just now."

With tears on her face, Xu Youlan said, "Fengshan understands Japanese and should not be mistaken. Great! Japan surrendered! Guozhu, did you hear that? The devil was defeated by us."

Old Wei said, "Listen to what Chongqing said?" Turning on the radio, the announcer's voice came: "The Japanese government informed the National Government today that it is willing to accept the Potsdam proclamation and surrender unconditionally. All the troops and puppet forces in the country will immediately stop fighting, maintain order on the spot, and wait for the handover..."

Others who were still skeptical just now had a smile on their faces. Some people said, "It's true, I finally waited until this day." Someone said, "It's great. Little Japan has bullied us for hundreds of years. We defeated this time. ."

The street suddenly became noisy, and from time to time loud shouts came in: "Japan announced its surrender" "We have won"... Then, crackling firecrackers sounded everywhere.

Old Wei said, "Let's go to the streets to celebrate!"

People walked to the street spontaneously, their faces washed away with grayness, and one by one raised their eyebrows.

When Zhang Fengshan and his party passed by the Japanese headquarters in Qing'an, they saw that the gate was closed tightly, the soldiers guarding the gate were gone, the plaster flag on the gate was gone, the sign was pushed to one side, and there were several clear noises from the house from time to time. The gun fired, but the sound was no longer scary, drowned in the crowd's cheers.